Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, February 12, 1903, Image 1

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    Independence enterprise
NUMB Kit 11
ance for Factory.
ittle Rustle all that is Meeded
t to Bring it Here.
regular ini'i'ilii of the lu
xe 1 1 ii p r vtif 1 1 !,rnniiH
bi thy hall l-Ybrutiry 'th,
talii'il and 1- iniuilitli
fui. Tin follow inn niili i'M
epted ih infill lir niid
llif roll: .V. J (iiMxIiiiitii.
My. Win, I!, Bamctt and
ta l.tuii" the fob
Iti'll'lllHMlt lO CollMitU.
hy I.imn was made:
ttlr that there ln u board
ithhiiIm'M -!'Tt'il liy the
hi) flii'.lt nnMitiiti' nil nl
n and t-hiill iikkIkI the
in the t!'-ii-rnl l'iHiui'5! ;
114 1 hen tuki'ii to eei t lli"
t t hi mlviniry lard. O,
W. 'lM)HT, W. W.
Ihuity nil. I K. II
'it' ln'il pri senti-d 11 prop.
ih" board for tlic -Ht All
nf 11 phmIi him! door iHi'tui y
eijili'iiff the plant tn
ritiu service.
1 4 1 '
F, A
of the Wttd Si. I
wiik ordered tin- eerrtary con
fr with all tin.' town ulnnf tin
ro(Mf( liiH- of improvement in
tniin nervice, tliMtHjli hller to the
ri-iri'ii'iilHtivt liinli''!t there. Still
f.irlh. r Dr. ( !. Butlur, U. I iiihI C P. Calbreath with
t i ' 1 1 i 1 1 1 I 11 h 11 coiumitteeo to cir
ciilut" a petition to he pre-ented to
the Southern Pacific y HtiMii ankinp
for !lm iriinHfil iii) jTovt'inoiit in
Tin mutter of iidyertining tin;
t uvu was iIiimi taken up mid after
thorough ilinciiHHion W. W. Porci-
vl, V. I''. Campbell mill K. II
Kiix went appointed as a commit
tee to secure money to have tho
Mittin printed and circulutt.l. A.J.
lioiiilmttn, Ir. I. I.. Ketchum and
(i, A. Hurley were nr. pointed iihii
committed to I'd ui tliu advortiH
iiig matter for Polk county and In
di pend-tice to In) circulated along
the llarriiimn linen ami otherwise
n in ln'Ht for the adyaiiceiiitDt of
f fxport trade exclusively; f Indeieiideiici'.
ti x l.'iO d ont daily ; co,t i The Itiijiu- tlii-n adjourned tin-
Ve .l."i,0(H; plant to em-i til Monday, Ftbruary Pith, its
iiien Hy order of next regular meeting. The meet
a K. K. Paddock, A. J. i iiig win liarmoiiipus in every re
, tiii-ther with tin- prc-i-: sped mid then are other improve
f Li'iit)u were appointed 1 noiils w hich are taking' form, some
ijttrH (o confer with Mr. j of w'dch are expected to he
mi lurllier elut idatu duced al thu next iii.eUOj.;.
ifcc m-i-urioi if nid jdant. 'eiti.t'ii of Independence Mhtiuld put
'nnun' ftion of Dr. O. I ' hi nhouhler to tho wlieel and
I.eniiie took up tin mat- helj punh forward luiiepfiulmicf.
jipiler telephone tcrvicoi
"fnidont re(t'Hte(l to have
pafHi nj-iT tin kept uu i'a preHent
Thin would ivo tint traveling
until a m rvicti whei in . they could
hotter coyer th'ir titrritory. It
would Kivn h'Thluti pattcfiif'er
count ftimiH, tlin-clly with Dalian
and tho Houthcrn part of tint utato.
It would u'lvi t'orvallnt two regular
panHeiier trainH. It would give
Dallaa and Iiiilepcndence three
regular traina each day, through
tin. motor connection. It would
. i. i .. 1 1 .
give .MC.Minnviuti uouoiit mtvh;
Houth of Whitfrtoii. It would ao
c in-jdatit lint merchant!
anil huttiuesH men of Ui"
whoht valley, by giving them an
opportunity to go to roriianii
trannact hucIi hiimncHu an they may
hiivu there and allow iheiu to rn-
turu home tho phiiio night. Further
it would not tlincoiiiinodti iv city
on tho whole route, nut necessitate
another train on tint lin: be '"it
little more PxjHrmie to tho Southern
1'acilic. whilo it would rut of in
enliinablo value to the whole of
tho Willamette ynlley from Cor
vallia to Portland.
Now, why hat Una not in'j n
Ion? It iH an cany folution to a
vexing problem and d l.elieve it
would ituiiiediatfflv ht coimidered
by the odicers of the Southern
Pacific and placed in operation, aa
they arc always uiuioua to put m
tiio bt'tsl Bt-rvict pocsible lor the
Very aincerely yours.
A lii'MiNKKs Man
Stop and Read This.
