Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, December 11, 1902, Image 1

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    Oregon UMuriciil looUtj
ti;n YKAlt.
I A 1 1 1 CN 1 H I ( ICC I CI T I ) N .
I'it'iiNiiiil levelling" lit lii
ilcpchdeiice School.
The parents reception given by
the teacher of tho Independence
aehool last Friday evening was
largely intended. It was a pleas
ant and profitable gathering.
l'tl'MMKIlt. I'ffllllU'J of tho Hirit of
'friendliness and cordiality which
was prevalent, unci profitable by
reason of a letter understanding
growing out of ft closer relationship
tielweon parent ami teacher.
The rctaitioi) was hold on the
first M-or, after which a good Pr,)
grain was rendered upstairs. There
wax vocal am) instrumental music
ami speech galore. A good
lunch was nerved after tho pro
grain and everybody went home
delighted with what they hail men
ami heard.
Independence Fire Department.
Ttio independence fire depart
ini'iil met on Monday evening,
December 8th, anil elected the fol
lowing ntlicern: t'rea., 1', L.
Hedges; Vic Pr?; Frank I,.
V hi leaker; Sec, V. L. Krazer;
Treue.. W. II Craven; Kir Chief,
E S Milliard; 1st A'l. Chid. J.
A. Mills; . 2d Ass't. Chief, O. W.
After the election of officer they
were entertained fur a tune hy
speeches from exempt memliers
who were invited to b present.
About nine o'clock ihev adjourned
to the Little Palnee Hotel where
tables were found heavily laden
with nood thing to eat,
Thit eupr wa t ho result of a
-contest fr new mem hers in which
tho department was divided into
widen, with W. II. Craven and U.
L. Krazor as captains. . The aide
necuring the leant number of new
member paying the penalty of a
supper for tho'ontire lire depart
moot- Mr. Printer's aide was vie
toriouM and Mr. Craven ordered tho
nupper. About fifty were present
Mr. Marsh Merwin, an exempt
member, acted as master of cere
monies. Toast 0 were responded to
by many of those present.
Feed Store Hold.
V. A. Gray, a former resident of
predated i iitortsiiiiiieiiis ever giyen
in Hullstun wan given hy Prof. M
(1. Steele, under the Hiiapioe of the
Balllun Woodmen, with hia niov
log picture and sten'optiean outfit
lad Friday night.
Prof. Steele has one of the bent
outfits on the cnast, and those wro
did not get to ace hi ihow missed
a rare treat. He wiu accom
panied by Mr. Freeland, a soloist,
whose rendition of "Hello, Cen
tral," and ' Where the Hweot Mag-
uolia Bloom" and other late eonga
illustrated by the stereoptican was
highly appreciated by tho audi
ence preaont. Another entertain
inent was given Saturday night,
entitled, '"Life of Christ in Art,"
cotaisting of reproduction in origi
nal color of the sacred paintings
of the old masters. Mr. Freeland
aguin sang some illustrated solos
and several ill UHt rated sacred songs
were given on the concert phono
graph. Tho receipts of the two
evening amounted to $(.'$. 90.
The Burnt Wood ltage.
It might hoof interest to some
( liriHini.iH Auitin. week we asked you if
Christmas did not bring plea-ant
recollection of the pant. We only
wish to call your attention to a
lint of thing we have thin year
and which l ain suro will make
soma other happy.
First we start with books. We
have such nice ones, 2'hs to 90c;
picture books from I'm to 2"c; fancy
toilet act .Wo to 100; neck He
cases, cull ami conar ooxeB, al
burns from 2'o to 2,.r0. Go carta
for doll, and dolls well we can't
tell you of them, they are lovely
and to clieap. Iron banks, druma,
air rille. iron toys and stovea.
Look at those lovely doll beda,
those' small telephones and the
games checkers, chess, caroms,
krokinole, Pinff Pong and table
tennis Boys' watches that run, a
neMt psir of shoes or slippers We
want you to see thera.
