Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, December 04, 1902, Image 1

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- Y:A1, " . .inii;i-j:siknck, roi.K - county, om.os, dkckmuku 4, 10.. numi-ek ' 1
-. r w mil nrm 11 Tfl 1
C TY tLtU I lUIi IttbUL I 0 ;
iii- iiiniiiiiit League
Licet It Majority.
Mliui iiutii. Itccoidcr; It UluirdMHi !
. !
TreiiMirer; llubbiinl, -! irniui ; !
CMH-n, IHH-Ufuml NVU....I
fount lliucu.
The city i lection Monday
th" tivi'lii-i-t fur many years
I"1 i
uml til" vnti wim "I"" li,,,v'l'ri Mm ; I'.iilU-r, .1 ) Sltn. J-'urmlng,
th'in iliirin;' i iimilnr pi-iiinl f j i-ii, 'rt.'iil inl I'tnurc, Jhiii- Hw
,i Aur.-,uit tlx, I'ivi.: l...."!. II M li,r,y;li-.'i..Hi-'. TlwCn-
! i ..tU'.. I r..iimnrv. iHltn Nw'Mlly
.r..... . I I.C'l'll' I'H'l l'J VUT '
, '
I t
,..iv,.r I rcilhliriT. IliUI Kll ll HIi'
'.iuin-ilini'n l'n!ii thu fii'iii"!
mill tliinl w.nnlK
Tho citiziMiH tick-t i-Iih'IivI rwuinl
T iii. I riniiii'iSiiiiin f""H lift nnl
'nil- vol" I'V wahU i i" f'ill'f,
tin- liri-t muni'.! riiiiiliiiatf i ti cm
tli. i-ii i.'Mi' I ii-U'-L ftml ll' -'-t"n'l
tin-('vie I in j.rovtMiii-lit I.i'MK'ie:
KI"T .l(l.
O. l. Hllll.T . .'51
J. M Stark '"'
W. (i. Shunn'Ui , ''7
1 1. IhiviiUon 's
, l U'iprut
". lUcliiiulnon, ,
A. J. Tii'r. ......
:im. W. Jlubbard.
W. H. CruvtMi .-r'7
K. M. Yuri(c ."'
ffcrii.MI WAHI.
Ulttl.T -U
Smrk '-7
Sli.irumii , . .
I;i vklfion . .
... . ..115
Tupper ..22
Ilublmnl 23
Ln'ke (noopjiofitinn) 41
.Shariiutn 1"1
Dauid.son i M
Wiprut 1
Richardson , s'
Tupper 12
Hubbard 3."
Hull "1
Wilon 12
Stark, 5; Shariuan, 215; lltchardson.
.!(',; Hubbard, 16; Craven, 7; Locke,
11; Wilson 10.
Christinas Dance.
The Indejiendonco Orchestra
will give a Christmas dance at the
Opera llousr-on the night of le
ceinher 25th. Kvery preparation
in being made to insure a good
!, Im :!! '.'nr.'ti Institute.
The f. Hi'Wii g l" the pri'ttr-lll of t e
Fuiuicr.s' liiHlitnle to be le Id i 'is
ville Iti cciuU-r id and 11. l'.'i-. undei
the iniHi'lccMiit' ill" AgiieiiliiiriiU'.ijlegc
stall' mid Mono (lia
Wednesday, Dee. 101 :!' - ni.
Address of welcome, llev. T. P. Hnyus;
response, Dr. Wilbycomhe; recitation,
Ji -Iti-rnim. HhIhtImiii ; I".
w,.fll w,....,, Ki,i..;fl i;i......'tt hui-,
II V. Hmllli! ilimMlwdnll. urliill"ii
lii Milk Tods, I'vif. Kfiiti ll.ftiMi.ii.
Wednesday (iViiljIltl! - I1 .
Poultry, f K KlnuU; (IIwiiiwIoii, Wuiil
u'm 'l in- Mi-fl'tii, Hhiule Hinllli. In
wcin In On.wlng Fruit. I"' M f,wls;
,lM'iiflin. Itimiilifyliig I ho Home,
Mm. 1 M himpii, Prof Kulm-ly,, Hen. ll-l . ni.-The
Am-iir.i ( in it, 111 ( we, etc., F A Link.
I.-.....L ltnll..r .1 WlthroWl .lIlHMIH-i'lll,
,nr) WuMe mi l one of th Witvsof
.... ... .. i itMi i. ...
ruilln i heui.ti u -upo.., i.r.i.
i 'i imrniiiy, mv, ii- i'.
Uulldntinii if Kttnil Hrli'x'li. Hiiit Aek
I.tiuhii: iliM-ii-ni'in. Common ll.i"C
j ..f V-u.l'l- and How 'l r,'ul '''belli.
IK, lOviiiiK. VV II UoUtisoii. Clause
I mi (III l'nl III .
