4 fNDKl'KNDKNOK EN'TKIUMIISK, INDEPENDENCE, OUKGON Large Fresh Roasted Peanuts Every Day. INDEPENDENCE, ORE. Waste Paper Baskets I We lniyo only three of. our fetock lft. Tho price placed I jigntimt tlo-ui was thu thing filial movl them. 41 -i't I tinW ,'13 OIHlt. f - --; -I t'lotvrr linker Suffli-s. I ' "' "" I Ladies' Stationery. I We have a nice supply of .l.iilk pspt-r for Indies' use. Iwinil wo nn-iin by bulk paper i that you OHii buy any flltlliillllt you WlUll. It COIIH'M I in six ot th lnU'-t ahudi fttith mivIojh-h to match. fThe 1'iivolofx are of tint very i latest cut ami are made of 'the very bntt tok. In fact I they are lh proper thing 'now. Kiv biim ht'H of paper I III etMiia; ono bunch nvel- hil'V It) OlllltH. ... Fluent Line of Canity in the City. ()rnwcx ami Pxinitnits in Stock tioir. Your Winter's Reading Matter. Wo are tilling more read ing matter every day. Our circulating librury in the pop ulur thing now. We sell you your firt book for 10 cento ttnil if in good order when re turned wo will take i( buck and give you another one for it and 5 cent. So it only costs you really 5 cents ench t read our library. (Me Ihtzen Lead I'm fits With Jiuhher Tips We. Photograph Envelopes. We have n line of picture envelope from Ihe very best ni'inufaettirer in the United i States und they will get your j picture to its declination in, first-das order and not leave: it broken and twisted up. j Small size, 2 ior'j cent; large! size, fir 10 cent. Evertthin Complete for the I'ulilin Schools. Our Cigar Departmert.- In lid department you find only the yery Iwst line of cigar that retail from 5 to 15 cent each. All the lead ing brand. Plug and Smoking Tobacco- In thi line we have a yery complete stock and the prices are tho low?st. , Pipe Department You should see our line of pine. It i purely very com plete. Our line run from a cent cob to the very nicest genuine meerschaum. Picture , Albumns. Out of our entire stock of albums we have but one left and it is a very nice one, too. It did retail for 2.2", but you can have this one for 1.00. J All Late Magazines Are Now On Sale, ItUl-'SA VISTA f A. J. Richardson wa a Sa itor thi week. fjulia Douty wa the gueH Uu relative over Sunday. I Kvans, ot near Parker, was jjoa visilor in Buona, Thurs- Iml Mr. Newt Prather at tho funeral of Rev. J. R. h in Independence Tuesday, I Italdwin has been improv appearance of hit property ing up new funce, the pat f jjulina" Kreuti is rapidly re g from the injury unstained f her limb hi a fall, re- li Well war qui to ill Bun jht, a physician beiim sum mit the young man has re j- nd Mrs. A. Anderson re Monday from a visit with Sid Mr. Ed Harmon, at ,rt. donee last week nod have pur chased the Joke Brown properly. Mr. K. N. Hall, Who has been undergoing medical treatment in Salem for several weeks, is spend ing thi week at home. Mrs. Sarah Baldwin, one of the pioneers of Bueno, was very ill the fore part of this week. Dr. Butler of Independence was in attendance Monday. Ira Rowe was a Monmouth visi tor Tuesday. Mis Bertha Howe. one of Buena's excellent young ladies, is a- student of the State Normal at that place, l'rof. Buthyn Tumey, of Cor vallis, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Hall. Saturday and Sun day. Trot. Turney is one of the best violin soloists on the coast and a musical composer of remark able ability. He leayes in a few days for California to remain. There was an illustated concei t at the school house Wednesday evening eiven by a troupe of the .... irmir ".Ifiv" varietv. The show Is said to have been very good. The same outfit gave a per formance at Wells the louowing evening. Rev. C. C. Poling is to preach in tho Evangelical church tomorrow, Saturday, evening at 7:30 and again Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Rev. Toling is a nno speaker and everyone should make f A. J. Richardson returned I of tho week from a visit r brother, Willard Linville, in' ii ;vains. joievia Hall, of Wells, was ir Saturday in this burg. ill a nnnmnnnid boma 1V i. 1 artha Iee. nun uigau i sneaker and everyono rirvru.v. If Prof. , B. L. Murphy. Itan cffort t0 present on these oc ..vu.uajr casions souse, of Portland. oe Kreutz and wife are resi if Buena Vista ' once more. Hurned from near Indepen- The dwelling of Mrs. Josie Wheeler, westofSuyer, burned to the ground last Thursday after noon. Mrs. Wheeler was absent from home. But meagre particu lars have been learned of the alTair in Buena Vista, to date. A wind mill wa also destroyed by the (lames. It is not their excellent lodge, but their most excellent cake makers, that the Buena Circle ladies desire mentioned in this item. There was the initation last Friday evening, of Mrs. Mary A. JDavissou, of Parker, and Isaac Compton, of near Independence, and then there was take, the best, it is affirmed, tha mortal ever tasted. and then there was ad journment. There were lively times at the rock quarry for a few minutes Monday afternoon and visions ot the future world flitted through the minds of the men employed about the work. A