Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, April 23, 1903, Image 5

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O7D888S8 888888(TrNO
C Spring ami warm weather in hero ami limine-
rleaning is being 1jiio. When you get fc
1 1 n i 1 1 jjc ami warm weather in hero ami Iiouho
4'lcanijin is being dune. When you got
through you will probably
ih'ciI como now
) I have tho most complete an.! nel.-ct lino ever (
r carried in your citv, consisting of Holioum Suites,
Kxtcntion and Center Tables, Couches Jinn Hedn,
(0 SpringH and Mattri'HKes, Chairn and an 4-iile Q)
f(,r amount of fine and medium Koekern to Hob'ct i
from. Koniember also that I give
Coupons to Every Purchaser.
On thoHO beautiful Salad SetH neen in tho south
window. I invite you to call, look over my goods
and get prices. Wo are hero for LusinesH and Q)
would like a portion of your trade.
In all its branches. Day or night calls promptly
attendtxl to. g
W. L. BICE, Independence, -jl
Monmouth Correspondents
The rain is here again and the
farmer are happy.
-Tom Zeiber, of Eugene, spent
tfunday in town visiting friends.
Alfred North, of North Yamhill,
WU8 visiting Saturday with his
brother, who ia attending the Nor
mal. Mrs. Myra Noble, of Heppner,
..Eastern Oregon, Is" visiting with
her parents, Mr. ard Mrs. It. M.
Our leading citizens are working
up a meeting to organize an im
provement league. Let the good
work begin soon.
The city council took action on
the people's petition regarding the
staking of cows on the streets.
They have passed no ordinance as
yet but we thiait they will at their
regular meeting.
Dr. Crowley returned Monday eve
11 iug from Eastern Ore. r
Mr. Win. Mulkey Is driving the
rural mall cart again.
Miss Mamie Hibbs, of Gaston, visit
ed with MIho Jensen over Buuday:
Mr. Tom Zeiber, of Portland, is
shaking bands with old friends here.
Mr. John Murphy received Ithe con
tract for excavating under the college.
We are sorry to hear of the serious
illness of Woodford Vance in Portlaud.
Grandma McQuerry, of Indepen
dence, spent Sunday with Mrs. Cole
man. Edd Smith and wife, teachers in
Bethel school, spent Sunday with his
The Christian Endeavor will enter
tain the church members and young
people Friday evening at the Christian
church. All invited.
fi. R, nel)rba$, D-D.$.
Aa. Export
Over P. O. Monmouth.
Pearl Hedge, of Oak Grove, attendvd
the Freshman Reception, Baturday
evening. ,
Col. Day, f Portland, organizer of
W. of V., met with the camp here Fri
day evening,
Mr. and Mrs. tiavage, of Balem,
spent Buuday with their daughter,
who ia attending school here.
Oleunie Reynolds, teacher in the
BaiUton acuool, spent Baturday and
Sunday with L. 8. Perkin'a family.
Four new students last week.
Mr. Arthur Mattlson, of Gaston, visi
ted over Sunday with his sinter here,
Mrs. Laura Adklns, who has been
quite ill the past week, is some better.
W. J. Mulkey is again carrying the
mall, having fully recovered his health
again. I .
Mrs. F. W. JLaughary and daughter
visited relatives in town the first of
the week.
Will Clodfelter and Fred Sloan are
working on the Dallas and Fall City
. Mr. Warren Wright, the marshal of
Falls City, pawed through the city
Mrs. Worth drove to Albany Satur
day and spent Buuday with her
daughter, Mrs, Holman.
Pres. Reseler has been away the past
two weekron a lecturing tour through
the eastern part of the the state.
Mr. Laurence Kuykendall, of North
Yamhill, visited bis cousin, MbsBell
Balrd, from Baturday to Sunday of
this week.
Miss Mamie Hibbs, of Gaston, came
down Friday for a several days' visit
with Miss Mabel Mattlson and Miss
Edna Jensen.
Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Savage, of Sa
lem, attended the Freehmen Reception
here Baturday night and spent Sunday
with their daughter, Misses Alta and
Eva Savage.
