Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, February 26, 1903, Image 1

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:i YDAIi.
ixi)i:ri:Ni)!:Nci:, roi.K county, ohj:;on, n:iii:r.nY 20, -m.
t.'ent to Mulem Tiiiluv.
:;es CF'' wildest excitement.
and Polk, v ited in Urn fatal forty
wi'imhI uh ln lutil throughout tl
ccHMinn fur IHnger Herman.
All in all, "tin- coi'iin wnn nn o
till! Ullht HCIIHIltiolial of ft lifetime
ninl I ho all-night trip required t
mi tho seemi was gladly under
I'.v tlinKM who were present mi
I III' OCCIIhi'lll.
Wo append 11 binjiraphieal ukrtcl
up to 1 1 m l( -puimloii il ; ClniiliH William Fulton, wh
I III' 1111. WHS fleeted to till' I'llitlll fStttll'
MMinto I'l succeed Senator Simon
j ill In) .'i() vi'iirn of age on
he rtii i 1 i t y of 11 kcnntoii'il j 21, I'.MI.".. Ho wan born in tlmcitv
11 1 . . . ...I I . - 1 . r 1 . .. : . ... - 1 . .1
llin aunuiio inr'i' iri'wi -in i,iini, i. Ill 1 n,io, II nil in wieilge
1 here to I lie capital fit v l,it i f two years his parchl moved t
lay. T' in. ;li l"ill'itinK on Hi'ti-1 Miiimiiii, lu w In ru the family re
whu f.ot i.i tnk place ln-fiitt' s fiii't for I(i year. At Magnolia
I J -i L,i ii n'jr ' l!1): ,' m -t, J ;
! I'
Tt Capllol at .Vlm.
4" "e -f f "
, the crowds cniiiiiifiH'i'i gath- Mr. Kt'toti received his early edu
as early m (I in tli evening ; cation, attending tho common
lour inHci-il I'm rrtiifi- i school. In 1711)18 parents again
projection of h li'W indies in
and clinging lo ttn! l.tri'
.its of OrcpoiTrt ex-povenmrfl.
Wrilfir IihiJ tlm privilrgf to u
V 1 fw ' ihU'iM from him, lust
1 fr
i Ihhh" ot rcjiri'-o'iitiitivi-iti inovi'il to ravni'' ( ity, cb., m
!r i-onipli ti'lv oiii of tin1' w h icli pUffi Sfiiutor Kulton t"uk 11 j
on. fV i!'i i'l rnli' l to net J tins Fttul v of law. In 1 ST.'J ami
!! ion tit witni-M iliu i'xcitinj I IS7 I lio tiiuhl. hcIiooI ami during
Mil': to I'linUf. l'.OVH lllMtl j I'.'ltt of Mlf tilll" Httfllllol fill IK'.'ui-
ntnUirJ wul.'!-, i-iMiiiii!;; on a my.
In tli iiriii of 1 H75 ynting
ton ili'ti-rmini'tl to conm W'fst, and
early in that yi-ar hit lantletl in
I'oitluiol, it total Htrangi-r. His fi
imncf were nt . low elili, lmt In?
tig it WUh mil of ;h ijuiietloii. Ht i'iirtu! u poeition ah Hfliool-iiiiiNter
i inonotniiotiH until the clock in the litlln foniiiiunity of W'atfr
J to tiiti hour of I'li-vi'tt, w lie n Ion, Linn county. After teaching
moot. II. U". Scott wan pre- u term li went to Actoria, arriving
f the hhiunit of intclli-1 Iheii) in July, 187". Since that
tine' he has heen tl reniileiit of that
city nml one of the must prominent
of Oregon' puhlic men. Arriving
at Antoria Senator Kullon hungout
a !av nhingle. For a time practice
was not brisk and Mr. J'ilton
waited long and patiently f'r tliat
tirnt client. KyftUiially the client
tn but a few momentii dth-1 came and tho young lawyer was
Representative Jlawkiun was
in euppurler, with the ex-
In the curly 'V'" Mr. Fulton wan
eh i led rity attorney nl in 1S
uh it pnmitleiifitil elector, cnrryiiK
buck til U'uHhillgtoil the vot nf
Oreumi ami ending it for I'ri'nid"iit
llarriHon. In I Mo Mr. Fulton ile
fenteil 5on. John Kopp for ii.'ate
H. iuitor, iind in 1S!)H be wan ngiiiri
n iiiiiilidiite fir tin eeniilo, lilH op
ponent bring Hon. John II. Smith.
