1 iNPi;ri.N;l.Mi: KNTKKI'KIH:, lXnKPKMKN(?Kt OHKUOX IMU.I i. N '- vx ' ' (0 Sn.t Wallace, the Proprietor,!) I.ti- t)tr V-ck Ak. ji fi.. Imperial iwWit. owned ly ; ' ,. Vr!,.hc was closed Saturday :V i iri!il!. Mxnui ut the insti-; Ration ! creditors. -It twins that Mr WaiLlCC liVtT 1 Wirk i" nyirti !.. roit.g to Portland,-) b t u. i i t other pari, it i-1 aid. ..- C .c-. A the time h" left l V ',' t :i hi- personal tff-ct evident-; lyj wit 'i tii'- i Uetitii vf ri tnnii ii'ff J "in jiti' t.. Mr. Wallac it , ti'V should a;l t1" promj.tly .-i all i avn.ents due on h ti:u-, li-hmi'iH until tin- Nnvemb'-r one. Durir.j; hop-picking he hil an immense business and bf -xould proh.il.iy r.i.ner leave with the cream of business amllet l.isertd t tors have hi place of busiNcss iliau to conduct it tlin.ush the dull period. The saloon is to be open J by other parti' 8 noon. - .WILL KNTKUTAIX. A Few Short Momemis rfc&fe pws?fN M fell 6 sarSiLJ CTx'-j -vy.fe jJ.ij Spent In Our Store nifivust of tlio Our lino i JO GO JO GO JO to Kailroiuls Make Idv Kale Occasion iii ()ri'Hi Irrigation AsMsovhitioit foil volition. ' The Oregon Irrigation Association convention of ovr-r 400 delegates will assemble in Portland, Tuesday and Vediiesuay, November IS and I'.); also the Bar Association meets here on the same days, on which oo-ustons liie railroa ! have nude reduced rale?, tickets good for isix days on ail lints frmi points in Oregon to Portland. Portland uropos-s to entertain all visitors over th railroads on the occasion with a ball or concert free theatres, with visits to wheat ships, public library, Oregon His torical Society rooms, the f oOO.OCO Citv Hall and the 1.000,000 Federal custom house, a steamboat ride on the. Willamette and Colum bia rivers and in other ways as will best show Portland's enter prise, hospitality and desire to he come better acquainted with the people of the whole state and they ar't.h it. It id exoected several thousand neoDle from t il over Oregon will take advantage of the cheap excur- ainn ratB announced Dy the O. li. & N. Southern Pacific and Northern Pacific to visit Portland irrigation week and it is the intention of the business men of Portland to give these a royal welcome and free entertainment regardless of whether thevcomeas regularly appointed delegates or simply as visitors. J. L. Ilanna uasa Salem visitor Tuesday. 0 4 01 Will fotivim-o you that we are kt'tiaij tunes in oach of our several liratu-lies. Oak Bed Room Suites ,,r .it nriees. Thev are very cheap. tnmo of tho.e SIDEBOARDS opeiiol up im week are iarheyon.l our expectation. They are lare, massive, hautifully. ,...150.1 ami up-t.wlate in every particular. We m11 a nii-o f 'ulehoaul fur $14. Tli ruin bn liltle l d I'll (.jo-cAi rr Ti . v U" (r" "r .-very .Uy. Oor lh, l ;'r"ier tliai'i ovr tin t lav. t-oinplole Hit' y.-xr anmh-l. ) '"' in no pnrtlt'uUr tuily nrrin" ih hkoii ttith ii". e l w n vii hvv lliein. (0 0 0 i I HIV I K l"l . m Aropoinat Ai prices, ll.ey are n..uv . '-'''''Mfik SO m some of tho.e SIDEBOARDS r tnw i U'W m nr.M. 10 QD particular. We ell a nieo .ulehoard tor 14. ' e? - .... . ... I... Luck lii Thirteen. j there little May wa uorne io u i miw vm. S..lrvv. .f cemetery and laid to rest. Walton Furnace. Vt., got a bx of. Tht! ,ftmily desire to express Bucklen'a Arnica Halve that wholly j . , k , u ir friends, who iMirwi a horrible fever ori on h g. j "r Nothing ele eoul.l. P.