IH .,rv,r KNTKlOTIffl. INJCTI'N1)KSCK, OKBIOH me out reuadix POWDER Akaniutpiv Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE Social and Personal, a JL-J f.;i :ari atj'i'r i Or:i Clodfelter was ft passenger to Portland Tuesday. II. B. l'lummer was over from Pallas Wednesday. Mrs. Will Whiteaker was a pas senger to Portland Friday. Ir. W. C. Brown was a business visitor to Corvallis Tuesday. Mr. ami Mrs. K. M. Young nr. Portland visitors this week. Mi- tfttiritf Burnett, who ha rMltivin at MeMinn- vill for neveral 'ffb, returned home Monday. Mrs. (i. I. Hawkin in the cily. Pr. W. U. AMa wa a Salem vUl i tor Tuesday, February 14th is the uay. Mrs. A. J. tioodinan wan a P"" j Mr. Wallace, upent Monday ami gneer to Albany Saturday, having ' Tuesday in Salem. Mis Uanel miller, ei been called there by the illness of her ton, UUnn. Interesting services at the Pres turned from Salem, Monday, Mr. P. F Whlteaker returned I nier-Miii), r i PITS. I. r i m. ' byterian church both Sunday morn- jTuptlrtV rv-Miihg, from a few day inn and evening. v-u ln ,,,,, both services. Mrs. Al llerren and son, Carl, P. .lames, of Baker City. i the warden of the peniteintiary. He returned last week from Kasteni ' m,m.,',ls J. 1). I.ee, of this county. t when, thev liad la-en Visit v'""" i ing relatives. Rev. Ksson returned to Portia ml; Tuesday, after conduct i nil services si the Christian church in Mon mouth Sunday. A private telephone line in being built to Salem by Polk county people from Zena ami other points there. The Palace Hotel keeps prow ing hi i.u'olic favor right along. First Mrs. Julia Parsons was a l)ll!i" ' meals Ht reasonable rates is senger to Albany Tuesday, after i (Uu j( havimr visited her parents. Mr.; i v i il .rt ! Sale. A .". inch, common and Mrs. 1. 1 tart. i , , ' tir- wnv-m. and two horses, weight t I .... ' ft v-u K Simon. lH' I Valentine Day. Z lUhClt U IS US i" "jr ' ' i tm I !5 "A day cmonnuoratlv,. ol two aaliil Ut M V ,!,.,,.....) lormerly. "e.l la KnKla.M. Svlland .., S l r -...byreoluno,.! .i.ii.i e,..t.M,. In relation to t.,.. , I- , ;,..! y ,.n,n,l bother. In the 1Mb e,,.ury ;,.,. ol..o,vane, o. H.e .l..y - a- ,.....lar with lb u,.rr !.-. t Z nPri. on tlmt ,Uy - ""! g-"' ..,!, tbe year. ,. . ; in I.. ii..r limen llm nt.M-r 1 nine letffmt 1 2 n, the m,li.,rf of lemtrr ..r -I. le-lell-.- a..l I... b.., I- S vi.iif in tlie t'r.itiMl Mutes. visitiii!" in the Kast for several illOOitud l'Ji'O pounds; one mare I i 111 loin, months, is expected to leave n-r H j jr nf j.;. V. Turner, of Men next week. !,,,.,ntli home here ne C V. Kutcli has added an elal orate cabinet to his burbershoi is in foul; also second-hand buggy. Iiupiire mouth . 1 ... .1... 1 Oill .(..limilll'llt j j . ,:iuirii;i y uu- ' ! 1 . . . i .' . .. I pp... 1 .i i ..1 it inn II lit . , , I1H PilIP imillii'i, ft object of beauty ami :,, .,sx T. .,,,.,, great ornament in his simp. ! l.id in oniv fl 71. These figures ThUgn-ttt il.iv M ill t serveil lit tmlsj-el..!.'... mill w ,,r..d to fi.ral-1. vol. ,i.iiii..' r very t l-r mkei. .t lileml.1.1,. n. I .... ..... I i f..r ... Ill 'J., i 1 f u 1 1. 'ill Milentllie. Mh'imii'" ."Kl ei ms. I V telllliT ll'M'll hi m i'"mm.. i (ruin I vul, Imi l" 1". '!' I W. R.ALUN, D.Dj Dei,: tv Sheriff Kugene was ovi-r from I'a'las Friday. Miss Francis Patterson, of Port land, is visltif-: i datives here. A. Kirkland, of Wallola county, visited his father here this week. Mias Grace Jones returned last Friday from a vi-it to Hppner. