Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, November 13, 1902, Image 2

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' .iwewri aJI
rr 010 reliable Sociai and Personal. , 8
Absolutely Pure
1 Business Locals
mkJ i
(let a new pair of suspenders at
the Raket Sior.
Shirts for every day ami Sunday
at the Raket Stor.
Special bargain m Pocket
Cutlery at 11. M. Wade Co.
The Sunday Examiner arrives
eyery Tuesday at Wagoner's.
30 head or less of Cotswold Ewes
to let An ly to J- A. Grigsby.
We guarantee the sewing and
seams in nil our Shoes. The
Raket Stor,
Call on J. S. Moore for Herpicide
the dandruff cure. Sold in bulk,
or applied if desired.
When in Salem visit a
Restaurant. It is headquarters for people.
If you want a good square meal
served in real family style, call at
City Restaurant on C street.
Prices right.
We now have a machine for sew
ing shoes and we will repair any
shoes and it will cost you nothing.
The Raket Stor.
R. M. Wade & Co. have on dis
play a nice line of Nickle and
Silver Ware. Examine me Buuu
and get their prices.
For the next thirty days we will
give special discount on shot guns.
Call while the stock is complete.
R. M. Wade & Co.
The very latest in T.adies Chat
elane Purses just arrived at Wago
ner's this week and will be sold at
Eastern prices.
The Palace Hotel keeps growing
in public favor right along. First
class meals at reasonable rates is
what is doing it. .
We are expecting our new hot
soda apparatus any day now.
Then all the new hot soda drinks
will be served, Wagoner's.
It's not out of place to tell you
that we repair any shoes that rip,
no matter what the cause if you
have purchased them at the
Raket Stor.
Oir line of Christmas goods is
now beginning to arriye and when
complete we will have a fine line
of the best grade of Christmas
goods, at Wagoner's.
Calendars Calendar.
Yes, calendars for 190.3. You can tret
them with your own picture on them at
PICKEL'S GALLERY. Xothing will
benirerto send to your friends for a
New Year's present.
Clinton Moore is a Portland vic
tor this week.
P. 0. Patterson, of Portland, visi
ted his lather here Saturday.
M.a Will Mmtison. of Astoria,
. ....... u !
is hereon a visit to ner sis-r,
J. K. Hubbard.
Uov Kalu the Mind lvoy piano
..i llliwi nil friends in
i tuner, i-num
j town Saturday. j
' F. A. Patbrson. who has been ill
several weeks, is improving, we are
j pleased o note.
! Rev. Wigmora will begin a pro
'traded nieetina at the Christian
j church in this city on next Mon
day evening Nov. 17 at 7.:'0 p.m.
for E
rant Robertson left Saturday
Eugene, where ho will attend
school this winter.
i mil mina a nnssenser to
Corvallis Saturday to witness the
Eugene-Corvalli football game
V. M. Winn, of Puenti Vista,
left this week for Eastern Oregon.
He is looking for ft new location.
There is preaching every Sunday
at the Christian .burch at 2 liO
P. M. by. Uev. E. C. Wigniore, of
Ladies Relief Corps of the G A. R.
are now masing arraoeeuiei.ts to
give a grand ball at the Auditorium
on Thanksgiving night.
Miss Bertha Bohannon left Mon
,av for Portland, where she wilt
enter the hospital fof treatment.
Her arm continues to bother ner.
Mr. and Mrs M. L. Iorria left
yesterday for Independence to
recreate and visit before leaving ior
their ultimate destination oi
Arizona. Eugene Register.
Mrs. Susan Jones and Mrs. D. L.
Hedges, who have been visiting in
Eugene ret urned home Friday. With
them came Mr. and Mrs. M. L.
Dorristora few days' visit with
relatives here.
A narents reception will be given
by the teachers of the trailing de-
nartment at the oruial school io
morrow (Friday) evening. A pro
gram wiil be eiven in the chapel,
hments will be
m iv i " ii iv i. .......
Sunday School at 10 o'clock next
Sabbath at the Presbyterian
church. There will be no preacn
ine service as Dr. Thompson has
anne to Aberdeen, Wash., to dedi
cate the new Presbyterian church
in that citv He will return the
first of the week.
A quiet wedding took place at
the residence of Chris Marks, at
Talmage, Tuesday evening at 7."0.
TKo fruit rrieUiiir uartit'rt Were lid-
ward Leflev and Nora Marks, both
J. v w - - C3
of Polk County. The newly married
couple will make their home near
Wheatland. Members of the in
terested families only, were present.
Rev. B. J. Kelly officiated.
Next Sunday at the United
Evangelical church services will be
held as follows: Sunday School at
10 a. in.; K.L.C.E. at 6:!50. Miss
anie Woods, leader. Preaching at
7:30. The K. L. C. E. will give a
free musical and literary entertain
ment on Thanksgiving evening.
The object is to provide a clean,
interesting and elevating entertain
ment for all. An interesting pro
gram is being prepared.
ENVELOPES j ur j j
We have sUml &lHK
,Mur Envelope that awa
tail t 10 cents r buii.b we
win: 'oehwe the... . '
Thew Kiivelom are nlee
m', have V.ld huudre,ls of
bum-he at tb UV prlee.
w.r i.'loi. 'for . id" save you j
The 'trouble of fotbeUuir with It,
l.uitihH vour uir
muUt t ie-sane umr -
iter". prolU on thee K'HkIs.
VI lie ti e prollt l not !.
every UUle bel. to n.aWe a l.lir
- pil
There will be a gams of basket
ball between the girls first team
i .1. . r..!n. at the Normal on
S,,urday evening t S o'chHk Ad-
. . iuei.
iiiissnui JJ.K".
i . v,J K Berhrem. of t lis life-saving
TUere will be VW M;V, ".i th. Umpaua am, lllti.