Mr M M Joiii h.
i. .i... i.'..r.....r' (ilrl nfTniUv n Kiiiluic
In tlii C.iiiiMHiinty? W W Sinltli, V
. it ii 1 .. I f fell lima. .11
l.iiilKliiiry, .i .iiiiiii, -
TliuiHliiy hvHiIiir, 7 ::' p. m.
li, m I'.ox. Hoinf Mhiuki-H In llm Ui
ln, Jr. Wltliynmili; iliinnii.!It,",i-
lU llullif Kvttim. I'ertlllwrM f . r
in li rl iiml (iiinliu. Il'iw iiikI Whim
to Ai'i'ly Tli-iii, TrmT.v KiaHlH, F M
Hmlltii .IlKHm-i-m. Tin' Agricultural
'(ill.-K iui'1 Work (lllHHlritt.Mlj. Ir f
i lv. t.i . All nre ror.liHllv InviK-il.
Catarrh C'niuiot Ito Curcil.
wllh IoimI K'iln'll"iH at thi-y ciiit
r "li tli wi'1 "f l,'u !. Caturrb
1m u iIihhI nr f.iiKUiiitKjiiitl li. mill
in onlt-r i' iir it yu" nuit tnke in
tcinul rfnii-.II.M. Hull's t'atiuiii ("me
i.mMi luturutl.y an J biUk illrnctlv oil
I I.k l.l.i. Ml nml tlllH'Hlllt KUrflKVH. Hilt I'
1'ninrrli t'nni I not u rtinck modit'lne.
t.livli.iiH in thlH niuiitry for yir
Mild 1 H
re i? 1 1 nr iriwi'.rl)ll'U. II l
comi-d of the best "m.wn I
c.ini.i.ied with the l-t bl-d purlllers. ,
actum directly on the inUeotH suruu-es
Tim ....rr..,ii (.niiililimtton of tho two In
gredlents H what produces rU'Ji
wonderful remiUs In curing catarrh.
Send for testimonials' fr.
F, J CtiKNKY & Co. Props., Toledo
Sold by druggists, price 75c.
Hull's Family Pills sr the best.
A Thmikstrlvliiar Weddinjr.
At tho homo of the btule'ii par.
ents, in Imlepeiulence, Mr. John
Halt, ol Salem, and Miss .Nan If. b.
M. Wood were joined in holy wed
lock, Thursday, Novemlwr 27, 11102,
Kev. 11. J- Kelly odiulating.
The front parlor of the brides
home was tastefully decornted with
flowers and evergreens. An arch
of Ivy, studded with chrysanthe
mum?, was formed at the northeast
corner of the parlor, where two
chairs awaited tho young couple
The bride, wuu mipported by her
father, while the young mans
father escorted him to the arch.
The full ceremony of the United
Evangelical ritual was pronounced.
The bride' was dressed in white
organdie, trimmed with cream lace
and tastefully interspersed with
moss, roses. A pumptuouii dinner
was Borved. The young couple will
make their future route near Salem.
A number of invited guests were
Tho l'ride ot Heroes.
Many soldiers In the last war wrote
to say that for Herate.luw, Kruises, tfuts,
Wounds, Corns, t?re Feet and Htitt
.dibits, Hueklen's Arnica Salve, is the
liest. Hume for Hums, Healds, Dolls.
Ulcers, Skin Kiuntion and Piles. It
cures or no pay- Only 25c at Klrkland
Drug Co.
Miss Eflie llichanhon returned
to Portland Sunday .
II. v. minii; (iiMi-up.iiiii. -
. . 1 t 'i. Miu t itntM ! "5:t 55 IfcJJti
I).x.k not tlm on worJ lirin '
vourmiii'l miiii V pli'ii-tmitH rrifijllci;-
.wlllillHnI nun- 7Zi -jr r
I . .
littlt) folk (r H'llll" OHO .') ! H HIK!
Kiiiull iil't. Knr iiiKliiiio a lj"y
Don'lyoii think h niitit like im
uir gun. a toy wiilcii, h nmgic
l.inlorn, a reul watch that ruiiHyr '
tl, a giime, M..I of "ring pong,
any prion from .lOo to 4-" and a
fountain p"u. Or the little mitu; a
iloll, a pit i uro l).wk, toy, or a 7
rat tin box. Tin; n th.T'! are other
nW of pfopi':. Th; youri lly
would lik a drwHinjj iasu, wim
good books hoiiih things or orna-
uiinit of nvtMi a pair ol lioutie slip-
iii-iH. noniH linn statioiifuy, a gold;
etc. Hut the young man g-t
him a necktie witti
pin and a c e to
put theui in. i
get. hrii a .new was ou.i
and collar box and b..)krs he will
rend and appr.:i it? thiu. Hut
tlicru urn othelH. Oet vour uuithel
......... ,.r..4..!it u. n.iii of ieriifv
kIovm for th" col l morning, an
icuWIrbawl and nh would en -
joy a P'Or f Bil l'I',r ll0' K"1
bcr a pair. Don t forget the tnana-
L'er vou could get him nraby
which would be of ur a f having
.;t, a inokcr'a wt, a rot ofchera
men, a set of checkers, hat don't
give him a set back.
No thin perhaps & 1 -ug story
but we lire jut trying .- vou
think or iomu thing; -tJ """jtt add
also to call your attention to the
fact that our line U stronger this
t!)an w- n)ake the
,lfSllft. AVo wm M
which are of interest. We will lw
glad of. an opportunity to show
you what we have. .
