Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, April 23, 1903, Image 2

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Absolutely Pure
Social and Personal J
Mav Day Ball.
See Messner's add this week.
Thr. piher has returned from
rr W. R. AUin was in Ralem
Pearl Locke was over to Salem
last week.
a koa hull fnr 5 cents, at
rk 1 1 ' vi.ww
Oranges, letnmons and bananas,
at Wagoner's.
Tata vnnr Mohair to S. M. Dan-
tel. Monmouth.
Mrs. A. J. Goodman was a Salem
visitor Thursday.
Fresh milch cows for sale. En
quire of Henry Hill.
Crepe tissue paper in the roll or
( bunch at Wagoner's. f
G. A- Hurley was a Dallas busi
ness visitor Monday.
. Take ; vour butter, eggs and
poultry to Messner.
Cooper & Hurley for law, collec
tions and insurance.
Mrs. A. J. Goodman was a capi
tal city visitor last week.
Our soda fountain is in good
working order. Wagoner's. .
Mr. Gessner, a Salem musician,
drove over Sunday afternoon.
Lota of new prrltv upriiij? and
i summer goods atS. M. Dnw,
Seven Geo. W. Child' for 25
! rent, to close out, at Wagoner's
Mim Jei Wann. of Salem, vis
ited Miss Lela Hnren oer fcun
da v.
a BrtT.tla family ponv for
nl or trade. Enquire at this of-
m J. A. Mills tteiuM the
meeting of Rebekahs Tuesday ev-
Mis Mabel Wells, of I'ortlanu,
veiled over Sunday in Independence.
r n C,rev is having an ad-
diti i sdded to the east side of his
house. '
t v. Hubbard left last week to
v . -' ' ,
. nis imu
pin in , t"r r '
When in town call at Messner 8
for the new summer uress ruiiu.
vv , Meaner is havirg a large
Sign painted on the south snle of
his store
and a
complete line
of the
T J Hf fit
Rogers Bros.1
Knives, Forks,
Snnnns. etc.
Kv CKrefuUy xmlned "
I Rcpalrlo(.
Kramer $ Co.,
I'tv mir nodii wottT drinks, t
John Johnson, of Eugene, after a
short visit with relatives here, re
turned home Monday.
I Campbell fi
Brotners. ;
Another largo shipment of wall paper has ar
rived consisting of (ho latest designs and colorings, j,;
House cleaning is near at hand and now is the S:
time to select your 3;
While wo have, a complete stock. Wo have just re
ceived a large shipment of new and pleasing pat- 5.
terns. You are cordially invited to call in and ex- j.;
amine our stock. For bedt ooms there is nothing
nicer than new clean matting in this line. We jj.
have a largo stock from which you can select.
Campbell Brothers.
xf;aa RnHHi'ft Kntler was a Dallas
Miss Helen Calbieath, of Bulem, j visitor Thursday. She has organ
ized a music class there.
. 1 Via hnmn of Mrs. A
g yiMuug v ',, "
M. Hurley.
tt in;r.n limn is now at
hand. Crepe paper for shelves, at 0. Davidson Parker, Oreg.
Mrs. I. Claggett is slowly recov
ering from her recent severe stroke Presbyterian church today
of paralysis
O'd Oregonians for i.ouse clean
ing in bunches of 50 for 15 cents,
at Wagoner's.
Miss Bertha Osborne is extreme
ly ill at the home of her parents
south of town.
' Mrs. Geo. Conkey was a sufferer
this week of the universal com
plaint, lagrippe.
f'mintv Treasu-er Dalton has is
sued a call for all warrants prior
to August 15, 1901.
When in Salem visit Strong's
Restaurant. It is headquarters lor
Independence people.
F A. Douty and A. J. Goodman
returned Sunday from a business
visif to various points.
' Hon. John H.Mitchell sent us a
mail pouch of seed, wnicu
Kiributed to people desiring the
Monte Briggs, of Portland, spent
c..,t .. mifVi fripnHa in town. '
K Ll 11' i.J ...v. ' - mm mm
Germ Killers
vSoap and Water
This is supposed to be quite a good preventative tor all germs .
of disease, of whatsoever kind. But of what service is the
preventative when not applied. All know that when diHer
ent objects are hidden from our view that they are the very
things that are neglected iu every instance. The same
rule applies in the soda water business. In the old style
fountain, where the tilting jars are nsed to hold the syrups,
they are filled time after time without being washed, in
our new sanitary fountain we are simply compelled to keep
everything clean, for everything is right in eight, and you
know as a general rule people do things because they have
' . to. Our syrups are all kept in bottles, which is the re
aults of later improvements. These syrup bottles have to .
be filled every morning and there is where the soap and
good hot water gets in its work. Our soda fountains has
been kept going all through the winter and is now m tine
condition to take care of the trade.
A number of new drinRs just received.
Harry E. Wagoner,
Main Street, .
mTTT7OTivrnFwrK. - - OREGON.
I have 75 bushels of good De-
wheat for sale. Mrs. J
The Polk County Sunday School
fmiuniinn in heinc held at the
Rev. E. C. Wigniore, of Mon
mouth, was an incoming passenger
on Friday afternoon s train.
Ralph Davidson, who is attend
!nir Hrbnol in Oorvallis. visited
over Sunday with friends here.
