Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, April 16, 1903, Image 8

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    I - I a Sl-Sl a-ss aaasssa
vriMH-i-isii,' r'iKl'ENI)KN(!K. U1JKC0N
N ) 'I.MIUMI- 'i4ll'-i 1 '
" . ......
A I H 1.1 K.
Floyd Blake, of lllas, is visi
tins Airlie relatives.
C. K.' Spudding, of Xewberg,
vas in town last Friday.
Mr. ami Mm. J. L. laron werej
lUllas visitors last Friday, j
Mr. Uugb Hanim sold a fine;
milk cow last week for $oJ. j
James Sebrinj is in Southern i
(.vgoti. looking for a tinilier claim. J
Mrs. S, H. Hastings, who has j
It-en ijiiite seriously ill, is much (
letter, j
Hon. Ben. llayden wub a Ruest;
al tin Iioiiih of II. Simpson last
O. . Buchanan and wife have
. returned from a business trip to:
The Misses Marie and Nellie ;
Link, of Montgomery, were Airlie j
shopjters last week. j
Mr. and Mrs. Alva Wonier, of
Pedee, were liberal patrons of our
merchants last Saturday.
0. W. Homer, who is now
manager of the Taylor store, seems
to be the riht man in the right
There was quite a fall of enow
here on Friday of last week, which
mad the early garden truck look
discouraged. .
W. W. Miller, a hop grower of
Pedee, was in town last week and
reports the outlook for a good crop
very favorable.
Those of our goat men who had
pooled their mohair are well
pleased with the price received at
the sale in Dallas last week.
A large drive of logs belonging to
the Spauldina Logging Co. was
stranded near the Bagley bridge by
a sudden fall of the water in the
A telephone repairer was here
last week and readjusted the in
ternal apparatus of our hello
machine and now we can be heard
when we have anything to say.
The egg market was unusually
Active during the past week, the
daily receipts at one of our stores
being over 150 dozen, brought in
by the neighboring farmers and ex
changed for merchandise of different
Here is the g reat Oak-
Easel now on display at
our store. It contains the
line of beautiful new spring
tailoring samples sent us by
Good Tailor for 36 Ymt
The Oak-Easel is the
connecting link between the
tailor and the faultlessly fin
ished garments which give
you so much pleasure to
wear. It's really a lesson
in good clothes buying to
see this great collection
of tailoring novelties.
PrloM lew nd Lttafto
, tlen .bolutly ajr-
nt4. Ca.ll
P. 31. Kirkland
John Cround and C. Matkre
converting big oaks into saw tin.-
ber. .
August Ohms went to lallas
Friday to be prevent at the selling
of mohair,
Mr. Uagley, of near I.i'w'mville,
was in our vicinity Friday buying
registered slock.
Fred Simpson un.t Kriifft Bush
spent several days last week visit
ing Will Herreu.
John Chamberlain will be bead! Miss I.uein Chrtu, "f Slfiti,
fireman in the Bryan I. m as plan-; . ,,.. ,.,. KUy9 with lWme
ing mill this summer. !Netiiitli lam week. returning Moil
' Mrs. Ida Clark came uj
I'nrt and Saturday on a inotlierdn-law, Mrs. K. Clam.
Hop yards have been cleaned
and cultivated and the Imps have. done.
ii... ... ....-! iiai'k nr.ii
UI ri ii'"
There will be six graduate from
the Nth grade.
J. 11. .Nssniith went to Portland
Friday to visit his sister, Mrs Mo
Arthur, a few days.
V. K. (Mark, Jr., and wife, of
Portland, tame up Sunday, return
ing home the same day.
S. Orr is setting out '.Hi crs
more of hops. lie is holding his
last year's crop for higher prices
from I day
J. B. .W-Miiith's
lire last week, hut
out with tut much
buttso cuuylit
n soon put
damage bi-ing
started to grow. Karly gardens
have been planted.
The tanners aie jubilant over
the MS o Scents a pound which
they received for their mohair in
the pool at Pallas last week.
To all pareuts: Make your y
or girl happy all the summer by
paying 11 .J W tor a year's subscrip
tion to the IxitHI'KMiKNCK K.VfKH-I'KISE.
