Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, April 09, 1903, Image 7

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r-i I 1 f I riAI' IM IIIl V
r fA II ill I VI VYJ VU Ml
V W M ll II ?n r l
Tf) ,1. TV. MILLS.
uving purchased the stock if Merchandise formerly owned by J. A. Mills g
... i .ii:.w. o .kttifjnfo linn of Drv Goods, ctf
J will enlarge ine same uy uuumg t v w...r
y-Mi ,1 i j. ,1 Clwwtu fiiroorilS. fte.
UlOtlllllg, UOOUS Uim omn,
1 We have u e.iiii.lete lino of l-adiot'
Ji.l Children'" Sh,.e, Men's ami I !' '
lire and 1 leavy Ikm-o, ami we heliove we
in plenxo you in utylf and prieea.
Wo have a nice line of Men's and
iov'H llat ami Caps which wu will oiler
,t h penal priccH
We will carry a complete line of
Men's ami 1 toy's Keady-Made Clothing,
Over Shirts, Underwear, Neckwear and
Wo have a large line of Men's ami
Boy's Moves which wo will make at
special prices.
We have a large line of Men's and
Uoy's Shirts, which we will offer at a great
sacrifice in order to make room for the
largo stock now en route.
" lj
Spring and Sumner Ulasb floods-
i-v tr and summer wash
UUI SWtiv ' rj"j5 -
goods will arrive in a few days, and will
consist of all the new and latest patterns.
f Having L,a,,l at ln.le,,en,.enee a,,.! .o remain permanently wo ""U'." 8ive you our prices
' , whh .. examine our p,d, and get our,. We w,ll he gW to l ow jou g
L,,rv,.u.,;v..r,,or,u,. You wiU a.way. he weleome at our U,re. HnnS u your prouuee o, .... ... .
fii i. for it.
Fours for Business
A IK UK of lVl.e. w a
IM week.
trip to i oriuuiu.
; to not oiny "- --
j pain were far feu severe aiu
The IV,.,, Lum,er Ktf
0 l'or(lanl IiihI week
I Haines, of UwisviUe.
jrl in Taylor's hU Uit Smi-
There is nn epidemic of grip in
The I'edee Lumber Company VnH.u." For
has recently completed a large dry buu by Kirk land Drug Co.
i.:k. ir.ui.Huil h tmw Fav tt Hasan; -
i - .... . I14I.I.STON.
! nlniimr mid made Other addition,
i ! ----- ,
W !it'"l twi 'nr "Mto Itieir mill luipnifnt t nn ex-j
1 . I. . - .1.,... ......1 Pmi ....... .
Morrison informs h that the millj j(ie untUy Bchool will give a
iu nmninn on full tiini'. !...,..:..! Vrirtnv eveninu to raise
Mim Nancy llooe celebrated her jjuiul.
1'Jlh hirthday anniversary by piv-j Van B. Sears and faniily have
;m. .i i.artv to her little friends at I ,lirIiea from an extended trip
I Taylor has moved hi
to hia logging camp lov
llbod.H, tt Oukdale,
, . . i . : .. ..i
the home of her mother on Thurs-! tjiruUgh California.
fnco llrovvn. of McTii'muonda
I.mI ti niM-tintl t Hie
here l ist .Saturday night.
Iig our population individu
al. I it now han, hu had, or i
lover an attack of the grip.
k Whitenoti, of Vvih-'s who
I'll viniting rplatives at Cham
Ins returned home.
dm-night of host week. Dancing, , . are cultip
and other ainncemiMita were in- j 1lmtofftwrti of
TIuTchTIu until mid-.ughi, heh re-: T he (reg0n City paper
...rvoi alter i
1 1 mil mrinn
w hich the guest departed all wiBh
ing the young lady many happy
. I..... ,.f imtivitv. Thone
nrwnt were: Kim
Alice Caron. Oca Wilson, Ruby
Palm, Willie and Van Williams.
Walter Halt,..,. Wilev W.lliams
Willie Tatra,, Harrv ami Uaymond
WilliMU.s, Lorene 'Uyhjr,
llanna and N,i1I,u"i,
L.. .mm' attack op ami1.
