A Kind Word From Kugrenc. Parker Special. . Mrs. T. A. Bradley, a- former resident of 1'iirktT, writes ihut they are well pleased with their new home in Eugene. Williahi Jr. ia working with the contractors und builders, Williams & Leonadr, who are doing considerable carpenter work in Eugene this spring. Mrs. Itrudley says the town is on the b.ui and thw number of new ImiidiiiKS under coindruutio'i ha added greatly to the improvement or the town and enhanced the value of real estate, and that they could readily dispose t.f their property for several hundred dolla-s profit, but they ate well satisfied and have no inclination to sell. Mrs. Uradley also says: "We ansa our newsy home paper, the E.ntkk frisk. We have noticed reat im provement in the sample copies we have received lately. We will shortly pay a visit to old Polk and send in our subscription to the En terprise." Fine Standard llreed Chlekeus. THE SIBW OF I JJ U Fifteen Buff Cochin eggs for $1.50 if shipped. If taken at the yards, $1.25 per 15. No attention paid to orders unless accompanied with cash. Address orders to J. S. Moore, Box 214, Independence, Ore. It is Significant. In many of the most progressive magazines of the present day are pages devoted to illustrations of artistic homes' and there are columns of matter setting forth facts and fancies relative to the building of '"the home beautiful." The fact is significant and worthy of consideration. Time was when 'he front door yard of many homes whs utilized as the kitchen garden, cabbages, onions and garlic flourished near the front gate and pigs, turkeys and geese roamed at will in the yard just outside. Children reared in such homes cuid hardly be expected to feel the same reverence for the parental j roof as Jid those young folks i COOP TAILORING Here is the rreit Oak- Easel now on display at our store. It contains the line of beautiful new spring tailoring; samples sent us by STRAUSS BROS.. Chlciti Good TUlor for 36 Yor The Oak-Easel is the connecting link between the tailor and the faultlessly fin ished garments which give you so much pleasure to wear. It's really a lesson in good clothes buying t o see this great collection of tailoring novelties. PrloM low an .tlsfao tlon .bolutoly ivio-r-onto. Ca.ll aoort. P. M. Kirkland mostly been relegated to the ack garden and flowers are seen in the front vard but there i- still room for improvement everywhere. In all natures there Juries a love for the beautiful. Like all other characteristics this tract is more pronounced in some individuals than in others, but all possess it to some extent. It is a taste that should be encouraged and culti- yated for it leads to higher ideas and ideals and tends finally to wards a more cultured and refined civilization. Th's "home beautiful'' move ment is worth v oJ attention and The Anaconda Standard of Tuesday, February 3, 1IHW, endorses the play : "Kelson's 'Uncle Tom's Cahin' Com. toil Unit old-Unit) lrKi'tt , should interest one and all. You at the Margaret theatre hint evening may not be able to do much to- The play wim well rendered by a capa- loWlunrmTwlTnes were more re fined and homelike and a partial j realization of this fact led to re form. The onions and garlic have buildings touched tin wit paio4T-e'W fitTedlPtorn down or re built into usefulness, machinery put away cemtit nlavs Uncle Tom very aeivpt- iiblv. In fact the whole cast la above worthlocB I the average for Uncle Tom shows. l - .i The sceuerv ami effects were irood and macninery put, away, neuges : . . , , ,. . i.ii J udded miic-h to the good performance." inmmen cliiplrena .nd Rt.nnk Kent nu. i.. - ....... ... . . ... - - I - i urn eimiinii v m i 1 1, i. . n ui, i mic-jii-ii- at a reasonable distance from the j dence April L".Ubr two lights. . .!... . - .1 Til III IIOUIO " i e imiui I. "enn- away back mm .Lt,,. back seat in the rotrufu- nut " making of homes that are home ut i a.i ...! nr-live to old snouni . . .. ... like, cheerful and attractive