The Imttl'' which lolloWed will ever
he reinemliered. Mr. Smith wan
iiuini'iiKel v popular utel not until
the linllobi were counled could any
one predict the renult. Mr. Fulton
win elected, but by u narrow inar-
It i interei'ling in thin connec
tion to note that Mr. Smith wan
olli rcil all HortH ol iiiducementu to
run agiiiiiMt Mr. Fulton in Juim of j ('
ant y-ar by iipponentx of the flat-
nop IciuJi-r, but he declined on the
ground that ho would not utand ir.
'r. Fulton's way if he had n chance
to go to Washington. Thin nctlvfir
wan cliaructeriHtie of Mr. SinithJA
...i. :.. i i .
now in inn eoiu oi Donor ami in-
tenpcly loyal. I.att year Mr. Ful
ton's opponent was Dr. II. L. Ilen-
ernuti. Mr.. Fulton wan president
f tho noiiatn at the H-Hidon nf J.S'J.'!.
and agitin in l'.Xll.
The ticw equator married Mis
la Jlohmui on September 1S7S,
and Iibh one child, a con. Mrs.
Pillion 'in a charming matron, pop
ular, grncioim and tactful.
T-s ,r -n sr.
.MtllloiiH I'ut to Work.
'The wonderful nctivitv of tlm
ceiitur.v I hIiowii by nn er.oriiKiim ile-
nianil fur t lie world'H beM workerw-
l I-t i. V Tir. l:it.. ... .
-ii, ...ii..., Mi..L- i, I... i.,i:i... ......... i iv
or any iron bin nf Ktoiimeb, liver or
klilneyn they're unrivaled. Holy ""it"
at Klrklaod I r n vr Co.'h.
t'ouiity Court Xi'im,
( iliwerver.
)ii"i there wan a etorin of
thecruwd evidently favor-X-(oveinor
(!eer. Senator
y ofthln county, made one of
speeches of tho evening in
liig th nomination of Mr.
I 'liter he turned to Mr. Fill
er, it wa.1 cerUiin bin nomiu-
not long in convincing the public
there that there wan something in
of a few ballots throughout j hi:n.
tlon. -jteprcKf ntutive Jonen,
epreHenlative from Lincoln
At lirst Mr. Fulton look no act
ive intercut in politics. JIo shun
ned tho partisan Btrilo that was
periodically waged, hut in 1878 he
whs caught in tho whirl. In 1877
ho had formed a law partnership
with J Uohb. who was manag
ing republican afi'airs there, and in
tho following year Mr. Rob caused
him to bo nominated for state Bcna-
...THE... fr
;:::::5uil) Dundry
D. WHITMAN, I'rop.
' i have vour .Work.
. i . . ... t ... t
! tor trom Uiatsop, tommuia nu
I Tillamook counties-. Mia opponent
' Ing called for and 1e-
' '- X ealled for on Tsea
ai delivered on Satur-
:rr.3uth, Oregon.
wna Dr. Dodd, a democratic war
horse, who had fought out many a
bitter campaign. It really looked
a hopelees light for the young man,
but he mude an energetic campaign
and won out bj 70 votes.
Kstnle of Carl 1'ehrr-on. dec-ased
administrator ordered to erect
monument over grave of deceased,
same to coft not oyer $80.
Estate of Margaret I Babeock,
deceased final account set"' for
hearing Friday. March 1.'!, at 1
o'clock P. M.
Estate of C C Walker, deceased
yijl admitted to probate; Charles
M l'urvino appointed executor
without bonds; J K Phillips, J L
l'urvine ami. A J I'urvine appoint
ed appraisers.
Estate of A II Palmer, deceased
final account set for hearing
March 21 at 10 o'clock A M.
(Inardianship of . Viva Courier, a
minor petition to sell real prop-1
er'3' granted.'
Homer Lodge No -J5, K of P, to
J A Oonklin, cemetery lot, if 5.
II A Haldwin ft ux to W J
Steel et ux, lots in Buena Vista,
M M Ellis, asignee, to II W
Strong, tract in t 8 s, r o w, iriiOu.
Martha J Hewley toJM Hamil
ton et al, tract in' McCoy, $120.
Kerineth Campbell et ux to U M
Caldwell, 142.80 acres, t 6 s, r 5 w,
WOOOand warranty deed to 42.38
acres of land.
James I) Allen to Albert Zielesch,
2"8.27 acres, t 7 s, r 4 w, $11,610.
W II Holmes to Ladd & Iush,
lots 4 and 5, block 76, Salem: 24
acres in t 8 s, r 2 w; also und two
thirds int west halt Arthur Ingalls
d 1 c in t 7 8, r 4 w, $3500.
