Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, March 12, 1903, Image 3

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, Paint ! Paint! i
Under tho present condition of tlio country there will ho a very largo w
demand for l'uint, Jnorder that the trade may ho ahlo to obtain what they J
need in that lino, wo aro putting in a very e.Ntonnivo tock, including w
Oil, Lead, llcucly-Mixcd Paint, Colors, fc)
VarnihhoH and Cement. Taint Hiuhhon of all kinds; in fact, everything that
goon to make up a iliHt-claM paiiit atoro. Our goods aro tirHt-ehiHH and our
prices aro right. Wo will ho pleased to kIiuw you our toek. Como and Ji
teO UH. , k
j Hint Lev. I). V. Wigmore, of placed the conduct of our of
Monmouth, will preach the scr-1 fairs as a town, and -their wis
dom urid prudenco of action will
decido largely what manner of
town life wo have. lick out
und vote fr men of business
and executive ability who, how
ever, will recognize that finnn
cial considerations are 'not all
wliich should decide action, but
thut moral results are even tnoro
irnportunt and more to be con
sidered. We want a clean, clear
administration as free from vice
as is possible.
11:1.1.0, sow cici:i:ki
lulllx and Suvr Tet'iliiii
.iiu to In limit iiioiHc,
vision i hImiuI completed for
iiiftriu tion of a tdtliiio lino
(Nrvalli via the Monmouth
In road to Wells, theneocroMt-
It o the Indepeodeneo wuin
und connecting t Hover with
Biilar system already luilt run
I through Airlif, Fall City and
lvillw to Monmouth. A branch
('(irvallM-Stivrr line will run
Well up Hoap Crek t
r'n farm. The organization
1 t h enterprise is styled "The
"'i's Telephone On." One
fi t iu h of tin- stork if tnk en lv
farmer on the line at 2. . The
Telephone Co. charged each
-lioliier .10 cent jer month
df instrument, and these
fays entitle stock bolder to free
'clion twtli all piirta ot line
ly constructed or which may
Jufler he huilt. The first meet-
I "iking to the organization of
company wa held at Well
week ego by Urn farmer in-
lied. There are now more than
iare-holder in the company.
ting in to bo held at Well
y li take linal actum ami start
It ruction of the line. -Corrallia
l ino Standard Itreed Chicken.
Fifteen Hull' Cochin egg for
ILWIif shiped. If taken at the
jard. 1 1.2" xr b". No attention
(mid to order unless accompanied
with each. Add reca order to
J. S. Monw:, Pox 21 I.
Independency, Ore.
Marnhfield which i of good quality
and packed 1000 in a package a
it id supposed to be, then the coast
mail man has'iit hcen ahlv to find
IVople don't mind !cing robbed
on a large scale, but they do hate
the sneak tMef who puts 81
matched i u a hunch, instead of UK) j after excellent refreshments bad
especially if they have to atrike 27 j been served.
j loon.
The nodal given by the
worth l.r ague at the M. K.
Houago Friday evoniug was in
all respects tbo best given by
that organization this season.
The social committee worked
bard in preparation and met
with u much deserved success.
Tbo set part of the program
consisted of three guessing con
tests. In ono the first bars of
well known hymns were played
and the names of tho songs
guessed. Miss Fern Uaymond
won the contest ami sang one of
the songs as a result. Another
contest was the guessing of the
names of "friends, old and new,''
whoso pictures were pinned
about the room ranging in sub
ject from Tom, Tom, the Pijer'8
Son to Admiral Dewey and Sen
ator Fulton. Tho other contest
was an art gallery affair; the
guessing of names of popular
or famous pictures represented
by urlicles on a table. . The
prize was a nicely mounted
picture of Washington. In the
neighborhood of six dollars was
given in the collection taken
Meeting of Improvement League
m m
Our Next Contest f
Our noxt . contest will he started with the first issjue in April. This
dato is net for tho reason that wo desire to have a word of suggestion from
every correspondent, and to make a few email changes which vve think are
desirable. Lot all he ready for that date and then start it with a whirlwind
beginning. If you are in tho city we will he glad to have you call and talk
it over with tus.
Qv it over with us. " W
ie next teachers meeting
bo held at Independence on
JMh inst.
Tired oljShort Count. of them before fliey get a light.