Mr. Boginsky, who recently pur
chased the PJ-acre tract of land
of Mr. Chase, has set out a number
of fruit trees, which adds much to
Frank (Jibson purchased the
wheat In the perry wurelioil and
is having the same hauled to the
E. A. Taylor ha resigned the
office of post-master here and a
petition is being circulated to have
(j. V Horner appointed his ! the appearance of his home,
successor. Mr. Taylor's business
interests requires his absence from
home the greater part of the time,
hence his resignation.
A Thoughtful Man.
M. M. Aiutiu. of Winchester, Ind.
knew what to do in the hour of need,
ilis wife had such au uu usual case of
Htomach and liver trouble, physicians
could not help her. lie thought of and
tried Ir. Kind's New Life Pills ami
she got relief at once anil was finally
cured. Only 2-lc ut Kirkland Drug
L. (ireen, of Dallas, preached to
a large crowd here Sunday. t
Mrs. A. B. Ohms made a busi
ness trip to Salem Wednesday.
Marion Smith, of Levvisvilln, was
seen in our neighborhood Saturday.
Vardie and Will Fishback shear
ed goats for Ji II. Moran Thursday.
Robert Fish hack i htdpi'ng f!w
There are few county paper iu
the state of Oregon with so largo a
circulation or with a better record
than the Kntkhhiisk, ant' it de
serves a place in every home.
Murphy saw logs for Glon Ireland.
Geo, Wilcox was visiting rela
tiyes here Sunday.
Frank (libson had an attack of
la grippe, but is improving.
Peter Cook was in I'ortluud last
week purchasing new goods.
Mrs. Cass (iihsou and daughter,
Hallie, went to Salem Monday,
Mrs. S. Orr and daughter, Mrs
E. A. Stenson, went to Salm .Fri
Peter Cook purchased a fine
four-year-old colt of Emerson liar'
ris for $2"t0.
Miss, Pauline Nesmith came
h"nie Wednciilay to spend Easier,
returning to school Monday.
Have just opened up a new and complete line of
Including Bedroom .Suites, Iron and Wood Bedsteads, Springs,
Mattresses, Couches, Center Tables, E.xtention Tables, Writing
Desks, Combination Desks and Book Cases, CliiU'oncers,
Chairs, Koekers, High -Chairs, Mattings, Linoleums, Bugs.Car
pets, in fact we carry everything in the furniture line that is
necessary for a first-class furniture store. We also carry doors
and windows, making it possible for us to assist in the build
ing as well as in the furnishing of your house. Running this
store as we do in connection with our confectionery, our ex
penses are very small, making it possible for us to save from
20 to 25 per cent for our customers on every piece of furniture.
and union Pacific
Through Cullman landsrd and tiir
it aleepiiiK ear daily to Omalm, Oil
e K. Hiukane ; tuurmt eeiiig-4-iir daily
to Katiftris City ; through I'tiiliiinii tour
int sleepiiiu ears ( i'i.iilly (HimltKUt'ib
weekly to CIiU'Hkh, Kanraa City, St,
IoiiiH and Meiiiliia; recliniii eliair
cars (eat free) In the Kt daily,
i.kcaht TIMK.iCllKIU;LE Aasivt
roa riniM roiuMNu rsoM
(;iilrno Halt Ijike, Denver,
i'lirtiund I t Worth, Ouinlni,
SiH'eiul KniiHiia Oil v, HI. 4 ..'Rl p m
H:'.'0a in via Uiuis, Cliiciio and
lluntini;- hunt.
Atlantic Suit Lake, IVnvcr,
Kxtre Kt Wortli.Oiiiithit.
s : 15 ( iu via Kaunas City, Hi J0;.':0 in
lliiiilniK- Lou in, Cliieiitfo
ton. and Kaxt.
Mrs, it. A. Wa) bum. f J
i . I t .1 - m .... A
Held, daugnier tn w. (
cams Wuiulajr to visit rti,B
turning liotno TunsiUy,
J. F. Vaugb.i Kill
Ji- i., .it. i - i
lot, which ho punliawij gf
Nesmilh last spring,
Mrs. I.. C. Urown left jv;h
visit an only sister, aim i,,
in Alexander, Ohio, Sh ,
absent a year if nothing p.r
Mr. Hoffman, who !
thu Josh Mo Daniel plt, i,;
iiiovo, liavinu biuiKhi a f4r,,
miles south of Moniiiouih,
Miss Helen Vnldiurn,
Item Vialtlng her HUih, Mr.
Iluuh, the past two ini.Mi.
turned home Tuesday.
