ttZ OLD RELIABLE ism Wm Absolutely Pure THERE IS Af0 SUBSTITUTE LSPK.-ENIHWCK KSTKJUWK. IKI.IOT:XIKK.:K,KK.iOX I'ntnck'a 7A Prtc f Locat: Where? Why? Wear the grem ul Si ba'l. Wm. McMi.'an.a res:, e , , w,pM,m ,. M. Monmouth, an incoming I j Com rn ! I Crntrr of Polk Co, engor Wednesday, i ,,,.,, t,,,,,!!.. iiM.r i-.HimM.t .mi When in Salon NKffi: Independence people. I ,,.,, w I- n.......; , , ..t Sundav at 11 A. i'r.itf,'iim I. '"' 1 nm'H - ,jiw, ...-,,.,111 M u. .1,- lUi.tUt church, followed I ...yo ..n. i.h-..i.- V'f"iM7.--' :hii incoming ,.-". , , - . - th".M'tft IK:,!:'... ;if(,llloo.,.l!1.inK,.llto Monmouth. ) Kl,., Choat and Mm. I., by ordi.i.n,, of apt m. f. wher. sh tthlr ,1 lh W. 0. T. Pan,,,,, ,r, to I th, H on , Service a usual next tab. win MlH ...,, . L... ,.., i Ihe St. Patrick's J at the Presbyterian church, verv kiiul welcome to all. I Anu-no... Field Vw " ! Wrongest and best. Th the cheapest. Buy Anrin. I v...;,-Afur March ll U hoard It th Liltla I'"!,!.'.. IM-I t i . o !.. wit-k ami wit". Will ''I' TO"" I i room 14..Mt.i 7 pr week. 1 b j,,Hr d Aa Son KoPMaii public will lake notice. Connection. Mr. IMni H"f"nl- ,hl1": ... : ..r 1 1... W. (!. T. I'., was Mrn. J. K. por, Mr. R She Davidao? & fudcjti. P'opt ( ' i r; ii x, . "! i if n r M h, TulM , ioH iiikI it rt iIMl"V, mi incoming passenger Saturday K,m,x, Mr. Ella Irvine, ... i .. . .1 . I... I. .I... Jao Tl.url-y evening. March;"''; -ur m.l,s norll. of 1ml. 1. iWt fil to hear tin-in. j.en.l,-i,W. . pi... A man from Illinois Iwia r.-ntrd Ilnve four tlioroudiun'ii l i , ' . . , ii Ui Mr i to. mb property at mouth Uook nxwlera for val at I ( m . r i n-:io ... 1 I ft mailt'. earli. lMHiUiro oi j. u .... t ... , . ., ..... ... ,1 Mr- I ('liii'L'otl it improving i I'lnuruiun ol urn .mmm-un. " Th. K.ofP. l.nlg, will r.aoi. t; ; ; ' ..alv-ini I,,,,,,.- d.-Ioi-ation to Ku., that aflfriKMiii. jpontmm'a at lln' M. 1 airim k iit Amt'-ioaii liohl fimo wrigha twoj m.uiiiI mora to tlm rl 'than otlifrj f ,t vitatiotm Iiuvj hn-n iiul inrtkfit ut tin' oaiiHi hfijilit Con-j t(, f1)rmtt upiMiftitl of tin NfHi.ntly it ia atron;r la-tt-r uml 1 1 () (, turt to thn j.uhli.! d i li nifr. Vou call him tlia tlitl'-rt-nt if,vonjni( Inurftin "xt kimlaatli. M. Wade V t't. i nn anrmifd. W promiittt ar4 Mian K.hth ()..n, of thia t ity. ij.lrW it-port lo-xt (w-k, social andPersonai. .j;,,:;;:;'',!:;;;;:::,.;,, ,,..,,;. ,rt.,..r ,. St. Patrick's hall. I)f. W. II. Alii n was in Saloiu Monday. J. Dornaifo was a Salem visitor Monday. Prizes at th St Patrick's ball. March 17th. F. A. Douty r.-turned Wednesday from Portland. M. Flynn, of Philomath, was in tha city Friday. J. S. Cooer was a north-bound passenger Saturday. Byion Atkins is spending the week in Cottage Grove. White oats for sale. C. E. Ted row, Monmouth, Oregon. W. I. Iliffs family moved to the Ingalls residence Tuesday. Clarenc Ireland was a business visitor to Portland Monday. Clifford McArthur, of Portland, was in the city Wednesday. ! Go to R M. Wade & Co. for your paints. Their stock is fresh. J. E. Kirkland was a passenger to Cottage Grove