Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, April 16, 1903, Image 1

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JNl)Kri:SI)!:NCK, I'Ol.K COUNTY, OHKGO.V, Al'KlL 16, 100H.
i YKAIi:
lmriitt NpriMtd of Ihfi
i Ni'ion.
iitbiTK Accompany tin
.IIT ItltlllllH to
mouth nml Italian,
4r- Eudlio I'uneh
ilrn..i., Ni.Mleof I. nml) 1'iii't
1 L. - ...
Claret IiioiiipeOii, II. Hiraehuerg, W.
"eatpiiaiia Hum Imported Timuuv H- irven, uaipn imams, uscar
it . . .
mil Mr. Murk llayier, Mrs. lerty wt for bearing Mhv 2':
it WilliM'UH, Mm. Babbitt, ( o'clock P. M. ('ituii..t t . iss
Mr. mikJ
Miss Ilil! hikI Miss l-uli. r; Itcv. I,'.
Cruii Hftlarl MayoNulxtt
I'll I.C-tlUeH
Nropiiluta!lit lee (renin
Cuki'M Chateau
lriiil, Nuu, liu'-liM, NmLukm, 'iiiiri.i
tioim, (.'heen Ctruwa, Cracker
ClinmpiiKne Cup
Cull'ee Nulf
k county member of
Chapter, of Hose Croix , . nir.-,l.,.rK(
(id A. S. Kite, observed, j Aiidrr.. I
yclliTllI ( UhIiiiii, MhUIhI v i , 'JnAfilM
, th i- day lulling mi lust
? Af II lodge function .
iir i vi r liM in . lode j
.jiriin'hi-fi tl. J-lower
ii.lnl Hero (lirputt lied
I'Hi Hi It A MM K.
'I'K I'rmlililiK
i-xiilliiK (Mlcer
I'l l. . 1 . . . , . . .
mi! 1 roiiieni 01 I lie i li,l (I MuIik'', .
J. 11. V. J Jul li t , ;u,i.g
"'l lii' hiiiri'in Council"
O cur Il-nier, 'j 'tUg
"The i mini J.odije, A. F. A A. M. of
icKu".. C. K. Kl'kiniirirk. J!U
f rtfinii ami th iiiHiiu j "Mttfour,) Tine to Xbiuiu and'
Finn Muiuliiril JIhmmI ( hlckcim
V'tlffi Jtuir Cochin out for
l..rUif Dhit.pi-d. If taken at tho
oni, I.2" per 15. No attention
paid to ordnm tinh'ha accoinpanied
with rauh. AJi1ichk ordfra to
J. 8. Mookk, I!ox 2H.
lndcp()nli't)Co, Ore.
A rcut Ki-iiMutlon.
There niii a biir ttinatlmi in
vilie, I ml., when W. II. Ilrowu, of
that I'luce, who wh eXM-ctml to die,
had lil life wived by Dr. King' New
Pwcavcry for C'ormuinptloii. He
writ: "I endiiml innufr)ruble aKti
lin fnmi BHtliiim, but your New D1h
oovery nave rue imniedlaie relief and
jaoon IhereafUtr effected a complete
cure." Himilar cure of eounuinptlon,
pneumonia, broticliltm and grip are
uuinerou. It' tho peerletta roruely
for all throat and I ung trouble. Price
Mo and 11.00. (Juaraiiteod by Klrk-
iund IVun t'o. Trial bottle tree.
AtiNnera a Ih-qiieat to lecture
(JreeriHboro, Ala., Mch 31.
Clarence It. Wagoner, Enq.,
Indrjiendence, Oregon
Dear Sir:
Your letter of the 13th
inft. has reached me after many de
luys. i have referred yonr letter
to Major J. K. Pond at the Everett
Hoime, ew ork City, who is ar
ranfjiiipmy lecture dates, and he
will douhtlesa inform you by wire
if there in a chance for my deliver-
. i
inir a lecture at Independence dur-
ing this present tour. I fear, how-
ever, that the dates are alrendy
filled out. I assure you it would
giye me great pleasure to come to
Independence should it prove prac
ticable. Yours very truly.
