Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, March 12, 1903, Image 7

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Large Fresh Roasted Peanuts Every Bay,
Waste Paper Baskets
I Wr liuvu only three of our
rtiK-k left. Tim price pi need
fjt:i llHt I Ill-Ill Will till) thing
tt hut moved them. ! l't
L.iw :5.i ft-nt.
floirrr Mukrin Xtiiilim.
I Ladles' Stationery.
I Wtt Iihvh a nioo ,supjly of
hulk ii'r for liiilii'ti' ust.
JWhul we ini'iin by bulk paper
Ij-t tlmt you run buy any
iuiiounl yu want. It couit-s
tin six ol th latest fini'lf
uitll lllVf1oM'H to match.
tIm i-nvelos are of the very
iliiloxt cut and are initde of
i!n very li'Kt stock, hi fut
.i!.y ni to" proper thing Five Idllirlim "f paper
rents; tui bunch 'livcl-
t ip)-H 1(1 Cf'llt.
Fhirst if " Can it if hi
the City.
Orfiii,rs iml Bull ilium i"
Stork null'.
Your Winter's
Reading Matter.
We nro selling more read
ing iimtti'r every day. Cur
circulating lidrary Is the pop
ular thing now. We will you
your first book for 10 cents
ami If in K"im1 ordi-r when re
turned we will take it buck
and give yu another one for
it and f i-t-nts. So it only
cost von rfilly r cent, each
t read our library.
Our Lead I'niril.i
With Jluhbrr Tips KM
Wo have a line of picture
! envelopes from the very best
j mmulaelurrr in Iiih Initial
: States ninl tln' will get your s
i picture to it destination in I
flrct-c'iii'H order ami not leave ,
jit broken anil twisted up. j
Sinn. 1 size, 2 loth t i nt; large j
sue, .! fr IU cents.
Kvrrtjthin Com fdrt e for
the l'uhlie Schools.
Our Cigar
In thin department you
find only tlm yi'ry best linen
of cigars that retail from 5 to
15 renin each. All the lead
ing brands.
Plug and
Smoking Tobacco
lit ibis line we have a yery
complete slock und the prices
lire the lowest.
Pipe Department
Vou should nee our line of
pi pep. It in surely very com
plete. Our line runn from a
5 cent cob to the very nicest
genuine meerschaum.
Out of our entire stock of
albums we have but one left
and it is a very nice one, too.
It did retail "for $2.25, but
vou can have this one for
21 00
7 50
8 00
5 (X)
2 HO
2 75
5 00
21 00
2 25
All Late Magazines Are Now On Sale.
Ntnnty t'ourt New.
jfdiauship of minor heir of
1..... ... .1.. .........I r
pVHge, iirvntr.'ii nii
I d and approved.
fdiausiup of minor heirs of
F Tiiyl-jr. deceased fifth re-
!:d, and approved subject to
.. of Mary Jan Moxlev, de-
S-pctitioit to Hell renl prop-
inled; Kaiil mile to be held
Ui-ef llaiiid XVMteaierJiki
i-uo-tain real property order-
ut private sale.
Ibow n to L tb-rlinger, lot
k 1, Shultz' hfttJreolo Hd
Dallas, r5.
Croisan i-t al to Ilodfon t
y, north half lot 8, block 12,
I KM).
tary it Hodson to Thomas
in, north half lot H block 12,
I Hennen to N C Doty, tract
moulh, II.
h AdaniH to .lamoH L Klkinf,
Ind 4, block 2. Level. a I-a-Slld
add to Dallas, 1GU
km Allen to E L Hanis,
'-tenth iut UK) acres, t 7 s,
0 11 R Co to F F Tooze, 80
1 'J . r 6 w, 1200,
IiriHtul et ux to Z HinnKaw,
it!-balf int tract in Theodore
d 1 c, water rights, etc.,
Shreve to W (2 Elliott,
lerec, 1 8 b. r G w, 1425.
am Kuhnke to Lillian C'tu, 105 acres, t 7 s, r 0 w,
J A Soi-hhe et ux to W U Mc
("lure, S U 1 sec o0, t f , r 7 w,
F U Rider to O D and FJS
Rider, part of lots 7 and S, block o.
Hill' Independence, 11000.
Zim Jiinahaw to (J T Hale, und
onu-third int tract in Theodore
Thorp d 1 c, witter riubta, etc., $S0U.