to do- and young, homes that are ii.,i, in iIiiihh who dwell and one wliioh the stronger with in our gates shall gaze with un tirinii eyes. It means another step along the line of progress and another allure ment for the home seeker who shall visit our locality and U means finally that us brown locks turn to silver and as sparkling eyes grow dim with tho fadinu light of years, our children shall gaze back in memory and declare that no place on earth was ever so delightlful as the abode of their childhood. Is the "home Beautiful" idea not worth thinking alHUit? Kiicnn Vista School As the warm day of spring time come again there Is In the iu-' school room the usual inertia and (lis position toward idleness that char acterize every school t this of the year. Notwithstanding this fact, thr In nu enrollment of 38. Prof. . L. Murphy Is the ellicient principal. Mrs. Murphy Umi again In charge of the primary department since the resigna tion last week of Miss Catharine Coon. The Buena school close this year May 29th, and there will lie the usual coin nieueeuieut exercises, notice of which will appear later Mrs. Matttiey, who lives neiir Presbyterfnn church, is very ill. In "Undo, Tom's Cntitii." i i . i... l : .... limn nml whoii t no nanti rii"'f ' -..i,i,,ii.iii of premium wcui in ttiem t" ' ,, , ,i we shall still hef amy r.co.i.,.. ... fr tho time we have spent in working for the benefit "f H ' TKItl'IMSK. We realized the 'l lessness of our cum. when it was ..f..s..ni..l and entered the 'Pi.nn. n fu uuoufal tiilil. nrnrdn heantifvinir VOIir home or ","M'""J- "' '" l',X press riworin.uiniiiiii, wards Dcautilying your florae or wortl)y of HMo1hj mcntlon, i1Ue a : lft p m via Kansas City. I0:.:t) your immediate surroundings, but ()) 8Uck M Kva Wll() llt !,, Hnd Hunting- bonis, I'hieajj,, ,i ii, ir, , , i i ton. and hast. JUU VC1 11 111. CUIllVIUiug. r.. I . , I 1 Cleanup aooui me rancn let - - K , . , .i i . chief Topsy proved liereelf to tie an T. . V, i flowers supplant weeds in the door -MI1' 1 ' 1-antMail , , . . actress of ability. Mr. Kdsnn as Le. am via yard, let fences be kept in order . , , ,,;ri(- W- R T s,.,.k... 1',,1-ki r lloliiir Ahead. i . .....i. t. ,nl...l awav and II 1USM nil, iim-ii - . 1 . l.a mill burnt and a thoiisanu o. ,.rk.r speel.l. . i i . -i... i ..fi..i- t. the end that th home place may bo wU tidy and pleasant. i, nin-. town and hamle i.i.j ...j, -. . .... i li Slioulil eueuums" , ,..,.. h.,u,tifol" idea, for it means the , cont.-sl wholly without Iiojk-s ot winning a prim. Our l.u.tied u r ritory certainly oilers no great In ducement to the prospective pru winner. But we rdiould not ex pect to he remunerated in dollars and cents for every little duty we perform, ami. therefore, we are not discouraged by the heighth of the ladder of which we have mounted onlv the neeond round, u doing our best, pur very represent our little romim,. and these small fuiluM only J itronger incentives to grtti forts. Tho bonefita we drlvt the practice of correspond well the regular urrival id KnikkI'Iiisk amply repi u. the efforts we muke to sccuniw and iiisteud of dropping om & rsiik wiien wo are so ir a4 rear w shall only Mnvmhejy, to smveed. We shsll still c:it t,i do our very best lor the dt mcnl of the Kmkhpiiisk A TboiigliU'iil Xiao. M M. Austin, of Wim dm, J kniww bt to do In tu liiHirnd. ills wife had micli an utiuiuiltJ ntniiiaeli and liver troulils, could not hsli) tier, lleiliuuiitiirf tried tr. Klou'e New l.lf, i, j she Koi relief at nue and u It, riirml. Only -mj ut Kirklun t t'o.'s. ME OREGON Shout Line AND Union Pacific 3 TKAINH FKOM POUTI.AND DAILY 'i'liroiiKli Pullman tatnUrd and lour. 1st leepiiin ears daily to nilia. C'hl csro, Kiioliane ; tourist sleeplng ear daily to Kansiui City ; HiroiiKh i'ullmaii tonr ist sleepum rars (srsiiiaUy eondiietiHl) weekly to t'hieaKo, Kain-as City. Kt. Iinis and Memphis; ret-liiiiiitf chair cars (seats free) to the Kasl daily. , dki'akt TIMKPCIIKHL'l.K ahkivs rou ruoM