IN'PF.rF.NPKNCK C Vt 01 09888888889 eeeeesww " ltiu'iin Vlt. Mrs. II. L. Hall returned Wed need? from Corvatlis. H. A. Baldwin was n Indp" dence visitor Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Anderson visi ted Independence Saturday. 11. L. Hall delivered a beef row to Sperling brothers, of Indepen dence, Saturday. .VI It 1.1 K. Urandtua Waters it seriously ill with asthma. Dr. Butler was called to see Troy Turner last Sunday. E. A.Taylor made a business trip to Pedee last week. J. O. Staats made a business trip to Independence last week. Percy lladley rined U Mr. ai.d Mrs. Monroe Kreutof f've dressed hogs to Portland. near Independence were Sunday visitor in this burg. The recent enow storms caused umnv a shiver in tlm locality and the Oregon -'mist" was heartily wel comed again. Piling that drifted away from Spring tllll during the recent high water was returned to the river this week by Jacob Nash and Charies Moor. The condition cf Jamts McClain remains practical'' unchanged. He has been a sufferer from asthma for many months, with slight hopes of recovery. Byron Nixon, the popular mail currier between Parker and P.uena. h.n sublet his contract to Mr. Winn. Mr Nixon will operate a hop yard, the coming year. .Saved Her Child's Life. "In three weeks our chubby little boy was changed by pueumonm al most to a skeleton," writes Mrs. W. w-ttins. of Pleasant City, O. "A terrible cough set Iu that iu spite of a trnnil doctor's treatuteut for seyerai i. win.B verv dav. We wtrcns 1 v. " v " - hoi, .iel Dr. Kine's New Discovery for Consumption, and our darling was sound and well. We are sure thin prand medicine saved his life Millions know its the only sure cure for cougbs, colds and all lung diseases Kirkland Drug Co. guarantees satis' faction, 50c, $1.00. Trial bottles free. CALVA BY. The Parker school closed its fall term of school on the 2nd inst. Lew Stapleton intends putting out 14 acres of hops this spring. Mrs. Moore returned last Wed nesday from a six weeks' visit in Oregon City. J. DickinBon has lost sereral head ofBheep with" something like blind staggers. Supt. Starr, of Dallas, was re cently visiting the Parker and Highland school. Claude Boone returned from the Portjand hospital last week greatly improved in health. W. A. Scott has bought from Peter Kurre the place formerly owned by J. W. Osborne. A. B. Lacev has returned from Detroit, Oregon, where he has been on business for the government. Isaac McElmurry, of Linn coun ts RAV R the ENTERPRISE is a8 J I - newsy as a letter to them weekly. Joe Anderson, Percy Dickinson and Dell Origsby have each ap plied for the contract of delivering the mail. Rev. J. W. Osborne went to Linn county to fill an appointment two weeks ago and was kept there eight or ten days by the high water. Horn. February 4th, to the wife ofC. L. Hump, of Airlie.ason. Willie Bums visited at the home of J. M. Staats during vnu ji week. v r staat recently killed a catamount that weighed near fifty pounds. Uillv McAdams returned hist Friday from a weeks' visit to Kings Valley Miss Maggie Critchlow took the motor for Dallas msi morning. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hanna, of this place, are visiting Indepen dence relatives. Mrs. T. A. Dunn, of Dallas, is a visitor at the home of F. A. Link, near Montgomery. Hugo Nindel, of Portland, is a guest at the home of his brother. J. C. Nindel, of this place. There seems to he an irresistable attraction near Maple Grove for a certain young man at 1 edee. C C. McCracken, of Dallas, an Indian war veteran, was here last week to establish his claim to a pension. Oda Craton. of Pedee, started last Monday on a visit to his broth er, John Craton, at Ash wood, in Crook couuty. Mrs. Thomas Kinchin, of Pedee, returned last week from an extend ed visit to relatives at Portland and Champoeg. Mr. and Mrs. John Devore, re cently from South Dakota, were in town last week on their way Ito Kings Valley, near which place Mr. Devore expects to buy a farm. Morris Fowle and brother, Wil- lard Fowle. of Los Angeles, Cali fornia, were Dallas visitors on Fri day of last week. Mrs. Alice Good, of St. Louis. Missouri, who formerly resided in Dallas, came up on the motor last Saturday and went ont to the home of Mrs. P. A. Johnson at Pedee. 