Mrs. Harry Clodfslter, of Corval
lis, was an incoming passenge
Friday for a visit with relatives.
A gentleman has written us that
he has several good timber land
claims that can be located on, at
a very reasonable Yitrure. Any one
wishing information can inquire at
this office.
Mra TiplAin You n sr. mother of
John and E. M. Young, is expected
here from Missouri in AuguBt to
onpnrl several months. With her
will come a sister , and brotlier-in
law of the Young brothers.
' E. C. Wigmore, of the Monmouth
Christian church, has accepted the
chair of Hebrew in the diyinity
-efrotdrTrttrgerie ThTTTihTvesTly
wins one of the ablest men in the
ministry in the state by securing
Mr. Wigmore.
' Cooper & Hurley have a month
ly real estate bulletin with their
'property described on it not all
k onmn nf it. Send for it. or if
you have friends in the Uat-t send
their names and we will send
them our bulletin.
Good chance for the right man
to make some money half or whole
interest in a tile factory doing a
good business. Can sell all you
make. Ship by both river and
rail. Owner has other business
and cannot attend both. Address
Newberg Tile Factory. Newberg,
Once again the ladies of the Vf.
R. C. wish to draw attention to
their May day ball at the auditor
ium. The Independence o chestra
is to furnish music, and the ladies
wiph to say the floor will be in the
best shape it has e7er been in.
Dancing tickets, 75c. Spectators
25c. A'l ladies free. Supper will
be served by the ladies.
Davidso? & Hedge. Props.
Ciffivr. Ciurnret te.,Tobw
cop nntl Conlbctidnevy.
Wanted-To purchase a snd-jlg QpQQ,
hand anvil, weighing aoom i
pounds. Enquire at this otlic ai
A. N. Halleck's Peerless Hair
Tonio will be sold by A. S. Locke,
of Independence, or A. . HallecK,
of Monmouth.
Mrs Galloway is here today at 3
P. M. to meet with the Indie of In
dependence in the endeavor to or-
Class Soim Fountain
ganize a Lewis & Clark club
flnnner &' Hurley offer an 80-
t fiO acres cleared, 30
RLIO v..v "
ftprp in
cultivation good oppor
tunity and good property for the
money. $25 per acre.
K. E. Bryan & Son, a large Dal
las firm, have decided to retire
from that field and devote their
energies to business interests at
Falls City.
Clover Leaf, Rebekah Lodge, of
.1 Unm .lotol Mm. It. Jj.
mis r.iiy, nn c.vv-v .
Hawkins, Mrs. J. E. Hubbard and
Mrs. J. A. Mill" delegates to the
prand lodge which .onvenes in
Portland May 21. Mrs. E. T.
Ilenkle was recommended as dis-
Cooper it Hurley have a tract of
720 acres of good land, well locat
ed, improvements, well fenced,
only 132.50 per acre.
Copper & Hurley offer 53 acre,
good house, two hen houses, big
barn, good wells, 10 acres in truit,
all cleared. Price, $70 per acre.
John Lane and wife, old-time
friends ot the family of Wm. Iliff
in Llinois, arrived Monday from
the East. They are prospective
residents of this vicinity.
Administrator's sale, at the T. H.
! McCabfl lucm, one mile north ot
Independence on Saturday, April
25, at 1 p. m. Will sell two cows
and calf, yearling heifer, one horse,
household good, fanning utensils,
etc. Thos. Pomeroy, administrator.
We want ft representative 111
. . . a
V J every city and town in this state
Moore's Hair Invigorator and 1 tQ pregent our business. Our prop
Herpicide are the world's greatest j OHlti0n ia an exceptional one and
S'-alp cleansers and hair invigor-J offers to a good, reliable, honest
ors. Both are for sale at J. 8. 1 party, .with n,, not less
Moore's barber shop. Call and , Yo7.So in' a t
have Jir. moo re give n.u Fm"--
)llCa" : liA.m filf Imritimiitft hllfiinpHB.
tiou ot either remedy and you will j (rms wjth stamp, C. G. Pulsifer
never be without one or the other. I Co., Lumber Exchange, Seattle.
t ' - -
Several young men drove to 3a-
lem last Thursday evening to see
Chas. B. Hsntord, the Shakespear
ean scholar; produce "Much Ado
About Nothing." The performance
was an excellent one, but the at
tendance was poorer than shows
Cirlp Remedies in Grout Iniiiuid
When colds and grip are prevalent
the quickest and surest remedies are in
great demand. Mr. Joseph D. Wil
liams, of MoDulf, Vu., says that he
was cured ot a veiy deep and lasting
Httauk of la grippe by using Chamber-
nrlv ftfp t.rvlnir hhv-
. . 1MIII O M " " " .
have which come througn tills eru other preparations witli no etlecl.
i For sale by Klrklan Drug Co.
No preparation 011 the market equals
as a smut eradicator. It is a preparation use.
and recommended by the Oregon Agricultural
College. Farmers will do well to give this
formula a thorough test.
Directions: One ounce to three gallons of
water. This "solution is sprinkled on 10
bushels of wheat, and then thoroughly mix in
order to moisten each grain .
A. S. Locke,
L. The Independence Druggist. 'jfa