I'ua-ri.ANii riiom Uhli'iiito Hitlt Lilki', Denver, Portland Ft Worth, Omaha, Seeial Kansas City, St. 4 .:!0 p in !):Ul)a in via Louis, Chientto and llmitini;- Fast. ton. Atlantic Ix press Knit Luke, Denver, ft Wortli.Utmiliii, Walla WiiIIh.Iw is- t(lll,SM)liHIH), al- luce, 1 n 1 1 in a ii, MllllH-MpKUS, fe-t Imoresslna It on W With Emphasis Is whm our flue laundry wmta to the Un who Is loosing dud Oiiiia xiiilslu In color ami SM his linen. We aim to mkt ourM dry work pwrlivs In beauty tllij iii.iriH-tMiiidilloii In which M liotiie. (Mlid tm a sam pl tsali wc will Mirprlaa you. ,jw lt and new prlirs. Orders left, at Kuteh's Imrts-rtfc the Halem stag will rwlvpti sttetitloll. Sakm Sttm Urn Colonel J. Olmsted, Prop. M rv (itiiiniKii Mur. l'lioue II. 4 Liberty HtriHt. "l.'l'l A III Have just opened up a new and complete line of J Including Bedroom Suites, Iron and Wood J'edsteads, Springs, Mattresses, Couches, Center Tables, Extention Tables, Writing Desks, Combination Desks and 1'ook Cases, Chifloneers, Chairs, Kockers, High Chairs,, Mattings, Linoleums, Rugs, Car pets, in fact we carry everything in the furniture line that is necessary for a first-class furniture store. We also carry doors and windows, making it possible for us to assist in the build ing as well as in tho furnishing of your house, llunning this store as we do in connection with our confectionery, our ex penses are very small, making it possible for us to save from 20 to 25 per cent for our customers on every piece of furniture. Simp son oros. i When you ese it in our ad, it's so. Monmouth- J Paul. Duliitli.Mll- wailkee, ChieaKO and Kiit. 70 hours. Portland to ChicaKo. No elmnife of ears. Tickets Fihi via all rail or via Isint mid rail via Portland. OCKAN AND UJVF.lt NCHKDl'LK fllOM .II(TI,.M All snilinn dates Htihject to ehiuijji-, 8 p in For Sun Franeiseo Sail everv h iluys. 4 p in Daily except coi.t'MiiiA iiivkit Sunduy 8pm Te-Astoriaand way 4 p in Saturday liindinus. Fx. .Sun 10 p in AI, IIERKICN, Agt., Independence. d H MOTOR LINE TIME TABLE. INDEPENDENCE & MONMOUTH RAILWAY CO. Leaves inclt-pen-ileni-i" for Mun iiiiiiiIIi mill A Irllo :M n. in. :io p. in. r.ravi'S TtKlt-pen-flenii fur Mon liioutiiuiiil DalliiN n. m. 1:1 r. p. iii, I.'ves Monmomli for Alrlia. 7:.T0 . m, 3:V p. in. L'v Mnnmouth for IIhIIm. U Ji a. in. am p nu I .fuveB Alrllo r.ir MmiiiiiimiiIi i ! Jllili'iieinleliie. ftlKi H, III. I "' p. III. : leaves ImiIIhh rnr ' M.iiiiiioiiiIi nml I liiili'iH-mleni'tt. i !: p. m. 7::m " !,. - - I. ves Moiimnulh : ror Iaili-ieiiili-iu ' 9: Win. ui !:.' p. in. 2: VI ft:V -S:UU viair DR. JORDAN'S w MUSEUM OF ANATOL 1051 MsSIKCr IT.. MN t MNCISCfc C. U.lan Sink - J Tliliirir'IAilUllulcIXw jfl niiiiiui.l. (J Onnlfl allmrHm A OS i m ill.i...Mil'"''41 Ihrt oii'.i F-iti in. fi i' e'-! I muh .illiluli4i OR. JOBOAN P3IAT BiSffi 111 ...n nlHi I." 1 (...III III ell.ru l vmilWiiUM . ymrn. riQrvi.im titi'i . , j I4H ; 'ftpormntwrrlKra. r'l . I ... n. .. ..i-i llf r'"1 k - .. It H r-iillthllll1' S I ri.tiii. vwv. - - . ' r-m lh-. ..I '! i-umilvu l'",p'; T, UK nuliniilitfru IIIJI lllilluv.i, only uir.iiil liiim.-.ll.io. r. Il.-f. '"""VJ I rTi. ill l".mi iiiw" ' . h,,.rr t minifii'ii, inn in w.mi - , v Clivnlelnil 'l Hnrewii, J'iJ1 . SVI-llll.Il iimriiiiBMif '"""-' I I tin. nvm-na wiiliiiiil ili.ii i'i ,"' Trun MH.-.1 lir nil IC'i"-"- ''"' ' run for . ! JJJJ"' iir, jiiiiuii n :iin-rmi i ' kvi-.iiv mi Tp"-i"f",!","al 1 k our i.iur(,irii.n,.,i of Ills e I; rrviJ I '" r..w ..;r i'""' . . .,.ii-nr!n r.n.!llH.lll I-11 r. IV BM" , ill t 'rr4lninl pi. iimltv nr d Wrlln f..r 110..K. -; ,AV1 r . ti m v I U....W tm nun. I Cullurwill" ,. m & at a nn i im l lm ruai ji- i Polk County Bant INCORPORATED. Monmouth, Oto T J.II.IIawlbt, r.LCAur PrM.,t..,,f WceM 1r C. TowitLL, Cashier. ?io Capital, lao.ooe. Dibkctorh: J. II. llRwley, Campbell, I. M. Kimpwn, J. Butler, John B. Htump. ; Withrow, F. B. TowelL l I nitron. douce fr Hon, 3 0ft p. m Transact a Qooonl Bwi and Exchange D"" "