Tho proposition roferrcd to above
as appearing m nut orumis
follow: While wo
nro eiiJeavoriiig to help and ass-it
our city in its advancement in a
believe I have a
i. t L. lt Ii I ... I If. .lAf.'j.l
... 1 . . ; Gazette i.-t an
'HVtH ami oilier rural
gfelf arranj.emitnt' can
.L. r... ii i i. ..........
Bin; I'H HI. 'Ill l'.:..IMIU: i . ,
w ; liiiH.neMH way, 1
II '.lit! I iiiji 1 1" II urn v'l I mi" .. . ,,. ,, , .;i
.. . . I HiiggeHtMii to oiler that will nu-L't
iioni. Al-o that )ioi- ,, nft . , , - ,
T , , ,, , ,j tho approval of yery hiiHiiif sis itKin
with Mr. Thatcher of' 1 ' - '. ,,
HI I'UI I IL) lit. in u up .'l i ...
sen what arrangement ...... ,, .
. . . , , , ! cuiirtt W illaiuotto valley,
i w ith tho Ic optiono i , , , .i , i
I .. I... .bin.. ......I. lli.. tin ii r.itl r 1
..111 inimiiik .... i i.. ... -
nirditig tho iiropoxen no- ,, , A. , . . , ,. .
I " 11 lunl that on tho went HJilo there are
s , , i threw triiina daily each way.
Jt-iaiy WilH t!)"ll ordered!, . j- . n ,i I
; . ' leaving or urnying at 1 orllaiul
I , , , , ! 1' 1HST! 1 lid
aiiroau, lor ino purpose;. .,
, , , ! by tho way
film i-ii ii ii" ilium w urivu . ., .,. -it . cl,,
a ...... , itirovo and McMnmvillo to Mior-
iem l arilio fix up tho . ,
, , - i i nlan.
'on iii 1 1 1 in hi n 1 ion by nav-1 , .. . ... ,.
i , . , ,1 Skcd.mi: 1 lie ainliill divinion,
.imed granite placed ,., ,,.. ,,, .nv
IViltl'l III llMfi'll rvi' v r-j
Sheridan branch.
of Jlilhthoro, Forest
Hiiino an it in in all tho
ly nizo ahintr the South
e ny fltm . An article was
from the (lotvollis
(arding tho improvement
t. a t
. -V W
noutb Dundry
iVtIIITMAN, I'rop.
have your Work.
jug called for and do-
onlled for on Tue
tleliverod on Hutu r
rk Guaranteed.
touth, Oregon.
of Newherg and Dayton and way
of Dallas.
Tiuiin: Tho (orvalliH pan
gcr by tho way of llillshoro, Forest
drove, McMinnvillu and Inilepon
donoo to Corvallif.
.Now tho writ"!' tuiggt-Mts that the
following Bystcni be adopted:
Fiumt: That tho Yamhill di
vinion go by way ot Newborg,
payloa and Sheridan, drop back
to Sheridan, Junction,' a distance
of only 7 mile.i, or near that, and
run on to Dallas, making a round
trip each day.
Skcoxd: That the Sheridan
pattsenger be run aa far as White
noil, as it U now and then put on
the run to Coryallis, making ono
round trip each day.
Thirii: That the Corvallia
Airlie !chiol K-ort.
rol own. n 18 the reior; l the
Airlie Heboid for tin; month ruling
February Ii, 1!IU-1:
Total days attendance, -111; total
daytt absence, 2'.'; number enrolled,
22; aventgo ilaily atteiidiince, 21.
Tho followinu ninneu appear on
tho roll of honor: Charley Nendel,
Tommy ltrinkley. Virgil Hevens.
Oca Wilson, KJma Williairm, Edith
Staatf, l.orene Taylor.
C. I.. Hl MI', Teacher.
It i'h time that a'l haiula joinrd in a fynteiiwitic
endeavor to puwh forward Indo)endHiico, Monmouth and
dd Pollt. The fact is undixputed that Polk county i
the leading hop and dairy county of the Mate of Oregon,
and that the noil in tho bent in the world for agricultural
pumuitH. Independence ii) the financial and couimer-
jiul m.iiIap ttf P.ill f.iiinttr un it-j. t lifl aftor l..tinir
frfL -...j. -
ly over the field to open an up-to-date
Real Estate, Caiv, Collection and
Insurance Office
And piirdi forward I'olk county. We want your assist
ance. The new firm is compoHed of E. W. CoorKit and
(J. A. Ih ni.KV, and ail communications nhould be ad
drcKHcd to Cooper &r Hurley, Independence, Ore. '
We have up-to-date oflicea on the cshI side of Main street,
near Monmouth mtreet.
f If you have property for cale send us descriptions
and price or call into our ollice and tell us about it. We
will work as haru to sell your property for you as we
would if it were our own. It is our h tidiness to do so.
(fc We take tho prospective buynr out and we show him the
ponces it will not cost the buyer a tent for team hire.
If you want to buy come in and pee us, we will
show you what have. If one piece of property does
not suit you, probably another will. If you want t3 trade
property we will do our best for you.
