AND WEST SIDE. NTH YKAK. j A TERRIBLE DEATH INDKI'KNDKNX'i;, l'OLK ot Alrllc, IiiMtaiit ly Klllwl. WHEELS RUN OVER BODY. l'X- "WI.Mt the Little Girl Kid', Millie Clark 80,0 Ilultie llerren V aledictory Initio Fiahback Closing aldrens C. L. Starr Sung--"Ooodnight, Teacher" by the school Collecting an Kxhlblt. COUNTY, OJiEGON, Avuil :., l'jo;; lr nijilit ffvice. Tin- Improve-nn-iit l.oMjtuit ordered on in he pLcd in tl, city hail to be paid jointly by it and tin council if the 0 unci! would Hand the pernio Nil . . Iriii ntiif In .r . I. . I . 1 1 ui viib rurti tele rttifi.i. uihha .I.... t t 11 n , iuv lr WID THIS hai been working on waa dicused and it i the ui umo of the league that any cooperation the league could do would' be willingly furnished Independence la my much inter in Mfing them hare the proper eervie. If arrangementa 1 1 .1 t . . . . Lnik. the n-year-old -n f ue muue wnerein their line Ld Mrs. (I Hlaae, of Daltaa, could be brought to Independence imiint v kllU'fl al Aim about it would strength. n nm WedumUy by u-lajr run ov.r by Ln,i .1.. IMmnU ,.. ... pf Win. Riddell, near Monmouth: . . . r,i. 1 . . I I w v, , wU. . . rVT. IT!7 Ing to co-operate with them in... Tl.0rtpD nd ,amPIe of L.u drl.wa the team u! the turinK tl, "- LvM cau.d by tbe wlie.'laof Nothing else coming before the Uwdroiiplin Into a bel In lltel meeting it adjourned. mica catmm ine twai 10 i - forward ujx.ii the lirnlira KJtOM I'UltK CHKAM. M boy Ml under (he whwsu. pwwd over M. bral and Vllt Our Nw Ice Cream Par. ries NUMBEIt 22 Ihria'riwie'ZWOODMEN'S CARNIVAL. Team Han Away HutWere Slopped llefore Herioiia palling). Cooper & Hurley hate been col lading together a nice little dit 1 . play of Polk county'a products which will be eent to Portland with I oik county'a exhibit to be placed In the Union depot. Their earn J pies consist of wool, mohair and rape aed collected from the farm lor Maturday. n which were cruMietl in a I uiauni-r, causing Inaiaut Mr, Hjuly wat eontiidrraOly Ibuiutlierwlxe uninjured mm hi unieil before any J will bare 011 sale next Saturday Cockle; wold wool from Mr. T. Brunk north of Independence; Bedder n oed and Magoon growing straw berries from the Bannister farm near Independence; canned Craw ford peaches and Royal Ann cher- from Mrs. L. Smith; flour, bran, aborts, oats, wheat and bar mulled In Irani or wagon. kovkmknt m:aiui:. ley from the Oreeon Milliner & For the first time in 1903 we Wa rolmilBA C Turn nAun ktt American Banner and nlli'i'H yei,f l;a- IV l !-- II . jr-in j, ib now Hie prop eitr of P. T. Peterson, u recent ai- rival from Nebraska. The above named farm contains about 150 lleUl 1,1 l'la June 3rd, 4th, acres of as irood land . rm h th and th. ' "V. found In Polk "county, the greater part of which ia in cultivation. L Another attractire feature of this '""t" CONTEST FOR QUEEN. farm is a nice yonng orchard, con taining a variety of fine fruit trees. One other real estate transfer is the property formerly owned by Win. McCurdy, ex-section foreman at this place. This property, con sisting of lots 7 and 8 in block 2. has been purchased bylA. 8. Kerr. Miss Pearl Percival Jeads Race With 811. the ce cream and ice cream soda. Gray oats crown by J. II. Krenns- Owing to the continuous calls we Spelt from the O'Brien Bros.- L .11 1 A . .1 I . . . 1 unr uaiwwi 10 open the season white beans from K. E. Yarnell. 1 1 ...... 1 - ' UlinportUiit Proouloiia J""' " montli earlier than last also from Mr. John Fluke: barler up for Mhmihmiuo. year. and oats from Mr. Simon; Red liurcrOam will bono exception clorer from C. L. Hawley, of Mc idenendcnce Improvement fro'" laat year and will be made of Coy; Mammouth clover from Sper- I . a - I Mid a rrsular meeting on H'e P"re cream and of the very ling Bros.; Defiance wheat by M Ah. The cuiumiiue on I bet material to be secured, and we Becker, also English rye, vetches, ie 111 kii iMTitiliiiii fur tha Will irr to a wavs serve on v the timothv anil iMunnnitfl m ' mma nf Imlepi hdeiice reported bit cream. Loth in ice cream soda luf the iimiiev hud been the plain cream. Owing to V 1 That which had nut yet non-arrival of our criuhed 1 ... . . . . . . . .. . io wotiiil be co ectf.1 uh iruus which were ordered inrouirn m ponkible. Ian eastern jobbing house we will ifd the book "Land i M unable to servo crushed fruits bd been reoeivetl and nil "liuknow of parties in the !l might Ijo interested In 1. .r' it 11 7 i 1 oik could receive "fiid Fast by culling at ne secretary, 0. A. Hur- 0 Hie firm of Cooper & iee corirtibting of Dr. Hut Knox iu.d V. V. Perci '"id to confer with Mr. 