Wednesday. Mr. and Mr?. U. h. I'Vaser visi ted over Sundav in Portland. Thos. Poaieroy and N. 0. Clod feiter visited Corvallis this week. J. S. Moore has a neatly lettered sign on the window of his barber shop. Wanted. A girl to do general housework. C. E. Tedrow, Mon mouth. W. J, White, of this county, has been appointed a guard at the pen itentiary. L. Josse spent several days in Portland this week returning home Wednesday. Mrs. Hamilton, of Pendleton, visited the famiiy of J. W. Richard eon this week. Tohn. Johnson returned to Port land Saturday, where he has de cided to locate. Mr. Cochrane, father of Miss Adona Cochrane, was an incoming passenger Friday. Mrs. M. W. Wallace and Mrs. J. S. Bohannon returned Friday from a trip to Portland. Call on J. S. Moore for Ilerpicide the dandruff cure. Sold in bulk, or applied if desired. Arrangements are made to have a special scene for Act 5 in the drama "Damon and Pythias" to be given by K. of P. lodge with home talent. what we need. with local talent in the near future. ! 'llerod Paul Wyimui, teacher at JUllstoi. has reined and i now in the training department of the Normal. The drama "Damon and Pythias" will I one of the hef.t continued plavs ever presented hi re by home talent. Iiurrns Kstes and wife leave to morrow evening for Walla Walla, Dr. Thi.mPfton went to Ci.rt: icul h-anuo delegation to Eugene j vV.!ni-duy mornind to ollii iv. tomorrow. M'. Itutherford iH ti. weddinu' of Mica j . i...,..' the Normal in lh. ' .f that idaoi', and Dr. Alnk 1 1 .... I Ml 1.11 II....!.,.... daily. What we want is onu in .).... t.i ..mi. I. it- lli.'in That I J .... .... i 11 ... I ... I u 1 1 eoiit.-ct will Ihj liel'l in imua", i v ". ....... April 7. in :. inhibition Miss Maggie I'o'nerov ).peiilSnii Uav Willi Ills part-rim hi mm ...I OH' Willi lll.t lilMllll. I" m'" '").! . , , , returning the lirst of the week , J will he awarded a follow.: hM. j f Mlin .,, Ldipronu.t Dallas, where nhe is clerking. M. C. Williams, druggist for A . ... . . .is r.ncke. ia at t ie dome ol in Wasn., where t hey will live in uiei - ' IfatJier ut Airlie quite ul. U will he fuUlre Leverul dava vet he tan re- Dr. Harris returned Mm.iay - wnw .(irk llt tlu, p,,.. from a trip to San Francisco and i Nevada, but has on no location as yet. Mrs. M. Smith returned to her home at Lafayette Saturday, after a short visit with h'-r daughter, Mrs A. M. Hurley A. W. Stanshury has purchased some land of the Polk County Land Company hituated east nf his prr.-ent premises. lie has hem ex tensively improving his pmnists. Mrs. A. M. Hurley's millinery nm-iiini' I sc helule! fr March The wifeot Uey. Snyder, of this 1 2utli and 21st. All latest styles of citv, is in very poor h'-alth-anu j hats and other miluncry on tits will noon he taken to the Sak-ui ! t)av on above dates A warm hospital lor treatment. Don't fail to attend the concert of the celebrated DeMoss family, which occurs at the opera house on Thursday evening, March 1'.). For Sals Cheap. A pood house and one and a half lots in the west part of Independence. A desirable residence