Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, December 18, 1902, Image 8

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    . il 1 - I - - - -- i ' 1 ' " ' " w" -- " " ' - - - " - .-. - .
vm:( ,NTi:unasi:,iNii:i'i;si)KN(M:, okion
M-nt fr
A fine assortment o! photo jewel
ery at PicK-el's.
a 'i' ;;lv'r
r.tls and Uxe at V"ier".
Holiday jsood Ht lest
prices t Mrs. Walhuc'e.
Th. W-t liu- "i Jai'.tti - hhI
in theory at Mrs. U ..dace's.
vii ;,.,u ..f nuts ui Warmer's.
20 ,-. -nts per j..nd. six pounds forj
K. W. OiH'ivr lelt Wednesday
foi 's.iu'hern Oregon to look over
that field as a business location.
Mi T-uuie P.urnett has resigned
her position in F. A. Douty's store
to uke tffect the first of the year.
Miss Jacobs, of Corvallis. t vw-itin-
a the home of E. K. Pad
dock. A deli,!ltfal Pty i to ';"
given in her honor by Mrs. Pad
dock this evening
Chas. Collins returned Thursday
from Portland, alter passing the
state examination in pharmacy.
II- was one of the five out of four
two who were successful. He will
remain with the Kirkland Drug
Miss Grace Iliggins- o( the State
Normal school. rendered an ex
cellent solo at the morning service
ia the Presbyterian church last
Sabbath. It is very highly com
mended and the wish is expressed
by all that they may soon hear
her again.
The value of the Evmii'KtsK as
an advertising medium is well at
tested by the numler wl.j are
guessing for the prizes offered by
Bice, the furniture man. The
lucky numbers have not yet been
selected by the Extkhprisk. but
will be before the second of Jan
Chas. II. Edwards, the advance,
agent of the Blanche Milyarde Co..
wafin Independence the first ir
the week to arrange for the ap
pearance of his company at the
opera house on Saturday evening,
December 20 A hrsl-cian m.o
is promised.
The Presbyterians, will observe
next Sabbath as Christmas .Sab
bath Special services both morn
ing and evening with Christmas
music. The choir has prepared an
anthem and Christmas for
ami in the evening
VIII- mi -
Mr (.'eorge Conkey will K
eoloand Miss Bowden will
an instrumental solo. All the scr
nf the day will be of more
When 1 can't iv danger there it no
dan er." That a the logic of the rot rich
wtiu-h hi'lea it head and expivw it
bodv to the hunter. There are not a
f,V People who teiu to have K"e
the ostrich to learn logic. The most
ilaneerous enemies of humanity are the
enemies which can't I aren, the disease
breeding microbes which uitivt the
W.ivt. It is luinler to e"t the imnile
out of l!ie blood limn to Wen it out, hut
Px-ee'a Colnen Me.tuul macovery
'v- v-' w
Buren 8p Hamilton
-'ml - nd cure the
eruption which come from St.
.Mvb!la''fm,w",1 1
to the doctor." wrilM Mr. K M.w. Nr
1 A-.I.-.M -itanl Co. N.C. "He ! n.r tn'.ll
Jw i hkh I rfUJ "me .V.r . ihori time. 1 the
Mv u.mi'. wereeiilante.t an.l mv r.k ollrn
ill out of hpe; mv throat ..r ami I r. W
Snt cure It. Slv hmlrt went r the .Wt..r
Urt he me ao eneourarHnem. H. helpe-t
SS. Ttftle. hut did ih ! 'W- "X .w
m fnr twelve months, when I heolj til a iny
11, Trtt'oTwa. Ilk. mine. w-,o . tV.
"ur IOeddUe and ira.-ettinr well. So f acme of the ,licine .-"I tale it.
-,v r wr.f !le t tl'J myc..klnf. W hell
I b?rt uWr "the tr..-:icin J cHl l "
itrv Vi',t tl:ne. rnd I on.!, re o. irep
SivTa tt! -hi:e at a time. Mr tl.rnat waaao
Si-e ll fmri 1 could fot w.l awalw weet
mi'k ir n-.v ton-i;. were full of litllr
S left llr wm. aaen out of ";
er.M hUrrlly rr mv bt-..h. The rt.vior
M t woulrt U ie? well, hut ,re11" "J
Or Pierce . OoWen Me.licl
"ttleaof hi. ' Pellet.' Ciir iil.ul
Cotnrrh Remedy "J the u of a.t wler rtnl
the work nd ctiretl we."
Pr. Tierce's Pleasant Tcllets cure con
tipation ami its consequences.