R. P. HonsoN.
Since the above was written we
have been advised that all dates
'publican Candidal for Conafraaa Thla District.
r are occuinod. e made the at-
t tempt to bring Mr. Hobesn here.
I because Independence has a ma
jontv of people interested in in
Hto'.lectual work, and Mr. Hobson is
I one of tho best examples of the
I vouncer American manhood.
County Court News.
4hkt n ost elaborat the
jjrtist could prejiare for
iiccusioi). Four young
ftod Mr. .'-'tull in aorving
I courses and everything
pleasantly that it is still
I of (jeneral comment
uiests. Wo append tho :
train, etc., which speak;
iiii-iitly than our poor
'"Iiils Half siiel'a
J. If. Townsond, of Dallas.
Airlio Improvement Comnanv:
i '
eeptud liiie, and my lmme to be object, to buy, sell, rent and lease
leiiieiiiticied ly them In ev-. ry Imildincs: nlnce of business. Airlie!
I C ' 'I ! I
tiod" dev. K. J. Thompson
"And now to t lie memory of Iilui who
fald: fWlien 1 um ( I wish
my monument to tie i.nlldt d only
in the hearts mid memories of my
brethren of Hie Ancient and Ac
Hiram Woodbury to Thomas W
Itutherford, lCO Oo acres, t 8 h, r 7
w. tum
C h Watt et ux to Ivan G Mar
tin, lot 1, block H, West Salem, 1
Ivan ( Martin to A J Smith
lot 1. block II, West Kalem, 3"..
C P Patterson et ux to L K Hill
tract in t 8 r 4 w, $10.
Lyle Jones et ux to Lloyd Jones
40 acres, t t s, r 7 w, $1.
I ylo Jones et ux to Lynn Jones
40 acres, t 7 s, r 7 w. $1.
U K Jones to B Jones, 80.27
acres, E P.uell d 1 c.
K P Husser et ux to Esther
Cockerham. 212 acres, t 0 s, r 7 w
E A Hinshaw and hd to W (
McClure, 100.37 acres, t 9 s, r 7 w
I R Hughes to Warren MeKown
lot 25. block K, Falls City. ?G0.
W W Fawk et ux to O W Pew
therer et ux, 5 acres, t 7 s, r 4 w
Henry Hill et ux to II II Jas-
person. Jots and tract in Hill's In
dependence, $200.
Lawrence Strayer to V C Mc
Clure, 100 acres, t 8 s, r 7 w, $3500.
Sylvester Ilerron et ux to W C
McHure, 1G0 acres, t 8 s, r 7 w, $1.
J R Moyer et ux to Mary
Thome, lot 49, block K, Falls
City, $20.
J J Wick to trustees Falls City
Lodge, No. 148, I. O. 0. F., lot 5,
block 11. south side. Falls City,
$100. '
Geneyra Howe to B II McCallon
75x150 feet, Isaac Levens d 1 c
W E Williams et ux to Ed Pa
tras, lot 4, block 4, Airlie, $75.
Dallai City Bank to C L Gard
ner, 100 acres, t 9 s, r 6 w, $900.
A II Fletcher et ux to Mary A
Stine, fr lots in Murphy's add to
Monmouth, $400.
United States to E A Hinshaw,
100,37 acres, t 9 s, r 7 w, patent.
United States to S A McSherry.
100 acres, t 7 s, r 8 w, patent.
1 at 1 1 Geo Robinson, scaln 2 frO
J E Martin, same 2 (X)
Independence Lumber Co.,
lumber. 7 52
Ross E Moores & Co., sta
tionery ; , i 50
J W Butler, rood acct 3 75
F Freunduner, pauper acct 7 00
Mrs M A Tetherow, same. . 7 00
Nordby & Finseth, eame.. 1 50
C E Huntley, rame 7 00
C L Starr, salary and ex
panse 133 78
US Loughary, same 144 18
F E Myer, salary 78 00
W B Daggett, assessing. . . 35 00
J W Butler, same. . 25 00 -
M D Ellis, electric lights . 25 00
Western Clay Co., road acct 31 25
W A Wash, printing 5 00
Dunn Grocery Co., mdse.. 75
J T Ford, salary and ex-'
pense 133 64
W F Nichols, salary 65 00
A Huston, assessing 38 75
T B Huntley, salary 50 00
Observer, printing..; 19 55
TB Huntley, salary 138 00
W C Brown, tax rebate. . . 33 31
Hilliard & Plymak. road
acct 24 50
E Hayter, salary 65 00
J Barrett Co., supplies 2 70,-
E V Dalton, salary ....... 62 50
DG Meador, pauper acct. 8 00
F S Wilson, same 6 00
M V Woods, salary and ex
pense ..... 42 15
J M Campbell, courthouse
acct ; 3 io
J T Ford, same 13 80
Belt& Cberrington, mdse. 14 35
Lynch & Rowell, road acct 2 00
J II Robertson, courthouse
R Brunk, road acct .... .