Zim Hintthaw o llavila Hin
shaw, uud one-third Int tract in
Theodore Thorp d 1 c, water rights,
etc., I SIX).
William McCurdy to A b Kerr,
lots 5, 7 ami 8, block i, raruer,
Mary U Sawtelle et al to II in
uhaw. und one-half int tra. iu
Theodore Thorp d 1 c, water rigi..,
etc., ifHW).
II l McNary et al to Thos Uol
niun, lots in Kola and tracts in t 7
8, r .'J and 1 w, ifSOOO.
F F Tooze et ux to Francis
WriuhtHon, 250 acres', t 1) 8, r G w,
John llensen et ux to X C Doty,
tract in Monmouth, if 1000.
United StateB to Joseph A Soeebe,
100 acres, t 8 8, r 7 w, pater.t.
Mutual telephone companies
granted permission to set poles
along public highways; poles to be
set out of way of travel; companies
to be responsible for any damage
from down poles or wires.
Ordered that after April 1, 15)03,
no scalp bounty bo paid.
County clerk instructed to ad
vertise for 40 cords of large fir and
40 cords oak grub wood; bids to be
opened first day of April term at 1
o'clock P. M.
W J Steele's ferry bond ap
proved. Resignation of A F Dimes as
supervisor road district 14 accept
ed, and Jefferson Slagle appointed
to fill vacancy.
J R Robbins, scalp bounty . I 2 00
KM Fowle, road acct.... G 84
J E .Smith, courthouse acct. 1 25
O D Butler, ex. insane.. .. 5 SO
Glasd & I'rudhomnie, sta
tionery 16 97
Irwin-llodson Co, same... 82 50
(J O C rant, courthouse acct. 3 GO
J T Ford, error assessment. 2 U2
G W McBee. tax rebate... 1 85
C O Coad, postage 21 SO
1J Wilson, justice court. ... - 5 GO
J1I Moran, Jaiti6. .'. 40 45
Martha Kennedy, same... 1 50
May Kennedy, same 1 50
S A Conner, same-. 1 50
Chas Hubbard, same .... 1 50
L Ground, surveying..... 1150
L rfandhoefer, pauper acct 12 50
M A Tetherow, same 7 00
F Freunduner, same 7 00
l)r TV li Embree, same. . 2 50
II B Cosper. work on roll. . 70 00
Martin Bros, road acct.... 30 00
M I) Ellis, electric lights. . 25 00
II J Osfield, mdse 14 45
U S Loughary, salary and
foes 138 94
C L Starr, same 84 78
Wilson Drug Co, mdse .... 9 05
E V Dalton, salary ....... C2 50
W F Nichols, eame (. . G5 00
Belt & Cherrington, mdse. 13 30
II Holman. justice court.. 13 00
Geo E Cutler, tax rebate. . 6 41
C C I'oling, teachers ex. . . 18 00
Mrs F II Morrison, same. . 13 00
F E Myer, salary ....... 72 00
Mrs F E Myer, same 48 00
F A Douty, pauper acct.
C E Huntley, same
1) G Meudor, sumn
T A Ri(!ix, same, t
A 8 Locke, same
Win Fault, unlxe.
Jas Middletoii. road acct..
C W Boyle, same
K H Wutkin A Co, same.
Kntkki-hisk, pub tax nule,
etc .'J: 1
Milo Woods, salary 40 (X)
E Hayter, salary 05 00
Gibson l'ost, indigent sol
dier 10 00
Observer, printing.. 12.'i 00
C O Burgess, road acct ... '' 00
J II Mulkey.sam ... 110 Of)
TBHuniley, same.. 5G 00
II Howe, error assess $ 20
J E Sibley, salary GO Oo
J BTeitl, sme 21 80
lvli Riggs, same 7 00
C H Farmer, road acct. . . . 21 50
Isabel Eborall, same 100 00
C Aikman, same 110 00
C B Moores, homestead list 7 10
It SitvtMl His Leg.
P. A. Duiifortti, of La .4 range, Ga..
auirerrd for six months with a fright
ful running itore on bis leg; but writes
Hint Buekltrn's Arnica Salve wholly
cured it In five duys. ror ulcers,
wouimIm, piles lt' the best salve in the
world. Cure guaranteed. Only 'Z'i'i.
Bold by Klrk!aul Drug Co.
1A ItKKlC.
Claud Boone made a business(?)
trip to Huver Sunday.