section. Enquire at this office. . ', For ?ale at once 25 head hogs, one milch cow, 2-year-old heifer j and one yearling. Enquire ot Black Bros., Monmouth, or at Mix farm. We desire to notify the public that our photograph galleries will be closed on Sundays hereafter. J . M. McCaleb and Miss Mollie Johnson. Mrs. Hamblin, who has been visiting at the home of J. W. Richardson, left Wednesday for Suver, to organize a lodge of Wood craft there. The K. of P. lodge are to present "Damon and Pythias" in the near future. They expect to put on an elaborate presentation of this cele brated classic. The Independence flouring mill wants rjeonlu who have four foot aBh wood for sale to call at the mill. Contract will be for summer and fall delivery. The Corvallis Times says this of an Airlie boy: "Herman Tartar arriyed yesterday from Berkley, California, where he has been tak ing a postgraduate course in chem istry. He is to become a deputy in the office at Portland of State FchI and Dairy Commissioner Bailey." welcome aw aits all. The Georgia Harper t'o.'s pre sentation of Dumas, renowned "Calllille" was one of the bett plays ever put on the local stage. Miss Harper, us 'Camille," was the particular star and her ftipport, in most jirutB was good. Dole Pomeroy has been notified that he is a winner in the prize contest of a big Boston paper, but just where h. is numbered he has not learned. Amcnsr the host pre miums is an income for life, a trip to Europe, all expenses puid, etc. He lias also been asked by the paper if he would he willing to net as judge in n contest next year, all expenses of a round trip to Boston being the compensation. DUEBER-HAMPDEPJ 17 RUBY JEWELED . k te.-l Others will go. 'Portland, which occi.riru j The prohibition Mat., oratorical morning at th l'rehylerian t l.i I ...I I ., II,. I ul I itrVHI m. connection with thi 'j-lic St. Patrick's halltq W j convention, Pruc h1 ,1M ,iidu..iium on tho n to bti iHi; second, and third, ll'. ' nn,t Hmvefiil event of th i; cash. 'held in I ndeptMideme, Day. Kev. G. II. Osborne will sp uk in . ticket. To.'. Sp.-ciutor, '2" c.i tni. city Wednesday evening uud. r J All invited, auspices of the Workman lodge, j C(l(l 0).(1( K.v..ri.mnt 'i other np-akers will ! present. M r- j,, ,.,nrK f ,M, revetment i iKPome will also r.-nd-r "'V-ral ; , j,, ,wcUy Tuesd.iv, i solos. All are Invited and there is ; i)nuU u- Wo,k w. no admission f-e. ' griming nic.-ly and hm y Hon. Aaron Jones, of South ' fully Mt in the work of IciiJ: Bend, Indiana. Master of the would commciice. National Grange, will addresa a, jj. ;v. Mt-ElinirVry. of All . r ... l f I. I 1. 1. 1 . ' im-eiing ai .nonuioui.i. ..i.o. o .o... W,H 1( ,M . T,.w,l,v. Jt ... 1 ."li l l f I u i. ...... ..f .... r uneof the heavnt tax pa.