W. A. Wash, of Dallas, was a
pleasant caller Monday.
M. A. Burch was in Portland a
few days last week.
Mrs. James Clark and son, of
Springfield, are visiting relatives
here this week."
MrB. O. A. Washburn and child
ren, of Sprinnliold, came in Mon
day to visit relatives.
The alumni of the Rickrenll
graduates will take place Friday
evening. A pleasant time is ex
pected, IT. C. Heymour leaves Saturday
for Ilrho, where ho iin n ri'lionj nf
live months' duration. We wifh
hi in success.
J. It, Binionton and wifr came
down from South Bend, Wat-h., to
attend the funeral of Mr. Simon
ton's sicter, Mrs. I). A. Smith.
The closing exercises ol the Hick,
reall school will take place T Li urn
s' a j evening. There will be six
graduates from thefith grade.
Roblird the Grave.
A startling Incident In narraied by
Joliu Oliver, of Philadelphia, as fol
lows: "I was in an awful condition.
My skin was almost yellow, eye
uuken, tongue coated, pain continu
ally in back and sides, no appetite,
growing weaker day by day. Three
physicians bad given me op. Then I
was advUed to try Electric Bitters. To
my arat Joy the first bottle made a de
cided improvement. I continued
their use for three weeks and am now
a well man. I know tbey robbed the
grave of auother victim." No one
should fail to try them. Only 50c.
Guaranteed at Kirkland Drug Co.'s.
Green Gentry, of Independence,
visited with Dell Grigsby last Bun
day. G. C. Bolter sold to William
I'ercival, of Independence, a drove
of 15 nice fat hogs.
IX M. Calbreath. a former resi
dent of Parker, was shaking hands
with old friends here Monday.
Mrs. A. S. Kerr received from
Mis. D. M. Calbreath 4 a setting of
the famous Blue Andalusian eggs.
Mr. Jasper Rhodes and family,
of near Independence, visited at
the home of A. B. Lacey Sunday.
Mrs. James and daughter, Le
nora, of Suver, came down Sunday
for a visit with Mrs. Fuqua at this
Wm. Fuqua has delivered the
last of the lot of cattle sold to
Castle & Shaw, of Dallas. He
realized from the sale the neat sum
of $1570.
Miss Laura Cauthorn arrived
from Corvallis Sunday for a visit
with her sister, Mrs. E. Evans, of
this place.
Thirteen men from the Spauld-
igg Logging Company are engaged
in dislodging a jam of logs in the
If the Southern Pacific Co. will
not give us a morning train nor yet
grant m permission to ride on the
freight they 6urely will not censure
us, should the opportunity present
itself, for taking an occasional ride
in a "box."
Jack Veness, of Winlock, Wash.,
was a passenger on Monday's train
to Portland. Mr. Veness says the
A Bad Breath
A bad breath means a bad
stomach, a bad digestion, a
bad liver. Ayer's Pills are
liver pills. They cure con
stipation, biliousness, dys
pepsia, sick headache.
J3c Atldraritsts,
Want roar monataeho or baaid a baaattral
Wown or rtch blarkt Then ma
M err. OwUswaTW,
01 R. W. nail pp.1 wwv-,
at ismf nmsx.
Rometimea wt are greeted ia &
morning by flaga at half-mat for some
prominent omaai wno veaie-rimy
waa apparently in perfect health.
When we inquire the ailment by
which he wm atricken it ia not un
common to be told acute indigea
tion or " stomach trouble."
It i" time people learned that In
digestion or any form of
"atonmch trouble" ia not a
thing to trifle with. The
result may not be fatal,
but there can oe no
condition of diseased
stomach which does
not carry with it phys
ical loss and weakness.
Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery
cures indigestion and
other forms of disease
affecting th stomach
and its allied organs of
dis-estion and 'nutrition.
