INnKI'KSDKNClS KNTElU'RIfK. INPEl'KM'KN'CK. OKKHON t , rE OLD RELIABLE Oi If P9VDER Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE 1 a urn Arm m twarTwrxnr Social and Personal. What Became of Parker." opera houe, Wednesday, March 4tli. I"). W, Sears has been laiil up with rheumatism the past week. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hubbard were passengers to Salem Friday morn ing. Misses Bertha Bohannon and Louise Waller were in Salem Fri day. Mr. Ernest Johnson has been il! this wek, but is much im proved . Wanted A s;ir! to do general h u-v,vrk. Mis. R. H. Host, In- f''if ,it, ue. Mrs. A. J. Goodman and Mrs. W. P. Connaway were Salem vis itors Friday. The Misses Mary and Rose Clod felter were passengers to Portland Monday for a visit. Miss Lela Herren returned on Friday evening's boat from a few days' visit at Salem. L. L. Wiprut visited Sa!em the first of tl,.e week, making a "quick" trip of it by going by way ot Al bany. Mrs. M.S. Goft", who has been spending the winter at Great Falls. Montana, returned home Saturday evening, -W. H. Hawley came in Monday morning from Pendleton, for a few days' visit with his parents at Monmouth. . 4 ur.iin drill at n bar- ,:' 1". U. Karnes, of a oargaiu Jneutmtor and brooder t'r Mile at . M Annt. .moi. ! mouth, Or. For Sab' gain. Impute Monmouth, Or Call on J. S. Moore for llerpioidej Notice After March 1st nil th- dandruff cur. Sold in bulk, j ,,(l,iril , ,. I.ittN Palace Hotel or applied if desired. ! will be t'i.oll per week and with The characters, "Km! P.'." room W to 7 per week. The and "Jim Jones," are wire M public-will take notice, you Opera house. Wednesday Tke Fraternal 1'nion intend to evening, March 4th. make the comedy. "What Rccaine tho best, enter- John Fluke was able to no oui ...... - k waUinu urouiHl. vie last wei congratulate Mr. Fluke on bis re covery from his severe illness, lie thinks of seeking temporarily ft dryer climate, possibly Southern Oregon. The Southern Pacific is fixing up its grounds in ideal shape. The ..... H. ttia.limr ti l lie various build- BllltV ITMUIIIfc ius. to the motor, etc., have been 'removed and decomposed granite i substituted. Improvement go on daily. A motor load .vent to Dallas Sat urday evening to attend a dancing party given there. The Indepen dence orchestra furnished the music. The pleasure seekers ar rived home at 1 o'clock A. M. ami have many nice things to say about our neighbor town's hospitality. ' Mrs. Hannah P.rown, formerly Miss Hannah Wengenroth, ot this city, died Saturday at the Good Samaritan hospital in Portland. Mrs. Brown naa a large circle of taiiiments ever presented by home talent. Opera hous, Wednesday, March illi. 0. A. Kramer had one of the finest displays of pins ami other lodge emblems in bis window one day this week that woti'd do jus tice to ft city store. And we ob serve that the prices be quotes are much lower than for similar goods in the department store catalogue. lie should tie patronied. Ol the very same day '.he daily pc.pers contained an account of the terrific storms in the east and middle west there were many bicycles on our streets and the sun shone as brightly as in June, A mere statement of the two con ditions is more eloquent than any thing that can b.j written of the two sections of the country. Il shouldn't take n sensible person long to make up his mind. Mrs. Miles Uendriok, of Mc- Minnville and Mrs. Hondas, of friends here who are deeply moved i Cineinnatti, Ohio, are visiting la lives h re. Mrs leaves a husband and a child. llos well Shelley, ft Cornier lode- luleiiCe business limn, lusiuinn Mie ! trienus ami r D.uiglas' ni.iiib'u name Miss Jessie Brown I resided in lu-l-qiendenee. was nml She nt'liileiiCe UUSlllC!-.- man, na " ,,. . . ,,i- i , i ii . arrived Sundav Irom W est V irginia from Hood River lat week. He - i - .1 , ljand will remain here for a few is now engaged in the dry goods, . . . . l , . . . T ' UlLMllllD. .