01 B 01 01 on 01 01 01 B 01 01 01 01 OD I 5 01 01 05 01 Grass Seeds, Poultry Supplies and STOCK FOODS Wo have inytorki.mvat tho lowest for tirxt-chHH need quotations Red,White Alsike, Clover; Timothy, Vetches English Ry. Alfalfa.Mesauite and Orchard Grass- We have jiwt m-uml the t.xrliiHivo np-ncy for tl.. Prussian Stock Foods V,l will l.av, on hand at all tin., a to,,,.!,., line of the- fanmuH WtIu.s. Wcalsorarrvinstoikutall tim-H hone ,,,.,il, opt.T slioll au.l poultry p it. ( W in ami m o u, or writo us. FRAZER & RICE, Kw.hants. Independence, Or ndiuvvoiu , i w . , . . , ""N. ."""N S'" i Sf ''.1 iJl L.1. mm MM t try r lv mm mthm Mftj KB WW Mlf 3T W litrouwvvw j mountain tops, and then you have an artiMic background for a trop ical forest. The air is full of sun Hhine and heavy with fragrance an night comes on and then, if the iu...n le sbino, you may hear at midnight, through open windows, the song of the mocking bird in the scented grove and it never set-tiied so melodious before. An experience like this is possi- i.i.. ..., mill it is worm a inn nu t ,, ,,.., journey of a thousand miles, while you can have it, by taking me scenic Shasta Hotite througn tne crand and picturesque Sishiyoa and Shasta Mountains to Southern California. Complete information about the trip and .descriptive mat ter, telling about California, may be hud from any Southern Pacific agent or V. K. OMAN. Portland, Oregon. Gen. I':iss Agt f P Co IiH in Oregon. Cut this out and taku It Iu Klrklund Drug Co. and Kt a tree sample of (.'hamberkiu'B Htonmeli and Liver Tablets, Hie best physic. They oli-anse aud iuvinorate the Mtoiiiaeli, improve the appetlle aud regulate, the liowels. Regular si.e, 2oo per box, V legacy ol the irl. u,,,v , v"" Luflell aruil-dowii ".v-lrm. WV-ik-l .- iurvoUHiuw, li K ot ttppfUK , t'li- Wantrtl-Hvrinl pr. lltWl, IHT l"-ii. -- II - , i vrty and nfiititthm. Ith dirdi rrd j m.,(,r ,, K,MM r,.1U(ti.ii hvi-r ami kuimyn i,h " i .. tl.U r. lllnl'f, lilt i,...ii Kreatert need tl.rli i Kh' trlc Utiles, tht' Ki'lendtd tonic, I.I.hmI puriltt r and r.uululoror M tcli, hv. r mid kid- nt-yit. Tliim""idM lntv.. provtM tlml tht-y wi.ndfrfully strniKtln n ihe nrvtw, build up the sylt-in and rt lore to health and K'"d xplrll-t aftr bii atntek of grip. If HUir.-rmis try tone Iu this eoiliily reipili "The Poetry of the Oraiic.'' It appals to you, when the fruit hs ngs ripe and sweet on the tree late in February, or early in March. Then the blossoms break out and the trees are yellow with golden globes and white with orange flowers. It may be that a flurry of snow has whitened the She ?peade, Dawidsop & Hedges, Props. CiBars, Cigarettes', Toba" cos and Confectionery. First Class Soda Fountain is Connection. Bod Coughs ' I had a bad cough for six weeks and could find no relief until I tried Ayer's Cherry Pecto? ral. Only one-fourth of the bottle cured me." L. Hawn, Newington, Ont. Neglected colds always lead to something serious. They run into chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, or consumption. Don't wait, but take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral just as soon as your cough begins. A few doses will cure you then. Tkrc iliei : tit., Stc., SI. All 4rnitlits. Consult four doctor. If he tnyi tak It, than do ai he ears, if he telle you not to take It, then don't take It. He knowi. Leaf It with him. We are wlllln. J. C. ATKH CO., Lowell, Mail. eelit mid mlvttfll' old wealthy bllillie" hntlweolf rial ttnli'i(. Hlitry t with ex I-1 " addlllolitii ' In ,'iuili ilins t teli Wttii head m.-n. Horse audi iiUhed when umtwwafy j I jo lo-e wlf-ndtlf-vwetl eo; Hal Co., XI4 Ural born M j i , H. H. Jaspen UNDERTAKE Independence, m ! THE INDEPENDENCE NATIONAL CAPITAL STOCK, S5O.O00I II lllRSUHKUti. Pre;dent. AlUtAM NKIOS,' C. W. I KV1XK, Cashier. 'DIKKCTOKS. It. ilirmlilHTir, 1). W. hear, H. . Smith, M. W A. Nelstin. . .,u..,.rul l.unbini. unit A I'll nil l lltllilll.HH t rA 1 1 NllC ttl . ' IAHl ' discounted, t'oiniiien lal credits gianted. Keposils recelfed on r rjhjuct to check. j R pUlili HOUS Is hard to beat. ! Our housu ih fifll of lino Furniture, Coring Wall l'api'r, .Shades, Ficture Framec, llooni Moulding!. , f1 We will serve you well and economics;! I 11TT 11 ! tl inc iiouse rurnisiuiig 306 Commercial St., Next door to P. CX, SAL0'. jj Stores at Salem and Albany.