Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, March 12, 1903, Image 4

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Independence Jr.rS:::
Enterprise. m ir. MUeh.n . . .
John XI. Mitchell...
I Lafayette 0 rover...
Jam H. Slater. . . .
Entered at Intlnwmtemns Or., XMt(ifflc a I Joseph X. Oolpll . .
... . . . , I. 1.
josepn imij'ii. .
Goo. W. McRride..
Joseph Simon
John II. Mitclu.ll.,
Charles W Fulton .
$sA$crirtlott Price, per Vr.
Peerless lliur Vigor.
Is made ami sold by A. X. Hal-
leek, ot Monmouth. Polk comity,
(Strlolly In aitvanre)
Yr jrwu. ; 1
Biz moDtlia TA
sttujtle copy IW
Loral mil lock ar 5 wnl xr llu mralitltt
' absolutely no rrcttictmn Tor any mmon
KutMondiipiayiidveriiiitngmada known I Oregon. It id the only hair vigor
on application. ,. will mitirelv cleanse the hair
I - . i .Si
if of dandruff and keep the Uaiuirun
In another column is an article off the jiemjt jt will stop the hair
relative to a rural telephone line frQm flling out ad cures all dis
thatis being constructed between ettse8 0f the scalp ami restore faded
Suver and Corvallis. This line or ray ,)ftir 0 iu fomm color niul
should be between Independence luster. It wil promote a healthy
and Suver. This will mean the growth to the hair and make it
soft and clos?v. Frr further in
lYeil vour ih1
Security Stock' Food i
And lli'y will keep in good eoixlitioii. Your i
money itfumli'il if food does n t l 1
ih rt'jm'H'nlrtl. '
A. S. Locke,
Thft Independence Druaaist. i
ing to this place to another town.
Let's head it this way.
We heartily commend the sug
gestion of the correspondent from
Monmouth who advocates the or-
formation call on or addresH
A. X. Hai.lRi-k, Monmouth.
Sold in any quantities you wish
Working Over Tlmo.
Eight timir laws are Ignored by
Ihui ( lit t lu Wfir Item I )r. Kllllf'n
ganization of an improvement .. ..... ,. re Blwy,
league there for co-operation with nt work, night and day. curing null
the one in Independence. He well gestiou, billioiisiiesti, constipation, sick
says that what Is of benefit to the heafeaehe and all stomach, liver and
one t.iwn is of benefit to the other.
Let the step be taken at once for
the accomplishment of the sugges
tions outlined in his communication.
bowel treublea. Easy, pleasant, safe
sure. Only 25c at Klrkland orug Co's.
1". II. Watkins arrived from
Oathlamet the iirst of the week
Let Polk county not be be
hind other counties in exhibit- John I. Montgomery is homo
ing our products at the Union from Corvallis, at which plate
depot at Portland. It costs he has been for sonic time,
nothing and will be of inestim- The band showed its public
able benefit. We refer with Spjrjt by playing for the Ladies
pride that Independence is the Aid nt the. restaurant Thursday
first to take the initiative in this nip-bt
matter, and we can go it alone
if outsiders will not help. Let s
act, and as soon as possible.
(dulled m Muster ami .Mr. Jiea
nor lUitlcr ns Lady Assistant.
The next meeting is set for
April Ith, which comes on Sat
urday. Wo learn that the business
which T. Edgar is intending to
open up in the building lio has
recently purchased is that of a
saloon. It is also rumored that
mi option on tho Me Mown place
lias been taken by n Portland
man. We arc nt present unable
in iriv.. a iLdinito statement in
r - - ,
regard to tho deal.
T. D. Ilollowell has been put
ting in some good licks on the
hillside property recently pur
chased by him on tho school
house hill. Ho has the same
cleared of stumps and when
through will hnvo it plowed,
cultivated and fenced with a
good house ami barn thereon.
