Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, December 11, 1902, Image 8

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    . i v inu.iv It I.' V I.' Hlll'llllV
iMH'ITNDKM.'K KSTKIU'IUM-., i.mfi-.i
IMate of Kl.n.'r F. llarrkt, !'
t.,s,.J supplemental etition for
.f real property tiled- order lor
..f real pror.ty made Septem
I. r '20, 1901, set aside and held for
naught ; citation to issue to heir to
how chuso l.y petition should
not be granted.
Folate of Harvey II Slanton, de-
tinnl account approved and
aou.istratrU discharged.
Ksuteof Cornelias
,..; eule closed ana tmmui
istrutor discharged
F.state of A M Bryant, deceased
final account eel for bearing
January 5. 1903, at 1 o'clock I' M.
Kstate of Christian rehrson, de
ceasedsale of real property ap
proved. Kftaie of Pavid J Whiteaker, de
rtjui bond filed "d -approved.
Guardianship of minor Mold
..llenrv Gee. D 1$ Kingery
and T Small appointed appraisers
VI oniu - '
rMale of Pavid Whiteaker, de-
ceaned-J II Mulkey, M W .Mix
aiuIBJ Kelly appointed appraia
:nr.i;AilKl.iD of llarritt minors
petition to eeli property set for
i.o.;,, Jnvarv O. at su uuui.
lirfli ' -
Guardianship of E P Stcadman
,,;raalrt of real property con
- -
firmed and guardian ordered to
make deed.
I) L Keyt, of Perrydale.
E H Hosner et ox to Luke
un.. i.-., a hlock 3. Powell's
lh,liiion out lot 3, Monmouth,
J T Ford, sheriff, to C C Camp
ball, lot C, block 22, Ellis' add to
rv.lloQ tax deed. $1.09.
J R Baldwin, trustee, to D
Harris, lot G, block , Hill s lode
pendence, $t00.
R E Ferguson et ux to W C Mc
Clure. n e i sec 8, t 8 s, r 8 w,
11200. '
v.i A Smith et ux to F E and
. i o,iu x anrea tus 7 and 8
jsoian niuii", . -v
-, 1 .10.
' Isbrand Peters et ux to V J and
Clara Stow. 159 acres, t 8 s, r 6 w,
L Letnmon et ux to A and 1
linrlmnk. 6.S0 acres, t 9 s, r(i w,
ft A r.i
K Shupp et al to Annie Chute,
lots in Alonmoutn, tiuv.
Gilbert A Patterson to tti i
When I rant r danger there la no
dancer." That's the log'e of the ostrich
which hide it 1ied "' it
JhhIv to the hunter. Ttiere re not a
few people wh to Jaive gone, to
ll,e ostrich to team logic. The most
dangerous metiii.-tt of humanity ate the
rnemie which can't seen, the diwiwe
brer.titiK microti which inleot the
blool. It tmnlT Re' 'icr.le
out of the 1UU than to kreii it out, liK
IV horv-e's Coldrn Me.licl Dinwrry
.!. holh.tiv ourl-
the blood
VJ and then keeping
ifl-.BS-il f there are
,r V i W .nml nil. Oil thC
fT rf lit lin tmiln. tiim
f f tilr. Wres or other
f .i;n of impure
0 Picture
- v'r ' ,it'l"0.1. u.e Doctor
IT n; I'.nll Pll
SXVf. Medic! I)iuvr
a i'. -hi cii win
" " ViT ' ind cure the
li!rh ce::ie from it. ,
. mv bi.a w.. .n
Vivtnuiill weir cnmriirn "uti ij " j -
52 . r-um,n. ...W
In one wk I "
Bur en 8p Hamilton,
SALKM , 0 I lKiM)Ss:
Wo huve filled
OS Our Stoic...
W'ijl. good thtn-s ior tlu holiday tra.k' nn woll,
as tlu jit-ni-ral wry ilay l'U"'M. Wo liavo
a ji)iiil assnrtmi'iit f
i'r Q
'. i.D
f W
m ax iwi.rirr
In one wK i wj "'"Jj; , ,,d ,iF up ...ily
a few m uut ' "M; lhmll, k
onir - ld 0o, nra ,w11.w ti
nd I cofl , will tail t r "I
the woric na ciir
Pr. Pierce's rlewant I'ellcts cure -
ttipation nl Its cxinscqucii-.
01 CQ
S s Bookcases, Desks, Sideboards, China Closets, !
Buffets, Music Cabinets, KocKers
and Fancy Chairs.
