Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, April 02, 1903, Image 2

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Absolutely Puro
I Social and Personal.
Friday evening.
Damon and Pythias."
Celebrated classio play by K. of
P. lodge.
(5. A. Hurley was a Salem visitor
Daily and Sunday Oregonian at
Wanted city property. Cooper
& Hurley.
Miss Lucile Wilcox went to Rick
reall Monday.
Mies Laurie Burnett spent Tues-
day in Salem.
Take your Mohair to S. M. Dan
iel, Monmouth.
K. C. Eldridge was a Eugene
visitor last week.
Archie Tetherow, who has been
sick is improving.
Fresh milch cows for sale. En
quire of Henry Hill.
Charles Eilyieu, of Corvallis,
spent Sunday in town.
August Ohms took a load of
hogs to town this week.
Miss Winnogene Osborne return
ed to McMinnville Monday.
S. M. Daniel, of Monmouth, pays
the highest price for Mohair.
A. J, Goodman was a business
visitor to Portland this week.
Miss Lulu Robertson went to
Portland Saturday for a visit.
Dr. W. R, Allin was an over
Sunday visitor in the metropolis
fra T Si PnrtMpr ttff.PS A Vlfllt. lfl
For Sale Cow, soon be fresh.
Inquire of Black Bros., Monmouth
Wanted good timber claims
near Falls City by Cooper & Hur
ley. Miss Canna Robinson and par
ents came in today from Washing
ton. W. J. Kirkland, of Arlington,
was visiting relatives in town this
' For Sale. One Jersey bull and
several cows. Enquire of M. M.
Mrs. Eii Johnson and family
leave soon on a visit to their old
home, Iowa.
Chas. Herren has purchased the
Sperling farm two miles south of
Mursey's, . McClure's, Ladies'
Home Journal, Strand, Cosmopoli
tan for April now on sale at Wag-
Mrs. M. A.O. Kobertsoni '"
' Collections at Cooht v. Hurley's.
Coop & Hurley look up title.
Lots of new pretty spring and
summer good ut S. M. Daniel's.
Frank KichanNon left Sunday
for Portland. where he wilt work
this summer.
Wanted -'tX) acre tr t that can
be divided in 10 to '20 acre tnets.
Cooper A Hurley.
42 acre ranch for sale, all cleared
and lenced. price lo per acre
! Cooper A Hurley.
j The Delineator and Designer are
! due in a lew day. They will be on
sale at Wagoner'.
One Short llo-n Durham hull
for sale. F. M. Smith, one mile
north of Lewisville.
When in Salem visit Strong's
Restaurant. It is headquarters for
Independence people. .
Dallas won the basket ball game
over Willamette University at
Dallas Friday evening.
Mr. Fitzgerald, of South Dakota,
is here looking over the field as a
prospective land buyer.
Tern Zeiber returned today from
Portland, where he has been at
tending medical college.
100 acres fina bottom land all
cleared and cultivated at 130 per
acre. Cooper it Hurley.
Mrs. E. C. Pentland and young
er children, of Salem, are visiting
at the home of D. b". Taylor.
Walter Snelley left Wednesday
for Portland, where he will follow
the carpenter trade. Eugene Reg
ister. Two residence properties for sale
in North Independence. Enquire
of M. C. Williams, at Locke's drug
Damon's burst of eloquence on
the scafford is one of the master
pieces of English literatures. Opera
The M. W. A. are to give a pic
nic nt Ridder's grove, near Suver,
May 28. Further notice will be
Insure your property in the old
reliable Hartford Fire Insurance
Company. Cooper & Hurley,
Twenty bushels of Early Wonder
spring wheat. Enquire of G. C.
Bolter, 5 J miles wrnth of Indepen.-
A delegation of Southern Pacific
officials, with private train, were in
the city Friday on a tour of in
Desirable Monmouth prope'ty
for sale. We particularly mention
a fine new home for $1500. Cooper
& Hurley.
George Shinn, a former resident
of Independence, came in Wednes
day from Spokane, Wash., and will
remain for a time.
For sale or let cheap, if applied
for early, 20 good grade nannies
and 3 weather goats, C. W. Leonard
Monmouth, Oregon.