candle placed under a box of powder to thaw out the latter, burned down and caught fire on the box. In the twinkling of an eye every man vanished be hind some convenient stump, save Mr. Smith, the foreman. With rare presence of mind and courage he rushed upon the scene and ex tinguish the blaze. There was 300 pounds of powder in thfl box. It was a close call. Any young man who has patience perserverance and ambition can make a place for himself in the world if he desires, no matter how many obstacles may lie in his pathway. This is proven by the career of James Getty, a former Buena boy, now studying Civil finorineerinB in San Francisco. Mr. Getty has made his way step bv step to ma present position, wnicn command a good salary and upon completing hi course it is l i in tention to enter Berkeley, His many friend hereabout wish him Bticces. Hi example should stimulate other young men who have a desire for self advancement. Geo.F. Rodgers & Co. WholeMl It Snved III Leg. I. A. Danforlh, of La Jrange, Ua.. suffered fornix month with a fright fill running ore mi hi leg; but write that liucklcti' Arnica Halve wholly cured it In Ave day. For ulcers, wound, pile It's the Ut naive In the world. Cure Koaraulei-o:. Oidy 25c. Hold by Klrkland Drug Co. Forfeited to Albany. A dispatch from Albany to the livening Telegram says: "The debute between Albany College and tho Oregon State Normal School, which was to be held Friday night will not ma terialize. As required by the arrantreinruts Albany submitted tho question to Monmouth on the specified day and owing to some misunderstanding on the art of Monmouth authorities that institution did not make a choice of sides. When it wns two weeks past the time Mon mouth should have notified Al- )ttiiy w hich side of tho question thnt school intended to defend the debate was called off. The O. S. N. S. authorities, -have sc hooled ged their error in the matter, und as required by the governing conditions have for mally forfeited the debate to Al bany." PAIiKHIt. Lucy Bolter spent Sunday with Mrs. P. T. Peterson, of this place. C. R. Parker and A. B. Lacey made a business trip to Indepen dence Saturday. ' Mr. If. S. Donnell. roadmaster of the Southern Pacific Co., was ookine after the Co s interests at this place on the 10th. Mis Mabfll Wheelock snent Sat urday and Sunday at her home near Monmouth. Paper Dealers Our i'liper anil Hug arc product of the liet mllU In the country. You will ave money on price and freight with u. 130 Court St, Salem, Or Mr. Peterson, who recently pur chased, the Bradley farm is making some improvements in ths line ofnew wire fencing. Mr. Wm. Fuqua took another drove of nice fat cattle to the butchers, Caetle & Shaw, at Dallas. There will be no more clay shipped from the Parker's clay pit. The K. R. Co. has removed the siding to a clay pit nearer Portland. Mr. and Mr. D. Boone, who have been spending the winter in Oregon, came up from Indepen dence Sunday for a visit with Mr. Fuqua's. They leave on the 18th for their home in Kansas City. Their son Daniel Boone and wife, of Independence, will accompany them. Tragedy Averted. 'Justin the nick of time our little boy wa naved," .writes Mr. W. Wat- kins, of rieaant City, Ohio. "Pneu monia had nlaved sad havoc with him and a terrible couuli set in besides. Doctor treated him, but . he grew worse everx day. At length we tried Dr. Klnu's New Discovery for Con" sumptiou, and our darling was saved; He's now wjuihi, and well.' i.very body ouirht to know, it's the only sure cure for coughs, colds and all lung dis eases. Guaranteed by Kirkland Drug Co. Price 50c. and fl.00. Trial bot ties free. Peerless Hair Vigor. &rAV0RITE frmcRiraoin FAVORITE RE5CRIFn01 CURES IT MAKES WOMEN STRONG ICKWOMEN WELL Is made and sold by A. N. Hal leck, ot Monmouth. Polk county, Oregon. It is the only hair vigor that will entirely cleanse the hair of dandruff and keep the dandruff off the head. It will stop the hair from falling out and cures all dis eases of the scalp and restore faded or gray hair to its former color, and luster. It wil promote a healthy erowth to the hair and make it soft and glossy. For further in formation call on or address - A. N. Halleck, Monmouth. Sold in any quantities you wish. .- Surprised Him. Special from Falls City. Gilbert Tyson had a birthday last Friday and a surprise was arranged in honor of the event. A party consisting of J. C. Tal bott and wife, A. F. Courter and wife, Mrs. A. II. Watkins, Mrs.' Clny Courter, Miss Emma Tice, Miss Josie Moyer, Miss Maude Graham, F. J. Holman, R. R. Davenport, A. L. . Travis and Harry Lowe met at the J. R. Ford home and allowed Mr. Ty son to walk in on them much to his surprise. An evening full of games and pleasure followed. Mr. Tyson's new phonograph added much to the entertain ment. Mr. Tyson is willing to live to be 100 if each year brings such an event. American field fence weighs two pounds more to the rod than other makes cf the same height. Con sequently it is stronger better and cheaper. You can see the dmerent kinds at R. M. Wade dk Co.