IN'IHM'KNDK.WK KM I Alii .SK, INnKl'KNDK.VrK, OKKtlON BARGAINS IN HOLIDAY GOOD S We have just received an elegant line of ?VS S n "tfS- LIU' VVf Aia7 Bi 13 V u u the way of RochcshT Sil vcr-Nicklcd Ware, Chafing Dishes, Table and Pocket Cutlery, etc. We guarantee our Trices the Lowest, quality considered, and take Measure in giving you a partial list of special values. rTIt I K,.iv,, K...U -'"' ; An Air Rifle, Sfevens-Mayruri or 22-caIiber Sfcver s Rife, n?kes uil- ". ) 1,1 ' ' !'c to 1.7.. ' , ' il '; r.ii.:- S.... ;;, ,., .'.t-Ic Christmas pment. 'vi" s1, I 'j:. ; . 7, u 10 per cent discount on Hunting Coats. vele;lll Dt "Uf FuH Stork ..I S j 1 1 1 - ;t .oo. 1 . ,. I!, r tie- f..Il iwin - :, l n dnced ,.ri. ( -: 2Q u it ti t lD)L.(' Sm H.m.nM .I. - i;.;,, ,.,r -J7..',,) r Leggins. :ltK) !)i...i--u . .!.. ,.. , We sell Cirrcl Sweepers, Bird Cages and the only genuine Chrysolite WilUWr.:,,, I7.",. Enamehvare, Yh;ch we guarantee to stand the test of ;( ' '! I I i)U rOO . t!,. . i. . i:;(K) the strongest acids. FTOWT 'OHIO R rj'C J A M 1 IOaq : . 15 per cent discount on 6-hoIe east ranges. . Wo have a large stock of these goods on hand and they must sell regardless of cost. . 1. a. J :.k & li Jf L JiasB JL . J. Goodman, Manager. Independence, Oregon. jook Here ! Read This ! Dt.n't 1 K .M t l!i' Mll'i' lU',C!lt lull VMI. Wli; inaki- a I in'-!. ( r;ivnti ir' 1 :t : t ur oil IV II U liter (' .i-T- $ .Mi Tiii m 11 siitrial oliVr f fur ' iIm vh 'lily . . 1'i-ter t c tJ Monmouth Correspondents. i j gal I iiilt'l I'luK'ih't I) T !h W Mix, 0 A Krai ht. liickrcali 1 ii Kuowl.'p C,,uk. Mol'oy 10 r.niley. Zi'im Dii.Jii'y Henry, Frank I,rnch. l'Drryilalf Va Keyl. 1 in tier cvirt I'd tyjulni. Sail Creek Exni Hurt, Nuchiin- Uueli It 1L Kii IVil-e l'ublic Scliool Fi ilee jiublic si lii.o! for month erul-! n in;,' NovoidIht 2Sth: j- Niimlier licloiijjinfr, ,17; aveni'e daily al.teiiiiance, l;. TLose who li.ivf not born absent are; Martin Rilnor, Levi Olemaii, Wiliiu Oie- uiiiH and David Olemnn. ''!:o-e who have not been tardy arc Levy Levy lve:-( Jimniie Dr, Arthur i-yer, uon ouiar, l'.va v. omur. I'een made arid 'X 01 Id. DC'-i,.! IlK-fit- repnrt Of the j,, 0f t!j0, J j , , I j () S Wait. x Valley T licviiu and Mary Shewey. Thomas Vale und Oliver .ic.'H In d Ih'h far' v II '; .Si ba. 1 Suruliiv iniirniii":. ; health. soniewhat iniproved in Hopkins. liallsl.on I S Fudge. Dallas Tin. Kutler. Ceo. ! IT f ,,(' T, 1 1 1 i Sav. now, von I't'oiile that rend he in the Kva.uvdieal ' ' Itkkphhk and do not take itj K1J'ott- G II,l"kii"''' . o....j : .. . ! Kuiw.-rili .....I ..,.t . ,.t 1 M.b.ri .uonmouth h JI J losuier 1 QUiimiy 0,1:111, - - 1. ... ....... 1. o ... I 1 .,, , ; with yotir t.holo on it. i i.ooinoy, u n 1 uriwooa, w JV Annual wuimnoi .-Mum;, nas aeeepi-, 1 Ihintow, Hank Mattison. 'All, 01 the Kvaneliea! jhmi- ! A .'Million YuUtn. f Will iiitoii'Ii tii'i. tin. r. ut i.l" ......I 1 1 1 1 .1 1. 1! I ' ' j . imiiii nanny express me uiiuikh n , ,. .. ,ni,i.. i . tli 1 II.,..,.... 11..11 r Wi P..i,,t l I iu 1 .....1. !.)'-. 