Julien Hurley is, a very sick boy
and it will be several days before
he leaves the house. He was hurt
while playing ball.
The atte'ntion of all Masons ' is
called to lecture by E. C. Wigmore
of Monmouth, at) their hall in this
city, Saturday evening. His sub
ject will be "The Spirit of Masonry."
Insure with Coopsr A Hurley.
If yon want to buy property see
Cooper A Hurley.
A special motor to Monmouth
after the play, "Damon and l'y
las," Friday evening.
The D. F. Hopkins p'operly i"
Went Independence ha been sold
to Arthur and Maitin Baker, of
North Independence,
The Little Palace hotel eel the
best table in the Willamette valley.
Try it and he convinced ot me
truth of this assertion.
Sam Damon and Guy and Ray
Walker visited over Sunday with
their parent here, returning to Cor
vallis Monday morning.
Easter Sunday April l- A few
ore Easter novelties left at Wag
oner's. Candy Kastr eggs, Easter
rabbits ami Easter chickens.
Miss Canna Robinson, who left
here a few years ago for Washing
ton, is to return here to remain,
probably arriving this week.
Tho Meneley quartette, of Chi
cago, will appear in the Monmouth
chapel Saturday evening. April 4.
A. good entertainment is promised.
Mrs. R. K. Ferguson returned
Saturday from the hospital at Port
land. She is much improved in
health, we are pleased to announce,
Dr. W. R. Allin and his sister,
Mrs. W. H. Pert, were passengers
to Portland Saturday, Mrs. Pert re
turning to her home in Davenport,
Mr. and Mrs. George Claggett, of
Portland, came up Saturday even
ing on a brief visit to Mr. Claggett's
mother. They returned Sunday
afternoon to Portland.
Frank Young and Gilbert Sloper
engaged in a general scrap Satur
day evening on C strtet and as a
result the city treasury has been
enriched to the tune of WM each.
Cooper & Hurley have placed a
large sign in front of their real
estate office. It is loud enough to
talk and we hope it will speak in
trumpet tones for Independence.
The Fraternal Union did the
royal thing last Saturday evening
They treated to an elaborate ban
quet the members of "What lie-
came of Parker." A program was
rendered of much excellence.
Next Sabbath will be the begin
ning of the third year of Dr.
Fin sr
Cl ASS SolA Kol"f!
Cooper A Hurley real estate.
Two Young Roan Purlmnt MUrli
cow. and other . Roan lKirlm
stuck. Make appointment
Vuask Hi Tim.
Fall Ci.v.
Mrs. W. I.. Biistow ha returned
to her home in Polk county and
her ina.iv friend will I pl"":
lo learn that she i greatly im
proved in health .-Kug-i.i. ',,K""
ter. ,
i.....i..,r .Imih i? narlv I to b
. " ', - . .1- urain
held Saturday evening V " I ,iim no
,ra house. A H'-cial " " j UMtUim plained
return to MonmoutU au- r .0. . lit,(.tlH lml M.hll t
dance to accoinmooaiu oorr- ......
ing from there. The usual
attendance i expected.
Dmvidaor? & Ud)i. Prop,
Citmrn. 2itmrt t os, Tot,
en iimiI Nuilivl l"lien
Phone ('.toper it Hurley. I
phone number U Main '.'Hit;
The Oregonian report nftU
here yesterday was hot th :
of the
responsibility tf
thtt 1
1.. 1: 1..
lurge 1 lie aiuiuat voimnn io-hw
i Fridav afternoon at 2 u'-nt
i,nr..i Ui'thirU from tlmd'.
The ii.hI in '.'"T'lomcfrawmi presented W
with the
Presbyterian church of this city.
Short anniversary exercises follow
ed by a 'communion service" will
occur in the morning. A very cor
dial welcome to all.
It made a person feel proud of
our'fire boys, our water system and
our citizens when they saw the ex
cellent work done at tho fire yester
day afternoon. We have neyer
seen a paid company of firemen do
as heroic work at a fire as our
boys did yesterday. The entire
block seemed doomed, but tluy
were equal to the occasion. All
honor to our fire boys.
