NDEPENDENCE ENTERPRISE j YKAK. 0. F. AND WEST SIDE. JNDHl'KNDKNCIO, ,1'OI.K COUNTY, OWVAiOS, MAUCII 19, 1903. REUNION. UKiiilli-iit Hull Thrown i,.,i m ' VuMU: JORATE BANQUET SERVED. nun r m En'llcnte til.' I'.VIMlllltf lUH III II ;),nsiiii'tn Miiiiimt. ?i hvnu-lity pvi'iii.i alley L. 41, I. f. ! 'i""1' . Ill l''l 'f Ui-'u'WrttlK. TO' $ u hundred or more in fLt in u manner tht was LlitnliU-, Tim r.-eiptiuh Imi.mI a ft formal opening magnificent Mgf hull, ... - 41 ... Ut iTl... i.l l.urifif' i l Nurtnti II. liriMIOn III" iwhttim ............r,, University .f Orwm, Harvey IS I'ensmore, i . w i - - - i , , ....... .... ii.i. ... l. l. ....... iJ Ori-inn ocal SOIO ruiiFnv i ...... t '..II I,.,,rl i- )ri. IM..l i ........ i m.. . Minn I.OUIHU C orau gun Main iNormiii n..i.i, mi", . . p,.. i(l l',,iv,.rKitv. sixth: Albany Hong-"t..oiion woi.v . . . w.. v,... ,.. win. it After tho content the delegates .inrg.r, rcu:mu, . i. orators hihi i.iMii'K""n vers m , riuiiiu. ' . .. . , .ever Willi Uli-ri' IWireriiniunw.-... - . . . . ............. fill 111 IcllOWIiK. i n; uiumiu, . and college I'iru H.iown a . , v,,.,,uHini,.. The content thnn w exhibited Hi MM ' 4 . ... .. ti... lames iirriteiii-n an i"'"""g "r ard hall Jul rriduy evening im-r , ,. , .. , ....... i.i-1...H iwnriiiice and tho spread was all runiyu.uc.nii.-a a.-..."., .i...;,!. The ban flllf.l With College VfllH BIKI Songs ,.....,. . . ... . i. .... UlUCil aa BllCimi'ii u v b wiv.... Ironi 8 o clock unm ui utow .:..!,,. ; .... n.i ;.!... I .. COUrCU Ol IIHUIIIO. m;cin . . . .. ..... . ..:n r-. i nucil to ft cniiHiiJci'ihlo number out- tl.lratlm mat I ,,,,,,, ,,,,, , ,.r(lf. T M Iciro Iiub won tli uluio oruioriciu - - - coiitei-t. Univcrcity f Oregon him won lhre ileciKioim, whilo Albany won om-, I'lii'ific Collegii two, I a- cific Uivcrnity 0110 ami Willaiw tlo l'nivtTitv one. When th J cmbm wua announceil tho McMinn f .... -" - . - Mi Frcroinenf Polk Gounty Pwple. lion. N. L. Bullr iiroinineiit men o( Polk futility, Hon. X. L. Hutler, of kii4M.li. wull iii the ' front r.,ki.. Ho lm ten county jiulK. a mom Uir f ootll branclie of the l..iflHtiiire. and at one time a cundi- Uiitc lor congrt'M from thii dUtrict, 1H (iU'iin acted iim toaHtiiniHtcr, ami toantu were reHimmleu to by icjire- ncntativt H of every college in the asHociatioii. The banquet lasted until a late hour. The program was an follows: KabiuB Ma.ximua The Man ilu. Krni" Mips Winnie A I Smith, Oregon .Agricultural ior "The Cold Orator" U-orge u llvprj. Albany College. Th Birthplace of Uratory W. A. Miles. Pacific Col lego "When Shall We Meet Again?' W. B. Shively, raciuc Quiver "Our Hosts K. fcvenuen nrA.mii Stale Normal. r "Nil Peeneranduui Kennetn T.atourette. McMinnville uuiege. "Where Perches ictory' K Keves. Willamette Univermiy Our OueHts"-W. S. Whittle- eey, University of Oregon. KcjMibllctui Convention CU." A renublican convention for he county of Polk is hereby called to meet at Dallas, Oregon, on saiur- t in one of tho wont complete and bed ciniped plants in the Btatc, and is in capacity far leyond pres ent reiiuireinentH. Flock has been sold off close in th Jefl'tTHon neigh borhood, and it will take several ) ears t bring up the mall hrds. but the field' fur a creamery U con sidered a good one, Btid the opera tion of the plant will promote the prosperity ot the community very rapidly. A kk1 ' 'ilB trucl1 ul it det.th of 1 rr f.