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Walker were (." irvallis visitors last week. Mrs I?. F. Whiteaker was a pns geper t.i Sal.nn Saturday morning. Mr. ;U:1 Mr-. So! Eddieman The motor mado a special trip toi fi Pallas Friday evening for the b.is- ;n t, nultter of collecting , ket ball came there. All report a t.lX(1J llavtefftf 1 exhibition ot tlie gnmr. spent several week. days in t'orvnllis this Winn and Miss Carrie married in Dallas last H.Ary Kiniz V.'L-I week, .'.Ii.-. AUotoii. ol Monmouth, was a passenger to Salem Saturday morning. Miss Lela Herren returned Mon day (torn a geywal weeks' visit in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ireland returned Friday from a short visit in l'ortiaud. For Sale A grain drill at a bar gain. Inquire of F. It. Barnes, Monmouth. Miss Hazel Butler, of Dallas, was a passenger to Salem Saturday for a sb'irt visit. Services at the United Evangel ical church next Sunday both morning and evenire. Call on J. S. Moore for Iferpieide tho (iarniruffcur. Sold in bulk, or applied if desired. When in Salem visit Strong - Restaurai ;. It i headquarter for Independence people. Mi.-. Ai.uaTodd, of McMinriville, wa3 in the city Tuesday evening, heingr en rente to Saleirf. R. Lutke, of the well-known Biio?e e -f manufacturers of Port land, wa in the city on business Friday. Th'- fire company was out Mon day 'iftemoon for drill. It D. the infentioii f-r rcjrular practices of this i.a' ire. have iivod in lb'"1 relMioil (of several weeks. ; Therein uu unaiuinui ity of ex pression contrary to coii'lui tieg ow what a little determination L, vav l;) this county. I H -nn.-.. Ko.te.n course our olliccr have but one . . ioi;r-o t" ptirsm' w hen mi llieicnt PROFESSIONAL CARLtJ ...Dentist... e.M.ii)l V. A. tir:r. , wtin I is moved eVI H lii i- Mrs. Vdls, of MiMinuviile, was , oS i m is.-i. -n t un- t.. l a i.Hsscneer t dern atunui ( ()f Uv u , tnornim; after a visit of two weeks v v. ,,i n!l i -iod of l". d with her son, J. A. Milk in r.iti- .oioiiiUi in house is one of the A.J. Goodman was in Albany! most valuable institutions of the ; Pl'''l" pro. lured and tin : j I'd i Perkins tin; world g Tuesday, t ileum who ill there last week, is much im-. liberal share ol your ,.ain.i.itK--. nroved ami will b brought home; His pne.-s are BI1 right. 1 . . .... !,.. m Boon as his condition wi.i o r- a Toledo. I.meoln mit. ii ini.i i-t is In ei I lire .i: 1 ollth I H .... t .,ir to t be r"-V11: " "' on t he I VelHIH's ol Hie I""!'-"-'-'1 "I.dun.t. P.ut wl,v should Folk ., n l -lll'llllflll"llil, or Ji ... ni.it' i, i v.. to Imalil ;illd cate t. I, ..,.) .,. .....I si. ,ai.tl hay. poultry I.kmI. etc. j Moltniuiiah c.mntvV errin Kli Perkins is a innii . . ... . The eiiso w ill probably h. is mud" lnm noted, at, f J i .. -ii f county several him- to m ar nun win n-,'". ii.iij.. mil i.nlv in elitert i . .1 :.... . r I III III I lie inii iei ho was taken Jcitv and Mr. Cray should receive a cost Polk .I.-l.I .ln'Iirs Tin-re Si -in ti j lie mi iUc-tioii But w hut the ' ..... i i :.. i... . .. b. .ii Ii I'm i' , ! 'UIJI I MHU1 ,1.1. . ...... ...... I'ountv narer - ' . i : . .t : . i' I . tit ,, ... I. I 111 UUS I 1 1 1 1 1 -1 l"l uii'ino .contained the ioliowing Item: A ; i I I '..it 'in. 1 im.l Hive biiti III You should H-.- those new hand- B,c.iil party at .Mr. Ila:i luinuay i caryll dctur.f,u,neS at PicKela. evening was a greut micc,-.. Miss I len, inorc h:iu in,-. !M anno., They wen- made in China and ; Mubbi Crey won over Warrei, 1 is Miieeiv in ln.s pr..-.e,-.lt..n w!, To,n 1 ,re the rage of the! Hail in ping pong. Fred Cham- . doesn't he take the cac up in . .. li'vln.Kv .