Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, April 30, 1903, Image 2

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    entertrise, msmm
ihantutelv Pure
Social and Personal.
May Day ball, at the Auditorium.
Mr. E. M. Young was in Salem
Fine chocolates and taffies at
S. F. Mulkey, of Ashland, was
in town Monday.
Miss Bessie Butler was a Salem
visitor Tuesday.
See our new line of penny candy
goods at Wagoner's.
Fresh milch cows for sale. En
quire of Ilenry Hill.
K. C. Kldridge returned from a
Portland visit Sunday.
A baby girl was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Newt Jones last week.
Mrs. Fannie Mulkey, of Salem,
visited friends here Monday.
F. A. Douty was registered at
. The Perkins, Portland, Monday.
E. V. Dalton and daughter rode
over from Dallas Saturday on their
KfW Hn of bae ball "I l
Charley K.chardson Is recovering
from a. re attack of tonsoliles.
Rat. Dr. Thompson is critically
111. He was 0,u "v '
... u' Purfikl and
Mrs. v. " ...
daughter, Pearl were Salem virtor.
V W. Allingham ia again in
the city on busing-Eugene
Regular. - - v
When in town call at Miner's
for the new summer dress gids
t n i:lr w n from Salem
, ir.. r.luifil with nis
tunuy. at the penitentiary.
r- i.. PfMitifr returned
Monday from The Dalles, after
several months' visit there.
v.; t, members of K. of. P.
Work in second decree Wednesday
evening. Govern yourself accord
V.,..1-.To i urchaa eond-
hn,l envi!. weighing about 100
pounds Enquire at this oihee at,
once. j
Ladies' Home Journal, Munsey.
Strand and Frank Leslie's maga-
zine tor May now on sab at ag-
oner s.
ruin! Hubbard left this wee
for Astoria, where he will clerk in
Will Mattison'a cigar store mis
A. N. Halleck's Peerless Hair
Tonio will be sold by A. b. locse,
of Independence, or A. N. Halleclt,
of Monmouth.
A. J. Shipley, of Monmouth, was
called to Junction City Tuesday, in
.n..t the saddest summons
v,t ; nnaaihle for a man to re
ceive, the death of his mother.
His little daughters accompanied
Brood) Pin
In id It bare !lu
ol Solid Uoldan.Kiol.1 Plat.
,1 th. Chatelaln Dnch
MM, which b J
Chauleln or Itroodi. Tim
i. the time ol Ihe yrrwt.n
T.ry lady cn weur to
.dynt.e a r,l Broock
Kramer $ o.,
5t - w
Brothers, j;
urco Hhirmcnt of wolr iir hu ar-
of tho latft WK'" orP. J
rived consisting
. i :. .1 .
time vi' v j
Soda Water.
The S.da Fountain" this month print, a readable article from
Lyman E. Cooley, on the recent discovery that lemon destroys
ty phoid tevar germs. Mr. Cooley 1. one of the best informed men in
the world on sanitary science. It wa. Mr. Cool.y who conceived and
bronghtaboat the construction of the Chicago drainage channel-the
erestest sanitary work ever executed. .
8 Mr Cooley ha. been an observant of the .abject of germ,
and germicide, both in North and South America, and w ha . h.
i. of iBht and value. The reader, of this journal ar. ?n8te n
having presented to them articles from writers who are at the fountain
head of learnine in the subjects discussed.
The world is astounded by the announcement that lemon juice
introduced into bacillus laden water at once kill, the bacilli. This an
nouncement is surprising not alone from the fact that the lemon juice
acts a. a germicide, but because the fact was not known before. An
article from a Chicago daily paper printed in this issue explains the
. - L tt.A A ialntrarc
nature ui tuc uidwj . ,
The Soda Fountain learns that the Chicago Health Department
is now engaged in testing all the fruit acids that are in common use
especially those used at the soda fountains. Already many of these
have been found to be germicides of the most efficient cnaracter. For
example, it has been found that one per cent of common grape juice
will kill all the germs in a body of Water. This proportion of grape
juice is not discoverable by sight, taste or smell when introduced in
the water. Other native fruit acids are almost equally potent. There
willsoonbeannouncemenof these discoverie. by the health depart
inent of Chicago. These discoveries will manifestly increase the pop
nlarity of the fountain as a "health resort." While the existence ot
germs may eontinue in beer and other saloon beverages, most soda
fountain drinks can be accounted free from them.
Try the ptire fruit juice syrupy at our fountain.
Harry E. Wagoner,
Main Street,
TRTTrornvrnFMnR. - OREGON.
Jnhn Lane and wlf.
visiting Vm. 1HIT, were passsnger.
t., Oregon City Tuesday for Ti
with relatiyt'.
ir,.f V. A. Wann arrived from
the north yesterday, callid horn.
by the illnos s of one ol ins cmiur.
Eugene Register.
Hillard &, Plymale have recently
aided a very fine drill to their
blacksmith's apparatus. They re
port business rushing.
Hear Prof. Gesner, Miss Carter
and Mrs. Babbitt at me ope
house next Thursday evening, May
tta. A treat awaits all.
The W. K. C. announces a May
IW ball for Fridav evening, May
1st. Thev inuite all and win see
that a good time is bad
Flovd T. King, eeneral organizer
of the Endowment Rank, K. of P.,
was in the city Wednesday on busi
ness pertaining to the order.
