Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, April 23, 1903, Image 7

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Since taking possession of this stock I have added several thousand dol
lars worth of new goods, making the line much more complete and arenow
in a position to supply all your wants. Call and see. It is a pleasure to show
goods whether you huy or not.
. O'D
Of '
() Bring in your Produce. We will pay top price for everything, Butter, Eggs, Lardt
01) Chickens, Ducks, Geese, Turkeys, Meats.
es Summer Underwear.
Wo have a nice lino of Ladies Summer
Underwear iu hloovolesH, short and longsloeveH,
in white, ecrue ami colors, in prices from 1();
Wo have An extra pretty line ol ladies
shirtwaists, in prices ranging from .r0o to $2.50.
Call and ho thorn.
Men's Shirts.
We have the Jurgost stock of Dress .Shirts
.n town, In price from 50c to $1.50.
Summer Goods,
We have a very choir line of Summer
Dress (Joods, all new, in I'icot Stripes, Dimi
ties, Mercerized (linghatna, Zephyr Cloths,
IJatiste, Silk Tissue, India Linens, Fancy Per
cales, Soisetle, White Goods, etc.
We carry a lull lineof Staple Groceries at bot
tom prices.
We have some very choice waist patterns,
new and up-to-date. , Cell early to see these as
the number is limited.
We have several very choice patterns of
plaids in mill remnants. These are regular
j 50c goods, but having purchased them in reru-
j nauts we are able to sell them for 25c.
I Men's Underwear.
We have some exceptional Values in 25c and
50c grades.
(? Goods Delivered in the City
W. A. Messner. 9
a nc i.i i:.
Mrs C. V, .'oil iimoii bus returned
from h visit rt Snlfin.
Mrs, George Itlake. of 1 ;i hir, is
visiting relatives here.
it , a i, i i (.Manufacturing Co.. of (Srinnell.
Hugh i- "tHb, a I'edee hop grower, L , .
,, mwn, Hum a ii u in iif r in iniggies in
was in town last week.
I'ruf. C. L. tUirr, of Dallas, visit
ed our school last Thursday.
Walter Hrinkley went to Cor
vallis on a business trip last week.
Claud Lewis, a well known stock
buyer has gone to IVndleton on
Mrs. J. 0. Slants and daughter.
,Miss Hurtlia, wore Monmouth visi
tors lust week.
Dr. J. W. Wilson, agent for tbe hrhtgkapk.
S. ! railroad company at this M r. Tuck, teacher,
place, mn.lo lm.;n. ! Harold Dlokluson, Ieou Kiler, Lora
r , ' ' (inrrvtl, Vale Hiltibraud, Krwiu
Indiana Inst week. j Huntley, Marie Kelley, Don Pnineroy, 1
. . ... ii. i Marvin Kiehardwii, Maudie Heaven, j
n reireenianvn oi low fpauiuing Hewde Tuttle. Merle Tillery, Stella!
Wilson, Ivian Vthlieaker, Hermann'
AVnliMitt. Lola Morgan, Cora Smith,
L .Hll..lll l...l...M
...... , ; .vuvi h'liiiuiuun
I H miiiniiii I... ...... .1.
nnr. iv,Mll.r Jnfc n fl" ft , j
A entlsuinti from San KrneisiV Mrs. Tuck, teacher.
was here last week and niailo con-1 Hoy MeCaudlesa, Kdna, Cecil
,,,, ,j,i, . . i , , Crinii, Kildle Oversoii, (iiiHule Hufl'uin,
tracts with our n.e.clmnU lor the K.rl intlm. KWe Oray. Cyril Klch-
purcnase ol l.'uscnra bark.
On April 1st, we commenced our Tenth Correspondents Contest and on
Friday, Ju'y 81, 1!103, at 6:00 P. M. we will close it. We offer as premiums the
following articles, selected by the Correspondents' themselves ;
FIRST l'KIZE A handoiue, well-upholstered, velvet Couch
SECOND PRIZE A lovely Picta re
THIRD FRIZE ..A fine Students' Lamp
..m Pearl Knox, Ad fildgwrtl, FOURTH PRIZE A good set of Ping Pong.
a C(M,er, Lloyd Huston, Lynu L,m. TRrP . n . . "J '
Miss Hettii) Turner, of
Jrove, visited her brother,
and family last Week.
Tho state bunk inspector was in
town recently, but for what pur
pose deponent sayeth not.
Master Johnnie Zerboni, of Port
land, is visiting his grand parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Wilson.
William Barker, who did the i Huntley. HUH PRIZE. .A Copyrighted Book
,,.,.,, . , ,. , .,, i TltiKD ORAlot. , fiAin ni.r. laies riorae journl woiK on theeiimo huild-j SEVENTH PRIZE Inoepesokscb Entmpbisk to any address for one year
ti-BH at L. A. Tavlor's logging i ' '
i . . . .1 Winfred Hall. Chester Hutlum, Ford '
i. iiiij luugei.e, nas reiurnea , Henry; Ira Mix.Uuy Metcalf, James
Inline. j Kelly, (Ilinton Kelly, Merle PIcKel,
Harry 1'lekens. Howard Tuttle. (ilciui
I' rank (ulliam
prominent ' jrfe,c,,e" ,.lv,"ei'. ""V pawn to visit every familv in the county
We want all the news that happens in I'o'lk county aud we want the ExTiR-
We want to help you and we want you
Maple stockman of I'edee, brouglit down j Lw,,' Hpernng,'' Olu YjulntUi," lone j helP Our iuterests are mutual. We will give points as follows!