The carrying out of his plans
will bring forth a very attractive
Success was written on every
feature of the chicken pie sup
per irivon by tho Ladies Aid of
4 '
the Christian church nt tho Ilol
lowell restaurant last Thursday
evening. The dining room was
kept crowded until n late hour.
TJio delicious home-made candy
ninde by Mrs. Pecker and Mrs.
l'nrry found a ready sale. Over
f'Jl was taken in. Tho profit
of this sum is to bo used for
purchasing new seats for the
Ralph Ford was taken ill on
Monday with the same stomach
trouble that has bothered him
Corvallis started the move- before.
inent for a new train service on More snow fell in tho nioiui
the West Side, and it was on tains the first of the week and
their initiative that lndepen- the way to the claims is more
deuce took the matter up. v hen blocked than ever.
the matter came up for a final
hearing Corvallis failed even to
have a delegate at the meeting,
while such places as Amity, Mc
Coy, McMinnville had delegates
and Independence had several.
If Corvallis can't help itself it
should not be asking for the co
operation of the other towns.
Strong opposition, it is Baid,
arises in Portland against referring
the Lewis and Clark exposition ap
propriation to a vote of the people
under the initiative and referen
dum law. This opposition to an
expression of the people is in bad
faith. We believe the appropria
tion would carry the state by a
large yote, but whether it does or
not the people should be heard in
the matter. We believe in the
majority rule, and that's the true
letter of the initiative and referen
dum law.
Senators From Oregon.
Delazfin Smith. '. . . . 1850
Joseph Lane. . ; . . . . . . . . 1859-1861
Edward D.Baker... 1861
Berjjamin Stark.'. .. . . . 1861-1862
Benjamin P: Harding. . . 1862-1865
Jas. W. Nesmith". ...... 1861-1867
George H. Vl'illiams 1865-1871
Henry W. Corbett. 1867-1873
The school building under
went a spring house cleaning
Saturday calculated to open the
general spring campaign.
Thomas Edgar, one of the
purchasers of the T. D. Ilol
lowell restaurant property, ar
rived with his wife Friday from
Portland. 1
The three vacancies in the
council were filled Monday night
by the appointment of W. II.
Milligan, Samuel Tctherow and
G. W. Gardner.
Mrs. Wolfs green house, in
which she took such pride, burn
ed on the night of the 4th inst,
and three pigs which were there
in perished in the flames.
The elder Mr. Wellwood had
a narrow escape during the
heavy wind Tuesday. A falling
tree struck the shanty where he
and his son, Charley, have been
keeping bachelor hall, while he
was inside and demolished the
building but left him untouched.
Mono Grange met at Bridge
port Saturday last and F. P.
Haynes was admitted to mem
bership. Frank Butler was in-
Tho election of a city council,
mayor, recorder and marshal
will occur on the lirst Monday
in April, which falls on the tith
of the month, only three weeks
from next Monday. Tho new
clmter provides that nominees
shall be retrularlv nominated
and placed on tho official ballot
only on tho presentation of the
name to the clerk with the sig
nature of a certain number of
legal voters. The old style of
doing nil " on election day is
gone. Nominations must be
prepared before hand.
A machete, tho weapon car
ried by the Cuban soldiers in
their insurrection, has been re
ceived from the East by the
writer. It is a heavy knife some
three feet long with a horn ban
die and straight leathern scab
bard whoso use by the Cubans
ranges in scope from the open
ing of cocoanuts to the slaying
of enemies and which is as good
for one thing as the other. This
particular one was procured in
the city of Santiago do Cuba by
the writer after the battles of
1898 and is much prized as a
Two second degree Odd Fel
lows have set Saturday night as
the time for their taking of the
third and final degree. All Odd
Fellows are therefore notified to
be present to aid in the work.
Other important business needs
attention as well.
The Itrneflt of Chung.