-itively cure . feo kindly assisted them iu the bruise felons, ulcers :upllm. . I Bick,)r89 antl death of their loved Guaranteed bv Klrklund Pmx Co. one thp Outlaw, is th title of a Bew play put on the etage in one of the leaaing -ew theaters and is having such a run that the theaters is packed and tickets are selling weeiss in wvt. Tracy, the Oregon outlaw, is the hero an d is cheered to the echo. Geo.F.Rodgers&Coj;:r;;:i;'':; Vhnlcale Paper Dealers Dark Hair " I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for a great many years, and al though I am past eighty years of age, yet I have not a gray bair in my head." ... Geo. Yellott, Towson, Md. We mean all that rich, dark color your hair used to have. If it's gray now, no matter; for Ayers Hair Vigor always re stores color to grav hair. Sometimes it makes the hair grow very heavy and long; and it stops falling of the hair, too. SI.M 1 MUa. AlltoffM. 11 roar drairgtot cannot opplT yon, end u on dollar and w will eipreaa voo a bottle. Be or and rW the nam if Mitu exDreaa onTca. Addreaa, ' J.a AikKCO.,Lowall, Standing of Correspondents. Bnena Vista, H: Pedee, P ,1, Monmouth, II J7 Ballston, B . r .1. A W .uomnuuiii. n Calvary, 0 Kickreal, j Barker, U Notice of Final Scttleine t. .llce Is hereby given that I, the ...wiunilirtiPil Mwulor of the ectate o! Benjamin N. 'I harp, (leceawu, nuvB hied my tlnal accfiiint and report In mid estate 'i theoirUe of lliefouniy ilerk of Polk county, Oregon I ami Hie county court of mid county lias llxed the (it Ii day of riceinlier, 1!H2, at thP hour of 1 o'clock P. M. at the rountv court lioiixe In Dallas, Polk county, Oregon, the time and place when aalil linul account and report ..... i All .ttrui.im ImvmLf an Intereat in said matter are required lo 1" ill.. r olr nhleet oiln.il 44 ' ., l ,.. ,.,..,,, Ml khould any inerr .-" - - Our I'uper aud Hm are product of the beet mills lu the country. You will save money on price and lr-l(thl with u. 130 Court St, Salem, Or. have moved to Ha will make their future home. Harry Ilalleiigor, a former attor ney of this place, is now located at Port To pseud Wash. MOTOR LINC TIME TABLE. INDEPENDENCE MONMOUTH RAILWAY CO. O m i THE CITY ; Cruck Cransf r Co. F-M. SKINNER. Prop. ; Kit TI .M . . . 1 1 . I att A AlinflVPlI ci. , ( i i h b iru ni' i i . Crowley. G A. I. WTARK. Highlands, B " Executor of estate of Benjamiii rs Airlie.S :- . i Tharp. deesl. Sunny Slope Fi si pub. O t 3. -- ii Lewisvill.; 11 , i l 9 At.. i.ralllll Hltt'lltloU IfiVBIl tO & ....... j 1 - 4 ..it ,.