-ef., the cni.m-nt lectures of the Grange : (t iu)(y wM n (fl , and all should h-ar him advantage of ihe discount Miss Kay Ad kins, a sUt-'r f prompt, payment. Ik reporii Byron Adkitm ami Mrs. J. K. Kirk-!,r u slightly iinprovei land, and a former nsident of In- heahli. returned Wcdiw- dependence, w is married yesterday j him, cti niy. in Cottage Grovo to Van Allison, a' S" r I Oil,. Mi. I lli'iln f rttl'm. ( II ... .1 .f I'.. I. ...... ' - . . . tallied rIkhu twelve of her ,( drove, tile r.M Kiirio -i. imiiN in , . , . . , . , i friends at her home NtimLin oem wisnes lor u iiiiim. nun miu- , , , . . ' , ternoon ill honor of her sixth Is ' liliiv (inline noil rolrHKhlti' Harrv Murnhv. formerlv cur-1 made tint tim miss nleasanllf J ' - - i ' ? . t . i .. . .. ...... .1.. t:.ii . f it., t i ! . li., - I wonisi lor mn wrsgoniuu, . ni , me nuns ioikhi nun u jouy ( hast to accept a position of f.() time. per week on the Uiilmlelplna ; . ,mr,y wa Kjvwn ,.. M North American but last week he ! v,.n;,. ii,,..,,,,, i. received an offer from the Cbieiigrtt f,,uTgelT1PiTtg iirrscnt. W- Ilecord just doubling his wages and j refreshments were served and dren'a amusement! constituted evening delightfully spent. Til present were: Anta Hartt he in now head cartoonist on the Chicago paper at $K.K) per week. i i ii., i..... i. i .i - ... j.. oiiiiiiii nun oio i:ioir.rii inn: t . ... ' . . . :l.,l.u T. '!',..... MliJ house north or .Mrs. Klla Irvine, ". formerly occupied by Mr. Ilill"s. M0"""11 lroc Wfo and will move it to the property flajusieci Vaicnes THE BEST TIME KEEPERS IN THE WORLD. 17 RUBY JEWELED ADJUSTED WATCHES . r. Hy thft Intruduciloo of th lln of 17 Hutiy Jwl A.IJuntea, t the xtrmply low ..rl.'M. wltlph wa mini. r h.u. nintift on of the nrinwt Hteps furward In lb biltory of Watch mlii i n we iiiivc iu (.nilorHf iTH'nl of prActU'Kl (Vf. wali-n Malrnri tnni tnm ie mill In the right dlrro- Mi. i. With Uuhv Jewel CVnteni the prohablllty of tupping ! reduced lo 1 miMt nothing. Call In at four Wattb Maker'a and look fur the Jewel In tbe Center. where his residence was destroy nisi mil ny nre. tie win lauld an addition to the house. The prop erty which will be vacated hy mov ing' the structure has heen pur chased hy Chas. Smith. Helen Cooper, Grace and ; U alker, Maggie Hodge, k Jones, Arena Sperling, GeiieT; Cooper ond Nellie Damon, h Pomeroy, Frank Kirkland, Ma .MinToy, r raiiK JMraiauu, i" Butler, Elwoott Hartinan, Juki Taylor. Gould Cressv. Oist t W h I ! I'll If IT Wmpui.v Kill riilirl. Wit .... . " ' ' I A pleasant birthday parly was i Mills, Teddy Jrvii. idered A. W, Stanshury ut his j " THE DUEBER WATCH WORKS, CANTON, OHIO. Kramer $ go., INDEPENDENCE, ORE ten hoin in west Independence last week. Mrs. Stanshury presented her husband a rocking chair. On the same day Mrs. Burma Estes celebrated her birthday and she ....... -. .. .. i nun nremaii. ut trio nappy occasion. Douty's bakery presented her with a beautiful birthday cake, appro priately lettered. Those present were: B. M. E-itoa and wife, C. W Stansburv and wife. I. R , - . ,, and niece, Miss Fitzsimmons.C, M. Thorp and wife, A. Huston and wife, I. H, Ingram and wife and Charles Bnyder and sister. ...THE... Illontnoutb Dundrf II. I. WIIITNAN.ITop. Should have your Wort Washing called for and d' llvere.l. WashtliK called for oil Ts 4) day ami delivered ou Ht' 4 'ay 4 Work enarantced- 4 a Monmouth. Oreflon