-or .lit tiers' side was victorious i II ehii-I M ! , , ., ,,,, .. I , ,oll!;tV all'l oreseni. m'bmiu. -c .... tor Polk county. ! rad-a. The occasion was reailyio honor o I' reil l nrillio 'rs ueuai i I not Last Friday evening U-y. nI;u , ,lt . (.unll, Lu k th next Mrs. P-. J. Kel'.ey entertiune.: m ; d ( u wnieh we me i.ol. and don't care it they never send for him." their home member? and triendsof the K. L. C E. society of the; enjovable evening was spent. "V 'ou.ic. wan in s. s- sion several times tins week dis- Maude Hoffman, a CorvUIis girl, . and well-known to many residents icussinr th new cliaitcr. Tuesday One Tm,, .no , . . . . las illll'IMI II "Mi j M'....; heroes now p aying i . . . ,o,.,,iil ITTcaariT Mansfield s J jh us Caesar, j ' . . . ,e .. Ttto., ,,,i.r bo Sa 0111 for the leeishit Ule to A recent iseue ol a hoston paper , says Miss Hoffman is the social consider. c were nimble to ,. ... , ! secure the detai n of the in:-tni- hon of mm: season. ; ,, . iiK'iit nciore roiii io pi .-. The I. 0. 0. F. bull is rapidly j being placed in condition tor ik- I'A.Mtl.V TKOl'IW.i: AIHKI). cupancy. The loile win n:iei one of the finest halls in the state. ; 3, rs. Ji Msie ( annon ami icorK' We hope tor give more extendid SiiiiiimniNoiv in -Ini:. notice at the time it is open to the i nubile, ' . Let Saturday throvv the expense all on 1111 Mi nuet u! c:i.nntv nlol cast a stain on the reputation of Imli pen donee? The c.-U'.te of tin lute Hon. II. Tongue has Leon nil i i i t tc I to prolate! ;;tiii 11. l'. To'ij-'ue hits hci'ii appointed adininis t rut nr. Tin; petition roeib'H that M11 estate is of the proli ;ihle uluo of :i.")ftilt) iltnl that the ilcecu.el left no will. To Poultry riiiH'ii'i'H. if h will know 11 n celebrity Bargain ! t Horses, bario-srt unit .tV'.U. Si.letidid bargain fi mini hieiin niak'i use ofif1 li tun. l')l(plit' Hi this "!;f The February born Hhaif ' Sincerity and peace off1 Freedom from paanion and ' If they the Ametiivstf, Dirihstonc for Jit f l.oO to Should this catch your eye and should you wisli to buy po l stand ard breed (!o!ieu p,ut) Coehin chickcuH I have a few to spare I here was held : sor breeders. F".,'s for s:ile in se.'i- , . . . ., r,i: in- pre iinnmrv leiiriiiL' of dco. ; --n. J In- will tb lit time Tomorrow evening is t'e gran-1 1 - 1 ,. .. . . , ,, , ... - I,,,, i,u -,ti,l Mrs Je---e L tins notice will app-iir. (all mi nmsooerade ball at tin- auditorium - i-t J-ti... , , , ,, .1. ,.1,..,.,,,, ,,r ,,.Im1 '. Moore, t, Slier , 1 nue iiMo'e-nee, Hundreds an: expeele,! pr, sent on ; Uaiuion on 1 Io- cli:ir;.oi ol iulul-i 1 this occasion and the H. A. P.'torv, the cotuplaint boiii"; sworn ; ' 'r Vrm'K hopes to materially reduce the in-: to by the woman's husband, dehtedness on the building. A Sirncon U. Cannon . The purlieu supper is to be. served by the ladies. ; u.aiV(;,l oxamiinitioii and were J. It. Baldwin and wife are visit-, bound oyer in the stun of ..(( I, ing relatives in .Salem and will re-! neither of whom could furnish main there for a few weeks. On the required bonclrt unci were placed in the county jail nt Dal las to await the niceting of the grand jury. Simmons is a former resident -I! ram Reliable Jewelt, and Opticlansi S Tiulcpciidcncc, 0( their return Mr. Baldwin will be gin work on the Stockton dwelling, which he recently purchased. It is Mr. Baldwin's intention to com- plctely overhaul thr '' ! 0f this city, and reputed the practically make a new t-trueturu j " f)fit j woman to be Ins wile. I hey Scaled l;hls Vi'iiiiieil. Sealed 'iid will hi in received hi the undersigned up to 11 ml includ ing March 10. FX)!, fur the haul ing of about lOO.btlO feet, of nak lugs a distance of about live miles,, said contract to tie completed not later than July 15, P.MJ.'I, the rij-lit to reject any and nil bids is reserved. For specifications, etc., sen the undersigned. F. A. Doctv. GEO. E. BR DKAI.KK IN II IV, (MX AND I'M I" liiileiirwleiifc Feed Independence, 0 ! . f,