Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, December 18, 1902, Image 7

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    jnih:pi:niknci: kntkuhiihi:, indki-kndknck, oukcov
l TliU Hi) u Wiiming.
A man who wiin too ttnufjp u
Tlic t'lirlNtiini Ounce.
TIih iirrHiiL't'iiiniiti mi- iiiiiv fun).
pl.t.'d f ir the C tiriHtinnn dance to lk hi Imine paper sent hie bill
lu. given hy tti I iil'tiitli;ti' or-i boy to borrow the copy taken t) .
cm-strr. nt'tlm opera, house Christ; ! hit ttoihlr. says th Kington!
mas night, l'ltn. have b.-en inmhi i L-iuh'r. In his haste the hoy run ,
t tit-rttiiii a largo en. w.l. Sup-1 over a 100 hive if bee a ml in
..t will ho scrycd lit City lim-tni minutes ho looked like warty ;
uuraut Tur it. A good timc!"lu"''' Mi ,,ri" . r,"irl "", ,,Uj
father, who mil to In assistance, !
'" l'r,"""",; jH111j fuiiin(? notice h barbed witej
Ib-tler read our big ad" it f-ncc, cut a handful of llesh from
your uicnd mul will make you ; hi anatomy und ruini'il ft o pair ;
Jj.mmI ii.nt.y. Wagoner, j of punts. The cow took advanl-'
' ' age of the gup in tli fence und g' 1 1
1 : I . into a corn (it-Id afvl killed herself
. Mealing green corn, Hearing the,
a Inn r. I
( rncni'b i u nun i no. -
nt thu Ihhihi of Usury Hill, in gallon churn of rich cream inlaw
I iiiiioitiiiihoicp. OriMMili. nil 1 ) I ..i ,.f L j itriiu'iiiiwr 1 1 . i-ri i .
- - - i e ifini k ui rihi ...........r,
cclnber 11, !!l)- Hgcil O'l V'rH J ,r lUr,y ,mt tt K:t of teell'.
I I'..... it.- I... . . t . I 1. .1
ll'ol live iii-iimip. i i,, Hl)V. lell BIOHV, cniwiru
A large shipment of
furniture ai
i mi naoy, ii-i b iu, i"""
The fum-ml services were ' tlirtigh the cream and into the
in tlm I'niled Kvangelieal church,! pttrlor, ruining a brand new f 'JO
U.-v. 11. J. Kelli-y i!liriniing. I n-1 carpel. Purit.g the excitement
i . i i . ...
U'rimnl was liinl in the Iiurch
cmeterv har li.i
the oldest daughter ran away with
t ... 1 . ' r ... 1 i, ww. din ilfiir broke Un
tuq iiiii'i h.t - i
Mr. KihU'V runic in Oregon j lWVen setting hend Riid tlie culvn
wilh her penplo in the year 131" j g,t into tho yard anJ chewed the
hi Mary K. Virgin. In l")'' ' tails of four night shirts nd wv
. ft ttf i r t I . .
Win liiiliril lo I. . Iviooey.
They imI tlieir hoinu in I'olk
..unity, wrol of Monniouth, where
die resided until the comlition l 0f ,i own for
h. r failing health made 'it mi-en-parv
lo have ln-r where sheeoiihl
retive prompt medical aid. For
ihli. purpose she was brought to the
home of Mr. iliil Uft summer.
She gradually d-e'ilied until death
ended till eurllilv s'llfnilg. Her
huthand, two sons and one daugh
ter preceded her in death. Four
sons and four daughters rtmsin lo
mourn her loss.
ot tho family
If you want to buy
,.or a..
Stock, Fruit, Hop or
Dairy Farm
or if you want
Town Property
In finlenendenco or Monmouth
il will pay you lo call on J. If.
Moran. your property for sale
with J. H. MORAN.
She 'flreade,
Dovidsor? & Hedges, Prop3.
Cvitfi- i"e i-;l I'l.'tit'.-'.Tobiu"
aii'l (.'oiUi'i'l ionefv.
Km st Class Son Fountain
oral other
Tho man could have had a paper
?l.fiO and saved all
the trouble arid expense.
Now this didn't all happen here
but it is liable to, so we advise
everybody to take tho Kntkki-kisk
ami make your wife and family
happy. Local agents are ready lo
tak your order.
In the Jimtlce's Court tor Jimtiee of
the lYaeo and Countable' Dimrlct
No. 6, in the County of l'olk ami Hlale
of Oregon.
Albany llrewltig Company, a corpor
al , iilalntlir, v. Sam 11. Walluee, ck-
To Hum II. Wallace, the tlefemliuit
alMive tiameit, lu the name of the Mate
of OreKiin, you are hereby reijuiied to
Bii.-ur mul answer the ewmplallil flleil
miuliifl you III I he itliove entllled ao
lloii within six Weeks from the date
or the llrnt publication of thla auim
hious, to-wll, on or before the l'Jtu day
of lieeember, 19US, and if you fail so
toauHwer, for want llu-reof the plain
tin" will lake JiiilKiuput MKHliistyou for
the sum of Sfi "0, together witli. the
eota and dlnliuroeiiieiits of this action.
This summons, by order of H. Wll.
mm, JilHtiee of the Peace for said Dis
trict No. 5, made t Independence,
OrcKon, on the .'5d day of N'nenilK-r,
P.SI2, Is screed upon you by publication
I In-rent for a period of six cousei-utive
and eueee.HMtve w"ef k hi the Imlepen
deuce KiHerprlHe, a newspHper of kcii
eral clreiilatlon pulillslu-d weekly tit
Imlependunee, lu said eoim'y. The
daie of the llrnt publli-iition of llili hiiiii
uioiis is Nov. (I, lUtW. B. Wi I.SON,
.iintii'e nf Hi" I'eiiiH (in- sind dir.lrlet.