, Clyde, his niohtiir and hip;i'il it to DalhiH, ! Ganett, Jense Morgan. '. One point for every item of news worthy of publication. 25 poin
Morgan. une point wr every item ot news worthy ot publication. 25 point for every
l orm n iiunK ; article worthy ot a seperate neao. it an article De specially meritorious or start-
ling Uj the sight of the manager of this department an extra 15 (oints will be
Mias Cochrane, tench
i jiiven. For every new vearlv subscription 85 points For tverv vearlv renewal
Matt. Gillespie a hon crovvo- of! "eme otd' Ijt!Ua tlmh' Klvvood , To points. For a subscription three months '-'5 points; six months and less than
1 . i HurtliiHli. TIIIIm Pliilllnn Jornmn 1 . oe K ......... .1.0 )..- .u .1 .1- 1 .v . .. .
wTiuro it wus listed iu the pool re-i
cently sold there
KiiiL'H Vnllev , in 1 lw 1 '""'""""1 iimui'o, "umo a year a paints, r or every aooar s worm Advertisement or Job Work we give 50
0 ' ' '. "" 1 iteaae, Jlarry nlinnions, liexsie win
week and reports everything favor
able for a full crop. The vines are
malting good growth and training
,,- mr 11 u J will begin by tho first of May.
Misa Ollie Hastings, who spent, , J
the greater part of the winter in j Mrs. O. W McCallum, accotn-
Tortland, has returned to her home
"Hilly" MeAdams has severed
his connection with the Courtney
anied by her daughter, Mrs. A. F,
Campbell, of Lovelock. Nov., ar
rived here last Sunday and went
out to the homo of W. V. Miller,
t I",.,!..- i..,u. il, .. .. :..
1 ,,. . . . 1 : rtt ' " 11 l nr. o fcuuy niw reuuiiu
, ! for the summer and may decide to
fin m t t "s
j locate permanently in I'olk comity
ine poles tor me runners tvurai
lelephone, hetween huver and School Keport.
Monmouth, are beini' prepared for L
Master Harry Williams recently
underwent a painful operation ol
having a number f aching molars
(. W. Homer, manager of
Taylor, Miller & Alcorn s store,
went to Portland to buy goods last
: points, and we will gladly furnish you prices on any kind of Ad or Job. We are
colt, Cora Walker, Jessie Hunter, Vera 1 going to make a campaign for some new correspondents, and we will announce
Following is the report of the Inde
pendence public school for'tlie luonlh
ending April 17:
Nuinher eurolled 203; average Dum
ber belonging '200; average daily at
tendance 180; per cent of attendance
Ki: number times tardy 11; names of
vinitors, Mrs. I). H. Taylor, Mrs. K. C.
Pentium), Mrs, K. PIcKel, Prof. Alling
liam, Prof. W. A. Wsnn.
Thime neither absent nor tardy dur
ing the month are:
Ivy Jturton, teacher.
Lillie Muhleman, Jtoweiia, Sperling,
Laura Ford, Inez Sturtc, Nellie Albiker,
Gladys Irvine, Johnnie .Stark, Cora
Mix, Gardner Teale.v
Miss Dickinson, teacher,
Grace Walker, Alma Waker, Eiuiua
Heukle, Nellie Damon, Maggie nodge.
Miss Maslerson, teacher.
Lewis Josse, James Johnson, Ada
Ketchmn, Kdith Phillips, Hattie
(Juasiorf, Viola Heed.
C. I). Sinipsou, teacher.
AIiiIh-'I Hoydston, Cady Merrll, Ila.el
Seeley, Sune Heeley, Olive Williams,
Lore? a Webster, Alpha Wilsou.
T. J.Newbill, principal.
Frances Cooper, Carl Percival,
Hhelby Cooper, Lester Rhodes Deau
at times the places in this column. Watch for them, as we wilt make it to your
interest to secure representatives in the sections we want represented. Other
features will be announced along.
Each week we will announce in this column your points. No article is
credited until after it appears in the paper, although subscriptions and points
secured in other ways will be announced as they come in. We want to keep
everything fair and straight and If you think an error has occurred iu your points
write us within the week following and we will make thorough investigation.
Rickreall, C :
Monmouth, B 51
Lewisville 54
Parker , ,x 122
liuena Vista, II .... , tM:
Airlie, P , 5o0
Highlands, P ...x.-. 92
Monmouth, II 279
Hallston 39
Sunny Slope 16
Antiocn 90
Stiver 15
Buena Vista is the first to send a correspondent from Falls City. Bsena is a
eraekerjack" correspondent. This coming week we want to know about the
approximate change of property, number of new residents, etc., in your com
munity during the past year, and will give 50 points for such a special.
! f
, i