Ui .pit icburch ; ;f "X Llllghter were in the city this
Bl 11 o'clock nt unda. A
t.. T nV Kick i. m. aim. i
UighUud' sehT'hou at
P. M. hy W. B Uriscoe.
Mis, Dora Hamann, who has
been at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. Hamann, for a
week or more. rnu. - -
to Portland where she has em
The voting friends of Miss liazei
Kennedy tendered her a very
pleasant birthday party at the
home of her mother, on Railroad
street, Wednesday evening. A
enjovable time was reported.
Piof. W. J. Spill man, formerly of
ttn mntlth Normal school, has (lis-
thn field of
covereu a f"
biology, which the Washington,
D. C, Times, says is ns "impo-tant
as the atomic theory of matter, or
Darwin's enunciation of the origin
of species. The discovery promises
r-vnhitionize the hybridization
nf nlants and the breeding of
animals." Prof. Pp.1 man is now
at the head of the biological depnr'-
l, TTnited States depart-
ment of the United States depart
inent of agriculture.
ttvervbodv is earnestly invited
to nttend the services at the M. E.
church next Sunday morning and
evening. The evening service win
commence with a half-hour song
Mrs. T. D. Campbell and son
went to Corvallis Tuesday.
E. E. Paddock was a passenger
for South Bend, Wash., Sunday.
There is talk of an exclusive
shoe store to be opened in Indepen
dence in the near future.
Mrs. A. Wilson, proprietor of the
Racket Store at Airlie. was a busi
ness visitor to our city this week.
Walker Bros, have sold 325 bales
of hops at 25ic per pound.
Asa Robinson is to leave soon
for Baker City.
r ;
Will be
In m.Ui nd fancy holiday
poods. Home of our gU Imve
already een hi'd out from
( bli-HKO, nd we exn-t them
Main Street
The ladies of th M. K. church
wish to announce that the Chrysan
themum fair will bo held on Nov.
2, and 2b.
Details will I given
Mr-. T B Cleveiii.M-'- fell Tues
day and suffered the fracture of an
arm. She whs banging some clothes
on the line, when she slipped and
School dismissed Tuesday eve-
ning. in rder tbat win ieaciiri
could be permitted to attend the
annual County teachers association
which convened in Pallas ednes
day. f h MilU. mother of J. A. Mills
returned to McMinnvi.le Wednes-
day, after a visit with her son.
The motor will, come in from
Dallas an hour earlier in the eve
Ding after 20th. The Portland
train comes into Dallas an hour
earlier hence the change.
. Jason Wheeler, who fell from a
building at Corvallis several days
ago, died Tuesday at his home in
Suver as a result of the injuries
e waH Ion , resident
s chdri,
survive him
J. M. Stark and family were
passengers to I'ortlund Wednesday
Mrs. P. R. Burnett was called
Wednesday to McMinnville to be
at the bedside of her futher, who is
serious ill.
Ho... V.. 3. Thomnson left Wed
nesday evening for Aberdeen,
Wash., where he was to preach the
dedicatory service of a new Pres
byterian church building. He will
visit several daB with relatives in
that city.
Attorney Geo. W. Stapleton, of
Portland, was an incoming paBsen
ger Wednesd iy morning.
Miss Essie Rolx-'tsoii has gone
to Portland to take a course in
J. S. Rohannon was a Portland
visitor this week.
INK , . ,
We hve II gnes of Mierlal
WrltlnK Fluid Ink- n-uular tt--enl
iMittlen I lint e '. I IicIom
oat at Ixiltle for f vil N
more Ht tblM price.
Wbll w !tll li-ve a k"hmI
mipply on hnd '' iio
nevertil huiutreil imi"I of Hie
KoiuIm mid ex..' I ''V tUirltnis
to bavii lo iti II. ale "ir enltr
order fr I bene 'kmI.
A N'dsoii and wife have arrived
nl Ottuinwa Iowa, They were le
lighted with their trip East.
Mrs. Babbit was in Corvallis
tVis week. She is arranging for a
music class there.
Geo. W. McLaughlin, of Buena
Vjsts was in Portland this week.
Helms rented considerable more
land near his place and will
branch out more extensively in
the dairy liusinee.
E. C. Johnson, of Forest Grove,
hue opened the Imperial Saloon.
Mr. Johnson will move here as
soon as arrangements can be made.
A juvenile football team has been
organized in town and a game is
scheduled with Montnouiii lor
The first quarterly
" -- - -
..iv i.. .1.1 ... .I.- M W f'l.nn li
111 A 1 1'
Nov. 17th. Preaching followed by
the Sacrament of the Lord's Sup
per, conducted by Rev. T. B. Ford,
presiding elder. Mr. ford win
also deliver his lecture cu 'Meth
odism and the Sew Oregon" on
Tuesday evening. Nov, 18, ut 7:.'l0
Our line of Christmas goods is
now expected any day and will be
of the licet. Hairy h. Wagoner.
W. R. ALLIN, D. D. S.
PKliileiM Kxtniel lull
Conprr DlllllllllK,
Initi'pemlitiii'C, Ore.
H. T. II UN 14 LI-!,
Bath and Barber Shop.
OTIS I). HUTLKIt, M. !.,
Physician & Surgeon
Oflloe In Giera House bulldliiK.
Residence Phone 6. Olllce Phone 9
3. 8. MOOK1?,
Tonsorial Artist
Only first-class workmen em
ployed in the "Wigwam." Shop
situated on North side of C Street.