I Your truly,
Thk Raket Stok.
Men Wanted.
Six men wanted to saw Stave
bolts. Job will last till May I,
1!K).'J. Pay up from the first to
tenth of each month. Work is at
Airlie. Come and see me at ' Airlie
. , ) Ed. Patras.
Kugone, purchased the llour an
feed store from L. Damon lunt Mon-
lay. Mr. Gray is an enterprising
man and informs us hnt he ex-
pecti to carry everything in the
feed store line that uoea to make a
complete stock of that kind.
('atari Ii ('amiot lie Cured. applications a they cuonot
reii(!ii tin) unit (if the dim'UMe. (.'iiliin Ii
la u lilond or c ninl it utiniml diwaNO and
in enter to cine it you nniHt take In
ternul remili.H, llall'H Catarrh Cure
Islnken iiiturually and aitM directly on
the IiIiiihI mill iiiueoiiH Mirfnci M. IIhU'h
Ciiliirrh Cure 1m not a ipdieU ineiliclne,
It waH piecrlbe 1 ny oiih of tho t0Nt
phyMie aim in tlil country for years
mul in u rcu'itr pic-Horlptinii, ft in
oompoHed of the" lieHt lonlcn known
combined with the bent blood ptuilleis,
acting directly on the niueom nurfiiees
The perfeet ooiiiblnal lou of the two in
gredient la what produces Hindi
won-W I re:i,, l'i i'4ng catarrh.
Kflid i'o. ti W il,.i"! U I-
V. .) t in.M'V A i i'-.J - . I" !"
Jotd h.' d iitfui;.i, pin 7"i
1 Jul iV K.iiu H' 1'iVV ii i I !, ! ,
Wooilllll'll I -lit I I it 1 1: It: II t.
Hie:iat from 1Ih1!m;oU.'
One of the beet and tiwt ap-
of our readers to haye us giye thera
a few words as to the new fad of
burnt wood. While in Portland
recently we entered ft wholesale
house and the first thing which
greted ue was the very disagree
able smell of burning wood and of
course we asked the reason why,
but before the clerk had time to
answer we noticed a number of
girls sitting along at a bench and
on close observation we noticed
that they were slowly following
I'Jrawing dfnign with a red hot , Hecial from Mouiuuatb.
needle that was kept at while heat
by beini' connected with the city
gas system. These girls are filling
the demand for the great burnt
wood craze. You can find these
goods at Wagoner's along with an
itpmense stock of other goods.
For Sale,
A stock of general mdse with
storo buildings and residence in
the country: stock will invoice
about f2,m. Address J. care
It I'leawliis? Oolticldenee.
urn- . - ..,,.-. - .. ..'
Ih aluavri ac'ccjttablc
For Ciiristmas Presents
For the finest line ever brought to town
A. S. Locke,
The Independence Druggist.
ltluci Andiiliisiaiia.
I am makinir a siiecialty of
breeding lilne Audalusian chickens
and I think they are the best ecg
mnchine on earth. They aie quite
a bit larger than the Leghorns and
as gontl as the Plymouth Rocks.
I bought my stock of Klein, whoso
birds captured all of the prizes for
this br-ed at the state fair and they
are as good as any in the state.
I have one cock and six cock
erels for sale, and will have eggs in
season. Now is the time to buy
your roosters. Write for particu
lar. 1). M. Calbreath, Monmouth,
Bruce Burnett, who coat:hd the
Monmouth football team this sea
son, arrived home .wouiiuy. con
sidering the fact that Bruce took
hold of the team after tho season
W;is well advanced and that he had
but few men to choose from, be
niado a tfoou snowing wiin him
eleven, llo srvs that Monmouth
will be in it in good shape next
penpon. Cor vail is Gaxetle.
