r TIIK MONMOITII NOKMAI.. j,uni nH Stilt 0inlnir-S-Ho TbeMXth week of tiiliool clJ .... I nut.let.U ar till enter'nip. m.ng !' arrival l,f w'k ,o Mi Quick, of Coos County, and Mr. ami Mr. Sturill. ol n,u P.iiiniv. who brini to new G5) 0 student with them, Mr. Frank tu.gill ami Mr. Edwnrd Cass. It lHk uow as though the attei.d nice for the first semester would reach the total number enrolled durum the whole of last year. The Mohmouth band is husil.v rehearsing for a concert to he given in the Chapel in the near future. said to lein first claw condition and will no doubt rend.r nr.-Tm. A large part of the membership is composed of O. S. N. S- etudenw. Senior essays last Thursday were read by Miss Laughlan and Miss Hall. The former took for her so! ;jt "The Unreclaimed Lands of the Country." the latter, "A Page from Colonial History." President Ussier and Professor French are sthedluded to address the Teacher's Institute of Yamhill to be he!d at McMinnville the last of this week. Athletic int-rests are being quietly worked up The Football Team" is rounding into shape, though greatly handicapped by the absence of .. cadi. It is thought a competent man will be secured this week. The Girls' Basketball n i., uinir nrjunizeil for a vigorous campaign this year. A number of promising candidates are trying for places and the pros pect of a strong game is good. Game i golf die not appear to have much charm to the students, though there are several enthusiasts among the members of the faculty. Pro fessor Campbell is the champion golfer 60 far this season. America's Famous Beauties r ..i. hnr.nrnn uli In ernntioiis. IjUU wiiu "v" "" 7. ' . , . have them, uor will any cue who us Buekleu'- Aruic Salve. It Klor.tie. the fa.. I czemu or slt rheum y.iu- . . - r. Iti.u (M.M1I n hau ls. cUilblaiDB. lufallib e tor piles. 25c at Kirklaud Drug Co. . AGED MAM SEVEKLYliUKT t....,u vi.e.lT AsreU 82, Falls .....--. . From Second Story of Hotel In Corvallis. Jamee Wheeler, aged 82 and an oldtime citizen of Polk county walked out of the hall door on the second floor of the Farm re Hotel in Corvallis, Wednesday and fell J5ac Coughs " l had a bad cough for six weeks and could find no relief until I tried Ayer's Cherry Pecto ral. Only one-fourth of the bottle cured me." L. Hawn, Newington, Ont. Neglected colds always lead to something serious. They run into chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, or consumption. Don't wait, but take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral just as soon as your cough begins. A few doses will cure you then. Tkrc tizd : 25c., Sc., SI. All 4null. Conault your doctor. If h ti tk it. theiT do u he nfi. If he Ul Ton not to take It. then don't take It. He knows. Lea, it with him. We are wllllo. J. C. ATER CO., Ixiwell, Mt. We are making a Unve on 01 01 B 01 01 01 01 01 the around. He .us- feared he cannot recover. His hip bone is broken, his head injured, and he is unconscious. His daughter iiki miiiries iroiu niv . . . -" ; u Mrs. C. Hubbard of this ctiy, notified of the accident nv le- phone Wednesday evening ana left for Corvallis yesterday. Obser ver. 31AUHIF1. C R A V EX CROW LEV. On Sun- day evening, October 13, i'-. at their new home, near Inde pendence, Miss Erne L. Crowlv was united in maTiae to J. M. Craven, Rev J. W. Osborne nftipiatinf Swddn. was a quiet but very pleasant auair relatives only bing present. - . , Both contracting parlies are . and favorably known. The bride, Koine trip dauehter of Bolomen K. Crowley, of Oak Grove and the groom the son of Joseph Craven. of Monmouth. Ttieir many inei.ua wish them a happy ami prosperou life. FELIj imWNST.Vfl'S. Burma Kates Iteceives h a Cut in tlio llcint. Fstea. an em- tUIJHua) u. . ... ! v A n.nitv's store fill down the cellar and received a bad 01 01 When iu SALEM put your team in the RED FRONT Eiwy and feed Stable Reasonable rates for Livery Rigs. . Radabaugb Bramkt, Props. 164 Commercial St. Phone 831. Several J UJll Lines.