Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, April 23, 1903, Image 6

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If You Ask Ten Men
Rot Chamberlain was a Suver
visitor Sunday.
Mrs. J. M. Lareon ami thiMien
went to Independents Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson
ppent Sundav with ,Mr. Kreckson.
Misses Lena and Lizzie Uidderg
were visiting friends here Sunday.
Miss Julia James has gone to
SuiithBeld to visit her sister, Mrs.
Mary Harper.
Mr. and Mrs. K. N. Wood have
gone to Salem for a few days' visit
with her parents.
II. From, of Suyer, attended the
I. 0. O. F. lodge at Buena Vista
Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs, R. W. Swink and
little daughter, were visiting with
friends in Suver Sunday.
... Mr. and Mrs. John Harris, ot
Wells, were visiting Mr, Harris'
eister. Mm. J. M. Larson, last week.
Bishop Heil will preach at the
school house Friday evening at
7:30 o'clock. Everybody invited.
Miss Adelaid Hecker, of Benton
countyjwent to Albany last Satur
day to visit her sister, Mrs. Emma
ADna Torgeson, of Buena Vista,
has united with the Royal Neigh
bors and will be initiated at the
next meeting.
Edd Ruefand cousin, of Salem',
were seen in this vicinity Friday
pyening on their way to the for
mer's brothers.
Arthur Hinkins, who was work
ing for Amel Gobat, bad the mis
fortune to eet .kicked by a horse on
the head so as to need the care of a
T T .Tames has been ill for some
time and under the care of Dr. But
ler, of Independence, who advised
him to go to the hospital at Port
land for treatment.
The M. W. A. of Suver, are go
ing to give their 4th annual picnic
on Mav 28th at Ridder'a grove two
miles southeast of Suver on the
Albany and Independence road
. . r
Mr. iit'd M'. v'1'8 1 a""!" j
visited relatives in Albany Sun- j
day. j
J. A. Veil-, of WinWk. W ti.,
was a busings vicitoi here Monday,
0. C. and Jud Kays have com
pleted logging at Sprint? Hill and
are now at home
ttuemi' rustling young mer
chant, E. 0. Cole, visited in Mon
mouth and Independence Satur
Rov Woodcock and Mose Milner,
of Coryallis, representing some in-
surance concern, were in oumn.
A reDresentative oi the Spaulding
Manufacturing Company was in
Buena Tuesday, selling baggies
and carriages.
Work at the rock quarry will, it
is staieu, oe cuiupici. v
firot nf next month. Quite a force
of men have been engaged on the
job. .
Cured by One bottle of CliBinbr.
Iain's Cough Kemedy.
...i i .n attack of tlie grip
last winter (the second one) I etually
cured myself with one bottle of l bam-
berlalu's Cough Jlemeay, y -W
Perry, editor of tbe Enterprise,
SShortsville, l . - ,
.-..I. I nt f i mtH kttut friuu COtlgbiDK
myself to pieces by taking a tepoou
" ? - anil whn the
till ot tnia rriueuy, " ----coughing
spll would come on at night
I would take a d.e and it Burned
that iu the briefest Interval the cough
would paa ottand I would go to sleep
perfectly free from eongu u ''"It
.t 'Vi bhv that tliO
remedy acted as a most agreeable sur
prise w pumog h veijr iuii-.j -
no idea that it would or could knock
out the grip, simply because 1-had
never tried it for such a purpose, but It
did and it seemed witb the second at
tack of coughing the remedy caused It
to not only be of less duration but the
pains were far less severe add I had
not und the contents of one bo le be
fore Mr. Grip bad bid me adieu." tor
sale by Kirklaua urng v,u.
Churning at too high a tem
perature or churning too long
will produce greasy butter ' in
which the grain is injured.
Mrs. Katherine M. Wyant, re
siding north of town, died last
week, aged about 72 years. Her
ailment was of a cancerous nature
F. N. Stump, of Suver, has ev-, Interment LQokpac6 in theI-
What b tlu most important part ufubtiy? miif of tlu ton
will Ml vou the wheels. TI..mv1h, I of lm'- "
nuido Upland long np. Thoy mv nui.lo of good l.i.kory,
mtuwcI riina, stoc-l linn. 'lttd lM-twreii .-wry spoke. IW
about tho other man. lie may say "fifth wheel" ''"l'""
"top" or "shaft;" hut it is doubtful if he nay the J hyr
lUcauso a sohlom ctmio all to pieces an.l loaveK him in
tho mi.hllo of tho roa.l. At the name time if any man who
has umhI a biiRpv will answer the following Muest.oiia he will
see how important an.l tlesirable a jjoo.l body is. Were your
.Wh ever crampo.1 in a Ion- ri.lo? Our buKgie8 have plenty
of leg room. Is the hack of your buggy high enough? Ours
are very high. Dul you ever have a comer open? Ours are
seeure.1 by a corner iron. Did you ever have a seat riser
brtak loose? Ours are s.erewo.1 to heavy oak strips 5 inches
wide and 12 inches long. These are only a few of the many
good features of our buggies. AVe have them from $50 to $100.
Every one sold on a years guarantee. Come in and see them.
Hardware Merchants,
Independence, Ore.
Withrow resided in Independence
up to a few months ago.
Mr. I. Dickey left this week for
Salem, where he has a Rood posi
tion in the state penitentiarv. Mr.
Dickey years ago as associated ir.
penitentiary duties and the work
will not be new to him.
Muslcul AUrnctlod."
