THE OLD RELIABLE ill W Absolutely Pure "7fHF IS KO SUBSTITUTE f Social and Personal. Clare Irvine was in Salem Satur day. Roy Hawkins spent Sunday in town. Word Butler's tarantula died last week. Salted almonds and peanuts at Wagoner's. J. S". Talbott was over from Dal las Sunday. Bananas." lemons and oranges at Wagoner's. Take your Mohair to S. M. Dan iel. Monmouth. A. L. Sperling was a Portland visitor this week. Everything for making paper flowers at Wagoner's t Fresh milch cows for sale. En quire "of Henry Hill. Rsbekah benefit tomorrow eve ning at the opera house. Polk county grown red clover seed at Frazer & Rice's. 0. A. Kramer is "adding anx ad dition to his residence. , J W. Felzer and wife, of Rick real', drove up Sunday Mel Baldwin, of Salem, was an over Sunday visitor here. II. S. Smith, of Lewisvilie, was a business visitor Saturday. P A. Douty and A. J GooJman were in Portland this week Germ vSoap and Water This issupposed to be quite a uooil preventative tor all items of disease, of whatsoever kind. But of what service is the preventative when not applied. All know that when diflur ent objects are hidden from our view that they arc the very ' things that are neglected in every instance. The same rule applies in the soda water business. I" the old style fountain, where the tilting jars are used to hold the syrups, they are filled time after time without being washed. In our new sanitary fountain wo are simply compelled to keep everything clean, for everything is right in sight, and you know as a general rule people do things because they have to. Our eyrups are all kept in bottles, which is the re sults of later improvements. These syrup bottles have to be filled every morning and there is where the soap and good hot water gets in Its work. Our soda fountains has been kept going all through the winter and is now in fine condition to take care of the trade. . , . A number of new drinRs just received. Harry E. Wagoner, Main Street, INDEPENDENCE, - - - OREGON. Calbreath wax a business visitor in Salem MoiuUy. T, D Campbell returned last week Irom a trio u EP,''' Kemember that Messner bus a a nice fresh stock of groceries. Mrs A. D. Davidson was a pas senger to Portland Saturday. Deputy Sheriff Eugene Haytor was over from Dallas Monday. Lots of new pretty spring and MinniHT goods nt S.-M. Daniel's. ail and sc.- the now thini;s iu spring dress goods at, Messner's. Julien HmlV luw sullicienlly recovered to be out doors again. A. P. Bonzey. 't San Francisco, is here on his yearly business trip. Miss Edint Burnett has l'ei in disposed this week, with Ingri .pe. Charles Biiyieu was an incoming passenger from Coryallis Sunday. Wanted. Kggf. butter and poul try. Will l'y t"P l,riw uer. Miss Lena Deir, of lola, Kansas, is Visiting at 'the home of B. Wil son. t .'.,llr returned to MISS lAiuieo school at Mt. Angel Monday morn ing. . i , io family ronv for sple or trade. Enquire at this of fice ... n...n,... f Albany, was the jUOy Jeuinuu, .- ' guest of Mrs. 0 winn's family this week. Rev. B. J Kelly returned this week from the conference held in Portland. Geo. W. Henkle, of Corvallis was a business visitor in town Sun day and Monday. Miss Florence Wagoner returned this week from a visit in Portland and McMinnville. A me line of men's, boys' and youths' clothing, shirti and under wear at Messner's. One Short Horn Durham bull for sale. F. M. Smith, one mile north of Lewisvilie. V When in Salem visit Strong's Restaurant. It is headquarters for Independence people. Call on J. S. Moore for Herpicide the dandruff cure. Sold in bulk or applied it uesireu. Killers If you are in need Ami that need can bo sup plied with a good honest wateh from $0 to $:lt, you ran got 'just what you want hv oalling on Kramer $ Co., INDEPENDENCE, ORE Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Locke were over from Salem Sunday. Specialties between acts at "Hick'ry Farm" tomorrow evening Hlp the .PvHbekahs in their piano benefit Friday evening, tb 17th. Master Dick Babbitt waa so ill the first of the week that a doctor's assistance was necessary. John Schriver, who purchased the P. M. Kirkland home, has been doing considerable improving. See "Larry McKeegan" court the 'Widdy Priscilla" at the opera house Friday evening, the 17th. Good music at the presentation of the "Hick'ry Farm," at the onera house, Friday evening, April 17th. May day ball at the auditorium bv the Women's Relief thorps by the Women's , L,orps. Funds are to be applied to the hall's indebtedness. W. W. Allingham, last year's principal here, was in the city Tuesday. Ho is now engaged in the life insurance business. We wish to announce to the public a discontinuance if all dances given by us for the rest of the season.' If conditions are agree able, wo may resume tnem next fall. Independence Orchestra. Prof. II. G. Frenon left Tuesday for Weston. His Monmouth posi tion will remain vacant until June. Mrs. French will retain her posi tion until summer, when she will go east of the mountains. The pamphlets, descriptive of In dependence and Polk county are readv for distribution. Do .