r.VDIClMStfDBN'OU KtfrBKl'JU-SK, INDEl'KN" DENCE, OUKfiON Large Fresh Roasted Peanuts Every Day. C IS 7 INDEPENDENCE, ORE. Vcste Paper Baskets - Wf have only three of our slock 1 f t . Tin price placed against them wan tlio thing that moved them. !!. now 3" cent. h'lmt'er Makers Supilim. Ladies' Stationery. Wo have i nice supply of bulk paper fr ladies use. Wlfut wo menu by bulk paper is thnt you can buy any amount yuu wniit. It comes in six ol 1 1 1 Intent shades with 1 envelopes to match. The On v'l"'H are of the very latest cut iiml arc made of thfl wry bent stuck. In fuel they; are tin' proper thing now,. Five Imnche of paper JO cent; one bunch' envel open J" cent. i ru th r ' Cuiiilij in ('It i. Ore a e " " l " " " " ' " Stock now. Your Winter's Reading Matter. Wo ura selling more read ing matter every day, Our circulating library I the pop ulor thing now. We wll you your first hook for 10 cents and if In good order when re turned Ve will take it back h iid give you another one for it and ! rents. Ho it only costs you really f cent each l rend our lihmry. One Jhnrii Lend J'eneils With Jtubher Tiin J Or. Photograph Envelopes. We Lave a line of picture envelopes from the very heHt manufacturers in the United State and they will get your picture to itn destination i" first-c'ass order und not leave it broken and twisted up. Small size, 2 lor a cents; large size, ft for I(J cents. Everything Contilrte for the J'ullic Sch aula. Our Cigar Departmert. In this deiarlment you find only the very heat lines of cigar that retail from 8 to 15 cents each. All the .lead ing brands. Plug and Smoking Tobacco- In this lino we have a yery complete stock and the prices are the lowest. Pipe Department You should see our line of pines. It is surely very com plete. Our line runs from a f cent cob to the very nicest genuine meerschaum. Picture Albumns. Out of our entire stock of albums we have hut one left and it is a very nice one, too. It did retail for 2.25, but you can have this one for fl.OO. Toclmiiye boundaries lictweeo Lane mo! lliiiiyltiK. To reguiate child labor under certain ages. For separate board of commissioners In Claekaiitus, To tlx salary of Clackamas comity Judge. To license domestic ami foreign corporations. To appropriate money fur fish hatch ery at Ontario. To re-locate county seat of Malheur. To require treet cars to bs provided Willi fodders. To tax irlfts. legacies and Inherit slice Jtelallve to exemption of wages from garnishment. Jo authorize Plate Laud Hoard to invest surplus funds. Making state oiTlccrs and employes subject to garnishment. To tlx salaries of Joseph! le county ollleers, Relative to pay for patients in insane ayluuis. To authorize county courts to secure field notes of surveys. Time for county court iu Wallowa unil Harney counties. To license and regulate warehouse men. Authorizing a llhrury lax In cities. Muliuomah county auditor act. To give bout pullers and Ushers Ileus. To reimburse W. H. Hampton for school laud purchase. For re location of county seat of Columbia. To amend code relative to school bouudai'iitt. To amend the Larbur law. Halary of Tillamook county school uieriuteuclent. To cliHiige time of llxing tax levies. To regulate time of apportioning school fiioils. Recovering of property escheated to tbettate. To tlx certain salarles'in Cooscouuty. To ameud code relative to marriage licenses. , All Late Magazines Are Now On Sale Geo.F.Rodgers&Co. Wholesale Paper . Dealers Our I'sper and Hair are product of ths best mills Iu the country. You will save money on prlrv and freight with us. K 130 Court St, Salem, Or To provide for compensation to volunteers for service in Indian Wars of 1855-5G. To assess bank stock. To incorporate Falld City. To abolish deficiency judg ments upon the foreclosure of mortgages. To extend the provisions o the Australian Ballot Law to the government of elections in all cities and towns of 2,000 or over. To protect sub-contractors, materialmen and laborers fur nishing material. To provide for furnishing itigants a copy of Supreme Courts' opinions. Relating to salaries of thfc several county treasures. '. To provide for and regulate sailor boarding houses. To provide for recording of assignments of certificates of de. Relating to county road matters. Incoporating Forest Grove. To regulate the running at arge of stock in Multnomah. IIUKV V VISTA. cy Frtitn, of Stiver, was visitor her'. j The glorious stirs and stripes a ' Hunted over our school house at I half mast. Sunday, in honor of . f ... .. : Washington's and Lincoln's birth- ... . , da vs. . visitor .Saturday. . , . .Miss una IMiimonM. who is a myder ami luinity ten. msi, . ' . . , ' student at Salem business college, r Newberg to reside. i ,rl . , , , . , -.t i came up on 1 hursday night a boat i. II. lialdwin. of lndeXMi-! fora visit with her parents, west of is a visitor here r nday. j town. and Mrs. (lus I'agenkopfj (;onMijerftlle work haB hven llbny relatives Sunday. jiIone . garilf,n, hereabouts and Hall .returned Thursday j "peep, peep" of baby chickens is rief visit to the legislature, occasionally heard. And this is i. j February in Oregon! EUUin returned tho first Should you tell an easterner that ek fmin n biiHiness trip to ' bicyclists were riding on Polk Co. roads hist Sunday, you would ruin ,....; ir.ii M,-ul,M..MiJyo" reputation for veracity, right -v T nail s"ii a ton iitvn- i , . , T1 .. , there, yet such is true, e liuoiia visitors, from I ' uesday. 