-et. with a How to within 22 feet of the surface of pure water. One of the largest l.nl rttiu fit h creuinerv will be Irsavit'i'" " - Hon. Chas. Miller's large herd 01 Jerseys, and other Hock owners are coming in with their product as soon as they can clobe present con tracts. .Salem Journal. . . ... .1.1 ... .' .. . V I ........ l,o (,ne orthe nicen ,n in, vmeoeiatmn u. " " . ... 28 ,903, at 1 o'clock brother IM4 feuows ami stage ana, wr"l,',"K i Vr.. for the purpose of electing heir college yell, "Here perches nine delegates to the first , trie . . .. , .,,;nniil nnvention. ana lor victory, and we Knew n a long '6- ...,,: time." Hmith won the hearts of the iransacuon o. .. . . ........ .:.t. i.u .,k;, r-essasmav come before the con Ills miuiencu .!.... i I volition. "The Homeless iauon, ...u - in f1A i i i w;n of one of his me sever. t.c - - earnest hearers throughout his county are -Jl bekahs and their families fiids sat about the banquet ud listened to a program xcellence. Following was iiraui: I of welcotne...A. J. Goodman ..n.... Miss Olga Boatman luet I Mrs. Babbitt, Miss Bowden piSrTVrrtioodTnaTr f'.". ...J. A.Mills I K. C. Wiguiore Mrs. lieo. Con key I K. J, Thompson I V. (J. Sharman in. .. .Mrs. Geo. h. Burton Miss Bowden aaimbiTS were all greeted ftimultuuus applause. The lolo of W. G. Sharman was fer'-usly uppltuuled that he. inpellod to repponu with a Jer recitation. Icntertaiiimeut was a glor- liccess. and we think we i nnaiiinioiis opinion when I' "Brother (Kid Fellows, I another." !l Til WINStJONTKST. invllle's Onilor Carries on Joll Mettal I'rl.o. r:rTT . ...i i... n tn votes cast for Hon. 1 nomas u. Thu decision was accepieu - . . L VfMinn. Tongue, republican candidate for who were eager to give .McMinn- loiiguo, i ... . ....! .....i, ..rnicrressman in June, uuz, ana v lift the honor oi winning in - , V! ! " 1 7, ,U. f orations. one delegate for each fraction of , .i -a. five or over Bocast, to-wit: nte program o. b onh Son.-'oh Oregon".... Glee Club Dallas, 10; Rock Creek, 2; North o fio,,-' Oliver Cromwell, the Independe nce, S-erola, f .,;,. ,.7; Jackson, 5; fcast uauas, Man of Action .......... Luckiamute, 9; South UUV IMWin mouic, w v. - - , Orntion-.Ayrbitration the Better Ind-l-. f; onmouth. Way". -Olive M Hickey, A. C i; opring , - VociUsI-ChansonProvencale- - AdoU Ac iua .. . . ? lonmonih, 7 M.ssl,va iremrr j inthe (wtion "The St) rit ot Jonn iuar- Tin various P,ecinct8 on Friday' Mftrch rhnll ..... ' ; ' 27 . tbe hour 0f 2 o'clock P. M. .Lucy Nay uu.. Oration-"The Pioneer of the Re . . ... . formation . . . Thur8(lav. March 26, at 2 o'clock W"Sr .V.. P. M") theprecinctcommiUee- Arthnr Louis Frazer men are requested w maw an nec Oration "The Western Type . NUMHER 1ft HERMANN VISITS HERE. r.i CoiiuiiiNsloner of I.aml )fflc Visits Old Friends. IS A CANDIDATE FOR ' CONGRESS. He In an Acquaintance to Many IlereI'alil Compliment to City's l'rosperlty. Polk County Teachers' tlon. Associa- Following ia the program of the meeting ot trie roiK coumy teachers' association to be held ut Independence, on Saturday, March 2Sth: Music, by the association; Busy work general discussion, hv the association; Introductory Work in Literature, Miss Ednelle Collins; Ilant Study, Miss Lor- etta Smith; Geography, "Ore gon," Miss M. L. Hampton. NOON. Music, Miss Grace A. Ilig- gins; History, -iveconsirucwuu Period" Prof. A. F. Campbell; Aritlnif.ic. "Aonlications of Percentage," E. M. Smith; Ad dress, Dr. E. J. Thompson. Reports from the committees on arrangement for systematic bird study and county public school athletics will be sub mitted, and the association will decide at this meeting the time and