. ... , ' - r . i INMKl'KNDKNCi: KNTKUI'ItlSK, IXPKl'KN'DKN'CE, 01IK0N' Yea must visit jfsy yw 4 .. . r" .(.. imilfi! until Will lllUfc YYVVIV ........ Wc are ready to help you nuke prep- 4 arations. r 4 Santa Cl.uis comes. " ' 1 r . Toy Lani will be com- f p!ete at our store. The lar- f gest line of Books ever brought 4 to the city. J - Never in all our years in the city have we had half so complete a Christmas Stock as is now being put on display m our store Not only have we visited Portland and secured all the best thmgs thai could be had but the markets of Chicago have also been asked to send us the best of selections. . ; 1L CHRISTMAS BOOKS ,ffU 'HU'USUv Irs tYi. 'I r DOLLS! DOLLS! Wide-awako 1'olls, Sleeping Dolls, Wliihilini? 1"'1. it ml 1-H of nil kintlH. x The higge.t IMIyou ever i-aw for tf2..V). GAME BOARDS CUOKISOLK AUCHKKKNA DOM IN OS ETC We hitvn tho best hoards money run Iiut. vou hhoulil not com- pare our iiimiun .ww" w , . ,ou.h. All have to 'd i ! Manicure bets ibt im to appreciate the value of I M jrrorS( etC. . 1 lx..r.l In nriee from ! '" ! a jj.i.m .......... ... j to ft .50. Dressing Sets Albums We tire three only. $!f0 I j Hatches of ft !f)ff m(l'lT' In thin department e.l'j - " j the Ml. 'ft complete line (.1 booKMj piNLl PONG ! TIIK LATEST AMKKHJAN j OAM K. Of ivinrsfl vou kmw of tin' IN TOY LAND- IU-r wc have uiiiuui'int!j fur the little f'lk. A real m-am eiigii ; tli.it runs l-V ltain; cars that have ; little track to run on; auloim.Ules that run by their own power; little clogs that hark anil jtitiiJS little -U of di.-li for sieter nil wade vi china; ilrtitn of ai! t-izes for the boys; guns that will sh'jot; blocks with big letter; wloll great ami small and a big line of hornx. In fact every i thing for the little, bijj, old or young, . to enjoy the great day of Chrit-tu;as j with in the .roper way. Chritmas Candies. 4 -. . . - via rw' . Christmas Tree Decorations As we thought our 1UH pounds fver brought to tint town. Aniont; j the 1'ito tovrii!l'l book huve; all' the hit.- .,l!t:oii All 1.."U; huokn ill our vtio'i' - $ I. '?. c; u..iit i,nr nnr holiilav ! .. i . ... i i .,,.n. 1 ..,,... t lh thl'i! in tln e.'iht. line ol Iiiiok w nave m-iii ie , fxi.n- - thing at.otit booU we did not Kino i-eiw from up. I.f,,.-,. Take, for example, j -- - "The Cbnit-r i'.ox." W Mdjiniij j)o'f forfct OUT JlaOk D price fur thin old s'tmdby " ' ji()!(ntCllt-'it's complete, On loukin:! a' tlie priee ono iay: . "Why I bought. lliH KHiito book fx Here to will ! found one of j the depart nient t hut will interest j you. All these sets come in ebony, j Als! the latent in horn nr.d burnt ' wood. ;! The Parker Lucky Curve i f((nnt" i i nine a,s i' Jfapl that w- have ordered another (large fhipment and it is now begin- i,1;T to arrive- Our purchases for iho Christmas trade, was never so complete and the goods of the best Our line of hand roll chocolates is the best that money ean bu. We have strained every point to feet best in the candy line. You should gee our elaborate electin l!f box goods ranging in i, t'1'"'" 10 cents to H per box. candle holders. Ladies and Gents' Purses T.- 'oeut. Ye, you ran buy "Chatter liox" for 7" eeutft; in faot, we wiil l.'M'b. l t . Hell you a "Ci alter ' s" at To eenN, but not tbn ori!it.al "Chatter HoX." Come ill alid (ieo iitir tilee line of hiK-U while complete. i Tbis i.t the best Fountain 1 en j on the market today, and is uuur I ai:teed in every res-peet. You don't Thin is a beautiful line of good j have to trouble ynui-elf about itwe Fancy Hand-Painted CelluloidjGoods maks good. it pod if it doesu t prove To have the best of eueu-ss und i H.Hiiethiu;; that will' interest the lover f beauty at a glance.. We have in thin line Collar, Work, (ilove Necktie, llandkerchiet' and ; 1)U,gl UJ(, o.irkerV Fountain 1 - " ----- ! l,(,to Hoxes. In f.'t't a coinpleti Checker Hoards . or ifv ; int ,f, tak(. your attention. j We have lately received the ! very latefct thing out in Ladies' i Purses, ranging in juice from 25 ! iv.ni to -..r)0. The very latest) j thing in l'-urnt Leather iu Men's ! inr,'.K something never in the Xav (Jrop of Jit Kinds of j -is.- Walnuts Jhrwnds, etc. fO Cents Per Pound. with the Parker Lucky Curve you rriJup to 1. cents. Did on erer 'hear of) fictile. ALBUMS i Xorire the Steam Engine land Ferris Wheel in our Win- ' dote. Ink in it. It's only bottle. The Lucky from $2 to ft. en 23 cents per Curve sells Dolls 73.50. from 25 cents to If you are looking Horns in all Shapes Prices. am for values this rill interest i i una lloth for photoRraphB and ..r,.tH. We do r.ot believe there could be ft more handsome lino of! these good. We have Home neauues for photograph. Then for auto nph9well, to appreciate them you will just have to call at the Ptore and pee the line. We give you albums from 25 cents to $3. Beginning Monday, December, 8, 1902, we will issue coupons to each purchaser of 5 cents or better, and upon the return of 20 of these tickets we will present, the holder with one pound of the best special mixed Candy free of charge. Save your tickets. BEAUTIFUL PICTURES We would like to have yon give our picture assortment, an in terview. It'seomethh-.g very nice. From 10 cents each to -14. LOOKING -m. m. - We have some bargains in first-quality looking glasses. Tbey are simply beautiful. Jnst the thing for use when you shave your face. In price from 15 cents to $1. Pldying Cards from 25 cenh per deck to $1. IN BOX PAPER We have now on display posi tively the finest line of Box Paper ever brought to the city. It ranges in price from 13 cents to $2.50.