1 Huena's business houses report a , ,'. . . . ' marked increase in buainess since Paldwin, accompanied by , , , , ,,, , , , itlie new ferry boat went into opera- oo. left Wednesday for! . ' Wash., to remain. tion, many baskets of farm produce coming from across the river, each ng has been in progress i WPek. ten days. The ground iaj Tweny gO0(1 book8 wero atlJed nt condition for plowing, j t(J t,l9 Bcho()1 Iibrary'ami $32 ig s Murphy, of Monmouth, J now on hand and soon to be ex est. over Sunday of his j pended for the same purpose. This of. L. Murphy, of this j is an excellent showing and a pro- I ject in which all citizens should jnger got a foot smashed ! lake an intere8t' A Zood book. is dlyat the rock quarry, , the best friend we can have and im- .Mr. Conger resides at j Fes.ons mus gamereu nci.nu " j hood and youth are an influence J for good thoroughout a life time, i T'cClain bought a new Let the work go on. week of Byron Nixon and onto the McClain lots, ethodist conference was last Wednesday alter 'oceedings were not learn writer. j Cut this nut and take it to Kirkland Drug Co. and get H tree sample o Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, the best f-by sic. hey cleanse and invigorate the stomach, Improve the appetite and regulate the bowels. Regular size, 2So per box. A Mother's Recommendation I have used Clmmberlalu's Cough Itciucdy for a number of years and I have no hesitancy in saying that It Is the bent remedy for coughs, colds and croup I have ever used In my family, I have not words to express my con. Ildcnce in this remedy. -Mrs. J. A. Moore, North btar, Mich. Kor sale by Kirkland Drug Co. Hills PusNcri by Itoth Houses. For execution of death sentences at state peulteutiary. To regulate carriage of sheep by ex- press. To make theft of a bicycle grjuidJar- ceny. For state aud county boards of health. To regulate livestock iu Marlon county. To prohibit circulation of indeceut literature. Relative to organization of creatua tory associations. j To protect forests from Urea. Itelative to transfer of Insane con victs to asylum. Transportation of children to coun try schools.- For the consolidation of country schools. Authorizing use of convict labor on roads. $20,000 for Kasteru Oregou Agricul tural Experiment Station. Right of eminent domain ou tele graph aud telephone coinpauies. 5000 for Oregou Historical Society Relative to licenses to practice medi cine. Requiring peddlers to pay license fees. Provide that state buildings carry their own Are insurance. Appropriation of private property by Incorporated cities. Authorizing counties to appropriate money for advertising. Providiug for location of county seats. To regulate expenses Jackson county school superiuteudent. Fixlug salary of Columbia county judeat f 1000. .Relative to confirmation of sales of real property. Relative to proving of ofllcial records Iu foreign couuties. To prevent manufacture of sle of adulterated liuseed oil. Making salary of assistant peuiten tiary warden 1200. To prohibit sule of adulterated ilium (Dating oils. To tlx salary of Tillamook county axHessor. For a portage railway between The Dalles and Celilo. For Yauihill county to sell certain real property. t or a matron at estate reoueuuarj, To provide for expeuses of legislature To cure defects iu Multnomah delin quent tax aales. Ineoporation acts: Ontario, Roseburg North Powder, JNew Astoria, Union Prineville, Raiser City, Cmby, Oregon City, McMinuvllle, Huningtou St, Johns. Providing for laying out, establish ing, constructing, improving aud re locating county roads. To Incorporate Nysia, in Malheur county. To create prosecuting attorney dis tricts from counties now embraced in the first judicial district. Relating to the protection of the salmon Industry. ' To authorize Portland to eoustruct an additional ferry. Regarding the incorporation of Al- bauy . Grautlug power to State Board of Agriculture to appoint deputies aud provide salaries for same. To amend charter of Pallas. To ameud Section 2'.Mo of the code. To authorize Portland to establish a ferry. Fixing salary of county clerk of Yamhill county. To nrotect stocK growers. To provide for a more efficient nietb od for assessment and collection of taxes. Relating to county commis sioners. Making effective the initiative and referendum. An act to license warehouse men. Prof. E. T. Hutchinson, of Woodburn, is in the city today. Burrus Estes and wife will leave the middle of march for Walla Walla. Mr. Estes baa a ranch there and will go to farming. FALLS CITY F. A. Lucas has taken a part of his carpenter crew which he had working on the new store building over to the planer grounds and is framing the big mill building preparatory to building. A considerable crew is at work at different things on the grounds and their work will soon begin to make apparent the size of the enterprise. Fred Lanway, who has been for some months at different points in Washington, reached town again Friday last and ia now on his claim in 7-S. He and T. L. Dunsmore left Mon day for their claims via the Grand Ronde expecting to en counter less snow that way than on the summit trail. Under the enginetjring of F. Holman the phone to the Bryan-Lucas mill has been changed from tho road to the flume way so that by means of pocket instruments a jam in the flume or any accident can be re ported to the mill or the town yant. M. A. Ward and Frank Harris have taken the contract of get ting out 20,000 hop poles for the Gardner yard near town and lave moved to that place to do the work. The job is let by irkpatrick &, Williams, of Dal- as.