Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, March 05, 1903, Image 5

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In all Its Branches
Pay or .night call promptly
attended Id. Kin hearse in ton.
union ....
Embalrper and Funeral I'iractor,
ylonmouth Correspondents.
ZL -1
A Bad Breath
MMHMMiHHtiHHHiHHiiHMHH hti good deportment continue dur
- -. i- incr i in rimnin ma nanm will un
Public ?crum Ktillv f.M f ilftf'tvl fill thu mil of A had breath means a bad
J ' honor, for during the entire day he Stomach, a bad digestion, a
iU bad liver. Aver's Pills are
i:i.r--Hi.Hii or the Public r,, owumt , ' Hver dUIs. Thev cure con-
fur tlilM column. The Kvikui'hisk
assume, mi rffi"ii'il'ility fr
utterance found here.
wit,, Kerr hM i wooing! Iftr pllh. They cure con-
Ifor Mr. Ku.,u do-ing th vacation., "P""". ."VT V- 7
; Walter is. U.e.aak i-r..i iB'pcpsia,sck headache.
. , . . , M- ASMmffltU.
deserving oi spec-mi iimiiiihmuhiiub
fur hi indutry. . , j
Cooper A Hurley oiler a good ,
Onrr morn we are the forli!-! farm of .100 acres (more or tent)
for lei than fmnai.
1 Tliiink You.
l -,.. a. hatd A MaMtlf 111
krowi of nrb blv k' ThmuM
Hn .&....... o. w'i. C-. " - -
iiattf prize winner in tlm Entkh
I'KIhk correspondents' contest
which cloned n week ago. Again
to thu editor, and to t'licli oiiejehlld of Mr. I
tolkey relumed Friday
-until returned Thura-
Fall "ity. where h
the sinter.
Hilda Mack took a trip to
u i .lightly improved
jgler linn greatly improved
iv by grubbing mil Hut
triiiiiiiing thu trie anil
now fence,
, k. who liua U''it aeri-
!, r a number of weeks, in
V) In- up.
went out to his claim
Livr re really enjoying
,. in tli weather, a in
a the groun.1 is wo ury
II I law ley went to Ash-
Leek to visit her datign-
!. F. Mulkey.
.u'hrie left last w'k to
, soldier in Cmle Sam's
fl'.nrnett. of A'bany, spent
...ughary and wife visited
iv with the family of OtiH
ion Boots was a Dallas
i unlay.
Llemuii attended to bum-
at Dallas Friday.
Tenting lecture was given
leuahaw, of Chicago, at
Mian church Saturday
lir the auspices of the
u League. Mr. Heushaw
k fur the National Prohi-
Lugue and visits oil the
' tlm Northwest.
ioihhy haH added much
canuice of his place by
It a hedge and some very
h and shrubs.
Vork went back to Falls
Inlay, where he will cou-
work at the Lucas mill
h miner.
!u by Allen is working for
irenee Ted row south ot
ll Mrs. Berry are still on
lazel Mulkey returned to
at Aidiland lat Monday
ixtended vinit here.
Boyce Arant taught the
of the Training School
. L. Campbell and daugh-
i, of Eugene, were visiting
here last week.
fhraith has been at Port
last two weeks with hia
who is there under medl-
j Mr. .fiber, .nt Ktigenn. waa via
i ililig flieiide here tbf llrnt ot til"
i w-i-k.
i It be(.ina to Hi-em natural to talk
niKitii auiniiier aiier m apienuni
weather we have enjoyed. A'great
many gardena have been worked,
and in a few cnxea already planted.
Now we are content to huddle
annind the lire for a few weeka
longer and let old nature do her
worat. while the men amile Wauao
houae-clean'ng has been delayed.
Mra. Helen D.' Harford will be in
the county the lant of thia week.
She will speak at the V C. T. V.
hall at thia plnee Saturday at 2:.'50
I. M. and in the evening at the
Kvnn)Hieal church. .Mra. Har
ford i the utate president of the
W. C. T. V , and i a very 'interent
ing apeaker.
U. S. Loughary and family, of
Dalian, apent Sunday here.
I'teorleaa Hair VIfor.
J luado and Hold by A. N. Hal-let-k,
ol Monmouth, Polk county,
Oregon. It is the only hair vigor
that will entirely cleanae the hair
of dandrull'ttud keep thedandrufl
oil the head. It will flop the hair
from fulling out and cures all dip-
eia of ti e acalp and restore faded
i or gray hair to its former color anil
shifter. It wil promote a healthy
'grow ill to the hair and make it
iaoft and gloecy. For further in
formation call on or adiireaa
A. X. Hai.i.ix k, Monmouth.
Sold in any quantities you win...
