Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, April 09, 1903, Image 6

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County Correspondence,
, .
r- I l II
. i,i 1 of Irtiubn he Iiun over rit'tl
U'e are having nice ram, which 0' ."u" ,
.....o;.... .th, ta ltow : Land Uiv.m aro voting our
took U fattening u fort. Section unit Iroely hut it )el '
Mr R. M. Fowle and Homer l-
Link, who have Wen out in South- J Wni, llerreu i down the
em Oregon, have returned nJ y I big trees in hi pasture and work-
thev saw some ueauuiui uiu-i nignipm iuwmu' - i
while gone.
The wife of Kev. Lindeey sprain
ed her ankle the other day while
on her way to church. It has
given her much paiu. but is much
better now and we hope she can
eeon be out again.
Kev. LiiuUey, pator of the
United Evangelical church, of this
place, has gone to Portland to at
tend the annual conference. It i
hoped that Mr. Lindsey will
sent back to labor in this field an
other year,
Mr. Jap Bagley is hard at work
urunine bis orchard. He says it is
a big job as it has been some time
eince it was pruned. We only
wish that the fanners would take a
lesson from him and keep their
trees trimmed.
The young people of this place
gave Willie Williams a birthday
surprise party last Monday even
ing and helped him to celebrate
his 27th birthday by playing
games which turnished much
amusement to all. Those present
were Ethel McLeod, Rosa Wing.
Myrnie Smith, Ilattie Evans,
Grace Harmon, Stella Bagley, Mrs.
Mary Bagley, Mr. and Mrs. W. L.
Bristow, Jap Bagley, Willie Bran
son. Lloyd Smith, Claude Lewis,
Tracy Staats, Andy Turner, Mr.
Wbeelock and Mr. Larmar.
Beware of Ointments for Ca
tarrh That Contain Mercury
As mercury will 'surely destroy the
sense ofsoidl and completely derange
the whole system when entering it
through the mucous surfaces. Such
articles should never be used except ou
nreseriDtiont from reputable physi
cians, as the damage they will do is
ten fold to the good you can possimy
derive from them, Hall's Catarrh
. Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney
A C.n.. Toledo. Ohio, contains no mer
fiirv and is taken internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. In buying
FToii'a Catarrh Cure be sure yoiTge
the genuine. It is taken internally
arjd made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J.
Cheney & Ce. Testimonials free.
Sold by druggists. Price, 75c per
Hall's Family Pills are the besU
Charley Haines has purchased a
new cream separator.
Mrs. Ohms has been in poor
health lor some time.
C. T. Sargeant, of Ballston, visi
ted A. J. Shipley last week.
The roads in this vicinity are
needing attention quite badly.
Mrs. E. Clark had the misfor
tune to lone a yearling heifer Sat
urday. Mux Halev. of Monmouth, was
in thiR vicinity - Wednesday on
x J. E. Yoakim, of Bridgeport,
passed through here Friday on his
way to Southern Oregon.
J. B. Stump report an incrpase
of 150 per cent in his flock of
Fruit trees are budding out
slowly. The protect" are fair for
a good crop of fruit of all kind.
II. S. Smith, of Independence,
was interviewing our mohair pro
ducers this week, llo offered :Mc
per lb.
Wilbur Uhoades is cutting wood
for Mr. Clarke The Fishlmok
boys are cutting for Mrs. Ohms
and John Sumpter for F. C.
Mr. Wilson, of Independence,
was in our midst recently repre
sentine the Page fence. Consider
able of that make of fence is being
nut in, in this vicinity. It gives
excellent satisfaction.
Under, the able management f
G. L. Zumwalt V. V. iiaynro
house makes quite an attractive
appearance. A new porcn ami
fresh coat of paint are among me
t. o,1 Mra Win FllOUil WCie
No uU,r which vou aro Roi..K to H vnu will hu
l.K.k over our stork we aro su.o you will ciiviiicim
tlutt w fun servo you ln'!t. TI,..Hm- wo tarry m,,
o introduftio,, to the puWif. a Uv ;
for v..r, mhI. a stu.M.akcr au.l Kan. Wa..iH.Kaome.
IWrLine ami Stu.h-hakor UxWiv, i:ai..MT. Hertford
a.uirruwfor.ll.icyrl. A nihsl of wopuim of all
sios iifU'..i xtvlvrt in hu&w .ttnl 1iurki.nnaton.hH.T
tnt stvlos of hiVvclos Hliouhi hu l-roof enough that wo
!m-prV.amlaHvollnHanyliou-oin n.unt.v t-
j.lfaso you .
Hardware Merchants,
r- - fS
the near luture. Hut we tire very
anxious to have it located hern as
early as possible. The shipping
facilities the community in general,
backed by tlattering promises from
business visitors at Independence pr,sj)H,.l)Ua f,irtii"rs, surely "Iter
Saturday. I cmud inducements to the
A. H. Lncey and C. It. I'arker store keeper. We could find ready
made a business trip to Indej tn-1 market for our prinluc" irml the
derce Monday. 1 necessity of driving ton to fifteen
, . . miles to town for a few groceries
Found Answer to Monmouth, c.i ......