-.. W' ? s f y' cut on the beu. wn.cn j voralst tches. lie was cons.urr ably bruised also. Mrs. Jessie Parks, of Monmouth, left, for Portland, Wednesday. Not.oe of F..,a, Settteme . . iu iiervliv utveii that I, the un(Wrl(?ed executor of t be estate of lWnjamln K. Tbarp. dcwued. have hied my final acunt and report In nld estate In Ibeoffloe or tue coum, i ..r i..iu oiuiiitt. Oreifon: aim cier& ' the eouiity court or.uia twmiy u tlxed the fith day of lcemtr, 1!, at tho hour of 1- o'clocK P. M. at the rounty court bouse in Dallaa, Polk county, OreRoa, aa Ibe time and place when said ftu-1 account and report u a All iwTBona tiavloirau I Interect in a hi iun- '."i- : aar and le or .r etbma,,. M ill l nrnn , - luterent in ai.l matter are required to . HI- .,rn(tr o i eutloim, II ! any int-i- wt j ' t le aiioweu aim A''tj, .p UKi j ExH,utor (f wUt; f Hcjamln N. T,IHrp, tiewaeti. Flrat pub. Oct. 28. 1 w mm To make a ong story short 11," e "arm dav we will not tel you of the beauty or tine finish of our lunJry . . .,t, that whan work, uut jiiHt reiiiniu , ; . yon want that delicate colored efU?e laundered mat we n " new without injury to color or fabric. Our worK on linen , Wtll 'nuff said ! Orders left at Kntch a biirber uliop on the baiem BinKo oive nroiiibt attention. Saknt Sieaw laundry, fni.,.i 3 Olmsted. Prop. Dorous P. Olmated. Mgr. Phoue 11. 30 Liberty Street. Pace setters lor lv prices, Salem, Ore. jGeo.F.Ro(lECTS&Co.U 'dav Vh0Ul IIHAft rifAlf I UPvl livttlVI Our iwr ami lau are pr.HlucU ....1m. ttI)d trrlht t ...til- in ilia couuirjr. , 130 Court St, Salem, Or. wilU a. THE QTY CrucK transfer o. ....My personal attention lvfii lo w j 1 order entrusted to me. Prompt y J attention In every iiiHtanoe , IMIONK 274. . I 1NDEPBNDHNCE. ORB fj 'w.aiT DR. JORDAN'S oiTf MUSEUM Or AHATUHIJ I0S1 MARKET SI., " ""' (ll.cn 81r6ii m ThlnrirptAiiUjmlcl Muwum In mo Wur.d. F vmulerful liihljur uli(n. f uiiltnu4.orMiyr'ntrirt. i r.l ,H..,., ! Iljru rrrt hy f tguL iitlllllUlUKl 1 yBIM. DR. JQROAN-PRIVATl DISEASES i I Ynniil men una mi...i. .. ... ,l.u ..li;..'lM III Vlllilllllll lltlllN' III', I M.n. . - r yn. worv., i..."'-f "f - " - .-. I VIZ"; '";','": r.r"."'.."..r.' L r,V i rlitnilnic, "X """1.1 "" "" ."' ' rninwllM, (.. ruriiiivi. w fn . huNMiitrriiiui-'l its ir.umi'ni jmbi.v ,.. ..... ? ,y f...'rt l.i.n 'l r.-ll. f, hi.l V""""'" 1 t he lK!U.r .!. "t r Mm I" P" t nilrwiM, m i r .,"'m. " L ,,r.i...iii ' IPIIILH lliciroiidlily f rmllra1 from ru Inr Hiipunr. Vl.iVi-, l for Kl-urn iwl ' Trnu" mi'". "v " ",,,, Ur. Jiinl.u.'a ;wlul piumt "" rVF.ItV MAW iitilvlnirfoiiinIU receive ""SCT VZ a fwHn y curs o. 5 UT?7,t oi'sr J book Ir niv.i.l i""r-" OH JORDAN CO.. I0BI M.rkrtSl.t. 9. CD HO w so C'O 10 CO 0 CO no CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO Wall Paper CO 10 Sh..rman Havs. well known in Kuijene. was a nassenger south to- TiuitMkinenoe. lie is In i ,t Ktminftna nfiW atltl made ft lnug sum thia year oil of 300 balea j having sold at 24J cents. Eugene of; Guard. ? Mill M WW-- MOTOR LINE TIME TABLE. INDEPENDENCE MONMOUTH RAILWAY 0. l-vo Alrllp fur Muiitiimilh hi1 liiili-lxiiilr inn. S:l . nt. :I0 i. in. I.fvi' linllHi for Monimiiilli oii't ili..''"'l,-"""' IrlW II, III. H:M ' ,'v Mmimonlti for liiiti'wiiilii''o (l:i:.il. 111. ii. in. 2.- Ill " SC. " :(l " U-KVCH linl-,,'- ilnirt fur ilou, I 2:(lft p. m lilimtli Hiid Airlln fur Mini' 7tl a. I". , H:.'l p, m, rtriii"" leaven lintfiwn orll r ' llli.lllllUll.l llHlIlM . 111. 7:l.'i l. 111. 1vrn MoiiiiioiiIIi for Atrlle. 1;FA , III. HM p. I". Ivm Mnnniiiutti fur 1hIIu. 11:21) . in. 7:.'H p. in. Tickets lo and from a VIA SHORT LINE TO ST. TAIL, DUITH, AND POINTS tAST, "Mot Tnrouah Palace and Tourist Sleepers. Dining and Bullet smomng worary . DAILY TKaTnS; FAST TIM K. For rates, folder and full Informa tion retarding ticket, route, etc., call on or BddreH H. DICKSON, City Ticket AKent J. W. I'HAI.ON, Trav. Pass. Aift., Portland. a it.c. dknniston:o. w. p. a. 012 Flrat Ave., - Seattle, ali.