!... huth.hv rmri-
f viiij; the tiloovl
Biul then keepinjf
it pure.
If there are
eruptions oil the J
t; aaiu, i-'i."-, ......
' plea, sores or other
- . a aivi'" I :
'.."'i:t'3ourifv the Moo.l V
L .. J
Morris Chairs
Ctiiic-'tt''(l Hard Hood
).'.(? Chair'
Morris Chairs from ,'';. .5
Our fit 6' I hair iood
viiouijh for (iniihodi;. n
Our $10 Chair pleases present.
avrybodii. v'
I V ar
npi I. jiriale Nina
Vo 'imrnr.t. ti.em
than usual interest,
dial welcome to ?H.
A verv cor-
Ail claitns aatainst the Colibs.
Flouring Mills TJo. must oe pre
flented to Justice Wilson before
January 1. l',(,:- H'nrioers hold
ing checks will pleape cash them
iinnif liat'-ly.
Ciitnrrh Cuouot Ih Cured.
wtU, !,:'al aoplieatiom lUey caning
reach U.e seat of tue.licae, Catarrh
is a l.Ui"fl or i-otmtit'itioiial rliseahe an.l
in order to cure it 'you must t'tkn in
ternal reweflias. Hall's tjatarrb M-e
f3tu!u-ii internally and acts directlr on
the t.lotxl am! mucous surfa's. nun s
CaiarrU Cure is not a rfuek medieine.
ItwasprecribcJ l.y on of the best
,, iu Ibis country for years
and is a regular prescription. It is
coruptwed of the best ionics k 11011
combined with the blood purifiers,
aelinj? directly on the mucous nurfaces
The ix-rfect combinatiou of the two in
gredients is what produces such
wonderful results in curing catarrh.
Hend for tentitnonials free.
K. J Chf.nKV & Co. Props., Toledo
cM by druggists, price 75e.
Hall e Family Pill-are tbe best.
Lit Tuesday evening Eaft
em Star Chapter of this jdace en
terUstio'd thirty members from Dal
las ii ml llicknali. Mm. Alice
Towusend. szrand nuitron. was!
preset. t and was very complimen
tary in her praise for the work
done. She inslalled the newly
elected officers. After installation,
an elaborate banquet was spread
aud was heartily partaken of.
This gathering n'a conceded to be
the'niost successful fraternal ineet
ing,of the year. Mrs. Townseiid
firmlv ests.blislied her reputation
as one of the most capable state
officers the Star has had.
cnrtxiT conti hockkt.
it....,.riineiit X... 1 Hoise,
Circuit court for I'olk count v.
,io,..,ri,,nt N'o. 2. will convene .January 5. l'JO.'., at one
o'clock" I'. M. CWs a, follows
have been docketed to date:
F. .1 Jasper vs W V -rri'-k -t
D M Cutluie assignment; Sib
lev k Eakin for nii..ij:iiet. .
'--" 1 f B.--i'., 1 ased;
W Holmes and Oscar Hay lor b.r
Buren & Hamilton,
Salem - - 0reSon
wssul sw lira: (9
I had a most stubborn cough
for many years. ;t deprive me
of sleep and I grew very th m l
then tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
Sixty years of cures
and such testimony as ths
above have taught us what
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
mm II rrv
We know it's the great
est cough remeay ever
marte. And vou will say
so, too, after you try it.
Triw'c rureinevervdrop.
Tbre. .Ire. : 25c. 5e.. l. "
A I' Starr, executor, vs Crogban
Rh.Kles, suit in equity; UntbT
Coad for plff,
Land ltoar.1 VS neoee.n
and Robert Carr. coidirtnation; J I
("oli ins fr plff.
F S Smith vs U W Ualdwca ev
ul, suit in e.UHy; Sibley Ai Eakin
for j. Iff.
Kate Conner vs I E Conner, suit
1 tf
in equity;. J T Sirnoson tor pin.
Chas K Spaulding Lopuing Co,
vs Indepeodenee A Falls City' Improvement Co. suit
in ,.,.ity; Hedtje, A .JnllHU mr
Iplil: A C Vooder-k f.r d"!t.
J II Ili'vieV v .lames uaviumu.,
fureclosnre; 'V,overt it Staplelon
for pllT.
Marv A Iimp vs Robert A lit id
et ox, foreclosure; Ronhaiii t Mar
tin for plff.
L M llutler vs Mary l(. Muippeu
e' ul, suit lo quiet tit:e; liil-r 'V
Coad for -Iff
Ellen Su-Wiirt vs Ma-v Chnp-
,ell el a! suit to qui. t title; lint-
ler A: ('oad for pill'-
Frank P livers vs Mary K Chap
it .. ..i U , unlet, title; liut-
!)''. 1 t'l. :ti. rtn I
:.t it Coad for plff.