Chas. Allen, who used to live
here, is in a very critical condition
at his home in Salem. It is re
membered that he was the victim
of a most peculiar disease that of
going to sleep at any place or any
time. It seems this trouble, not
withstanding Mr. Allen has en
gaped in hard outdoor work, has
increased and the other day his
life was despaired of. He was,
however, reported as improved the
first of the week.
,.r "lui.ion and Pvthia are
tho most elalHirale to be found in
the state. This play will he pre
sented tomorrow evening, the '-'ml,
at the opera hou, under the
auspices of the K. of P. lodge.
Frank K. Choato ami wife, who
have been visiting Mrs. Chuate's
father. W. O. Cressy, left Tuesday
via Canadiarf Pacific for their
home in Concord, New Hampshire.
They were accompanied home by
Miss Mabel Cressy, wlu will re
main in the East a couple nf years.
Three gentleman, by the name of
Snyder from Burlington, Coffeo
county, Kansas, arrived in town
Tuesday, with a view of inventing
several thousand in farms at this
point. They were attracted to
Independence by some circulars re
cently priuted by the Entkki-uisk
for J. II. Moran.
Mrs. Allen, wile of a traveling
solicitor, left Sunday for Portland.
Her husband is the man who was
here in the winter writing an
"Uncle Bill" fake story and charg
ing our merchants t!.ree price for
it. He is Bhort in his accounts in
a nuoihe- of places aloilg tho road,
in New berg ami other towns. We
understand they owe a consider
able sized Itoard bill here.
Mr. and G. W'. Kuteli entertain
ed a number of friends at whist
Friday evening. A delightful eve
ning Was spent.
The 10th of April is designa
ted ns Arbor Day. , !
Call on J. 8. Moore for Herpicide !
the dandruff cure. Sold in bulk
"Jajjdjgdjf desired.
Moore's Hair Invigorator, great
est hair invigorator in the world,
is now on sale at Moore's barber
shop in the city. Call at his or
anv other barber shop in the city
and try a treatment. This is an
old remedy, one which has stood
the test for years and you make no
mistake in using it.
lection of elders, trustee
Other officer will Im held. I'M
the future worn 01 ne coiiioi
be considered. Eyrrv one Jul
in the work of Ilia hurch ii :
cordially invited to be pres. a
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Start
deetdv appreciative of the 1
assistance rendered them li J
lire yieniy. .' uoi
there willing hand ainoisj
men but the ladies were in e
carrying out thing from the V
. 1
ing structure. Attoiner
equally grateful Is Mr. K1101.
i at loss of appropriate wor4
express hi thankfulness to tlf
worked so hard to save bis r
from-the threatening flumes,
citiens of Independence are
preciative 'f the offer of htlp h
Monmouth. They telepk
down saying they were willis!
. . 1 .1
come tv me wagon tonus 10 r
any assistance possible. I.a
more than all, we should bo Ik
a.. I 1.1. I . t.l I. ...
nil l a mou ruviuui.a hus,5
the wind until after th its
was passed and thereby saved t
loss what seemed to I a Mori
structure doomed to destrod
SnlU-n Deutli ot Mr. .MrlsM
Mt$. im Mcl'aniei, wiits
II. McDauiel, of Rickreall, ii
there Monday morning. Man
at 3 o'clock. Mr. McDuniilU
been ill but a few day iti
grippe and was not thought M
seriously tit and her death csra
a great shock to her relatives
friends. The funeral was hm
the Burch graveyard, near M
real I, April 1st. The deceased'
aged 31 years and wa wU
favorably known. She was i"
ter-in law of the late Mra. (V'f
Wilcox, 01 this city, and of IM
Daniel, of Portland, who wail
ed there a few month ago it
hicvclo accident.
The KxTKitrittsK wants
to bo a rojnilnr reader.
No inciiaratioii on tlm market eiml8
ou 1 utiiitt ii vi j 1 I jm. 4 , I i.. - 1' 1 I
and recoiiuiu'inlcd lv tin On
11 t.i mi 1 n ,, . " . . .
v um-'fiv. j iiuiHTs win do well to give tins
formula a thorough test.
Directions: (,'' ounce to three gallons of
water. This solution is sprinkled on 10
bushels of wheat, and then thoroughly mix in
order to moisten each grain. " " ,
A. S. Locke,
The Independence Druggist.
tr . ...v,K.ciiuciit;c u rug g isi. 1