It enables the perfect diges
tion and assimilation of
Thsk to Dr. Pleroe'i Goldea
Medical Mucovery," writea Mr,
Charlr H. Germaa, of Lehigliten,
Pa. "It M tae only Btraioine ini
has don m any rood. I tried every-
thine I could thiafc of to
1 core indiges
tion, sod found I w only throwint
... mnv Tkn I heard at Doctor
Herat's C.olden Medical Dleory and tried a
bottlt of it. aad to toy joy foand It waa dota
mt food. I lined six botjlta of it. and am aow
cared. It is the Mrf medium tm tank.'
This grand remedy does its work in
a thorough manner ; it gi , the
health that is all health ; the strength
that is solid, substantial and lasting;
not flabby fat, not false stimulus, but
Eenuine, complete, renewed vitality and
f force.
Accept no substitute for "(Jolden Med
ical Discovery." There is nothing "just
aa good for diseases of the stomach,
blood and lungs.
Sr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure COsV
etipatlon and its consequences.
timber in Washington does not
compare favorably with the timber
of our "Webmot stale.
A short time ago we inserted an
ad in these columns: '"Wanted
fifteen subscribers to the Enter
prise." C. Max Bradley, .of Cor
vallis, the popular foreman of sec
tion 81), has been the first to re
spond. Who will be the second?
Don't wait for your neighbor, but
come early and avoid the rusn.
We note with pleasure the ani
mation with which our Suver cor
respondent enters the contest. Be
ing a young lady of exceptional
social qualities and the possessor
of a verv winning disposition we
have great hopes of her being the
right person in the right place.
(U. 6. Sbariiiaii,
Ig prepared to show
you a complete line
of stylish samples
fo'rrjrmjgjuit3. Call
and look them over
and ascertain prices.
Bank Building,
G L Hawkins
Dallas, Ore.
Marble and
Monuments and Head
stones Ctmetery
work etc.
1 1 :spw
1 rr-TV.
1 to IK
I 9i S.JV 1.
Hall's Ferry
Is now ready to cross the traveling
public in first-class order. The
newest and best road to Salem.
l'olk County Warrant fall.
All warrants indorsed prior to
Decf-mber ", 1901, are now pay
able at this, office. Interest ceases
after the date uf this notice.
Dated April 17. IW.
K. V. lHl.ToX,
County treasurer.
4 Makes at Clean wci.
There' nothing like doing it thing
tHormiKhlv. f all 'he fwlven yon
ever heard' or liuek leu's Aruica Salve
In llie tifMt. Iiaweepa away and fit res
buriin, wires, brulw-n, cnu, hoilr, ulcere,
akin eruptions and pllec. lt'xonly 2e
and guaranteed to give aatlHiaotlon by
Kirkland Drug Co.
The Geo. W. Childs' is one of
the best 5 cent cigars on the market
today. We are closing these goods
out at 7 f r 25 cent. t Wagoner'a.
. ,
"Gyp" Thurston, ol Suver, waa
in Eugene last week. '
flrat pub. April 2, l-""t pub. April
Notice la hereby jlen that Mrs. Lucinda.
Baldwin, of Independence, Polk county,
oreiron. baa been appointed admlnlat ratrlz
oftheeelate of John K. Baldwin, deceased.
All peraona bavlng clalma agalnat aaia e
tate are hereby notified to present the aame
verified by affidavit within ail montha from
thl date to aald adminlatratria, at her boms
In aald city of Independence, Folk county
Oregon. -
Dated at, Folk couniy, vim
goo, thla 2nd day of April, 1108.
S4b. Luc-IB da Baldwiv,
Adm'z estate of John K. Baldwin, dee'd.
W. R. ALLIN, D. D. S.
Pain lew Extraction
Cooper Building,
Independence, Ore.
Barber Shop.
; Ore-
Tonsorial Artist i
Only hrst-class workmen em
Dloved in the "Wigwam." Shop
situated on North side of C Street
Ask tte-Jjpt'for Tickets
Fast Time
Day Coaches
Palace and Tourist Sleepers.
Dining and Buffet Smoking Library Can.
For rates, folders and full informa
tion regarding tickets, routes, etc., call
on or address H. jjiUKSun, uny
Ticket Agent J. W. PHALON, Trav.
Pass. Agt., Portland.
A. B. C. DENNISTON, 43, W. P. A.
612 First Ave., SeattleWash.