, . i .w. o ! would be a thing of the past.
corres jjui.ucih c iu..v.. .
Particulars later.
is in the liop!,Ul
John W. Alexander leave this
week to work for W. A. Scott.
1 , . I I II" I rvi
from a trip t th5
he has been If W1m
Mr. and Miss liaker. of Stallard, berclniiiiH.
future ! were gin sts of Mil s Caddie Gentry
Mrs. Husk and son I'ltul, of
Kater service l!
church Sunday evr
at 7..JO Inler.'stint
di'penlence, attended our Sunday j rendr.r. d A crd:i
... .... c i... I"-
M.j I IlirL-illunll Ntll'llt 11 fl'W
I .-I n. w .
... . I :l . .... 1. it, a I ... M I. :l, I, . 1 ... u I ..... I
I y anied 10 BUOMcrnn-in m . uays 01 nt-n nun m-i
Mr. fu'jua delivered to the Ksruiti'iusK to aid corresponuenn and ilaugriler r.elio on uieir uirm.
., , . r..,.t1.. f. ; - -I.. (I.- ..ri. Wliflt HttV ! . ..... .
Ualias outcners, usw v in iwuruig un y,.v. j ;
C head of nice fat cattle cattle. yju readors? Send in !.() lor a
1 . arrant fl T I Wl'ri VM-t . -
t no Mill IHM 111 niiaillLTll frVw
Wellsdale. He was checked in
last Saturday by U W. Swink,
agent at Parker.
Miss Nellie Cox, who has been
sickat Portland, is. reported no
better. She has been removed to
the Pacific Sanitarium for medical
IsSTEmma 11. wasnourn, 01 Da-
lam nhn Graduated trora the
nurse class of the medical depart
ment of Willamette University on
April 3rd is a sister of Mrs. R. W.
Swink, of Parker.
Lost Somewhere between Park
er and Independence, between
February 1st and April 1, rural
mail route No. 1 from ""arker.
Finder will please return to Parker
and recieve a liberal reward.
Parker is very much in need of
a good first class store. We hear
rumors of such improvement in
paper published in the state.
Mrs. Henry (Vklit has been
having serious trouble with her
eyes, but wo are glad they are im
proving. Mrs. Lyda Cox is still in Port
land with her daughter Nellie, who
Paper I
Our rer ami llat4
the ihki in i n in i
will wive money mi f
with 11 .
130 Court St,
Seed Oats
Seed Barley
t .... ....;,. .!;;
bUioiiinf'ns and a cnatexl tongue
are comipon iiiilications of liver
and kidney diseases. Ktonuu li and
bowel trouliles, s!ver an they are,
ffive immediate warning by pain,
but Hvit and kidney troubles,
though lesi painful at the ntiirt, are
much harder to cure. Thedford'a
Itlac.k-llrauffbt never fails to bene-
fif rlitunMl livprnnd weukenptl Irirl.
neys. It stirs up the torpid liver
ri rhiviw ntr Dim m.rma r.f ft.vornml
acne. It is a certain preventiv
of cholera and Hriuht's dineaiie of
the Kidneys, vv un KHlrievs re
:f i V... ti,o.i.,I'. ln,.w
Draught thousands of persoim havn
j i. : . .1.- . i t
awen iinmiiiia in me iiiiuhi 01 yel
low few. Many families live in
pertfict tiealta ana navo no oilier
.1. ..,... Tl..,. If,..,l'.
ii'n m.i ,unu a iiiwk'
hrmiaht. It inalwavn nn band for
une in an emergency and saves
...ii. . j .
many exprnmva uuis oi a aocior.
M..III.. C r M..,k in inni
...M.....a, w., ..ia..t, iv, lyvi.
I hve uied Thcdford'i BUck.Or.uiht
....... ...ilk.... 1 I I.
i. . AriL .kr. I k.w. I ..LI..T.
Ii t. . i I . J! -: . . i . i
t u n rc uiv,n iot mc inn ii
on mc rntrnci lor nver ana Kidney
troublct and dytpeptia and other
compiainia. Ktv. a. u. LEW lb.
II IIIKSHHKKU, J'ref.dBiit. A Hit AM
0. W. IKVINK, C!iler.
DIKKCTOKS.-II. Hi7 hlH7rg, I)7w."hrar7. F. Smith,
A. Nelson.
A general bun kin if and exaiaiiKt buslneaa trammeled. '
disiMtnted. ('otiiiuerclal creilits granted. Iiepoaita rewiw8
uliject to check.
Our Xm Coca(i
New building next loor t' Jos. Meyers
i Call and get fine Furniture Polish
4) Do not miss Boeing our suporior line
iietings, Mattings anl Linoleums.
m The House Furnishing
JJ Next door to Joacph Myer & Soni, SALD1!
q Storti at Saltm nd Albany. J