place for holding our an nual teachers' picnic. Do not forget to bring speci mens of the composition work done bv your pi)ilajluritigtlie monUT Luncheon will be provided by the Independence teachers. A cood attendance by teach ers and friends of education is earnestly desired. C. L. Stark, pres. , R. C. Frkncii, vice-pres. Neu.ie M. Burke, sec. Executive Committee. KESIDENCH SOLD. Hon. Dinger Hermann, of Itosoburg, was in our city Tues day, visiting old acquaintances knd making new ones. Mr. Hermann is a candidate for rep resentative from the first dis trict. While in Independence he added many remlniscenses of years long past of which Polk county's oldest citizens will well remember. A little over 18 years ago he was first elected as a congress man from Oregon; since that time he has served six terms in that capacity and six years as commissioner of the U. S. land office. Previous to this time he was register of the land office at Roseburg, Oregon. It was be fore this, and while he was in the state legislature that Hon. J. L. Collins, now of Dallas, and lion. Mr. Dimmick were both sent from Polk county for the same office in the state legisla ture. That body was then dem ocratic and Mr. Collins was not allowed the privileges. He stated that he thought our for mer county judge, J. Stouffer, recently of Dallas, but now de ceased, was a member. While here he mentioned that J. II. Moran and L. Damon, both well known townsmen of ours, helped to secure him his nomination for congress for the first time The Homo of A. J. Goodman Changes Hands. hus A. Smith, '0.'!, of Mc- .Ho College, won the Btate ;tl contest held in illard March 13th. Such was the :illy satisfactory decision of klges. Rev. Mr. Gilbert. L. and Prof. B. F. Mulkey. Wm Robert Rutheriom, o Oration-"The llomelose Nation" ,.Erastns A.Smith. McM. C Violin Bolo-"NouviUe Fantasie".. GounodSarasate . . . . . Mrs. Susie Fennel Pipes Oration-"The Nobility of Labor" essary arrangements for the same. WT 1'i.m.ivil Chairman. Attest: M Mkhwix, Secretary. Jefferson Creamery Starts. The Eldridge creamery begun -"The isouuiiy i - . ..Edg K. Mere-ee, W.U operations Monday, March 16th The lovely home of A. J. Good man changed hands Friday, it nassine into the ownership of J. W. Kirkland. Mr. Goodman will not, however, give possession until fall. This is one of the nicest homes in town, and justly proud may the new possessor be of his property. Mr rtnodmrn owns some vacant lots in town and he thinks of build ing in a few. months. Ntw supply of Langerine Oranges at Wagoner's. Something new. Harry Clodfelter, of Corvallis, was a business visitor in town last week. ; over lb years ago. tie aiso mentioned as an old friend a former president of the State Normal School and fattier oi r. T. and A. F. Camobell. He stated that T.F.Campbell was a firm friend and a man be high ly esteemed. He spoke of Prof. A. F. Campbell, who is a teaen- erin the Normal School, with reference to the times when in his practice of law he had had some very pleasant cases in which thev were the opposing attorneys. He recited a description of the state's water ways its con ditions, its needs and its possi bilities in a manner which showed a full knowledge of Ore gon and her resources. He. also snoke regarding the broken and falling banks on the W n lamette and the r-f-ed of revet ments and clearing of the chan nels. Mr. Hermann expressed hinw self as being well pleased with our city and that he would be t pleased to meet with us again. V 6 Lucy Cause, of Pacifio Col.