L carrying the mail between " ' J , hoUh, ,
,Tn,l f.esvisv lie has Btih-h't -' ....wwlv
-1.. H'u atllLTIl afci .
nun r v
...vhenl had a uttaek of the grip
k Turner, who has the eon-
C. D. Nairn has purchased a
portable sawmill and will cut rail
road ties on Charley Mitchel's
place cast of town.
Jesse Newbill has been quite pick
this week with grip.
respondents Contest
' nn Anril 1st weconuuem-ed onr Tenth Correspondents' Contest and on
Friday 3 . W Jit 60 P. M. will ck. It. offer pminm. th.
following articles, selected !y me .ur,,.. .
nB5T ppI7P A handsome, well-uphol.teied, velvet Couch
i IKbT PRlAh A ioveiy Pictnre
SECOND PKIZE , "fielgtadeutfcawp-
THIKD PRIZE JL:JJ1111i . t of Ping Poiig.-
lamtWWt" A CopVrighted Book
FIFTH PKIZE """"Ladies Home Journal
fvice to his brother. Km melt
1 t... Mi.,.nu. who has been! ,velf with one bottle ofUiam
r . . .v i
W. .., all the news that jjjj.. tS
, to visit every family n the cot. " J follow8.
to help us. Our interests are - "f 1uication. 25 points for every
One point for every uem of ai.rU
arlicle worthy of a sepenite head. If an article oe spec y ,.., in to
i. week With grip. , in the 8i,hl 0f the manager of Has p.ruen reueWill
The little son of 11. E. Bohannon given. X months La than
ayear 35 point,, We are
iwints, and we win Bi"'i """-' ,rY.aannnm,t mid we will announce
U to ... a c.,P for Sa. Jul ma.e it to yonr
rrrrrJp in sections we want WPtea. OHier
... ---o1aiii
features will oe annui-rvi
is seriously ill with lung feyer,
Henrv Clanlield has bought the
land of N. M. Conners which joins
his hop yard and has just finished
pbtnling 12 acres more of hops on
I . .in, .. butt o of C ham
Fir in uuiKir, I'.uirvi j - , - l.'rink
ft-relatives 111 l orn.., - , wn. . thH Knterpiise,
U home, accompanied by W.lerrj. T, , , the honwt
m - - k ... l . i ,i . in nuui hit n.-i - .......i, iiii
and Mrs. K. A. Pagenkopf,
Mee, brought down a load ol
ts last week nnd disposed ot
I. j.onia fur a neat
iu uur nii-i uiii,
me. i . - . ,
truth. I at times kepi in-...
myself to pUs ey -" - Uie
ful or tills reiiicji ii,.
,,,,-fectly free from he
companylug pai - - , gur.
. . r,f remetly acted as a r... r
Pery U wh-' departure S'd'or eon.d Knock
l.:. ..! . surrounded ii" "liainav i.eaue I had
Itiun: oiin o, "- - , ,, t in crip, . , .,
mystery, have returned home out U J . uch a purpo((8 b,lt it
report a pleasant trip to i ' wltb ,he ,.d at
nth county, where each of,did.a.Hi
i o...a i,a Vinncht llarlev
U. I'. OKI"" ra --
Wilson's stock of groceries and con-
1 1. r,,n,Ti4 t llBtll 1(1 HIS
factions ana VMr I I ,";id.
bicycle shop in me j-.un. -
si..- Vviillviliin Tele-
Ine tMieriu"" -- -
, ii v nil their toles
pnone vmiii j ,
set and will have the phones put
irt in a snort uuic
. xt...ii hg nfdd his lease on
Mia pencil " W 1 11
the Baker farm to R. A. Campbell
, Q oiiut. nf the moun-
ana nas :
tains to work during the summer.
i- f Aalvolinn ArmV
A coupie -"; --- ;
preachers held services at the M
E. church Saturday and Sunday
iinA vni I RTAND.
. . ...a u.-m lm Bnnounced as they tome iu. "
eeenrea in olU -- - ftU error hasoccamKl in yonr pou
everything (a r and rtra-fcl it ana J h ilvest,galton.
send in lour oaicuco ui - - ( ,
one gets the points. js
Riekreall, C 19
Monmouth, B ; 7
(.ewisville ' " P
Parker ' ' ' ' '' ' i ! ! 354
Buena Vista, 11 335
Airlie, P.. " 83
Highlands, D - ..... f... ,5!)
Monmouth, H