WHISK, !N'!)i:rKMKN. OHF.!N' ECpr.rF.NPKNrK EN"" Alien i:. Mr. Lewis Uitner, of IVdee, was n Airlift visitor last week. The telephone meeting at Lew isville on Thursday of last week was well nttrnded ami the pros pectn seem favorable for the estab lishment of an Independent tele phone line to connect I.ewisville with the outer limits. Clair Staats shipped a lot of dressed hogs to Independence lasi wek, and a number of our farmers were delivering produce in this market. Air'ie was well represented at the goat tbow at Pallas last week. Mr. Frank Whiteson, of North Pak.n.v was here last week looking at this part of the country with a viw of buying land. The recent fine weather enabled our farmers to do a great deal of plowing. Ed Patras has H! men employed getting out buv timber. Mrs. Thy Simpson was shopping ii your city last week. m i M. Thomas Kinchin, of IVdee, were here last week en route to Portland and other down river points. Andrew and Mark Sobtfng are home from Troy, Idaho, where . l...- ..l.tltitri each of them tiav uuiuer ....- Miss (JraceittHHlord,of Coryal lis, ts a guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. I). I. Buchanan. l'hy Simpson is htolosing hl residence with a neat picket fence. There will b-j a dance at Taylor's hall on Friday evening, the SM inst- E. E. Hiltebnunl bus recently returned home from Klgto, Vnfon county. K. P. hoop, of ltelleview, in shipping oak wood from Simpson's station to Portland. S. ti. Hastings made a business trip to Independence last week. Frank ffilliam of IVdee, was a caller last week. E. W. Cooper was a passenger 10 Portland Friday. SPECIAL aveatory B At the Buena Vista CASH OTORE Beginning tlwsday, Jan. 1, Wh Every article in our store, excepting (iroeeries and Hard ware will be sold during this sale at Greatly Reduced Prices We want to reduce our stock as much as possible before taking our annual inventory. Our manager, Mr. Cole, wants to be kept busy during the dull season. We don't want to carry any winter goods over through the dull sea son, but do want them out of the way of our new spring stock when it arrives. Money saver for all We are very grateful to the people of Buena Vista and vicinity for the liberal patronage we have received and we will try to make this sale a money saving opportunity for all, and hope it may meet the approval of our many cus tomers and be appreciated by the generous public. 05 0D B m 01 01 m 0') 0) 01 Are you going to way Your Ow ? W, are prepared to assist by .upi'lving i,h ,h" Xm' torial, i.iixHl ready for use by disolving in hot wat.-r. Dunned Solid Spray Which we have in stock are manufactured and compound,.! a,-is.r.liiiR t.. I I , 1 "fthetonuud Wu.hinon lUnl of H.teuhu,, and an' -Id a- cheap or eheper il.an you can mix them yourself and wall save a great deal of labor. The Best Time to Spray Is ju-t befcre the buds begin to .well uben tl... solution can be u., nmh stronger than later in the M-a-m. We al. ha-,- tl.o Myers' Spray rump Which are the best for the .n,oy on the n.aik. t. It will pay you to .ruy . ... i f .1.. and it will pay ou to see us h-p-m- v. FEAZEE & BICE, Hardware Merchants, Independence. Ore. 01 ) I si vim:. The poslotliiw at Silver 1ms lee madu a money order office. Tin firmer can now get orders from the rural carrier Mr. ). K. Mehmie enme in from Southern Oregon Lift Sunday, be ing la'ul up with a very sore hand, lie is now under the cure of Dr. Butler and getting along nicvly. Lloyd Smith, of Lewisville. . visiting 1). K. McLune thin week. Miss Haynes, of I.ewisville, is assisting Mrs. C. E. M'Lane with her work. . Mrs. Kleber Wood in teaching our school. She lias given such good satisfaction that the directors have engaged her to teach another four months. Mrs. James Harris, of Indepen dence, was visiting her daughter, Mrs. Larsen, lant week. Mrs. Anna Brown, of Alrlie, daughter of Mr. II. Flickinger, of Suvef, in reported as being very ill. Mrs. Jones, of Corvallis. was vis- itine her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thurston, this week.' There is some talk of the Mod ern Woodmen of Suvor giving a basket social in the near future. Klll.H college U'k.'l l''l " j defeated til" Mi'M I on vill" t-!im I'.v ; h H(-or ol :iO '! M'MhI.iv evening, j I )ull:iHi hint a iin leiwn tlii vear. j Suhfcrilx' fr the Km im nt-K. i (iet fo Mwnpleof ClisinU-rlalii's j Stomach niul Liver Tablets nl Kirk- j Uud I'rug ('.'. 'l'lif.v nre enli r lo takii aol mure .lnntit in clti-cl iltl 1'tteii tli'lr iih-l ii'il ("I I v 1 1 ly culiwMpHtlnn M H often lln uu withplllH. Ui-Kiiiar !, i'ie p-r lix. Til" young Irtdicn" M-eoin Lull Iriun of Munnioutli tin- Udir high M'lioul t McMjiiivil'i'. It Friday f ,y a M'orc l " to 4. New t'eulur t'oiiili' Mlllloim tire lUlIv UikIIuk nf iiifirt In Jtm-kli-nn Ariii'f It kllU 1'ion from titirnn. I l.riiHtn. i'iiiiiiii'tii ulcer m wr-, eilrt rruUolii, will rh timl Ii'Iuiim; ri iiiuve eonm Jii-Kl ,ile eiirn on earth. Uiil KliklninJ I'riiK C'u.'n. I n H. H. Jasperso I UNDERTAKER Independence, ft Ore ft! r in,, H ,, n inn,, mi, iii hi ii , in .miii i - THE INDEPENDENCE NATIONAL B .ocf Sale to Continue until further notice i$ The prices named in our Monmouth circulars and ad on another page of the Enterprise will apply at Buena Vista also. Read both ads carefully. S. M. DANIEL, Proprietor.. E. C. COLE, Manager. The Secret of ItHig MCo ConsiHtHin keeping all the main or gans of the body in healthy, regular action, anil in quickly cleat roving deadly diwase geruiH. Klcctric Hitters regulate stomach, liver and kidneys, purify the blood and give a splendid appetite. They work wonders m cur ing kidney troubles, female complaint, nervous diseases, constipation, dyspep sia and malaria. Vigorous liruUli ami strength always follow their use. Only oOc, guaranteed by Kirkland Drug Co. The Monmouth faculty refused to permit the basket ball team to come io Albany tomorrow night on account of examinations in progress and the game has been postponed. An effort is being niHilft tn secure a diitia wilVi nma other leam. Albany Democrat. The masquerade skating carnival was postponed from last Saturday CAPITAL STOCK, &50.000 Ii HIKSIIUKHU, J-rc.Jnt. AUK AM NKL.SON, Vice C. W. I KVI.N" K, Cashier. DIIIKCTOH.S. II. ll.rsehts-rg. U. W. heam. It. K. Kmith, M. W. Pt-I A. elwiti. a L'tMicrul linnkinif nnd excliiiiiifo business trsnmcetml. Ixiuns mini. disuouiiU'cl. Couinierdul credits grmiteil. liepoiiits reeeifcnl on curreif unjepi to ehecrk. a FUbh house! Is hard to beat. ) 4 i C C nilfin lnrniolunnr 306 Commercial SU Next door to P. 0 SALEM, Of; Z j. Store at Salem and" Albany. r Our house; is full of line Furniture, Carpetin;! Vall Taper, Shades, Picture Krauies, Koom Mouldings. We will serve you well and economically o; to this Saturday evening. j