Stop and Read This.
It is time that all handu joined in a eysteiiMitic
endeavor to push forward Indt jieiideiice, Monmotitn and
old I'olk. The fuel is undisputed that Polk county is
the leading hop and dairy county of the fctate ol Oregon,
and that the noil is the best in the world for agricultural
pursuits. Independence! the financial and commer
tial.i enter of I'olk county, so we decided after looking
over the field to open an up-to-date
Real estate, Eaw, Collection and
Insurance Office
And ptih forward I'olk county. We want your assist
ance. Tho new firm is composed of E. W. Cooikk and
fi. A. lIi ut.KV, and ail communications should be ad
dressed to Cooper Sr Hurley, Independence, Ore.
We have up-to-date oflices on the eastsideof Main street,
near Monmouth street.
- If you have property for sale, send us descriptions
and price or rail into our odice and tell us about, it. We
will work as hard to sell your property for you as we
would if it were our own. It is our business to do so.
We take the prospective buyer out and we show him the
propei ty show him all over it we pay the live-y ex
penses it will not cost the buyer a cent for team hire.
If you want to buy come in and see us, we will
show you what we have. If one piece of property does
not suit Vuii, probably another will. II you want t) trade
property w e will do our best for you.
Come into our ollice when in town. All are wel
come. Bring in samples of your-grain, vegetables, fruit,
hops or cereals. We will display them for you; Remem
ber the new real estate office,
East Sid of Main Strut,
Independence. Oregon. '
i l' Chase et ux to Win Bogen-: by George Cable, an "Id-lime friend
ske. s w 1-1 n e 1--1 sec !('.. t S s, r j She Carried a beautiful bouquet of
w, $.j2"). i white carnations. At the close of
G W Whiteaker et ux to W A the ceremony an eh-gant luncheon
i'atton et al, 30 acres, t 8 s, r 4 w. was served in the dining room,
'tl-OO- : which was decorated in lavender
J W Tnlford to Minnie A Tolford and purple. Mr. and Mrs. Patter-
s w 1-4 sec lo, t 0 e, r 8 w, $1. som left on 'the train for Portland
A F Courter et ux to W O Met-1 on the same afternoon. After the
calf, lots 4. 5, (i nd 7, block L, 1st i first of March they will be at home
add to Falls City. $75. j to their friends at 443 Everett
SO Ilanna to Lelia and May .street.
Henna, t"i8.!0 acres, t i) " r 7 w, j ' .
$1000. j Portland Will C-Ojerate.
I'ntleisoii-Kyiio Nnpihils. ' Independence Improvement League
' ! Independence. Ore.
Allan I). Patterson, son of F. A. I p,.ar o;.
Patterson, of this city, was married j ( lt gives me great pleasure
in McM.nt.ville hist week. We advise vou thflt at a meeting of the
copy an account of the wedding . Portand Roard of Trade heldi Feb
from tho last issue of the Yamhill 1 1G) the ,.equegt of your League for
County Reporter: co operation in the matter of se-
"O.i Wednesday at noon a very : curin2 depired L,hanes : thfl train
pretty wedding was solemnized at i service on th; we8t gide division of
the residence ot Leorge Cable in , the Southern Pacific Railroad was
this city. The contracting parties J unan5mou?v acquiesced in and a
w-te Allan I). Patterson, of Port , a committee consisting of T. B.
land, Oregon, and Miss Sada E.-j IIa,nnl0ndi Q. M. Idleman and A.
Ryno, who has been visiting with tj, Deverg was appointed t0 confer
her friend, Mrs. George Cable. The TO:th thfl,s ftf th cnntllpril
Pacific Railroad Company in refer-
cerenionv was According to the sol
emn ritual service of the Episcopal
church, and was performed by Rev.
Henrv T. Atkinson of the M. E.
ence thereto and in every other
way within its power co-opprafe
with vou in the nrocurement of tKe
church of this city. At the p- j;,..j
pointed hour the bridal party
marched in to the music of I-iohen-'
grin's wedding march, which was
played softly 03' Miss Pearl Estes,
of Astoria. The parlor in' which j
the ceremony took place was very
Very respectfully.
Max M. Shillook
Sec. Portland Board of Trade.
handsomely decorated in green and
white. The pretty bride was hand
somely arrayed in a traveling suit
of broadcloth, and was given away
xneaciore inrasner was a
passenger to Corvallis Saturday.
Miss Kate Ketchum returned to
school at Mt. Angel Tuesday morn-ing.