We are like house plants. Ve
need a change of soil now nod then.
to be replanted. .New m-eries, new
eipcricuce, new surrounding a
change of climate, dry air lindcnd ;
of moisture, sunshine in place of;
cloud. This in Hfinetimes pnsftitiat
to health. There are condition
near at hand that are better than
Europe can oiler. Take a month.
or two in California. I'hint vour-
self for a time where there are no
irritations, where the hotel i le
yond criticism, the laiidcupe plea- '
ing an J where warm nuiny weather,
invite to walks and drive. Pure
and dry air and the increased elec
trio inlluencra of miimhino nrp
vastly helpful
01. 0. Sbarniatl
Is prepared to hliow
you a nuiiplcte lin
of tdvlisll HllllplfK
for Ht ing Miits. 'nil
and look tin-in over
and ascertain pi ieex.
' Bank Building,
.t i;ri: r.sci:, inn
I". A. Polity, a merchant ol 1
dependence, regii-teri i .it I
Perkinn Stimhtv, II in minimi
the (.it v i in contu tti'Mi with l!
Independence I MlJ.HiV'-MM'Ot Le,i(
'ou can make this trip at very c uuiiiue, thai wi!l meet lb- cm
little expense and enjoy a ride over 1 mitlee i, the cliamher id.eointn-i
deeiiif! Sixkivmi Slmxtrt the board of trade Biol the trnvf
mountains, which, at tH time fj ing men's pn.teetivs nociat ion I
the year with their snow-covered , morrow In regard to utMirinu t
neaks. are unturiuised for their iiunrov d train service, on tin we
For complete information regard
ing points of Interest and delight
ful hotels iu California, addnvi
W. IC. Comas,
General Passenger Agent, I'. Co.,
' siil division of the
ci tic. ' .iregtiiiinn.
Southern ft
Tli Km i i;i i;is; wauls
to be a regular rcaler.
Portland, Oregon,
' Jf lt'g a bllMous attack, take Chain
berlain'i Stomach and Ltver Tablet
and a quick recovery ia certain. For
tale by Kirklacd Drug Co.
Well AjijOn.
The many friend of Joint :oont
will b plenwd to lenrrt llml lie luw
Mr. J. I. Kelty. a well ki
stot kintot ol McCoy, registered
the i'lvcrd re Sunday. Mr. Kcin
'reports that the stock in his vi:
of tho state is in
poor conihtiw
entirely recovered Iroiu hi- uttaek of I 'taving Slilleren iro the p
rheumatism. Chiiiiil.erlniii'it Puiii griuing n tTordl there thi willtf!
laltn cureil Itlin alter the. hesl ilnrinnt In, . , .,. ,.
in the town iMotHin, Iti.l.) lot. I fall,.,! i ' ''"' 't for thl nan result.
tKive relief. The prompt relief front too warm u loiupcratum for a fcfti
pa I il which llil hiiiiiient nllonis Is!,, . ... , .. i I
alone worth iiiiinv times its runt. For h I -
Stockiaisittg ami fare I
sule by Klrkland DrtiK Co. jing nrt about evenly divided Hi U
Another Jtiiral Telei.hotie l.l tie. ' locality of McCoy and while tM
stock sull'ered this w inter, thru
At l'liiias, articles ot incorporation j is ny no means a scarcity !
were filed with tho county clerk i result. "Th" mouev that tM
this week, by the "Luckiamute fanners make," v Mr. Keltt
. ... . .
Rural Iclenhone Jompanr." The "is all mado in stockraising. Stfrt
object of the company is to esUb- ban proved a much better invi!
lish and maintain telephone rum-! merit than wheat and other grain
municntion with any place in the ' Oreuonian
couniy. 1 ne capital siock ol .fLHio
is divided into in shares of 120
each.- The incorporators are L. S.
IVrkins, II. R Nehrbas, W. 10.
Williams, B. F. Smith and J. A.
With row.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Hradl
came up from McMinnville tods;
to be in attendance at the I. O.O.
F. entertainment tonight. '
I. W. Dickinson, Prop.
ft Good Rfg$ for commercial men a specially c
llorsea well fed. Finolligs. C
(ft Good Accomodations,
c Ilorsea boarded by day, week or month. Tel. 293