-:lr. untniHlfd tu me. Prompt p aucntioti In every instance & I'llONK leaven Inib'iwtc ilt'iiro fur M.'ii. mmilh and Alrlio 7::ui . m. ;!: p. in. i dii:i. 1 1 After two weeks of intense suft'er ing with inflammatory rheumatism Anna May I'amann breathed hi" last on Patnrd'i y nt 3 "A) P. Nov. 1st. age lJ years, 8 months. She was patient and uncomplain ing during lier sickness, was a bright and interesting child and the community sympathizes with the family in their deep sorrow. The funeral was held at the home Monday alternoon. It was con ducted by Rev. Baldwin and from It t INDEPENDENCE. ORB gj lnvi'H luilrix-if lO'iicv for Mini in, mill mid I'lilla II mi a. in. 7:16 p. I". IYvm Monmouth for Airlift 7;.w. m. p. in. I.'vhi Motiimiiitli lor I ml in. ll:jn a. m. i. in lav Alrlli. fur Mmtnumtli and Illlll'lM'll.llUllH. b-iiii h. in. 4:iu p. m. tj uvi'. I Hi I Inn fur l, .iiiii. mill mill llllIVllll',IH4, HW p. III. :! " l.'vi'O Moilliiiiiilll rur liidi'iKii'l""'' I'm. in. I .'UI II. III. 2:W ' " " Uavi Imli'i"'"" dfiii for .Mum, liMV'l p. Ill J'T , 1 tlHl-! .( . tl ill When in SALEM put your team in the RED FRONT Eivery and feed Stable Reasonable rates for Livery Riga. . Radabaugft $ Bramlet, Props. 164 Commercial St. Phone 851. '.-I 1 To make a ong story short Tl," e W17rm dav. we !?ill not il you of tlietjeauty or Hne finish of our laundry work, but just remind you that when vou want that delicate colored negligee iaundered that we will do it just like new without injury to color or lahrfc. Our work on linen collar and culls Well I 'nuffHaid! Order left at Kutch s barber shop on the Salem stage will re ceive prompt attention. Salem Steam laundry, Clone! J. Olmsted. Prop. Dormis D. Olmsted. Mgr. Pboue 11. SJ0 Liberty Street. its M ji ,'i 4 nn i no r w ' c ...T r MUSEUM OF ANATOMY J t n I HlRKFT ST . UN FRANCISCO. CL f T . w., - - v ( iMtwMia hliih ui4 a.v.uiii. m PTh. Ir..t Anatomical Muwnm In Uia W.,r.U. f fjrrnf. attraction In tht City, A A rm uimx'iuUmil'f vUitim. f S V A fmunvmmrm, or miy nminir i. Urn ol.lHt'f.ji.'.'tiiHitt mi tl. 1'Mi-iUC CuuaU UliliMii''(lMlyniti. DO. JORDAN PRIVATE DISEASES Tnam m'H and wilddlo limn tli filicin of youthful Imllv ' cii'llnim or xi'iwi-h In nmliiriT .nn. NorVHinintn pliVMl.-Ki riiii.T,...- iMl.ne7, I'OMft nMhwN initiiiiMrniiiiiii. i ratbnm: iriMlirtlini, Proolnlur- rhr. 4JnurrlM, tilrrl, liwunmn of I rlimlini, i.j : : reniii. . " vvi , ; vir liaf mi Hi rnnii-'i mi. .-i.p... ........... - only ulToril Tmniwllala rrilf. lint iHrnmiu-iit cur. I ho IkKtnr lii"i ii"t cllin u V" '""' mlrlM. niis in wm Kii.m.i m. w " Mi,.r eiiyilclun mill HiirgMiiJir-nuliioni lu lil .wliilty-Ilwaa ut Mm. M aHIIII.I lliMrmiKliiy rniiiniira iram . .l.ui..anf M.-UV. Tickets lo and from allPoinls East iv Tmra. Ilin-d ny nn i.iiwrv. ."- v mrr f.ir Huflni'ft A qulik and rn-m( eunt for H. I tr- and runla,by . .. i. -. ii I.m. tritll(MllL A Itf. J'iruuii s .i.-. iu. i"i EVK.UV MA anplvlnKttiimwIUraoalva ir Awf onlnl'Mi nl limcmi'l " .,, We will Uwirnntrr. a PQtiiTlVM CWJS in i funmiiiail.in KHKK iid trlrlly pHTate. V . . ...... w. Illiliir DL'J Ul V J 17 1 put or' Treaimoiit pvnmnally r nr lllT. i MrK.' ljrW.T.5S ia" aluab,. f bouk for mm.) Callurwrlu 4 nn JORDAN 4 CO.. I OS I Mariut St.. I. ft SHORT LINE ST. PAUL, ltriXTIl, MINNEAPOLIS, CHICAGO ANO POINTS CAST. Through PaUce and Tourist Sleepera. Dining and Bniiet Smoking Library Cars. DAILY TRAINS! FAST TIME. For rales, folders and full Informa tion regarding tickets, routes, etc., call on or address U. DICKSON, City .... - . . . T... Ticket Altent j. w. rjini.w.i, no.. Pass. Afft., Portland. A. B.C. DKNNISTON, O. W. P. A. 012 First Ave., Seattle, Wash.