v..VXTEm-lllSli.lN.KrKNI.KKrK.. :.! Independence Enterprise. AND WEST SICE. rrULIHIIKt) KVKttY TIU'WOAT. KtilrtiM t Iu,t.-vi,lin.,, Or hmU(IU u'll.l-i-l. mutter. SuHscripilan Price, $1.50 pcf Vr. TKLKI'HONK M, SlIWllllrTtON KATKS (xulotly in tliur) tVr yoir Kli nuinlli "' Sins!," s..v ,k' Loo.il nolle ureSivutsivr Him Umluhl nhutluicly no ro.luotum lr miy rvou wht-cvcr, Kt- on i)lpl.viv.nWHm mmt Known on appite:itot. That rural free delivery route in-ti n lots to liiclepeiHlenee. " wst.t more of them We wish to particularly call the attention of our readers to the let terofPr. K.N. Hutchinson, in fpeetor in charge of the local bureau of animal industry, I7. S department of agriculture at l'ort land. Mark well what he fays in r-gard to the necessity of thorough lv fattening your hosts before put tinur them on the market. Dr. o Hutchinson has given this matter his careful attention and the intor million furnished should prove of much value to the stock growers o! Polk county. Progress or fallout of line." It is either advancement or retroga tion there is no such thing as re mainine stationary. It is lor our c people to say whether Indepen dence shall go ahead or be stag nant. In another column is sub mitted a business proposition and others are on tap. What are you going to do about it? Let's file a mortgage on the business properly belonging to us and then foreclose it. Let's rise up and lay claim to our own and then our future will be a bright one. We need the co operation of every one, so don't be backward. The Dallas Observer, in pursu ance of a contemptible, mud-slinging disposition from which the edi tor of that organ cannot rid him self, calls the E.ntekpbisk to task for having successfully answered in a recent issue some of his uncalled for insinuations. When the editor of the Observer thinks he i3 shin ing like the noon-day eun in such articles as he wrote last week be really reminds his readers of the Willamette river in the summer time a couple of hundred miles long and three inches deep. The editor of the Observer endeavors to provoke a quarrel, and then when he gets the short end of it endeav ors to throw blame on another. 'J. C," brace up, get over your "pipe dream" and copy after the Enterprise in at least this one re spect represent all of Polk county iw.r-lnn A rtf a email Hptinn Vnn will then be doing a greater service to your readers than by filling up your columns with "nonsensical bog-wash" like your principal edi torials have been the last two weeks. ton and Lincoln, their u.an.dlioent j gtatentinui'diip ami l'r characters, ...,r.ii,. thmn from l other char acters of modem liinlory and inuko th.Mii the ideal fyiw of nil that is good of the. highest development of American iimnhoo.1. J.ei ages resound their worth, and may their worthy deed ho emulated by counties generation. Itnck Ion's Arnica SiUve. Tl... Ih-L unit m.wt famous com. iHxiud In the world o compter ache and kill pains, I'uiv cul. nea, tmrnn ami t.ruiM-4, f itlxliies minimum- ...... lUHsti-r l.lles. Millions l soUt v,.Mrly. Works womlem in t'oil. tikers, Mons, kill eruption. It cum or no pay. .V t KtrhUnd Drug .' ' rKOWM.Y. Dell Bverloy. of Newport,, i visiting at the homo of his uncle, Sam Smith. The train lias recently killed sheep lor both Hon. Seth Uigg aud Finly 1'Mgar. Miss Pearl Hedge, of Portland, came up last Saturday to teach the Oak drove school. Oak llrove Grange has recently received several new members "and still there's more to follow." Frank Stevens, who has been visiting his brother, Thadd, of this place, returned to his home in Portland last week. Miss Uetsij Linden, who has been teaching nt Oak drove, re signed to accept a'school in Yum hill county at a higher salary. The Oak U rove literary society will not meet Thursday night as has been their custom. This is on account of the continuance of the revival meltings at that place. Hon. I. C. White informs us, that the Master of the National Grange will lecture at the Normal chapel at Monmouth at 10 o'clock Saturday, March 11th. Some of our citizens have been talking of going to .Salem to try to nelp elect a U. S. senator, but we think they'll abandon the. idea, after more mature