J E Sibley, salary.. .....
Seth Riggs. salary and fees
J B Teal, same
country, no nmtu-r what liu'fiiinije
men ienk tlieie, here I lit lifcht
of the Ancient and Aw t pi' d Scot-ti-h
Kile shull thine, rind its
Mruc'lm of Truth nml Wisdom be
reverently ilMened to ' "
"He has livnl;
Tim Hint of bit labor live after him."
Bniee Koyul en Ttneie
fcd Almonds Fancy Pickles
rim (Ma
! IPilihut I Inches
I Haul Suuterne
J'otutoe Juiiali
s -
r of Pmilett (invernor
Petit VI
When the parly btokc up the
Independence people accompanied
the euesis to the depot, lien all
boarded the special motor and ac
companied the Monmouth guests
home and late' going to Dallas.
Tlme prefpnt wen- Mr. and Mrs.
J. B. V. Butler. Mr. and Mrs. A. S.
LocKe, Mr. and Mr?. (). 1. Butlert
capital stock, $1000, divided into
100 shares of $10 each; incorpor
ators. J. A. Withrow, Percy Had
ley, A. R. Lewis.
Estate of A M Bryant, deceased
final account approved and ad
ministration closed.
Estate of R L Skinner, deceased
hearing of petition to sell real
estate continued until May 23, at
10 o'clock A. M. Citation to he
served by publication. Eighth
semi-annual report filed.
Estate of Sarah E Fisher, de
ceased petition to sell real prop-
In matter of proposed private
change in county road prayed for
by John Taylor and J L Atwater
petition and bond filed; Wiley Nor
ton. Emmett Staats and M M
Jones aj pointed viewers to meet
and survey said proposed change
on Fridav. April 10, 1903.
Bid of O N -Harrington to fur
nish the county 40 cords of oak
grub wood at $2.20 per cord, and
bid of Austell McCarter to furnish
40 cords of large "fir at $2.40 per
cord accepted.
Bond of Jefferson Slagle, road
supervisor of district No. 14, ap
proved. Treasurer E V Dalton credited
with cancelled warrants amounting
to $593.17.
Change in boundaries of school
districts No. 2 and 5S granted, as
prayed for in petition of Lee
Humphrey and others.
C G Goad, envelopes . . $ 96 00
Glass it Prudhomme, sta
tionery 15 82
W S Carv. ex insane 5 00
R Sutherland, scalp bounty 2 00
Irwin-Hod8on Co., station
ery 5 55
8 75
30 00
66 55
12 20
8 80
Fine feggs To Sell
From thorough-bred Barred
Plymouth Rock chickens, one-half
mile west of colletre. Address
Elbert Arant, Monmouth, Ore.
From Antlllites44frt-
Corvallis, April 10.
Editor Enterprise. '
I received notice that our sub
scription had expired. We can not
get along without it. We used to
be old residents of Independence
and it is a welcome visitor to us.
We have been watching your
creamery business closely and
must say you do a great deal
better than we do here. Probably
Polk county has better cows than
Wishing yon and your paper
success, I remain,
" Sincerley Yours,
Mrs. C. C. Hcff
E. S
Evertdeii Carries Oft
test at Monmouth.
Friday evening the Normal pro
hibition leatrue held a contest and
the winner is E. S. Evenden. He
secured a prize of $5 and will
represent Monmouth in a state
contest to be held soon in Dallas.
Prosecuting Attorney J. NJ'HaHtM' i;
of Dallas, left for Tillamook. Satur
day to attend court.