'lie road supervisor, for of mi, w(mt couj yarding the road leading ' k Point eehyol hoiiHe. Mha Rru in a vcrv bud con nd i;.i.. i- i W'H lx! of inestimable 411 Parties along the suid for a week or so. Our cream is also packed 111 the finest porcelain-lined cans so there is no danger of poisoning from tin This m a good item for ice cream enters to remember. We are now in a position to fur ninh ice cream in anty amount on short notice. Wagoner's ice cream parlors. CloMlnjf Kxerclses. nice Burbank potatoes by Sloper & Patton; dried Italian and Petite prunes by D. Hodge, and peaches by D. L. Hedges; alio an excellent sample of hops from II. Hirsch berg; six ears of corn raised by F. W. Nurnberger, of Monmouth; some nice cakes of honey from the Vernon farm north of Indepen dence. These samples are excellent and show the possibility of Polk county in almost every line of farming. ff ymi fmyo any thing in irtyn to The forthcoming carnival at Dallas on June 8rd, 4th 6th aod 6th promise to be one of the greatest attractions No new residences have been erect. I ever atteaipted in this oounty. The ed excepting the home of Mr Loy firet dJ W,U known a circle day about one and one-half miles art'te'jf a. rn r I" "wwuai., UI LUC UttrUITai 01 rarser. vinii.K,nnuHi mm .k There are many rumors afloat I tivlties attendant upon the four days concerning a new store building in j f pleasure. Besides the many and the near future. But as yet these "nea awracuona onerea eacn day by rumors are without foundation. 7"T.. Si, "J TKK .K "D will be a number of competitive drills by circle teams. We hare transferred the scene v J Thesecoadday will be Woodman for the Standard and Paragon Sew- day' tbe third dgy is yet Pen for ing Machines for Marion and Polk d? DWl," WitD?8 counties to Geo. C. Will, the old pioneers. For the many attractions sewing machine and music dealer, offered on these different days, notice Any one wishihg a new Standard the big posters which will soon be out or Paragon Sewing Machine or any of preM' The PrindDal feature of lnter lnni; rnw ,i . . est just now is tne election of a queen supplies for the same will please .fc'..,,,.,..,,,.. . .k. II r ! vaaa uirai sauvt jboii unuiraog kuat can on Mr. Will at No 231 Com- this, the fourth week of the contest. mercial Street, Salem, Oregon. finds an Independence lady consider - Standard Sewing Machine Co. aD'y in the lead. With the exception t. -7j 7 of last week, Miss Laura Brown, of i icKel was in the city Mon- Dallas, headed the list, but last week d"y was relegated to second place by Mrs. Jea Whiteaker is in Portland "T1" votes are counted nanh Wmlnaalaii minnmnN n n rl a liar this wppIt c"cu,u6 " ITT II UIJICAUCt UV fJUUUOUCU IU Mil 11417 connty papers. Visitor Monday. inecoptescenas May ibin ana me TUb.U n XI liUVU A i-VV I I U St VU'V'U bw -jv ui me road nnmu In Urn in M,l.... UP- Committee consist I. Calbreath, T. 1). 1Da r. E. L; Ketchum " subscribed fjr that U1&ea definite reoort to vw 10 lh : uiing up 01 fui"id that , inn uld be gervp.1 - i "j m i urai erJ crossing ih . 'thand east int rrwj. Most of thi. "We at lndeiienH. 