reflection, or else wait until the last day of the legislature. I ai ls rii v l'aul Hunter in employ'''1 in book Helling osdahltidiinfiit ul Col lax, Washington. V, M. Cramer, tho CoivnUm organ luisller. made our town u visit Saturday. (Filbert Tyson is now a second ,i(,o,,,o Oddfellow, having journeyed to that destination last Saturday evening. School in tho primary ,71""' ft 4S IN IV IV IV IV IV IV closed at noon Tuesday for ilf.jX week, Mrs. Hopkins being ul Dallas. Mrs. W. O. McKown and chil dren loll for the east Ihur.d.iv hil. Mr. McKowu uccom piuiied lliout h Portland. The last wo saw of F. J. Ha inan and Willis Prink they were lll.iu nil" - - - H , , . planning a trip to Dallas and ij,cpn HU unsatisfactory. Farmers I'lM'il VIU t"fU i Security Stock Food Atul tltoy will k.uT in g 1 minUti.-"... Your money ivfuihlo.l if f. "I I"-h nl as ri'prt'H'itt I. A. S. Locke, ThA Independence Druaaist. -m-mmmmmmmi-mm'mm "" " only tho condition of lh ruU ' John .1. Col well und vm j has kept them i'loiu t'cing unued to Tall City Sat J, l.iought out some time since, after hcing al'M-nt nl The gl.is is to n pho ill'' loilll sine- the -''ill !' . . i : I I. .. v I Tl... I.!.. I. ...I coloied win. lows which ion- ,o iiiiimi . i m; ii. ."r It"' hv wuV '( Idaho and Colifti AN Moiiuioulli, especially tin; latter place. 15. F. P.cc.ley returned front his visit to the logishiturc at Su Inn Sunday. At the time of his Jenving the charier hill was not disposed of. The regular February toucher's examination is in pro ,.t Dnlhis. bavin'' com- i. .ii ..;,!'. mid iHiiinils und will .first to Texas, when a ' H. ho a grcht iiiipro nii'iil ovt r ' was spent nt Soineixd, nur the old one. 'to California, whcic i y. . ., , . ...Jnioiith was spfiil itiimiijjt: F. J. loliiinn was l.ept awiiy, .... . i!... ! orange grove nrttiinl Ki j frm his duties at th- Hrynii-i " s , . . ,. . , I Mr. olwell I iithtixiuelic Lucas store some little lime hist I I.,- tlm fl 1 1 t i l I 1 Ol! hi) neck whi. li ha been bothering lim soino weeks. Tho Oddfellows lodge hits liienccd Wei'.iies.lay M continue a.lded severul dollars worth ol Today is Lincoln's birthday. As the 12th day of February rolls around each year it assumes a deeper meaning, and ranks second to that of only the 22nd day of the same month, thin month giving to the world not only a "Father of T-Tia f!nnntrv" hnt a nreeerver of it. The lofty patriotism of Washing- oeaned We think Mr. Senator will be elected that dav. A liberal Offer. Tba undersigned will give a free sampleof Chamberlain's Htonta-h and Liver Tablets to any one wautiug a reliable remedy for disorders of the stomach, billiounness or constipation . This is a new remedy antl a good one. KIrkland Drug Co. Kirst pub Feb 5 I pub Miiroli 6 NOTICH TO CKKDITOUS. Notl( In lierel.y K'ven tlmt Uib vinil.rr 9l(?ntd wan, l)y order of the county court of Polk county, xtttle of OrcKon. triad.; antl en tered on the 12th day of January, V.m. duly appoloted executor nr the hint will and teHla. mcnt and ette of John Wolverton, de ceased Any inuu havlnu claim anal nut said estate re berehy re.Ulred to present the game tnthe undonilKned at IiIh rcHldence at Monmouth, in mild Polk county, wltlun nix () months from this dale Dated this 4tli day of February, mi OTJS A WOlVKKTON, Kxecutor estate John Wolvi-rton, rlecc-ascd- First pub. Feb. 5 l.at pub. March 5 EXECUTOK'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given thiit I. Charles F Fisher, have been duly appointed executo of the esta te of Charles (). FiKtier, deceased by the county court of the county of Polk and state of Onxou. All persons havlng clalma against said estate are required to present the same duly made out and verified Id manner provided by law, to me at the law nffir of Rutler & Coad in Italian. OrcKon. at toroeys for the estate, within six month from such appointment to-wlt, January V 1MB. to Friday inclusivt W. It. Cilson, of I'allas was its the guest of his thiughter, Mrs. .John Cameron, while he looked after interests of various kinds in town tho first of the week. Tho services at 'the free Methodist church have met with such satisfactory resit IN as to have been continued every night binco their