-41- I Mlllfci 11.-- 1WII11IIK HTI " ami lias recently " - uie spriiiK i iirj may v evioe business Several young men chartered the motor Monday evening and atten ded a private dancing party at Monmouth. Miss Francis French, who has been visiting friends in Indepen dence, returned to her home in Al bany Monday. Al Herren, Joe Hirschberg, H. Mattison, E. E. Paddock, Eli Ferguson and J. Dornsife were Sa lem visitors Friday. "Otto." the German waiter, in "What Became cf Parker," is a Jfiftny fellow. See him at opera " ."ikWedneaday, March 4th. ' On tbt t:l9t ay of the legislative session U0 Independence charter went through the house and later Governor Cwatnberlain approved it. We desire to give notice of a dancina; party at the opera house Saturday evening. An orchestra of several pieces will furnish music for the occasion. All are invited. Independence Orchestra. there married. He savs that his son, Ralph, who is now in Alaska, will return this spring. lUlph aleo re cently married. Carl Herren has a badly dilapi dated nose, the result of forcibly ... i , . coming in contact wmi a lanuer that some children had extended over a fence as a teeter board. People should he more particular about leaving obstructions in a position to endanger pedestrians who might be passing. j J. S. Moore last week shipped a coop of two dozen chickens to Port land and the returns are as followi-J 110 pounds at 12c, $13.20, less com mission, expresage etc., leaves a net profit of $11.4!). Of this number eight wire this spring cockerels. These figures show there is a profit in chicken raising in this section. It is pleasing to note that the Independence sawmill is gradually increasing its capacity and other wise imDroving. Independence people should patronize this home institution and encourage its grad ual development to one of the im portant mills of the county. Let us build up hat which we have in our midst as well as bring new ones to our city. Miss Lela Herren entertained a number of her friends; at her home Saturday afternoon from 3 to 5 o'clock. Cards, and music were the amusements and a dainty lunch was served. Those present were Edith Matschke, Frances French (Albany) Mabel Bateman, Bessie Taylor, Kathryn Jones, Goldie Ir vine, Elva Taylor, Edna, Florence and Laurie Uurnett, Bertha Bohan non, Lucretia Robertson, Edith Owen, Lela Herren; Mesdames Cbas. Fitchard, Thos. Fennell and Al Herren. may tcenie lo locate in Oregon. Mrs. Hendrick and Mrs. Douglas visited Salem Tuefdav. L. Josse's new residence is grad ually being enclosed and when completed he will be the proud possessor of one ot the handsomest cottages in the county, it is bis intention to beautify Ins property bv Laving a sloping lawn and a hedge fence and have his property surrounded bv a street cement walk, the first residence property in town to be thus improved. Mr. Josse is thinking some of building other residences here. In addition to his enterprising spirit there are several others talking of building in the spring and we are informed that at least three new dwellings will be put up as soon as the weath er is good; Lei the good work go on. For Sale Two incubator. qllili of Hen Mason. (J. L. Hawkins, of Dallas, wm north bound Tuesday. MiH Essie Robertson returned home- Tuesday evening. Mrn. II. Osborne and daughter were passenger to Portland, Wed nesday, j Fraternal I'niou organ benellt at opera house Wednesday evening, March 4th. Miss Nellie Harris, who now re side in Portland, it visiting her parents here. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs, A. Huston is very ill, presumably with typhoid lever. When in Salem visit Strong' Restaurant. It is headquarters for Independence people, Mrs. M. E. Hendrick. of Me Minuville, came in Sundav for h visit with friends and relatives. "V J''t Oi Perkins I Tit Clbrtd Humorist i la on I.clur Tour of Ormgon, Timber lenl lit I'mIU t il). T." A I 'IVnl. s.ui of J. 1!. Miss Ella Shufer returned to cuinty i-oiuinissioner, has w Portland Tuesday, after a hnit ' lii timber claim for 7('lli, (, visit with her parents near here. ,t reported tlmt J. II. Ten!, u-v, v.i ;.. f ti,. tt-.r!.!'. lias saw-mill intercut in i great humorist, appears in Dallas! tomorrow and Saturday evening. W. 11, Hawb-y returned lo Pendleton Wednesday, after a short visit with relatives in Monmouth. nine tor n from a. i locality lnis sold out luroo sum nml will nt,, biisiiicM. The Tenls ( into tln limber inaiiy yet iiice utid wi le Moiled at. 'f tract lnti;:l, t 1 1.'5.7" jer h ' w Licit i us much its impro valley land in wuith n'ld w!; it is s lid to be an excellent t her tract it is tnl by far i vnlt:abl us many rdher. J A Spli iKllit Itlen. We notice t hut Maurice J. liul-1 ler, "f this eity, was oce of the win-! ners in lb.' last prUe contest ol the Portland Telegram We de-ire to notify the public; that our p! olograph galleries. wilH be closi d on Sundays hereafter. J.j - - M. McCaleb uml Miss Mollie; The Polk county JUOJ tax Johnson. wns placed in the humls ofSlir" Ford for collection Tuesday, I . ruary illth. Every arranged, faiilitate thr." Most of the li have Mrs. Cannon, the alleged para mour of George Simmons, both of whom "re in jail at Dallas on a : has been made to suing of receipt. ' ileseripllon id real eMail! charge of adultery, raised sufficient ! lull) "JKI U ,W !;i...ri . . . ' i been coined into bbilik rwelpts K last week. ,, . ; will only require signing, etc., 1 be creamery here hs received' the payment of thw taxes. Tp a larger churn and the old one has Icoiirse has been a looted bv f been shipped to J tlerson. Next sheriff ollice at Dallas hoping , week we will favor our readers j obviate the unpleasant featurr with some statistics as to the pro-1 having the taxpayer wail while fits of dairying gathered Irom pat-1 descrip'ions of several parcels rons of the creamery. i laud 'e being uanslerml to f ... .. , v. , . ! receipt, which in many cases r" Glenn Butler, son of N. L. Put- . , . ' , ler, of Dallas, and a former clerk for J. L, SttK-kton in this city, was married Wednesday evening to Miss Brown, of Dallas. Mr. But ler is at present holding a leading position in the store of Brown A Ellis. Alarm Clocks ft 4? 85c $1.00 $1.25 Another lot of Scth Thomas 8 day Ciockh expected to arrive in a day or go. Yours for ('locks Kramer $ go Reliable Jewelers and Opticians. Independence, Oregon. Mrs. T. J. Cherrington. wife of T. J. Cherrington, a photographer ol Dallas,, died there Saturday, February 21. of consumption, aged 'J7 years. She leaves a husband, two sisters, a step-son, North Cher-1 rington. and a step-daughter, Mrs L. Chapman. quires a large amount of time , patience on t''c part of tho taxpi. er and greatly reduces the chaiw of making mistakes in the hu incident to pay day A locomotive nml three loads; of ruila arrived at Ihili last week for the ruilrond. W is beinjr pushed a mjiidly u" possiLle. he PROFESSIONAL CARDS. W. G. Sharman, our tailor, wus in Salem one day this ween, and he did more than the Dutch did when they took Holland. He took eighteen ocders for tailor-made suits. We like to see the spirit of enterprise evidenced by Mr. Sharman. A yery kind welcome to all who attend the Presbyterian church next Sabbath. Services of special interest both morning and evening. Mrs. Jessie Douglas (nee Brown) of Cincinnati, Ohio, arrived here. Sunday for a visit with friends and ! relatives. W. R. ALU N, D. D. Sd ...Dentist... f A I'uIiiIi-xm Kstiiiellnii Hlirrlitlly. (imih t liiillilim ' Inili-iwmli'iii-, I GEO. E. BREir DKAI.KK IN Independence Feed Jl' r , Be: it Independence, Oregoi fh( i