Come mto our ollictt when in town. All are wel
come. Bring in samples of your grain, vegetables, fruit,
hops or cereals. We will difplay them for you. Remem
ber the new real estate office,
East Side of Main Street,
Independence, Oregon.
Kural' Freo Ilelivcry,
Parker and llighl.iiul districts
are rejoicing over tho fact that they
are soon to have a free mail deliv-
On last Thursday Percy Dickin
son, accompanied by E. C. Clement,
A .Vcw Departure in tlie Way of
Home Talent Entertainment.
The Fraternal Union has under
preparation a farce comedy in four
acts, containing a complicated and
very humorous heart story. The
title of the play, "What Became of
fl Tim Sfart
rjf4V"i In married life is cenerall
'"wie o" an equal tooting
vT f I 1 . t- .' j r
i'i ' Or " "p-" n nmu ana wire
11 fails
Hut how soon, in tnanv
&j cases, the wife loses the
tiirt ami T'lilca irt fii.a ami
in flesh, while her
liushniiil crows even more
ruraeil and rohust.
Xlicre is one chief cause
for this wifely failure and
that is, the failure of the
womanly health. When
there is irregularity or an
unhealthy drain, inflam
mation, ulceration or
female weakness, the gen
eral health is soon ' im
paired. Dr. rierre'9 Favorite
Prescription cures woman
ly diseases. It establishes
regularity, dries unhealthy drains, heals
iiiuaniiuation and ulceration and cures
frraale weakness. It makes weak wouiert
ntrong and sick women well.
m K little over a vrnr nifo 1 wrote to von for
nrtvier," khvs Mrs. lOtMbrth J. Fisher, of l)inna,
W. Va. "Vnu mlvised me to use Dr. Cieree't
Fnvorite rri-eription and ' Ooldcn Medical Dis
covery,' which 1 did. nnd with the most Immiy
rrnult. 1 will troubled with felimle weRkncss
nil lK-nrinif-down nilis. Had n very bad pain
neurlv all tlir time in my left Mile, nervousness
ml headnche. Wa so wrak I could hardly
walk ncroaii my room. Could not sit up only
Juki a little while at a time. My husband pot
me some of Or. lMerce'a medicine and I began
Its use. Ik-fore I kad taken two bottles I waa
able to help do my work. 1 used three bottlra
in all and it cured 'me. Now X do all my house
work. It U the best medicine I ever tiaed."
The Common Sense Medical Adviser,
in paper covers, is sent free on receipt of
31 one-cent stamps to pay expense of
mailing only. Addresa Dr. R. v. Pierce,
Buffalo, N.V.
tho goveriiment ngent, went over of Barker," indicates more than
the route. The mail, as we under- ''Parker" would care to tell. And
stann it. will h-aye Parker after the i when you see what became of him
forenoon train, going north through j you will agree with "Jim Jon"s"
Shirly'a lane, . and from there to j that life' has many opportunities
tho hridge hear Rev. Baldwin's j and fonie times many difficulties,
resilience, thn through the Aiueri-1 "Jeremiah Growler." a retired bnsi
can Bottom to (he school house and ! man, with his handsome niece,
& far as Georye McLaughlin's,
then back hy the Merrill place and
on tho main Independence and Al-
'Hehe Worthy," learn something
about how it happened. "Otto"
had his eye open, but wouldn't say
bany mad to Parker. It take? four j a word unless he got a tip. "Will
hours to make the trip. i Torreuce," Parkei's partner, thinks
a g;iod many things and even tele-
Jrllllloiis Put to Work. 'graphed "to find out. "Vivian,"
The wonderful aelivity of the new j that is Parker's wife, ventured to
centur.f is showu by au enormous de-, gUt,fgi while -Aunt Mildred.'-' who
niand forlbe world's best workers !, i j 4 i
, x. t., f has an inquiring mind, undertook
Dr. King's ew Life Pills. lor cou-i . ; " .
stipaiiou. sick hen.lnelie. hilliousucs, ! t0 investigate. "Dr. Kogers' 13
or any trouhle of stomach, liver or ' quite positive he knew and "Police
kidneys they're unrivaled. Only 35e ; Sergeant Ripley" held the eame
opinion. "Cora," Parker's talented
j servant girl, made a trip to find
out. Then "Harrison," the caf-
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Stapleton de-1 italist, got a little mixed. Now
sire to thank all friends who as-' can you tell what became of him?
sisted them in any way during the
illness and burial of their child.
at Kirkland Drug Co.'s
Curd ot Thanks
Curd of Thanks.
The family of the late Mrs. C. G.
Fisher desire to tender to all
friends who so kindly assisted
them in any way during the last
illness ot their Moved mother.
G. A. Hurley was a Salem vis
itor last week.
It is generally known here that
the wife of the new senator from
Washington, Levi Ankeny, is a
Polk county lady, a daughter of
the late United States Senator Xes
mith, of Derry, this county.
JAMES. On Saturday, February
7. P)03, to Mr. and Mrs. John
James, of Suver.'a boy.