-you have friends in the East to whom you wish to send them? It' so call at ttiis oflice and secure them. Mrs. G alia way will be in town on the 2.'lrd inst, and will meet the ladies of this place at the opera house at 15 p. in. on that date to perfect sin organization of a Lewis ana Ulark are invited. fair club. All Indies Dr. Ireland, a Portland dentist, nent Sunday in Albany with Dr. A. J. Hodges, a fellow student in th Chicago dental college. Mr. roland has been appointed a mem ber of the, state board. Albany Herald. Good chance for the right man to make some money half or whole interest in a tile factory doing a good business. Cn sell all you make. Ship by both river and rail. Owner has other business ana cannoi aiienu uoui. aimreii Xewbere Tile Factory. New berg, 1 . A .1 1. .1. A1.1 Campbell jj B Another larco hip.nent of wall paper l.n- ur- : ,-ivo.l cuosisti-gortl., latest destgnsand mlnrinp,. 5. ,ullso cleaning is near at hand n.,1 m tl.o J. time to silo ft your CARPETS :: m 1.... ,1 ( Several voung men of the town have arrsngml for h dance at the "m t IHIl" l' 11.11'- " ' I , , . , Z r,ivt,lalargo,hion.ont of now ami ,. r l-at- 5; iS t,rn Yon u.o cordially invited to mil m aiul . J- : an.ino onr .took. Fr ho.hoo.ns thoro ""tl.iHR S ifor than now oloan matting in this 1. no. Me S; :5 have a largo stock from which you oan H-l.rl. If Campbell Brothers. Auditorium Saturday event.l. ' I The Inilcptntletice orchestra will ... Ci;-fai.,., ,,.Hf Toli play. All are invited. Come and t.0f4 all,j t JiinliM-t ioiu t y. have a ood time. t I FlHST Cl.A"H So. Fol NTAIX 131 W. l. flrisco. who has been pastor of the liaptist church for several months past, K wk or so for one of the houll,n B,a,es, either K-tucky Lou s. or South C-roh.,.. II.. J - lives at Mt. Washington, Jven - lU y' ... i, f t,.lr Attomtv A. K. Rcames, of Jsck ... , . ,, aonv He. was nominated for con .I . tn... .iv rress by the democrats at Alnany r V ' . Saturday "'''" f " of spiral abihty and so far a we know of umjuesuoneu Km i t.,r , . , The lather oi a. j. o"."'" , . i ii.. i ,, ... 1 11 IK' 11 lllipl,v'1' J1" 1 .. . . ins Home in iMinene. . If Al Matthews, who ws in the rity on the 15th day of last .Nov. ; Jiri,,l,nl nf tl i,Mn,r ,. reads this notice he will "'""l,,.,, ,lurilll? ni, i,lU.r yfatt resi- mformat.on ny caning ai u,e p w ... . r ! I.....-.. .I.a oflice, et Independence, before the i .,P 1 1... ,w.vl tliirtv iI:ivm , J. R. Morin and son, Itussell, of, tr.. 1 i iiuitiiwf nli I - friends in town this week. Mono is a tormer pu , .sner o. w,e Entkhoiusk. He will locate some - m"MnulM "CB" I have 75 bushels of good Da- fiance seed wheat for 8 ale. Mrs. J. U, Uaviuson i arser , wrt-B, . ,, 1 lie poors nave neeii mimvsii oy r . t. .: the uiemoisrs oi me -auies lieauing ,, n..riii , ' ; the quli-kfdt nml Hiiret reiueilicn ure m Club and they met yesterday to!r,.ul ,,,.,,,. Mr. p. Wil- perfect an organization. I liam. f MeDiilI'. Va.. tintt It ... , The Geo. . lulds is o,, Hi" beKt ") cent cigars on the market to - day. We are closing these goods out at 7 for 2; cents, at Wagoner's. i.. Tk-- . . . io preparation on ino niuncot oijuairf Formaldehyde as a smut eradieator. It in a pre paration tiHod and reooinnicii(l(!(l by UnvOroon Agrioulttiral College. J'arniorH will do well to give thii 4 4 lorniulaa thorough tent. (US Directions: ( )lu; unoi: to throe gallons of water. This Holution is fprinkled on 10 bushels of wheat, and then thoroughly mix in order to moisten each grain. to to to to A. S. to A M rotners. to moo k. ' J k. i. It.. !..,,. t' .1 IV- t5 (VGQdZ, jj u : K ; linno;rww ,vi.nillg. j AdmmiHtrator t sale, at the P. H. S Mc'.'sbrt farm, one tiitln north o? - 1 , , ' u ..... ... .... Hide nfiKKMiee mi nuvu.'imj, iiu - ' -. ai ' p.m. "in wu v ; hi id ctt f, var iiiif heifer, one Iwrw, H ; household Km1, farming uti!,.. - ; MuMM. J. .H Morin, who is visiting in iilie citv. lias nr.icticnllv decilrJ to , , . .i o, i iicci'pt an oft'r iiiaib-bv tb Mntw' . .... , ard Hiscuit Co. to establish a IwuM . in Portland. I lie institution wil. , , M j , M.mLM. A dancing party was given M the oi era house Friday evening in f cluM . . Monmouth. As it was the .U4 hoMin, n.ay M.i4eUt.f . ( A Mm 1 WirUiy ,.f HwU, noW ww rf jlovelv party gowns worn by th i young ladies present. A lmn(Ht ! was served in th,. Kot P. hall. . '(illp Keineilles In iircnt IXliliiUil . i When (viIiIm and irii are rMVioi IwaHeurml ot a vn v ilei'p ami l.ii'll" j BlllM.k f ,a ,y lHln (l.inlf 1 uin rns,u ,..,y ,,ri.-r trylmr .. cnil oilier iii'i aral Ihiim with no rl'"'1- i'onwie ny K.rkitoo i)rut..o. 1 .1 I J VI f VI V! VI V! VI VI VV Vl Vl Locke, t. The Independence Druggist. M Oregon.