Our Picture Framing'
2 tD
Z S co
l),.i,arti.u-nt in strictly up-to-tlato. WV have ov,ryUiia
that is im'W in thtt luw aim c,u.hi- juiv i
notition.' We 10x20 portrait for and upwanl-. ,
. c... l i.l,.t..MH vti'WH of Oreuon Hfi'lU'l'V. Affj
tio Hmnrnirs. We j.ay lu.sta-e. If not hftti.
, 1 ........ ..... I
factory return ami we reiu.xi )ui im.mj.
S R t0
162 by 2 00 feet, Hills Indepen
dence, rs-. Tiii-tiitiirf
H S Fudge to Win Fudge, tract -
;., P..illston. $"0,
H S Fudge to Wm V inlge, tract
io HrtlUton. 40J.
it ,!,!.. ,r,nii to Castle v
.. - I .... .,,.1 tlfltl huH
-f . t a r .1 w. i inr fii ouo "
Miaw, fM-iu. ur, ..... . .
tieen necureo on v-.v . -
9 .t..., r,iiiliiL from I'orl-
Ka'is City Cemetery Co to J u this 1
. imiii u "'"
R.oiih. adtu'r. burial lot, . ..... ,, of a nerlea ofsncli lug
Frank Taylor et nx to Jesse U r)lii.t to be held In the dim-rein
. i in ' t . r5tr. L....,ii. (hrouirliout the date. !
uoo.n.m., iW ' ri - the contents.
!T2),a . ......... will l,n nurtlciliiited III by neV-
Lee Taylor et ux to Jeo the rUe be-
w I pr ('till ill ,
T?,din!.on. 153.90 acres, t ....., i w..rd. TIiIh work
and (1 w, 2310
. CO
' ! .
' T7T .Mt- ii'... L., A lv WiimJII.
t'lKCl'IT i;il IMIV lI.t . 1V.I11B, "I"
; action at la, v-oniuiinu ..
Dcp.irtiiient No. I-Oeorge H.'out.
Hiirnett, .ludije. Win Dean v I.uokiamtite Mill
e IV II lu'tiilM lit law. Settled.
department X., I. Geor.e II. Bur f A WestacoU v f" "-';
Jl. judge, convened M b,y, He-1 replevin. Jury; venlict U
C,'mUrl: "j'w Kirklan.l vs P T and A
NTi'li!! I iv iiuiiiBii , vV... - .
", it . - ...!,... l lull- f-rd Cl
d(Jw.2310. iB ,x pec..d pi Uke up the entire ...B-1"10;', " nH Cyrll, i f,.r pill', asjainst deft. P T IVtcrnoii
R F Simpson to Mrs RC Brown aJ Dalla. hoy. ar .rr,l.. 'H and ju Ig.n. .nt to r I U
f,wisecl7,tt)-,rw.1im , ''r":1" clT "T"' " JK Iliisleline A Co vs Thuinaa
Kevt vs K Biddle, M M S Fennell, iiclion at law. ''
,V J lUCe "op UO V l U .-mini.
BaMiitt. 107 3
t 7 , r I w,
.....,i,.r' mm will be preHilited to the
100 acres, t 7 s, r 4 w, I. maUing the Urgent percente
H 1) l.runk Nft ux to Mary I orlt!.eaHe aud .he member who hs
r,ut in the iiuwl ppiicu"- "
eure n elegant badge, the .ecoud
highest getting a !
i.rles are now on display in Neighnor
V. II. Pfellliltf' Wllliiow. luc .........
...n ...ill meet incoming visitor
w. oleii mill building will occur one of I fm the train and motor and enroll
... . ! ,.,. t . ..... ..i. 1 kuiinu'ii hull wlifre
Big rratemal. Gathering.
... . , ....
On Dwemher ISth at m-i ji-i.;
. i replevin'. Settled.
Geo.PRodgers & Co-Uk
... . t T 1 T ... 1
Paper Dealers
won ell 111111 oiiiioiojs ' 1 . , ,, .
the largest fra'ernal gallierlnga ever I ,,., lo til- Odd Kelow hull wh- e
" .... 1 . . ...... .t... will amist In
Bropby, one-third int 450.80 acres.
.7. r4w. and hop bouses,, etc.,
.J T Ford, sheriff, to
ton. ' HiO acres, t 9 s, r 7 w, tax
deed, AS 8S.
Zula Cavanash to Julieit Turn
bow. tracts in Monmouth, $1.
II IS Montgomery et ux to J J
Wick.ean-I lot 1, block M. south
tide, rails City, '75.
United States t- George M Tke,
100 acres, t 8 s, r 1 w, patent.