Oscar Jiiiyter, attorney for the pliilntltl'
dav Goods
.lu-' .iJ and still moro coming, consisting of I'imI Koorn Suites, Iron
IU f, Yum lio'ckcTK, I-argo Mirrors, Pictures, in fact a complete line of
Christmas (joodg, for
Wood Bedsteads
Start AO and !
at H'onup )
A good wool top j
Mattress $1.95
Window Shades
25c each
A nice Bed Room
Suite for $12.50
H good Couch
For $4.50 and up.
16 x 10 inch Stand
50c each
Dining chairs at
Lowest Prices
90c and up
These are regular prices and everything else in proportion. Discounts given
1 on larger amounts. .
Campbell Bros., - North Main Street.
son, Justice of the Peace for said Dis
trict No. 6, made at Independence, Or.,
on the adjday of .November, KH)2, la
served upon you by publication thereof
for a erlod of six conaecutive and suc
ceed! va weeks lu the 1 ndeeiidenee Kn
terprise, a newspaer f general circu
lation published weekly at Indepen
dence, In said uuy. The date of the
first publication of this summons la
Nov. . 1902. H.WILSON,
Jus! ice of the Peace for said district.
Oscar Hayter, attorney for ptaiutifT.
G L Hawkins
Will lie Jteply.
ituena Vista Correspondence.
Tbe crticles on etrawljerry cul
ture, by Colonel E. Hofer, of Sa
lem, which recently appeared in
tb Extkhpkise, were read with
much inttrest by people in this
locality and were considerably dia
cussed. ,
For tho benefit of interested
parties, Vill Col. Hofer kindly in
form the KsTKiu-ursE how many
strawberry plants are required to
the acre, or to a giyen space by
which an estimate can be made?
Also the two varieties that are
most satisfactory for market, when
hl'MMON. j one desires berries both early and
In the Justice's Court of ! late. Such infortunium will be
tin- IVuce and I'oi.etable's District much appreciated if the editor will
No. lu the County of I'olk and tate kindlv cive it gncce. ';
Colonel Hofer stands ready at
any and all times to answer ques
tions on strawberry culture. He
Miss Patience Cooper wears a
most beautiful boa made out of tbe
skin of a white fox. fent to her
from Alaska by Miss Ann Mann.
The work of properly fixing it for
wear was done by a San erancitfco
party who pronounced it the best
of its kind be ever saw.
J. H. Moran has started the ball
to rolling. The Extkrpkise has
just printed 10,000 circulars, two
sides, for htm and this week they
were sent east to Hamman dis
tributing bureau for distribution.
Who will follow the good work up?
Mis Ethel Raymond, a tjalem
young lady wdl known iu this
city, is achieyine considerable re
nown as a soloist before America's
most critical musical audience,
New York City. Such New York
papers as the Herald, Journal.
Tribune, etc., praise her highly.
W. R. ALLIN, D. D. S.
Painless Extraction
Cooper Building.
Independence, Ore.
V. Sum II.
,,i A
,1 .-. V
Pnl 'as, On'.
' JtM';..
Aiiiliniiieu ' t i
of Oreuon
1), (iermatius, plaintill',
Wallace, ili fi-mhiiit.
To Sam II. AVhliaee, the defendant
above iiiinii'd: In the time of the
State of Ori-jon 'You are hereby re
ipilred to appear and nusw r the com
plaint Hied Hualust you In the aliovt
entllled ai-tion within six wcks from
. t . . . . . .e 1... It .... ....I.II....I ..f f 1 1 ,
t Miieiiiiir.n i nt- hi i.i
II") lilt I1 - summons, to-wll, on or liefore Hie P.Hh
UlltlillL ;,U. ,,f Decern ier, 11MU, ami if you fail
- iso"o nns.ver, for want tlii'ivof the
i plaintill' will take judgment a ainst
and Head- Von fur lliesiim nf"S ill), toireilu r witli
the, costs and dlsliurseineiita ot this ne
tlmi. ,
I his summons, by oiiIh- of B. Wtl-
H. H. Jasperson,
2 independence, :: Orcgen.
even went so far as to promise the
editor of the Entekpiuse that he
would come here and address a
meeting gotten up fr the purpose
of encouraging the industry. T'n
colonel is all right. Just pve him
a chance , to explain personally
what he has accomplished. En.
. Nine pounds of our special
mixed candy for $1.00 at Wagon
er s.
Cuff buttons, lots of them at O.
A. Kramer & Co.'s.
A complete line of cuff and
collar, glove and handkerchief
boxes and jewel cases in celluloid
at Mrs. Wallace's.
5olfiline, the greatest discovery of the ege.
Every man, woman and child needs it. AH school
children should have their shoes treated with
"S0LF1L1NE" as it is absolutely waterproof and
doubly durable. Sold" by . : ,
T. B. Clevenger, r
Indepence, and Bridwell Craven,
Save Your Soles
Your soles under normal condition will outwear the uppers.
You save the expense of continual resoling. .
Your shoes will not squeak and the gait is made elastic.
You will wear vour shoes twice as long as heretofore.
You imed no rubbers.
Your feet are protected from wet or cold.
Your soles being absolutely water-proof enow will not stick.
HIRSHBEKG, l-reJent. A15RAM KELSOX, Vice President
C. W. IRVINE. Cashier.
01 RECTORS. II. lursehberg, I). V. ears, I,
A. Nelson.
F. Smith, M. V. Stewart and
a ceiieral banking and exchange business transacted. Ixiana made. bills
discounted. Commercial credits granted. Deposits recewed on current account
object to check.