beginning. John Courier who went to Portland some two weeks ago extended his trip to Denver and Salt Lake City and returned Friday with Mrs. Courier who had been at tho latter place for some time. We do not wish to start any young citizen out in life mis understood by the people about it and consequently we will say that the hoy which wo said last week waa horn to Mrs. Clay Courter was a girl. We heg the young lady's pardon for our carelessness. Manager Ford of the K. H. Watkius & Co. store has intro duced h bargain counter upon which cun bo found a con stantly changing list ot articles going at bargain rates. See tho new advertisement to that licet in this issue. At the last meeting of the council a franchise was granted to the Salem, Falls City & West ern Ky. Co. to build and operate within the city limits. At the next meeting it is very probable that an ordinance will he pro posed prohibiting the running at large of horses within the in- March, which is the 2nd Tntti lif.ll ar.fi urJr.rtr.Ti7 rrlouu - MVIUiA ... .-V,.. ..V. .-.,!,.,. iti.nr iThan ' Fl.!.,.' d J for the M. E. church arrived at regalia to the paritphernnlTa of egret' team, an addition which will greatly aid the appearance of the work espec ially in the liit degree. This week closes four months of school and tho regular meet ing of the school board will he held at the home of District Clerk Mehrling Monday eve ning. These meetings arc op en for complaints and requests by patrons of the school. Wm. Ellis ami 1!. F. Hee.loy have been eleeted as d. legates to represent the local M. W. A. i the California country bm) expresses himself us glad back once more uinong h friends ami neighbor. '. of the opinion thiit, be it e 'j muddy, there' no p!;n t j! home. We are glad tli.J health for the sake of ' lltrf made the long jolitlit' j somewhat improved. Wo clip the following f ihe Sheridan Sim: Tho Il who cam.' to Sheridan three weeks ngo after the Itt for an old man who was tit dead, took the cdliu to the -J mini's house and scl it pirj corner. The dl man go'.j of bed went into lite room ,' tin? cofhii Was, looked it Jfl thoroughly ainl nodded Itis in approval and went h camp at the stale ciimp meeting utis(i0, wjlli the ttvlt held at Dallas in May to ehoost delegates to the head camp,; which convenes al Indianapolis, Ind., in June. The head camp meeting will decide tho much mooUd question of u change in rates for the order. It in seldom that a rain storm in the winter T3 greeted with any particular enthusiasm in a community of Webfooters, but the rain which began last Fri day night was ho greeted be cause it at once began eating away tho heavy snow. Snow in a cold country is full of useful ness and beauty, but in Oregon even its beauty is marred by u mixture of mud. Perhaps it is habit, but wo much prefer rain. The rnontly social meeting of the Epworth League for February was held Friday eve ning with Miss Josio Moyer us hostess. Games und refresh ments made up a very pleasant corporation boundaries. This evening. It is planned to meeting will be held on the eve- Inake the next social more ningof the first Monday in public and to nerve refreshments r t. .i.:..r. .l . .i i ... 11 1 . at a small charge to raise money tor the iengue work. J his will ijjuow iriass . ' , n,r;j occur the first iriday evenintr Dallas some time since and in March, the 0th. his friends had made for and he was lull v prepare enter the "happy 14 grounds." Hut from that r on he began lo get better, f now he is up aud doing hiif1 chores; but ho lias tho sa tion of knowing that whet tinio comes to die, his cofl already bought. Tho old! is 1(N years old and his f.J were participants in the If war about ISl'J ami he siof was quite u boy then. l' that war he saw the white?' for the first time and it there that he saw and bcii' first gun fired. e Tho Uuth failed to make up-river Monday evening, it li . go no to Dayton, where the le sunk the previous day. 1 Dizzy? Then your liver Isn't well. You suffer from bili, ncss, constipation. A) Pills act directly on the If, For 60 years they have L the Standard Family J Small doses cure, ah jg Wnl yiwr muualarl. or b4 """a brown or rich buck T Than wo ! BUCKINGHAM'S DYEr