1 ..... I !'" why : rtnncri"'!! layior, 01 rniet (.'harlitiMiiie. Those who have not 0 L whisneretl are Ruth Simns;nn ni:li. , Levy Dleinan. ! dkiai;t I Jkssik M. Wilson, Teacher. ! F0K lsilnc OREGON ShoitLine and union Pacific TIMK SOllKOULK FKOM INDKI'ENDENCE ARHIVK FKOM S t ck li ol (I o r s yi 1 i 11 y'. Ftils a Dt'iiil'y Altaek. Chieau'o Salt Lake, Denver, rortlaml Ft Wurth. Oinah:!, Special Kansas Citv. St. 4 :M n m .Notice is here bv rriv-pn Hint the Ma i-ouis, Lincatroan, liieetii!,.? of the Stock-! 1 holders of the J ndepeiHicnce and : 'Atlantic Hunting Kast ton. alt Lake, IVnvei, Monmouth Railway Company for'!? election t.t' I)ir.wtnr n n.l i 1 1 II nt i nir- Lonis. ( 'iiii'vi.n. fi ... , Iloni.r Hall, of West I'oint, la. Lis-1. " ,, . . . ... ..... ... . . .. . ; tn .,.,! I.W XHevtret,,!,! l.a.l settlt,l on I " . l . I '". Will De Held at iiulenen-; . a ,Ht .'wtina.e' rt"m,n' """h", ' n"m j tlcnce, ( )ron on Wednesday. I.W I " WIi.Ivi?- hT diin..,l,.r. Mrs .ll,n w , ..?.......; .. .... i Mtl ww fmipletely cured by Dr. ... ... .... ,. . sr -1:l11 "".p.kai.e, r-- - w1(,,. nriinu I'lillvilllir. Mtlu III- lllltl . ... . .LUUOl. 1 VKI ilL IUU 1 I r r 11 ill 10 a in . over Sunday. Hah Brtiiik of ICola wivh in biiBiness Mondav IliS lllIlK-1, ' I ! I -4 i M ......i,.l i.l, .il.l ! I....1 ' ...,.. ' J I kitiir'j K.iw r.ilo 1'lllu 'I 'I'l..... I. j consumption, Ian ct.nM not help him. j .,),.,. in Hionmch aiul liver t'roul.les . o'clock A. M. lien u!l tlioiiht he was tionnietl lie i Cure constipation rial sicU licatlaehe. : l'ean to tine lr. IvIii'h New Discovery i - t Kiiltlanii Drug Ct. for taiiisinnptioii itntl writes. "Jt com I). W. Skaks, Secretary. (i n in via lae 1 it 1 I m a n. ! Spokane. Minneapolis, St i . l'aul, Iiuliith.Mi!- Avaukee, Cliicago and Kast. i Helm irk was in plelfly curt") mo and mivetl my life. I town ' now wei;li 1'L.'7 lls." It's piwitivtly . I K'l'iiantei tl for Counlis, (. olds ami Lung troubles. Price Tide ami $1.00 Trial Jertha Uowe pjirnt ThankH-, bottles free nt KiilUaini Dnijj Co. !th . h''r iarent3 at lUiena! I Jl'llV LIST. i 'Vi. .. e .1 1 : i. i Lii . , i ,i i -i i i loiuiiviiiir iiersous nuvtj oeen . Ciitito and throo clnl- ,i ...... , ... ... . .i Oliinil HI rtivo Iln Jlllllin Ut Hie ueeeinhcr lerin ol circuit court. When in Monmouth stop ut Dated November 10, 1!(2 it to Portland Monday. Fisher returned Sunday daughter, Mrn. Jestdo ho has been sick bo long, j Airlie S Gross, JI I.rinkley. IUienii Vista li L Murphy. Sliver W W Collins, C E Mc-Lane. 1 Kails City i-eml Hotel Hanipton!,.,r;r,(::i,:: D. M. Hampton, Prop. First-cluss accommodations. Rates $i per day. Special Rates by the week Falls City Leader 10 local Odd Fel- cumting on goinjr to j Salem Saturday to attend the ! banquet given therein the even -I ins 111 commemoration of the founding of the first Odd Fel lows lodge in Oregon at Salem lii'ty years ago that night. Prep arations for a grand aifair have I 72 hours. Portland to Chicago. Xo cliiuijje of cars. Tickets East via all ' rail or via host ami rail via Portland. OCEAXAN1) RIVER SCHEDl LE j FROM POKI'I.AXn. All sailing dates subject to change. 8 p m For San Francisco -4 p m Sail everv o days. Daily" ' except coi.CMBiA uivre Kunilay 8 p in To Astoria and wav 4pm Saturday landings. " Ex. Snn. 10 p ra AL HERREX, Agt., Independence.