We are Yours Respectfully,
J. A. Mii-i.h,
The Raket Stor.
.Men Wuiiteit.
Hix men wanted to saw Stave
bolts. Job will last till May 1,
l'.Klo. Pay up from the first to
tenth of eae.ll month. Work is at
Airlie, Come and sea me at Airlie.
Ed. Patras.
For Sale.
A stock of general mdse with
store buildings and residence in
the country; stock will invoice
about $2500. Address "J." care
Saved at Grave's Brink.
"I know I would loiii? ago have been
in my grave," writes Mrs. S. J. Keiv
som, ol Decatur, Ala., "if it hail not
been for Klectric P.iUers. For three
years I suffered uutold agouy freiu the
worst forms oriiuligeetion, Waterbarwh
Stomach and Howell Dyspepsia. Hut
this excellent medicine did men world
..f irood. Since using it I can eat
heartily and have gained o pounus.
For Indigeclion, Loss of Appetite,
Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles.
Klectric Hitters are a p-sitive guaran
teed cure. Only 50c at klrklatid Drug
home of 1). J. Kelly, in Indepen
dence. Oregon, November 2ti,
l',K)2, F. E. Osbom arid Miss
Blanche Phillips, both of Inde
pendence, Rey. Kelly officiating.
' " "
Clarence Ireland was a Salem
visitor Monday.
tiuiiM of th ml. Ana now? finco .
you huvn ptiHHi il tin) titiifl for HimiH j
tiling yi.iir-lf can you t-tt U' tiN
pli-imuni out. of Kiv'n tl '",irl
.r-j alVayw hij-'h. When
Iit-nn lay by finding them
Security Poultry Teed
No Eggs, No Pay.
Your nullify refunded if you are not satirfivd.
For sa' by
A'. S. Locke,
The Independence Druggist.
!M. V
.Miiiin, of Zciia DieilSiiIoin
at Hospital.
MaiIiu Van lltiren Mauu, who (lied
1 1- a 'lem ho-pitul Nov. was boru
; "t ; - , :
lloi. m il wiu "i.i ."
j breut removal tu Missouri, where lie
j 1M.)t bu Uiybo.Hl mid youth. In Dm
be waiurrM to Wi.alx-U. lor.
St-ven brothers and two feisttra, all ol
wboiu are pioueew and prominent
eiti. ua of Oregon, survive him.' Mi
Cootier'a faiher, llev. t. W. oor
was for 40 years a Baptist minister iu
M.ssouri ami Oregon. . .... .
On April ll, 1 SOU Mr. Maun and bw; -". 1
btidcwart'eil Oaf Ifc'Winolig'Twu.y-v'! " ' '"'.;. THE...
ni(Kin,a trip aero the plaiua and;
mountains to California where Ibey; gOlllTSOlliO LttWltwiy
airived Heptember 6, I860.
fter abuit three years' resident in j II. IX WIIITMAX.Proji.
California diieily at W.o,,vi.le Mr .1 Work.
i ml .Mrs. .Maun nuu wieu in.. ..i.. .
girls Isirn iu California came to Oregon , $ ...Washing called for and de-
to join Mrs. Mann's parents, brothers, iivered.
and tiwU-rs iu a laud where crops were; Washing called for on Tues- f
more certalu and titles more secure j day an1 delivered on 8atur- f
than under Mexican laud grants. i day
They settled on a farm iu the Kola'"
Hills, near Zena, upon which Mr.j GUarailteeO.
Mann lived continuously for 40 years ; 4 . . . , r.rtnnn
There was bom to the happy parents! 4 MonmOUth, UregOn. f
sU .laughters and two sons as follows: ja.f'VS
Holiday Time
Is near and we are preparing to
oiler the people of Monmouth
and vicinity one of the choicest
selections of
&r tlmt, ever
their town.
(f Fine Papeteries
. Gold fens witn rean notaers
Fountain Pens (fully guaranteed)
Manicure Sets
Toilet Articles
In fact we have overlooked nothing and our
prices are in reach of all. Our case of "Chocolates
L kept filled with the very best grade of goods
that money can oin .
1 Simpson Bros.,
v.i - .b. .k. ma. Ajm -a
they arn t-carce.
. I.
Cietuntine, the find burn rd I.ouii-ft
boih of whom died wnin filer ibe
arrival iu Oregon ; Lincoln It. and Dr.
t;Hit-rt A., nf Pendleton ; Mini F ranees,
of HoiMf, Idaho: Mis-1 Viola, de:i"l
in WW; Mrs. Halm Manu HoJuwm, of
Sim Francisco and Mix Ami Maun, of
Mr Mhihi'm lt ilhiestsi. which wa
flf ,onjf ,taD,ing was boroe with the
frlllu(le 8U(j ,,aiieuce of the
Tin. fitimrii! tn..k nlaee Tuenlay at
j H,rlnit Valley meeting bowe. at eiia
, ami w is Httetided by nil bin old fi len.l
; autI tiKt,bora.
dainty novelties
been brought to
Mnke your