Why doesn't one start a U',"tre Probably no worse off
mulch factory on Coos Hay. t;, ! p.aoes anu me moral h
t,.A,.., oi,. .i,.i, !tat a match factory here that
of commerce? ak the Marshfield ! wouI1 ",ak" good reliable matches
Iailv Mail. Here .we are paying innU J)lick 10 lull-count packages
tribute to matchmakers who are I cmlM find ft practically unlimited
bo infinitely small that they rob us
even on the count, to say nothing
of the goods. If t here i a small
sulphur maUli on the market in
iFino now lino just in. Most complete lino in the
j county. All new designs and up-to-date.
prices exceedingly low
Jfemembor location. East side Main street, oppo
site Locke's Drug Store, Independence
' Wanted Several persons of char
aeter.uud good reputation In each state
(one in this county required) to repre
sent and advertise old estubliHlied
wealthy business bouse of solid finan
cial standing. Balary $21.00 weekly
with expenses additional, all payable
In cash direct each Wednesday from
head offices. Horse und carriage fur
nished when necessary References.
Enclose self-addressed envelope. Colo
nial Co., 334 Dearborn St., Chjcago.
Frank Butler tells us that bis
on, Dr. 'Arthur Butler, who
holds a professional government
position at Washington, D. C,
has been admitted to practice bo-
fore the bar of the District of
Columbia supreme court.
Tho 26th of April is . the an
niversary, of the I. O. 0. F.
lodge and since it falls on Sun
day this year the local lodge
voted to attend church in re
galia on that day marching in a
body from the hall. The ser
vices will be held in the Christ
ian church and it is expected
Tbo first Monday in April
will bo an ' important day for
Falls City. Falls City is enter
ing upon a crisis in her history
and tho conduct of affairs at
such a time means much. For
years we have dozed comfort
ably and contentedly here in
the foothills and the winds
whispering, down from the firs
on the mountains has sung us a
song of a future to come some
day when the wealth closed in
the great trunks should be re
leased by mill and railroad and
wealth and prosperity would be
ours. That time is now at hand
and we are to waken into an
active, hustling and energetic
community with new problems
to deal with and new policies to
meet. The men at the head of
our city government have much
to do with the results of every
town's endeavors. Therefore
we say that the 6th of April is
to be an important day with us.
On that day Falls City is to
elect four of its council, a mayor,
a recorder, who will also be
police judge, and a marshal.
Two of the old council, Messrs.
Watkins- and Raymond, hold
over for a year we are told. In
the hands of those men will be
A meeting of the Indepen
dence Improvement League was
called to order on Monday even
ing by D. Calbreath. The sec
retary then read minutes of the
last regular meeting. Com
munications Were read and re
ferred to the proper committees.
The committee to place an ex
hibit before the Oregon Infor
mation Bureau reported and it
was the opinion that the league
should invito the farmers to
give the league assistance by
seeing the committee, of which
Dr. Butler is chairman,
and make arrangeDients for
bringing in such products as
will bo of value to show the re
sources of Folk county.
Mr. Merrill, of the Pacifie
States Telephone Company, re
ported that be was in Indepen
dence to assist Mr. Barnett r.i
securing rural telephone routes
over tbo nearby territory. V
was discussed generally s...,
found that the Telephone Co.
when 12 were secured on a ro".to
could place in a line for six
miles along their poles at $1.00
per month, the individual pay
ing for the lines and poles from,
the nearest point on the tele
phone line to tho phone at the
party's house. This was dis
cussed at length and the charge
was considered very nominal.
Three lines will be installed if
present indications are realized.
One system will begin sat Inde
pendence and go north as far as
the Brunk farm; also going from
tho Oak Point school house
about two miles north, tapping
the fine farming territory north
of town. Another system will
run south from town as far as
Parker on one line and Buena
Vista on another route. A third
will cross the river 8nd tap the
farming community there.
Independence now has 90
phones in town and this service
will more than give enough to
secure the all-night service for
which we are working.
Free switching can be had
with Monmouth and it will thus
put Independence in touch with
probably over 160 phones which
will be one of the best systems
in the state numerically and in
G. A. Hurley, Sec'y.
The , drama . "Damon" and
Pythias" was first produced May
28th, 1821 at tbe Convent Garden
Theatre and was written by John
Banim of Ireland.