W G Va-sal! et 11 x to J W Lee,
G icree, t b s. r C w, t7-".
M I Leftt et al t0 T.I anJ V' F
Campbell, lot 3, block II, south
side. Falls City, $100.
II S Montgomery to E J Frank
lin, lots 2, 3 and 4. and nst 4 lot
5, block 0. south f-ule,", Pails City,
$280. r .
H S Montgomery to FJG White,
lots 8 and 9, block P, south side,
Falls City, $80. .
George Jones to H C Hannon
Ik county. The AVoodmeii
of the Wi.ibl will then initiate nearly
l.H) cali'lid'.t, of which il.ill.ei will
fort.ifsh 4". Monniouth !i0, One ! 11,
Airlie 5u.lallM...i. 11. 'lie .Mil,.,
ft, t . ..i,i- prerara-
I t.u... lo.-oi- "tain .-. least .Us) viMtors.
" I bad a most stubborn cough
for many years. It deprived me
of sleep and I grew very thin. I
hen tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
and was quickly cured.
K. N. Mann, ball Mills, Term.
Sixty years of cures
and such testimony as the
above have taught us what
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
will do.
We know it's the great
est cough remedy ever
made. And you will say
so, too, after you try it.
There's cure in every drop.
TUff .he. : 25c.. Mc.. $1. AlUr-lM.
then o u r.u it lis know,
to take It, then dou't tK k.
1 1... ladies of the circle will asslel 111
giving them an hour of aoelal inter- (
(...iiw and pleaaure. At H:M the
Woodmen,' their drill team and the;
100 initiates will march t the woohn
mill where the regular week y sesnlon
of Dallas Camp will be convened. The
initiation and team contests will Come
in in their regular ciirs and an un
broken night of pleasure may
tici,it-,l t ireat credit Is due to all
the camps in the County for t he way
i in which thev have responded totli s
i ,-.ll for ro w member, as it wa not -x
, ,!... that the aim set at nueanoi
.latps could be In any way nearly
The Shaniko Leader" coiiich to
mir deirK as an eA..i.n..n...
editor and publisher irt H P. I crc- j
vnl, presumably a former Indepen
dence printer.
When in SALEM put your team
in the
Civery and Teed Stable
Reasonable rates for
Livery Riga-
Radabaugh Bramkt, Preps.
104 Commercial Ft.
Phone 8.31.
4 Mil- ISper and Bin- are products of;
111,, ts st mills in the r.oi,mr.v. 1 on j
will cave iiioney on prleen mid freight (
with us.
130 Court St., Salem, Or.
us voun WlZ. i f I '
A W Docksteader va J C l oun-
dree, action for money. Default
and judgment.
Saved at Grave'i UriiiK.
"I know I would long have been
in my grave," wrlies Mrs. H, N. Ne
mail, id lwdur, Ala., "if It had not
Iilcii for Kleeirlc ItiHers. i'or inree
I yearn I sulhTed untold agony from the
, worst fonnsof Jndigeilion, Waterbaish
! Stomach and Howell Dyspepsia. But
j this excellent medicine did me a world
0r g.'d. HI ,, c.i using It I can eat
i heal illy and have gained :i'i pounds."
! Ior Ihdlgeelioii, I,u"n of Appetite,
iHtomaeh, I.lver and Kidney troubles.
IMielric Hltl.'ts are a p.,silive gunruii
tid cure. Onty ." 1" kiu J(1 '"'"B
Special hargaiiiH in Pocket
Cutlei v at U. M. W'adtv.V Co.
What's the use
Of limit.,: expensive linen, i.nil then
taking it to -w i-a.-Hp-pric .i.liiel.icieiii
l.uui.l:)' to he rniie'd i'V ean:les melh
odsaiiil hli-achiiiit roinpounds? better
patronize a liiiinnry wnir-n o."-"
work.waslie" clean, irons ilhout s. oich
in ir and leaves you coutent pay in the
long run and i-aves worriineiit. We. be
speik jour puti'Muage brVHiiso wo know
we can allord vou satisfaction, nnlel
left at, Kub'li's barbershop or the tMilem
stage will receive prompt intention.
Salem Steam Cawndry,
IVloi.el .1. Olmsted, Prop. Dorotis
D. Olmsted. Mgr. Phone 11. 3l!0
Liberty .Street.
. 9
t m ... . . . .. . ij
. i.
M .u.,,,,,1 ,iltnt,t!iin IMVI.I1 til l.'.l
r) j-i-w,,,,. r" -
jjj all orders entrusted to me. Prompt
h Attention In every instance.!... S
I' . ' IMIUNK 274-. I