LeKov L. Gesuer Vtoliu irtutwe
Mrs. May Uowdeti llabbit Pianist
Misa Mabel L. Carter Klocutlonisi
Above artists are booked to apear at
the Opera House, in this city, lu the
pear future. The date and full partic
ular will be announced In our next
L. Josse moved to his new resi-
ac thia The house va
cated by him is the property of
eral men working for him now.
He is setting out about 30 acres of
hops this spring. He got the
sprouts of Mr. Geo. Ruef. He in
tends to go into the hop business.
Beware of Ointments for Ca
tarrh That Contain Mercury
As mercury will surely destroy the
sense of smell and completely derange
the whole system when entering it
through the mucous surfaces. Such
articles should never be used except on
prescriptiont from reputable pbynl
cians, as the damage they will do is
ten fold to the good you can possibly
derive from them, Hall's Catarrh
Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney
A Co., Toledo, Ohio, contains no mer
cury and is takea internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. In buying
Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get
the genuine. It is taken internally
and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J.
Cheney Ce. Testimonials free.
Sold, by druggists. Price, 75o per
bottle. . . .
Hall's Family Pills are tbe beet.
Harley Hall was a business
visitor in Albany Monday.
O. O. K, cemetery
Juanita Lorena, the two-year-old
child of Mr. and Mrs. P. L.
Withrow, was buried Thursday
afternoon in Odd Fellows ceme
tery. The little one's death was
caused from pneumonia, after a
hard struggle with the formidable
maladv. The funeral services
were conducted at the United Evan
gelical church by Ilevs. Deck and
HunTbert. The afflicted family
are occupants of the George E.
3mith residence, in the south part
of the city. Corvallis Times. Mr.
Seed Oats
Seed Barley
Mrs. J. H. Baldwin, who will at
once make extensive repairs and
make her home there.
Grain fields and early garden,
are looking fine hereabouts, and
fruits trees aro beginning to bloom.
Stock has wintered w.ill, owing to
the mild winter and farmers have
their w k well in hand.
Danger ot" Cold and Grip.
The greatest danger from colds and
grip i their resulting in pneumonia.
If reasonable care is pised, however,
a id ChamberUlu's Cough lu-iuwly
taken, all dauger will be avoided.
Among tho tens of thousands who
have ued ihta remedy for these dis
eases we have yet to learn of a single
case having resulted in pneumonia,
which shows conclusively that it i a
certain preventive of that dangerous
i disease. It will cure a cold or an at
! tunic of the Brln in Uits time than any
I other treatment. It is pleasstit slid
! safe to take. For sale by Klrkland
Drug Co.
rru.l,r nioW-Draiiirhf has
aved doctors' bills far more than
ixtr years. For the common fam
ily ailments,
iw4i jui vmntination.
:Air,eu'n hart rnMlL howftlcom-
lUUimwivMf hip- -T i"
plaints, chills and fever, bilious
ness, headaches and other like
complaints no other medicine is
necessary. It invigorates and reg
ulates the liver, assists digestion,
stimulates action of the kidneys,
purifies the blood, and purges tbe
Lali nf foil I accumulations. It
cures liver complaint, indigestion
sour Bwjniiauii, utAiiicnw, "
rheumatic pains, sideache, back
ache, kidney troubles, coniupawim,
diarrhoea, biliousness, piles, hard
colds ana neaaacne. averr urup
gist has Thedford's Black-Draught
in 25 cent packages and in mam
moth size for 11.00. Never accept
a substitute. Insist on having the
original made by the Chattanooga
Medicine Company.
I btlicvc Thedford's Black-Draught
b ths best medicine on earth. It Is
rood lor ny m! everything. I hsvi
a family of twelve children, sad for
four years I have kept them oa foot
and healthy whn doctor but Bi.
Draught. A. J. GREEN, lllewwa, U
KlrM iut. April W. ! I'"1'- u
A I M 1 M ST It AT IfH S OT 1 1 '
v.. 1 1.- l.l,r, l,v vlvvn llmtTliiui. I'ulHi'm
urlii(twiidsiiM, I'olk iH.uiity. Orriuli.
lwn iHiliil1 iliulnllmur ul U wlalr
i. ii m.'.i. ii..n.iuuil. All trtms havlita
cmiiiu Kliit MlU etuti ri livrxuy m.llllmt
to pnwriil Ilia nome vfrinml ny mu'v
wIUiIiidU moiillm frtiin thisdnie sl.'.al IU" !" ! eMf 'f I"''"
pKiuh'iin., IHilk county. Oosu.
tail at liiilopoiiitnum, I'nlk w.Mnty, 'r
fun, tliln Ullh Any ot April. 1SS.
fill". tOMKHy,
AlmliiltruliriHiUI!ul T. II. MtSfcbv,
Paper Dealers
Our Paper and Hags are products of
the beat mills In the country. You
will save money on prices aud freight
with us,
130 Court St, Salem, Or
OTVUPITJVIj STOCK, $50,000.00.
II HIRSHBEKG, reeidentr A Bit AM NF.I.SON, Vlee I'resldei
C. W. IRVINK, Cashier.
DIRECTORS. H. HirschiwrgT D. W. hears, It. K. Smith, M. W. Htewart and
A. Nelson.
A general banking and exchange business transuded. lxans ninde.
discounted. Conimerolol credits granted. Deposits receift'd on current
ubject to check.
ss nsus ,ms S 4uy suV .ix V- 1
Our ilew Cocation
New building next door to Jos. Mcycra 4 Sons.
Call and get fine Furniture Polish free.
Do not miss seeing our superior line of Car
petings, Mattings and Linoleums.
The House Furnishing Co.,
Next door to Joseph Meyen & Son, SALEM, ORE. jj
5 Storci at Salem and Albany.