Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, April 23, 1903, Image 3

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Buggies, Carriages and
' V( liAvo thin spring al;I t our linn of vehicles the celebrated
OliAISK UUfiiilKS. ThfHO buggies havo iron corners, and are made es
pecially for the Pacific coast trade They aro stronger in every jmrticular
than the ordinary buggy. We ask you to examijio them. They are all right.
The latent thing in tho wheel line. (Jet a Kayccle and be in the lead
Our stock in complete in the bicycle linos. W can furnish you a wheel
from $10 up.
American Field Fence, the strongest wire fence on the market.
Don't buy a light wire fence when you can get tho heavy American at a less
price. Wojiavo already shipped in two car loads of thin fence this spring.
It talks for itself For sale by
R. M. VADC & GO.
County Court New.
Walter T Wilos et al, executors,
to Mary J. Wells, 325.73 acres,
t 10 b, r 4jmd 5 w, $1000.
United States to O Kimsey, 80
actes. t 8 s, r 6 w, patent.
United States to James M Jack
on, 125.G3 acres, t 6 s, r 6 w,
It T Iloothby et ux to M N Bow
jnan, 80 acres, t 9 s, r 5 w, $2G50.
Mary J Black to Henry Clati
field, 25.31 acres, 1 0 and 7 8, r 5 w,
$300. J
Rodney bowman et ux to Henry
Olanfield, tracts in t G and 7 ,
r 5 w, $850.
J N Olmsted to Gerhard' Braun,
252 29 acres, t 6 s, r 5 w, $5700.
P B 8 Miller et ux to Henry
Fawk et ux, 200 acres, t 7 s, r 3 w,
H P Boise et ux to E R Cutler,
24 acres, t 7 s, r 5 w, $480.
W II Kraber et ux to Castle tfe
Shaw, tract in t 7 s, t 5 w, $225.
W C Brown to Alired Haldeman,
lots 4 and 5, block 1, Levens La
Creole Hd add to Dallas, 675.
M M Ellis et ux to W C Brown,
lots 2 and 7, block 2, Germantown,
(North Dallas. ,
Thomas I. Bowman to Henry
Cliinfiold. tracts in t G and 7 s,
r 5 w, $850.
Sarah E Weston and hd to Jesse
R Young, lots'G and 7, Orchard Co
add to West Salem, $1100.
F'ed Kau et ux to Marcellus
Reid et ux, 130.73 acres, 1 8 s, r G w,
John Ellis et ux to F T Brigham
lots 5 and 6 block 21, Ellis add to
Dallas. $85.
Lucy and J It Mendenhall to
Henry Clanfield, 168.G7 acres, t 6 8,
r 5 w, $6000.
Lewis Garbutt to George F Mc
Bee, lot 8, block 15, Levens La-
Creole Hd add to Dallas, $G5.
Alfred Haldeman el ux to Louis
Gerlinger, lots 4 and 5, block 2.
Shultz LaCreole Hd add to Dallas,
8 T Burch to 3 E Longnecker,
lots in Rickreall, $75
Strung; Hop Pest Near Hitlem.
-r ,
A special from Halem says;
Some of the hopgrowers of this
vicinity are alarmed oyer the
appearance of a new strange pest
which Is said to be engaged in
deadly work upon the new vines.
otto Hansen, of this city, who
owns a liopyard near Oak Grove,
in I'olk county, reports the dis
covery of a worm about the size of a
! thread and half an inch in length
j which is cutting the yonng sprouts
just above the hop roots and
nliould the pent become numerous
or general in its attack the fear is
;that it may destroy a large portion
'of tins year's crop.
.James Winstanley, secretary of
the Hopgrowers' Association, who
owns a yard north of this city is
said to haye iound the same pest
; but there has been no general in
i yeetigation to discover- whether it
exists in all vards of this section,
' nor has there been any scientific
I biography obtained of the obnox
'ious yisitor. Specimens will be
; submitted as soon as possible to
i the entomologist at the Corvallis
Agricultural College for classifica
tion and for the discovery, if
! possible of some means for its ex
termination. i The importance of the hop crop
'under present and prospective
' market conditions makes the ap-
: nearance of a threatening pest a
serious matter in this great center
1 of the hopgrowing industry.
Two Nights,
Wednesday and '
April 29th and 30th.
Big Double Company
"Uncle Coin's Cabin"
and a massive ncenic production of
'Ten Nights in a Bar-room"
A company of 32 people with a grand
nolo band and orcbestra.
POPULAR PRICES, 50c, 35c. Sc.
! Caret ul inquiry fails to reveal
any of the pests in these parts.
The vines are showing a healthy
'growth and Jhe cold weather has
; retarded their growth but little.
Indications are favorable for a
heavy yield.
The debris about the Little Palace
hotel building has been cleared away
away and it is reported, Mr. Stark will
commence at once refixing the old
structure. II Is further asserted that
he has purchased tbe building south of
his hotel and will tear it away, so as to
reduce insurance.
Rev. R. G. Knott, of Albany,, will
assist Dr. Thompson in the services
both morning and evening. All In
Fruit trees are a pretty sight
these days, laden with their wealth
of white blossoms.
Wanted Several persons of char-.
acter and good reputation in each state
(one in this county required) to repre
sent and advertise old established
wealthy business bouse of solid finan
cial standing. Salary $21.00 weekly
with expenses additional, all payame
In cash direct each Wednesday from
bead offices. Horse and carriage "
nished when necessary Refer-
Enclose self-addressed envelope.
nial Co., 334 Desrboro St.,CniC8g -
i w .
m T 7
oi 'i
Our Closing Out Sale Commences
AT 10:00 A.
New Styles.
To Our Trade:
Our entire store will be closed from the
evening of April 30th until Monday morn
ing, May 4th, at JO o'clock, for the pur-
pose of preparing our stock for our closing
out sale. We have a large stock and exvect
to sacrifice several thousand dollars on it, so
the opportunity will be yours for bargains.
full Particulars on 0urv Special Circulars.
Spring Styles.
An Immense Stock of
INDEPENDENCE, CXREQOlSr. Shoes of a!! Kinds