Mr. ami Mrs. Hals
went to Albany Monday u
Mr. !! keiisto's sinter lor k
of week".
St I'aul Walla Walla, l,eu i.
KnMt Mail toii,Siokai!i,Wrtl-
li a m via liirti, I' u 1 1 in it ii.
Siiokane. MiiineaiMiliH. Si
Paul, Diiltilli.Mll
ttaiikee, eiilrio
and Kaxt.
What's the uss
(if htiyiiiit eniwiiKlvn linrn, ti
tkin It t sue deht'rtp-rwl,iiitV
laundry lo U rulue.1 hy ri -.4
ihI mu) hleachiiiK coiiiimiuikU? M
palroiiUe a laundry w hirl) ar U
ork,walia rleait.iroiia illmri(
ItiK and leaves yuU roiiteiitM
loiiU run ami r worriinsnl t
.iHak your iatroiiHi;rt liiil U
we ran alfont you Mitislarllva. In
left at Kut. lt's hrlenliopliii J
atui will riHcive protopt aileaM
Salem Steam Diini
1 idourl J. Olmsted, I'rop 1
D. OliiiKted. Mgr. Phniit II. 4
LliH-rty sir-t.
:Xr a ni
TO hour. I'.ifiliiinl t
Cllil Hill.
TirltHH KiiBt via
laiiirn i( ciira
rail or via bout and rail via Portland
8 p in
8 p in
Sittn nlity
to in
All sailing dat.-s
fllliject, to ehaiiKii.
l'or San l'mnciMro
Sail everv fi ilnvs.
To Aatorin mid way
4 p m
4 in
AL HKKRK.V, ARt., Iiidnpendenri,.
visit DR. JORDAN'S w
In ti. Uur.4.
iwM.f) m Mi,thi "r triMt,
1 4UHrtM,fiifiy r"
( uMt, KUUjiUD' d Mjk
If WWW1 tli-H iwl inU'ftj
I II 11
a n
tftn lit t(M'li f Jfirtilf'
t liAa i itriMitml l.ta ( r..i I fit i-n t litat It ' t!
' only ttfTiril tin ii)fUnlt r )if, t"i p'!
i rut. Ittw lMM (ir 'Uw tilmwv"'9-'
' inirnrlft, hut In k imw l ""f
!iittr t'livt'tnit Htirr't'iLp',r
Ii. hll.liM.IH'-lllu.aui r Mmm
PHII.m llmnnirhlr PflwirfM
tit .imi. ui.t.m.i ....' f nertmrt
l ur. Jxriluii'at shixMnl lutlnUJl niiA"
MIH MAM mii.lvlntWlm
Oiir H'mnt opinion ( lnn'itiip!',,',i. .
i fmitiPii i Hrwiii' i V or uj $f
Uf-it ,,r in. ik full of fU r
"When you see it in our ad, it's so.
l.iuvi Itidipiii
liaii(!M lor Mon
moiilh anil Alrllc
7:M0 ft. in.
ll:.K) j, tn,
Irf-avc IlKll'pl'Tl"
rtf-'in'" for Mon
nioutii unit UfiliitK
11-00 a. in.
II: I i p. III.
Li'vi-h Monmouth
lor Alrllo.
7:'i0 a. m.
8:XI p. in.
L'viw Mnmnonth
for l'iilla.
U -'Jii a. m.
l-fiiV!, Alrllc for
M'Himoiiih hoiI
1 1 1 1 1 1 I ! , I,. , ,
fr'ni ti. In,
i, in,
l.wivcx IhIIi f,,r
MomuiMitli itmt
I J i l 1 1 1 1 rK i ' .
P. In.
7:;i '
! 1,'vm Monmniitli
i for lii(l'ciiilciuw
:!, Ml.
1 l:!W ii. in.
I in '
, Iriv. d Indi (li,n.
I deuiw for Mon
( p. in
Pom County Bant
Monmouth, - Oslo'"
II. JUwi.ry,' V. L. CAsriW
President. Vice Pr-
Is C. Powsm., Canliief-
?ID CaeiTAL, 30,000.
I 'in Kn on a: J. If. Hley.PL
('aiuplll, I. M. Simpson, J.B.'
Hntler, Jitlin It. (Stump, 1
Withrow, F. S. Powell.
Transivct Oenersl Bask"'
and KxchnTtK Holiness