"J wrote to
Dr. Pierce for
advice thou&ft I
thought surely
I would die.
Aflf r my but curne In tttmmry, laoo," wHlej
Ivcrrlv IrSm Mil ..irUof -ch tiJ pm, until
thr rll..wni Mnv. whm I rt-a.l one of ymr
p.,r,Hlcl. ircmiuk on fcra-l-li. "
(u )t l-icrt Int ..Ivk-e, lthraii;h I llwti-jlit
wm Store li.lile lo .lie Ih.n to Ret well : your
SoVrly ..tvi c.ue,l my hlth to be rd
1 took vr bltle of Dr. I'icrw . fmric I re
Icrhrtion three of Ool.len llrov.ry
rmi' tliree .1.1. of Pel.eU.- t.j-thrr .;.r
other renieuie., ud I m now ble to do .11 my
Wenlt an.l ick women are invited to
commit Dr. Pierce, by letter, free, and
to obtain without cliare or fee the
advice of a apecialist upon disease
peculiar to women. All correspondence
. held etrictlv private and wcrerfly
confidential. Addreaa Dr. R. V. Pierce,
Buffalo, N. Y. , .
The invitation to connult Pr. Pierce,
by letter, free, ia not to xs confused
with offer of "free medical advice"
made by irresponsible persona who are
not physician, and are professionally
and legally disqualified for the practice
of meoiciue. , .
Dr. Pierce'. Favorite Prescription ia a
safe and reliable remedy for the enre of
womanly ilia. It estabhshea regularity,
drie. weakening drain, heala inflamma
tion and ulceration and cures female
Fkkb. Dr. Pierce'a Common Sense
Medical Advlaer ia aent free on receipt
of atamp. to pay erpe-se of mailimr o
Send ai one-cent atampa for the book ia
papet covers, or 31 tamps for the cloth
UunaTolume. Address Dr. R.V.Pierce,
Juff.lo, N. Y.
Mr. Hvron Atkina and Mr. J.
Wakeful t:iilblreii. ; 15. Kirkland left today 'fur a brief
r. .'. r
For a hrnii time the two-year-old : eiay in i ik - irovr.
Mrs. I. H. Boydton, wag in
Whitcson this week to attend the
L. Mei'lieraoil. 6 N.
who has funiihl.od m oven onc, 1'., would
. ecu hut two or three bourn In tua
i:ii.. : i i.i.. .. ... fun.
IHIR- ui'ill l"J nei in
.M1 "U riJ ,,i,.,i ' . . . IWIU l"i j .IllflS VJIIIfl j !,... r-. ii v -
Tho ilchk ia it little lKMUy,.M'-U"" I!roadmead Wedne-day eve-
inu-M overi'lr,,uh,,,aKHVW,w inBonavi-ittoher ,i,ter, Mrs.
tliamberlaliia Bioinaeii aim iivr, -
Tatileta, which quieted her atoniacb Q- v . Kutch.
ami she slept the whole iiight ihroiih . jjr Meeker, a newcomer from
sleep Inn two or three hour. In tue. , (
;eur vimrtof th iilght, whleh made it ; '""" "
! very hard for her patenla. iieruioiu-( Mias Clara fhomai-ei) came in
Sunny Slope School Itoport.
and ia worth in any limes over
the hliglit tdlort rcjiircI in so
curing it. While wo cunnot al
ways win iirwt place, we uliall
i-ontinue to help the Extkii
piiink in securing news matter,
and fchall do our humble- best
towards helping to boom Polk
county a:xl our own little vil
lage. Again nnd yet once again we
say to nil, "thank you 'for your
kind assistance."
Chack A. Ham.,
IJueiia -Vista, Or.
Twunlil Spoil This Story to Tell!
It in the Headline. j
T line an eighteenth century phrase, j
thlsU an "o'er true tale." Having , , fa
t,u,.,a.eed in a ...nail Virginia town lul" " l)luct-. Wr0 f , 1
11 i.,ji.. .i...ijU.l l,.ui. Kiitofiifiv ftven-
thu winter of I a story very
much of the present. Up to a short
time ago Mrs. John K. Harmon, of
Melfa Station. Va., had no personal
Two boxes of these table.a have emcl- w- ,)Urchaile(l a farm
ed a imnuaiieut :ur and she ia now '
well and strong. For .ale by Kirkland west of Monmouth, the conHidera-
D'rug Co. tion being 0,0K).