A S Locke v Mary 10 'Jhaopcll
e al. Suit to quiet title; Butler A
Coad for pi IT.
G I) Bannister Mary K (Miaj.
jpell etal, suit to quiet title?; Butler
I A. Coad for pi IT.
I C IlTeale vs Mury E ChappuU
jet. al. suit to quiet til !-, Itl;r it
Coad for Tdfl" . .....
. l. ... T..d vi...l..r tt al. M Jacob vs S H U allace. Himn
suit to quiet title; Sibley & Eakin ! equity ; Oscar Jaytc J.lrt
fo m C E Hurrouj.-hs vs I'll Mo l-,
II HJsrson vs j 8 Stump el! suit in equity; IHitl.T A Coad (or
. . !.,. llm..r llnvter litll
II S, Still III eqiu.J, 'I . .. ,, ,. .. . , I
f ' lir W.isl.incton NaflHuibiint;.!."""
tor pill. i i t
Florence J'yKall vs Herbert I'y and investment Co. vs ! A and M
C,U divorce; Vmes A Vates fur, l.-r-closure; J N Hart ami
Vers tv Powell lor pUb
P (ieorpo Miller vs Cynthia A Mil-;' J jd. W-nkey vs Lovina Web-
...... w. ..i.e ... - ..i ..1 f.,n lhiiro: J . Mail iot
1-r, divorce; J II lowiifenu i.o pui. ev-i i -
Sins' On vs Jacob ami t I'; pill.
Jlrown. suit in equity; Kaiser A
Slater for pill"; P.utbr .t Conti lor
deft. '
J S Cooper vs Hester Dawson et
ux. suit to remove cloud; Mt'iey iv
Eakin for plff.
Alfred Haldemaii vs Clara E
Dray et ul, suit to remove fluid ;
SibK-y it Eakin for I,lir
Wm Faull et al vs M M Ellis,
. i . ..!,... n.,.,... ifiivter a no
Paper mm z::.j .
Our l'..p'r and Harare pmducl- of, Nora v
tl, l..i.t mills In the couuiry. V'.'! Church, divorce; r.Uller.V t oa.l .
... a.fli.nai ttllfl frt'lLflll. :
1 ' for put. ;
130 Court St, Salem, 0r. hav.-.i ot o.en h.i.,u.
X "V ..... .
!. i,ij':iv," wr.-ie, mi. .-
Un. ..i 1, Ala., "if it bad not
. .'... l'.l...-nie. I'M co.. Cor three
V.-.1- I eiill'-'ietl milold fiom the
!v.,.o-l Censor;i, n .
iHlonoe U U"d 11 I'.VhpepHta. J5ut
tl.Nexe.dlei.1 meiheliie did men world
;f K,.od. ui-iiix n i i'":' ,-,,t
heanlly and have Ruined : poim.M.
i For lie.ilweciion, I.o-i l MT,m
irttomneb, Liver and bidney trouble-.
. i.m mo a i..ltlvo uaiiinu-
j t.'ed cure. Only 50c at KirUla id Urn
When in SALEM .ul vour team
in the
Bwry and feed StaM
Reasonable rates
Livery ftigs. . .
What's the use
Of buyini: expensive linen, soil lle.'il
l.ikinir it to some elieup-rieed,l"el!icieiit
lmindry to be nuned iy ert,-v ."s ie II- ;.; ff C
dsa,.A eom,.unds.' be.t.i f tj f t ltk &Zf K
putroniye a laundry vrlile.h tloes b 'M. y ,l UK V? V
work.washes eli au.irons w about s.eoreii-, fe ctflMNPB PrOO C
i,ls d leave vou eoutent-pays "i Ibo ; F- fA, K'Nr-K. -top.
lon run and s:ives worriinonl. W 'e- - . . . V
swi-k yoor pat.on.itfe leeause & , .,,; -ivt. to
we can afford I vou satitlael ion. ruera .r, ......? -
Ud't at KiHeh'sharlwrHiop or the hHl.nn U orders eiitnisied to u.e. 1 roil.pi g
at..m. will receive prompt attention. .V . ,..,., m In every hiMtaiiee
Htii.e will receive prompt attention
i Salem Sttnni Eaundry,
I'HONIi 274.
RadabausD Bramkt, PW.i (.(,)m(.1 oynmth Prop. nroU,! independence, ore h
l4 Commercial St. ' Jj"- """" j CCCOCCCCCCCCCCCC-P