1!6efM. Meri v tr a- K. Paddock ap Clrlte the petition lmaP Of the mm- "-iro league 'necessary lOOphon Hpt't'ial from Sunny Hlnpe. following is the program rcn lered at the close of the Sunny Slope school la?t Monday, April 27th: . Song ''Mount Vernon Bells" . i , by the school Invocation V. A. Fishback Words of welcome. . .Ina Fishback Recitation Uetta Clark Floral offering. by four girls Wishes Kay Shipley Duet (Jeorgio llerren, Lena Fishback Recitation Maggie llerren Worth While".... Lena Fishback Roys' Opinions". .Georgie llerren Song "O Come, Come Away" by the school Recitation Roy Clark Recitation Hattie llerren Duet , .Lettie Fishback, Maggie llerren Recitation Nellie Shipley Recitation Elda Clark Dialogue . .by four celebrated characters Recitation Orpha Shipley "Faithless Nelly Gray" Pearl Fishback Recitation Jay Clark the Independenc Improvement League for their display they would be glad to receive it. Parker Changes. Ice cream at Wagoner's Satnr- to purchase her regal robes. day and Sunday, I Here is the total vote to date; MUs I Pearl Percival. 811: Miss Laura Gu8 Hurley spent the latter part Brown, 719; Mrs. Anna Dunn, 5S2; oflastweekin Salem. Mrs. Grace Cherrington, 221; Mh-s , , , , , , Nan Starr, 168 ; Mrs. May Meader, Wanted. A good buggy horse. Monmouth, 22. Enquire at this office at once. ' ' : , . . .... Valley Wool Growers To Com- r.o tTo..:n r..r -i ti-i iuiD. "nine neui, oi rarser, was bine. a business visitoi day. "in town Satur- Parker Speoial. We are afraid that Parker has been unable to keep step with her sister towns in the rapid pace of nroeression. And now after the a w 20th anniversary of her birth we recognize among our prosperous farmers the same kindly faces that smiled her a welcome or hushed her baby sighs on their bosoms. Perhaps the direct cause of our inertness lies in the fact that we have been contented with our lot. We have desired no change and when our neighboring towns have engaged in conflict or clamored for prosperity we have been content to idly sit and hear the battles' din afar. When the new train service was proposed we did not fall in with this plan. For, rather than exert ourselves to patronize an early train to Portland we contented ourselves with the consolation that if we wished an earlier start we conld start the day before. During the past year there has been very little change among our residents. The Vanderpool dona tion land claim, which for the past Henry Ebbert returned to Trout- dale last week after a visit in Monmouth. Plans are now being formulated to combine the entire wool clip of the Willamette Valley. Wools will be graded and baled to" meet trade requirements and shipped When in Salem visit Strong's" direct to the eastern mills, saving Restaurant. It is headquarters for all middle profits. It is estimated Independence people. under the new method of selliug it Mrs. Ct. L ITawtin. , will add to the profits of the Hermann, of Dallas, were guests of grwe over 100,000,00 now going friends here last week. lnto tne Pcfcets ot the miaaie men. One of the v largest wool E. S. Hilliard and - one of the warehouses in Portland has been evening noys were out to their secured and is being fitted up with homesteads last week. ' baling machinery and grading Miss Pearl Squire and Miss Mc- tables. When the wools are all in shape for the market, sale will be advertised in the East and the wool sold under sealed bids. Hav ing several million pounds together and being properly packed, it would warrant eastern mills send ing out their buyers to buy direct from the range. S. Philippi, the Cowan, ot Monmouth, were incom ing passengers Monday morning on the boat. Tomorrow night. May 1st.. Grand May Day ball at the Auditorium by W. R. C. Come and enjoy yourself. Frank Skinner is recovering from f largest grower in tbe Willamette his injuries recently received in Valley, of Stay ton, Marion county , the runaway accident. He will be Oregon, beginning tbe proposition, able to be at work soon. Willamette Valley Wool Growers Jesse Whiteaker, who has been Union,. interested in a cigar store at Dal las, has disposed of his interest and G. U Hawkins, of Dallas, ha returned to Independence. been here the past week doing pre nninrv work toward erectintr menu- My ad this week will tell you mpnta in th M. Mix nd E. W. how typhoid fever is prevented by Coot)er rurial Dlata. Salem firm using pure fruit juice flarors at aUn rfnW similar work at the the soda fountain. Wagoner's. i.t n T..;nA es Song "Summer" by school c