George Fisher, of Monmouth, i9
helping Mr. Bolter with his farm
Ralph Davidson, of O. A. C,
came down Friday for a few days'
virtit with his relatives here.
Mr. Wm. Fuqua sold to Dallas
butchers, Castle & Shaw, 7 head
of cattle for the neat sum of fS.G.
Mrs. Longsworth. of Jefferson,
came down Friday fur a few days
visit with her sister, Mrs. 1. Con
nett. School is progressing nicely
under the efficient management ol"
Miss Mabel Wheelock, ot Mon
mouth. Mr. Alex Kerr has purchased
the property formerly owned by
Wm. McCurdy, ex-section foreman,
of this place.
Mrs. 11. A. Baldwin and family
passed through Parker Saturday,
en route for their new home at Win
lock, Washington.
A. B. Lacey and C. R. Parker
have been making some improve
ments, in the line of new wire
fencing for their property here.
"One of my daughters had a
terrible cse of asthma. We tried
almost everything, but without re
lief. We then tried Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral, and three and one-half
bottles cured her." Emma Jane
Entsminger, Langsville. O.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
certainly cures many cases
of asthma.
And it cures bronchitis,
hoarseness, weak lungs,
whooping-cough, croup,
winter coughs, night
coughs, and hard colds.
Tkrw iliw: 25c, He., SI. All traalits.
Comolt your doctor. It h ny t&k It.
than Jo 1 y: If toll; jou not
to taka It. than -don't tako It. Ha know.
Mft U with him. Wa r willing.
J.C. AIKKCO..Iwell,M.
Geo.F- Roflgers & Co.
Paper Dealers
Our !'er ml Hnire product of
the liest mills In the country.' Vou
will save money ou prices and freight
with ui. '
130 Court St., Salem, Or
Mrs. Lucas, niece of Mrs. Lyd'a
Cox, has been visiting at the home '
of Mrs. Mary Davidson. She left
Monday for her home in Kansas.
Henry Winn, successor to Byron
Nixon as mail carrier between
Parker and Buena Vjsta, is proving
himself a very worthy and com
petent official.
The It. F. D. route from Parker,
in "fiected by Mr. E. C Clements,
February, 5. has been approved
and is r spede! to be in operation
about the first ol May.
. . ...
Air. II Vt rmnn repreneuwuvo ui
the Oregonian Publishing Co., who
handles the Bates-IIawley signal
box, has supplied the patrons with
boxes. The patrons of this route
are very anxious to have it go into
effect and will greatly appreciate
the benefits derived from a daily
mail. i
The pretty clear day9 of last
week, accompanied by harmonious
frog songs, allured us into the be
lief that spring was here.. And now
with our gardens all plowed snd
planted, we have nothing ebe to do
but sit and listen to the dreary
sighs of the wind end the never
Ceasing drip, drip of the Oregon
Tragedy Averted.
'ui,i in tit.. nieL- nf time our little
4Un. iu ' -
boy was saved," writes Mrs. W. Wat
kins, of Pleasant City, Ohio. -Pneumonia
hd nlaved sad havoc with him
and a terrible codkIi set In besides.
Doctors treated him, but he grew
worse every day. At length we tried
Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
sumption, aud our darling was saved.
He's now sound, and well." Every
body ought to know, It's the only sure
cure for coughs, colds aDd all lung dis
eases. Guaranteed by Kirkland Drug
Co. Price 50c. and l.u. Trial bot
tles free. '
" Chris Peterson sold several head
of fat hogs to Wm. Percival last
week. - .
-Mr." Gains and family have
moved to a place below Indepen
dence. .
Mrs. Mason accompanied Frana
Bennett and wife to Eastern Or.,
last week.
George Reuf and family have
moved back from Soap Creek,
where he has been for the last few
. .
mo u in a.
Mrs. Lou, Lucas', of Oregon City,
was visiting Mrs. Lyda Cox last
week and returned to Oregon City,
Miss Sarah Helmick returned
from Albany and Corvallis last
Saturday, where she has been visi
ting relatives.
Joe Bolter started with ten head
of cattle for Portland last Wednes
day. They belonged to Mrs.
Mason and she intended having
them shipped to Eastern Oregon
from there.
Falls flitv'real estate is on the
jump. N. A. Emmett paid $350
for the lot - upon wnien uis
Courier & Ford store burned,
and the Colwell residence across
from the Watkins store has gone
from 1200 to $1500 within a
few days..