INDH l'KNDKNCK KNTKUl'UISK, INDKl'KNDKNCK. OUI-XiON I - Large Fresh Roasted Peanuts Every Day. ii.i:amnt social kvhnt. INDEPENDENCE, ORE. Waste Paper Baskets have only lhrw of our ttock li'ft. Tho price pi need against tllMIl WUH tllM thing ihut moved iheiu $1 15 now .'!" cent. Flower Maker Suppli'. Ladies' Stationery. We have a nice n ply of bulk paper for ladies' use. W hut w mean by bulk paper in that you can buy any anion nt you want. It conies in nix of the Jiititht shades with envelopes 10 match. The envelopes are of the very luted cut and are made of the very best stock. In fact they an the proper tiling now. Five bunches of paper It) ccii lit ; on I'll ncli eiivel npl Id cell's. I "in cut Line of Candy hi the (HI ij. Oranges niul Ji it ii n n.i in Stork .noii'. Your Winter's Reading Matter. We urn Milling inure read ing matter every day. Our circulating library is the pop ular thing now. We cell you your ftrt book for 10 centi ami if in good order when re. turned we will take it bark and give you another one fur it and 5 centi. So it only cot-ta von really 5 cents earh l read our library. One Doxrn Lead I'eneiln in th Ji ubbi r Tips We. Photograph Env lopes. We have a line of picture envelope from the very bent manufacturer in the United States and they will get your picture t itn destination in lirnt-ti'iiHH order und not leave it broken and twisted up. Small sUe, 2 f.iro tents; large gi.e, .'5 fr IU cents. Our Cigar Department. In this department you And only tho very beat line of cigars tbut retail from 5 to 15 cents each. All the lead ing brandH. Plug and Smoking Tobacco- In this line we have a yery complete stock and the prh.fs are tho lowsst. Pipe Department You should see our line of pines. It is surely very com plete. Our lino ruiiH from a 5 cent ob to the very nicest genuine meerschaum. t'vrriithini Complete for the I'tthlic. Sellouts. Picture Albumns. Out of our entire utock of albums we have but one left and it is a very nice one, too. It did retail for $2,25, but von can have thin one for $1.00. 1 All Late ' Magazines Are Now On Sale. 4 Member of tho "Violet Club" i:ntcrtatii at Monmouth. No social event In Folk oounty of recent years iurpassea the pleas ant annual dancing parly of the Ladies Violet Club, given in Mon mouth lost Friday evening. On thin occasion the epacious Wood man hall was a scene of guiety and beauty, the lovely gowns of the young ladies being a source of much admiration. Prof. Seeley s orchestra of this city discoursed ex cellent music for tho occasion, and dancing continued until shortly ofter midnight. At the above hour the guest repaired to the Monmouth . dining hall, where a banquet, on elaborate plans, was served. Here the genial, ever ready J. P.. V. liutler acted as tast-master, and appropriate im promptu toasts were responded to by G. A. JIurley. H. Jlirschberg, Miss Beatrice Anderson and others. That such a pleasant event, planned and executed entirely by tho young ladies of Monmouth, should prove to be the social suc cess of the season, is a source of gratification to their many guests, who at every opportunity displayed their high appreciation of the ef forts of the promoters of such a happy event. The young men attending from here chartered tbe motor for the occasion. The patronesses were Mrs. J. R. V. Itutler, Mrs. Frank Lucas and Mrs. Clark Hembree. Those pres ent were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lucas, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. V. But ler, Mr. and Mrs. C. Boothby, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Umbree, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Atkins, of Indepen dence. Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Fenton, of Dallas, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tatom, of Dalian, Misses Nora Butler. Carol Huber, Kva Mulkey, Ruth Mulkey, Kdna Jensen, Lida Boothby, Opal Boothby, Beatrice Anderson. Father Anderson, Mabel Matllson, Ida Hubbard, Ada Ala rich, Pearl Squires, Yeltna Ground, Wilma DaltoD, Lulu George; Messrs. II. Hirschberg, G. A. Hur ley, W. C. Brown, C. D Birapson, Clarence K. Wagoner, Pearl Hedges and Tool Fitchard, of Ind"pen deuce, John Orr, of Salem; Charles Mulkey, of Ashland; Dr. Harris, of Wallace. Idaho; W. B. Pelleite, W. B. Smith, II. I. Nehrbas, J. K. Beezley, W. II. Rutherford. F. T. Angell, of Monmouth. Itooui Law Unconstitutional. The supreme court of this state has banded down its decision in the case of the Chas. K. Spaulding Logging Company, a corporation, respondent, vs. the Independence &, Falls City Lumber & Improve ment Company, a corporatien, ap pellants, affirming the decree of the court below. The supreme court holds that the present Ore gon boom law is unconstitutional and void. The appeal was made from a de cree enjoining the use of the Luck- lamute river, a stream flowing through the counties of Benton and Polk, by defendant, under an alleged franchise acquired in pur suance of tbe provisions of an act passed by the legislative assembly ot 1! 01. A .Mother's Id-commendation. I Lave used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy tor a number of ,years and I have no hesitancy in saying that it is the best remedy for coughs, colds and croup I have ever used in my family, I have not words to express my con fidence in this remedy Mrs. J. A. Moore, North Htsr, Mich. For sale by Kirkland Prug Co. f ' .---------------- 3 ? i : i OUR ANNUAL WHACK-UP SALE ! We don't want you to read this ad and throw it aside. We want you to come into our store and see for yourself that what we say here is just what we are doing Heating Stoves Although winter is not yet over we have a lot of heating stoves we nre going to sell at cost our best healer; regular price, $13.50; sale price, if 11. Our $12.50 beater for $10. Others at different prices. Steel Ranges We have a few ranges that must , be sold. A good high closet range for $22. Oar tinware und franiteivare in complete-nil at reduced prices II V have a, good lantern for ,15$ Wall Paper j Wo have a very large lot of j remnants of wall paper. We 1 will close out at 5 cents per roll Some of this paper is worth 35c per roll. Now is the time to paper your up-stair room, pan tries, etc. Make them look clean. Picture, and picture framing. A $1.25 picture for 75c. 50c for Hoc. A $1 picture for 70c, Come in and see these pictures, mould ing reduced. Rugs, Art Squares and Carpet Carpet that sold for riOc sewed i now sell for 00c. Art Square, ' regular price $!); sale price, $7.80 j Rugs, regular price, $3.50: sale price, $2.50. Others for less j money. i Rocking Chairs We are overstocked in this line. Iloeker, regular, if(t.5(. sale price $.".0f) " " S.fiO, " " 2.50 j 'J.50, " " 1 !K) j You must see our rockers to know j the kind of a priee we are giving ou ! them. Lounges We have the largest Btock of lounges and couches that has ever been carried in Independence. Couch, regular $ti 50, nule price, $4.50 " ' Id nil, " " 1 8.00 " " 12..50, " " 10.50 " " 15.00, " 12 50 Iron Bedsteads Regular price f4 00; sale price fS.OO " " 5.50; " " 4.25 " " 6.50; " " 4.75 And on through tlf line. We have an immense line of these goods. fffr. r. We must have room for our spring goods which are on the road. CAMPBELL BROS.