I. Clajrgett was an incoming pas
seneer from Portland Monday
Following is a report of mutiny niorr,;r.K , rtntKinre to a meHsag
Slope public school for the month gent him of the diinf!erou illness
ending February 2,, 190J: I , .. -
Numhei enrol'td. 17; average at
tendance, 14; number of visitor, 2.
Those not abeent during the month
were I'earl Finhback, Nellie, Fay
and Orpha Shipley, Eld j, Millie
and Roy Clark.
A. J. Siiipi.kv, teacher.
m:vis villi:.
The family of Rev. Haynes, of
knowledge of the rare curative prop
erties or Chamberlain's Cough Itemed y,
"l.iiHt January," she vs, ' my baby
took a dreadful cold and at one time 1
feared abe would have pneumonia,
but one of my neighbors told ma how
this remedy had cured her little boy
atid I begsu giving It to my baby at
one and It soon cured her. I heartily
nilv surprised last Saturday even
ing by the arrival of their daugh
ter, Florence, from Oregon City.
I). Simpson, of l'edee, passed
through here Monday eveuing with
a new wagon.
Wm. McAdams, of Airlie, spent
Sunday here.
Miss Marion Haynes conducted
the Enworth League service hire
last Sunday evening. Miss Haynes
read this will try it and be convlncetl
n I was." For sale by Kirkland Drug
Miss Winnoccne Osborne, of
(.w-liircn. of Cliamber-
laln'a Cough Remedy for placing so j t a j,reut help in such work.
cnat a cure within my reacli. Ioau- . i.l
L, eeommemt it too highly or,ayl The oyster supper g.ven by the
too much In ita fav'or. I 1:oh all who Ladies Aid Society February oth,
was well attended, some ne
ing taken in.
Mr. Ober, owner of the Charter
Oak sawmill, has gone to San Fran
cisco on business.
Mr. M. M. Jones, while working
Tuesday morning, while he stopped
to re6t his team, let one of the
horses 6tart, pulling a rolling har
row on one of the horses and cat
ting the main artery in one of its
legs. The hor9e almost bled to
death before the blood could be
Claude Lewis is thinking of
shearing his goats as 6oon as the
weather is warm enough.
ITiahland. soent Saturday with
Mrs. P. T. Peterson.
Green Gentry, of Independence,
vMted with friends at Tarker Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs H. Frum, of Saver,
spent Sunday with friends at this
Misses Julia and Lenora James,
of Suver, spent a few days of last
week with their aunt, Mrs. Wm.
Fuoua, of this place.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Boone left last
Saturday for a few days' visit with
their son, Daniel Boone, of Inde-
nendence. They intend to return
to Kansas City, the latter part of
this month. f
Miss Velena Fuqua celebrated
her tenth birthday on the 28th of
last month. She received many
useful and beautiful presents, one
of them being a handsome ring,
hearins her birthstone, the am-
ethyst, presented to htr by her
The SDrinir term of school began
Monday morning with one pupil,
Ivor Dayidson, present. Should
W. R. ALLIN. D. D. S.
Puinli Kxtractlon
it xwlulty.
Cooper Building,
. Independence, Ore.
13. T. III3NKLE,
Barber Shop.
' mais street,
Independence, - - Okeg
Tonsorial Artist
Only first-class workmen em
ployed in the "Wigwam." Shop
situated on North side of C Street.
Independence Feed Mills
Independence. Oregon.
Tickets to and from allPoints East
Kev. T. P. Haynes is still cut
ting wood for B. F. Smith. He
has a contract to cut 85 ricks.
More lllots.
niafnrbftiiees of atrikers are not near-
nervous tension will be followed by ND eoiNT cast.
utter collapse, unless a reliable remedy j Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers.
i8 immediately- employed. There's i BuSi(jl Smoii:ai Library Can.
nothing so efficient to cure disorders of i "
the livur or kidneys as Electric Bitters. DAILY TRAINS j FAST TIME.
It'aa wonderful tonic and effective j
nervine and the greatest all around j jror rates, foldera and fall tnforma
r ,i...., o,..,n,c Tt .mn Mwiriiini tickets, routes, etc., call
M ,K.v..i.m .ml on or address H. DICKSON, City
Ul(cia tiv.. . v-.....-.- ,
nnnraluria and expels malaria germs
Only 60c and satisfaction guaranteed
by Kirklaud Drug Co.
Ticket Agent J. W. PHALON.Trav.
Pasa. Aet., Portland.
A. B.C. DENNI8TON. G. W. P. A.
61 J First Ave., Seattle, Wash.