The M. W. of A. will give a
grand picnic at Kidder's Grove on
May 28. We will give a detailed
account of the event next wees.
The Little Palace hotel building
. 1 A.iatirwia
is having several iunuim,.i"-
made in it. The root is dillerent.
and all in all will be a much better
Mis Helen Calhreath, daughter
of Supt. Calbreath, of the insane
a.vlnm. returned to Salem Friday
after a week's visit at the home of
Mrs. A. M. Hurley.
Hon training has commenced
and there is plentj
xsiiaTr7howant8 work. Some
v,. J
of the yards haves, large number
of women employed.
On. Snerline has sold 67 acrss of
the Shirley -donation land claim to
C. E. Herren, who recently sold
his farm near Monmouth. The
consideration was $2,000.
BishoD Heil. a noted Evangelical
church dignitary, preached a ser
mon here one evening last week.
Ti.o86 who heard him speak in
glowing language of his effort.
Sealed bids will be received up
to May 16th for stand room and
concessions at the Dallas carnival.
Plats of ground furnished on ap
plication to V. P. Fiske, Dallas.
Mr. Whiteaker received telephone
Tuesday that his stolen horse had
been seen in a pasture near Dallas.
We did not learn whether the
animal proved to be the missing
"The Willamette Valley Choral
Union will hold their annual Fes
tival at Eugene May 12th to 14th,
Tickets at reduced rates from all
points on the Oregon Lines of the
Southern Pacific Co., will be sold
Mav 11th to 14th inclusive, return
limit Mav 15th. 1903.". Yours
truly, W. E. Coman, General Pass
While wo l.av a compM -k. We yM n-
r;;:1 :Xn, v ;
riom refill Brothers. &
5 V-ftA-"tr S;
She pcade,
Davidsoi? & Hdg. P'P'
, . written us that
A DnilViril.n " .
he has several g-nnl lUnbrr Und
,laim. that can be locate.! u, .
. ... M.....iatl. flaure. Any one
wishing information f.n inqu.... -this
A passeng-r on the down-uvsr
boat from Albany rriuay
reports an interesting occurem..
A lamb had strayed away and wa.
in a precarious (Misiiion. The bat
was stopped and over nau
C isTit rn, C i u n t t't t f Tobm
con ami Conl'Ht ionefiy.
Clas Son FhIntais v
The ladies of the town ha
ganizfl l a Lewi. A Clark club, with
the followiim ofliceri: Vret , ton
was svopprti uv. - - ...
).Dt in lafnly rewining tlie t J
A friend has sent us an WM J B'uter; 8j., Miss Florence W.p.
. . atiS till
the first Daper ever pumi.iu
which depends exclusively on
wireless telegraphy. It i pub
lished on Santa Uatalina Island, jo
miles off the coast of California.
The Degree of Honor lodge has
been having a friendly member
ship contest the past month, as a
result six new member have been
added. The side captained by Mrs.
B. F. Whiteaker won. The leader
of losing forces is Mrs. S. B. Walker
and her side must provide a supper.
Moore's Hair Invigorator and
Herpicide are the world's greatest
scalp cleansers and hair invigor-
ators. Both are for saleatjLS
ooTeTTltaTUeTshopr Call and
have Mr. Moore give an applica
tion ol either remedy and you will
never be without one or the other.
Next Thursday evening, May 7,
Prof. IeRoy L. Gessner, the well-
known violinist of Salem, Miss
Mabel L. Carter, elocutionist uf
slate reputation, and Mrs. May
Bowden-Babbitt, our well known
piano artist, wili giye a joint con
cert at the opera house, musical
and literary in its scope. An ad
mission fee of 25 cents will be
charged and reserved seats may
be secured at no extra expense.
.r Traa.. Mr. Maud IreUni
m t " T
They will meet next Tuedayfi'
noon st 2.:X.
K.N. Hall, of Buens Vista, who
recen tly sold his farm, will ho!J
an auction sale mere aiu.;.
May 9th. There will be offer!
one of the beet herdsif not tin
best of Jersey cows in the cuanlj
Also farming implements, how
hold utensils, etc. Lunch willW
served ou the around. Here
chance for some of our dslrymms
increase their herds with reiiter
We want a representative
.ry rity ami town in this it"
y"; " ' -7s ,
ositionis an exceptional oni
offers to a good, reliable, hontf
party, with references, not I
(Kan linn ncir month. iSo
vassing or appointing of 8eat'
bona Bde. legittmaw duhiuw... -.
dress with stamp. C. G- fW'
Co., Lumber Exchange,
Grip ltnielles In Great Deis"1!
ivk.n m. nd sriD ars prv'"
thequlokeatand .ureal remedial "
. I Mr. Jrawuh V. "
llsius, of McDuff, Va., says tW J
wm cured ot a vety deep ana i
stuck of la Krlpne by using Cb
Iain's Cough Itemedy after yylo"
eral other repartton. with no w
For sale by Kirk land Drugt".
fl rsn nrnnA.rflt.inn nn t.lw mnrlrpt fiuials i
i j - "- . - - i i
as a smut eradicator. It is a nrt-naration used
. and recommended by tlio Oregon Agricultnral
Collect). Fanners will do unll to cive this
formula a thorough tent.
Directions: no ounce to three gallons of
water. This solution is sprinkled on 10
bushels of wheat, and then thoroughly mix in
order to moisten each grain.
A. S. Locke.
The Independence Druggist. J
enger Agent.