I - 3T mDi'.i'KNiir.Nt'i-. i j I County Corresponder I 7 i -...' A1HMK- John Ritncr, of rJc. was a caller last efk. Curt IlubbarJ. of Dalla. w recent visitor to our burg. im r.tra took the motor laetj Sunday en rote to Portland. Hugh Hanna, who is logging on the Santiam. is home on a visit. Mrs. Sam Hastings was an In dependence visitor last Saturday. t:.,. t:h; liiwn visited relatives m'.Moniuouth last Saturday ami Sunday. . ... v.. J. Yost, a Hop grower dee.wV.in iown buying uP,ii Feuer and w.le brother, Cass C.ilon. and family this week. A Winters ami wile arem. . again this we-k. Mch interest is taken in the m-etings. Rev. C. C. Ming came over froin .. ' ..... ...1 ttusistcd in the Pallas punuuj . meeting which was much enjoyed by all. MiM Sadie Myer returned home .. .. i... i,Jt.inff been visiting her ,iter, Mrs. II. C. Seymour, fur several days vri Finch and wife, of lnde- ... i im down hist week i.eiuu-nvv, . - and sp-nt everal days with J. W last week V. A. W'ann, of Eugene, wa.s talking insurance to our citizens last week. The heavy fall ot enow in the mountains caused a general exodus from the logging camps. Uor lT.ines. of Lewisville, con ducted religious services in Tay lor's hall laqt Sunday forenoon. Miss t)iie Yost, of University Fark;whohas been visiting rela tives at Pedee, returned nome last week. x.:.., . (iibson reiuii. . ' . L! frnn, Waitsburg and i'omerov. Wash., where she has; been visiting for the mtt two months. Mr. Graves, trim liven on the Tluelson farm, received news that his son at Albany, who wa hurt in a basket ball game at 1 'alias, much worse. His nt'r nm gone to be at bis tedaido. 01 01 Q'D QD 01 QD 0D 01 01 01 Ql oi 5 1 Wo nro lcftliiartorH for Thomas Kinchin, a prominent nf TVilee. was in town 01 01 0) 01 Grass Seeds, Poultry Supplies and STOCK FOODS V have no ,t.k iu.w at the lowest .,uotallon for tirnt-clam m-d uhitA Alsike Timothy, Vetches, English Ry Red Clover, White Als.ke. nmo y, Alfaifa.Mesauue juu v.-- Vo have ju.t Hmtn,l tluM-xdosiv, aney for th, Prussian Stock Foods A,l Willi- 1..n.Ut.U.l .a, lino f ivm(ltHo, NV, ,:u-rv in t,,-kat all tin- I-.,. l. ,1,,U a.,1 1-ultry prit. ('in.M.,,rwr,...W. FRAZER & RICE, Hardware Merchants, Independence, 0' Teu.leiH j of tin- Times The'endi-mv of metlh'al Menee L toward .reveiiHve ii.-nsun. The . . , ,f the world IM Ihmiut ltl 1 u, ----- ..: mildeot. It is easier ami nionia. one of tne nn-i --x x-N ( f- ii'WtootaBrwv ww .r mr -w .... W....L . Porlland. Miss Daisy Mansfield, who has been teaching the Cherry Grove Fchool. haB returned to her home in Portland. The printing committee of the V O. W. is well pleased with the posters printed for them ai. me i-; TEKPKISE oflice. M. E. Gillespie, of Albany, who will run the Bump hop yard near Pedee, was in town last Saturday en route to the scene of his opera tions. Wm. McLaughlin, of the Spauld ing Logging Co . came out from camp last Saturday and reports over a foot of snow ou we upper, Luckiamute. Our citizens are dependent up on the Independence creamery for their butter supply, as the recent stormy weather seems to have put a stop to butter making among our farmers. Saved Her Child's Life. "In three weeks our chubby little boy was changed by pneumonia al most to a skeleton," writes Mrs. W. Watkins, of Pleasant City, O. "A terrible cough set in that in spite of a good doctor's treatment for seyeral weeks grew worse every day. We ., a n. Vinn'a Kcw Discovery Wen ueu ui ""6 - - for Consumption, and our darling wan aoon sound and well. We are sure . . a Mniirinp aaverf his life. Millions know its the only sure cure . .mi oil lnni? diueases. XOr COUgUB, Will" ... o Kirkland Drug Co. guarantees satis- faction, 5UC, irim KICKKEAIX. Peter Cook went to Salem Tues day on business. Frank Gibson went to Portland on business Sunday. t n Limns name in Saturday from Beaver, owing to the illness of his wife. Breeze Gibson is visiting his ense that medieal men t've lo am tend with, can be prevent. - useofCUnn.t.erh.in's IViugh 11 mly. nults from t cold or from an attack of tnllu. liza (crip) and It has been o!em1 that tlii- r- mi-dy eounteraeia