' .... . w. -
The l'ride ot Heroes. '
Many seldlers in the lgHt war wrote
!o say that (or Kcratehes, ItruiKt's, (UitH,
Wound. Corns, Here Feet and (Still
Joints, Buckleu'N Arnica Salve, is the
best. 8ame for Hurnn, Hcalda, Iloils,
V leers. Skin Kruptloii and Piles. It
cures or rfo pay. Ouly 2"o at Ktrkland
Drug Co.
Mr. S. I. Costa and wife, to
gether with their daughter and her
husbanl, Mr. and Mrs. W. C.
Meuil ". niter spending the sum
mer at Ynt.a, California, decided
to return to their home at Mon
mouth. After reaching Montague
by motor our party soon found
thomstlvi -1 n board the train and
heading homeward. Observing the
different passengers their attention
was in eonie strange way attracted
towa:d an elderly couple occupy
ing seats in the forward part of
the car, and after several hours'
travel the luly in conversation
with another 'nmr wns heard- to
mention '"Monmouth." The natu
ral love of home which we all
possess to some extent will ofteii
lead us into friendly communica
tion with entire strangers who
seem strangers no longer when
wo find they too have ties even
neighbors to our own. Mrs
Meador, roused by some peculiar
instinct, concluded to investigate
ami on inquiry iuuna uiai ineir
follow pussengers were no other
than a sister u! her mother's, who
with her husband, P. O. Barclay,
were even then on their way from
,San Bernardino, where they had
been visiting Mr?. Coals' oldest
daughters to spend as much time
as possible with r'lntivs in Ore
gon. Needless to "state that a
genuine family reunion took place
right there when the two sisters
clasped hands again utter a separa
tion of fifty years, Mrs. Coats hav
ing crossed the plains from Iowa
in 1S."2, her sister then being a
little girl.
Mr. and Mrs. ltarclay spent a
few weeks t Ashland and are now
enjoying their stay at Monmouth.
They are highly pleaaed with the
climate of Oregon and say Iowa
blizzards and frosts compare un
favorably with even our rains.
Mrs. Barclay has the distinction
of being t he oldest living person
bom in Iowa. She was born in
Octoler 6U 1833, at Burlington
and has since made that state her
home. Both she and her husband
are fast making many friends here
w ho would gladly welcome them as
permanent residents.
Eastern football experts pro
nounce Dick Smith, formerly of
Eugene, the best football player in
his position in the United States.
It might be of interest to further
add that Rockwell, of Yale, and
Hammond, of West Point, are two
Oregon boys distinguishing them
selves 'on the gridiron.
Horse, Ituggy aud llaVness for
Sale nt a Bargain.
A good big horse, perfectly gen
tle; can be driven by anyone, to
gether with buggy and harness, lor
sale at half price. Inquire at this
! office.
Stockholders Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the
Annual meeting of the Stockholders
of The Polk Countv Land Company
fertile election of "Directors and "
Officers, will be held at Indepen
dence, Oregon on Wednesday Dec.
the 31, 1902 at the hour of 1
o'clock P. M of said day
D W. Sears.
Dated Nov. 10. 1902
If you want a good violin for
little money call on 0. A. Kramer
1- Co. v
A. Noltner, of Portland
the city this week.
was in
II. O. V HITMAN, Prop.
4 Should have your Work.
Washing called for and de
livered. Washing called for on Tues
day and delivered on Saturday......
Work Guaranteed.
Monmouth, Oregon
'00080008 OOOOOO'
S norma!
Wi 2i
Has just received a complete line of
Lupton's Series
For hoys, including 51 different subjects by famous
authors. A full cloth binding, gilt-edge book, reg
ular 50 cent value now on sale for
25 cents
We also offer for sale all the latest stories by
prominent writers at a bg reduction. Our line of
Albums and Pictures
cannot be surpassed by any house in the county.
Our fancy Stationery range in price from 2oc to
!?2, including all the latest designs.
Oregon View Playing: Cards $1 a Deck.
Simpson Bros., IHonnioiitb.