any ... j oft' t-e ilisejws toward pneumonia. This has been fully proven In many .,f in which thin remedy bus beeu uwd during the great prevalence of colds and grip in i- years, and can be reneu u(. nMclt contidi'iice. Pneumonia often results from a slight cold when uo danger is apprehended until it Is sud denly discovered that there Is fever and difficulty in breathing and pains In the chest, then It is announced that the patient has pneumonia. He on .. . ...i tnVu fM.amberlain's we saie oio Cough Remedy as soon as the cold Is contracted, ll aiwsyo i;u.o. ... by Kirkland Drug Co. iBiirneyofa thousand inib-s, while J . 1... Li,,,, (lie you can nave u, '.... .... , I. ,,.,,..) (hp scenic Shasta mnno .,,..,,,1 and nictureMiue SisHiyoa ami Shasta Mountains to Southern California Complete information about the trip and descriptive mat ter, Ulling about I'ahfornh, may be 'had from any Southern Pacific iieiit or V. K COMA.N, Portland, Oregon. Gen. Pass Agt R I' -'o Lines in Oregon. r i O...I., Oulv Mi Vrf. ( ginoHiiteed by IvirkUml tji rkUiu! j , I'ri.lJ It Ms reported Daniels' wall paper U . I . . . ..! . frame eNiniuisitmeiii i A l. uiicy l t'"' l,r,l tliiu. Weuk- ,., nerv.m-ne.-, lack ..f pi l'.-. . ....... ...Ill UJIKIII ll'H, . 1 1 ... ..I. . . i I I, i, . l a ii eli I" ni liver nu " .... . . .. ..i n.u retched dlieae. I lie , , ,.,, .,. i, l.l.eirlc IliKer-, "''" " U regulator of hl.-iiiacli. "er n.e. g Tholiwlid- have pruvcl Ib.X , rjj, valued Utn they wonderfully -irenglM-u rlV the report Jl build up the '""'' '""''"" what the proprietor f( Wns Seriously Injured. Floyd Blake was seriously hurt one day last week while operating lmi cfiitii on the La Creole Creek above Dallas. Ho allowed ! J TT TT Tn nA( UNDERTA independence, - R Tli Poetry of the Orange." Tt. unreal to vou, when the fmit. hnncs riDe and sweet on the tree late in February, or early in Maroh. Then the blossoms break out and the trees are yellow with golden globes, and whit with orange flowers. It may be that a flurry of snow has wnitenea we MnniD;n tnn and then vou have LUUUU v an artistic background for a top icol forest. The air is full of sun shine and heavy with tragrance as . ie At.- niht comes on, ana wen, u wig moon be bining, you may hear at midnight, through open windows, the song of the mocking bird in the scented grove, and it never seemed so melodious belore. An experience like this is possi ble any winter, and it is worth a the windlass lever to slip from hia j i i ..i.o., !, return action oi ... il UUIill, n i" the lever came in contact with his head with such force that ho was rendered unconscious, and waH found in that condition some hours afterward. He was taken to Dal las for treatment and is now doing well and will recover. Frank Lucas, postmaster at Mon mouth, has been ill the past week. Dovidsot? & Hedges, Props. Cigars, Cigarettes, Tobiui cos and Confectionery. First Class Soda Fountain in Connection. My Lungs An ttck of la erippe left me with bad cough. My friends sid I had consumption.' I then tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and it cured me promptly." . A. tv. Kanaies, neiomm, in. You forgot to buy a bot tle of Ayer's Cherry Pec toral when your cold first came on, so you let it run along. Even now, with all your hard coughing, it will not disappoint you. There's a record of sixty years to fall back on. Tkn tint: Uc. Mc. tl. All 4r.nlili. ' Coniult your doctor. If b ny take It, tha da m h 7. If h ulli jou nut to Uk It. then 'don't take It. Ht know. Le?e It with him. We are wllllni. J.O.AIEBOOLewell,IaH. THE INDEPENDENCE NATIONAj CAPITAL STOCK, S50,00ci . . T unit M NKt40'j 11 IIIHSIIIII'.KU, -reiUnu C. W. IKV1NK, Cashier. K niKKCTORS. II. llirseMierg, 1. W. her, . K. Hmlth, A. Nelson. A iteneral banking and exrhanRO busineM ' r"t disconnteJ. Co.nn.ercUl credit grantiHl. leH).its wwlwl object to cheek. ""if I) I) A Our full of lino Furniture, Car Wall l'apcr, Shades, Picture Fraini'lj Moom Mouldings. We will serve you well and econorr. !!T-lift Timisf Fiirnishilltl - .wi 306 Commercial Sw Next door to P. 0 SM t Storei at Salem and Albany.