Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, October 16, 1902, Image 7

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U U uuuJ
Our special 30 days Fall Opening Sale closes
aturday, October 18th
Yi.u will i.nvo to hurry if you want that Ten per cent discount on a II yourcach
purchases. Jitunlay of this wcek.i the last day.
Next 'week we give goods away FREE !
With cash purchases of Capes. Jackets and Clothing.
With every $15.00 capo or jacket sdd for cash wo give free a $2.50 umbrella
'.. 10.00 ' -m
7.50. U
5.00 Missert and Child Jackets .... ..' . -' Tain O' hhantcr
15 00 Hiit or overcoat xohl for -ah we give away free choice of our $2.50 hats
r,50 2.00
iom""!!'l!""13Z'Z"!l .' lJj0
7-0 1.50
5.00 hoy'n Suit or Overcoat .' cap, tie and suspenders
, a Wolmvrokuiitliereror.llhi(ulli.lliii.-lotliin1(. We have told twice as many salts at. any
INOW COmC a runnm ioIf ,; ,,ave tt 0( Hum)y eft. We have old mils to -everal different parties
who other :.M-ki of clothi.. More huylnB. and all l.ave told us unrt are tetter, prettier pattern, and cheaper than
.... . .... i ... i 1 l....l.,.. ....,! iLul ih hiive the ilnet
hiiv id onreoiii'litorH. Wo hve uim mui ? ,rai irnr irmc u-th - - - -
election ol ladi.V an.) mi-cH cape.. a.,d jacket in Polk county, and they are cheaper also. Our larue alef convince ns that
t hi is true. I'on't forget the lime. NKXT. WEEK.
Monday, October 20, including Saturday, October 25.
On week So lonsrer. We have the utmoHt confidenoe in the quality and selections of our entire stock and are not afraid to
l've our price, compared with any one. Come in and look arouud whether you want to buy or not. Yoa are welcome.
Monmouth's Big Store
fir- ,X
... i i ...
I in rf I .lift II (IV (U'll.
(liiwige Map of Orejjoii.
Melville (mrter, who lots rc
cetith returned fi'"tti mi all
summer's survey in,' trip into
northeastern Oregon with Sur
veyor Gesiier, reports tin inter
esliiiK result of tlio trip. Most
.f Ihn Mirveye'l hind of Wullown
county U1 "t extcii.l further
vast tluni townships IS n the
base line which runs just south
of Portland east mid west, mid is
the base line of the Willamette
meridian. The work of the
party n to survey townships
three-!', three "ill ond two-50
east, ami n fraction or two, it
heintf thought that Snako river
would strike these on the cast as
is shown in the maps. Hut
when the survey was made the
1'aet develnped that Snake river
was several mile further cast
and that the tier of townships
north numbered 51 east would
start in the statu of Oregon in
stead of over in Idaho its hud
hc(U supposed. This gives us
more territory as a state than
we supposed was ours, and while
the change is very slight, it is
! important enough to be of inter
lest. ,
M. Menvin lias rented thelJngley
property, in-ar the IVslnterian
church and will naive tin-re noon.
A ("light error in tho form of his
papers will delay Mr. Merwiti
Rnini? into the postolliee until they
nui he r-tnrned from .Washington.
Mrs. F. II. Conkey, of Palins,
will tiiov.- to Inilependonee this
week, occupying the d we'ling now
the home of her son, Geo Conkey,
In the meantime Mr. and Mrs. (ieo
Conkey will move ti the Hawkins
residence on Railroad street. Mr.
ll'uwkin has rented Mis. Con key's
property i n Dallas
Strayed or Stolen.
F.iuht. head of cattle One white 4-
ear-old Milk Cow; one whil 3-year-old
Milk Cow; one hlaok 3 year-old
Milk tow; one' black -Steer Call; one
roan Steer Calf; one rod and while
y perk led lleiler Calf ; one roan 3-year-old
Hall; one 2-vear-old red Heifer. All
branded V on Viiiht hip and marked
with crop and under bit in riuht ear.
A Bailable reward for the recovery
xhiiio w ill lie paid at Curvalli, Or.
inottiitoMMnckpenaence ana Salem
....3' 1 '-A-CZrizL!....
Leaves Monmouth at 7:30 A. M.
Leaves Independence, at X A. M.
Returning haves Salem at 2:'M o'clock P. M.
Ileadqitftrters nt Little Palace Hotel, Independence.
Red Front 15am at Salem.
J. A.. BYEES- Prop.
Mrs. A. J. Cooper left today for
CleKlum, Washington, to attend
the hedside of her feon, Curtis L.
C,uMfr ubn cc-iim lindlv hurt DV
falling from the roof of n ' building
on whielrhe was at work. One ot
his legs was badly fractured and he
was otherwise injured internally
A telegram was received here
Sunday from New Wnatcom Wash,
announcing the death of S. Sears,
who moved from McCoy to Wash
ington a. few uiout': .ago. A
daughter Mrs. Minnie Black, of
Dallas, left on the afternoon train
for New Whatcom.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Locke, of
Salem, visited over Sunday in
Falls City Leader
1). F. Courier and C. I). Tice
make tho very reasonable offer
of deeding eight feet off from tho
front of their lots on Main street
to the city for $" each to keep
the streets wider. If Mr. Lynch
can ho dealt with, ns we pre
sume he can though we have
not talked with him, wo may be
saved a part of tho damage
w hich would full upon our street
by having it narrowed down ns
it is plotted. It this is done the
platform in front of tho Tice
building will he tho sidewalk,
otherwise the walk will come
still eight feet further into the
road. Let us see w hat can be
Tolk County Pomona Grange
met with Dallas Grange on tho
11th inst, W. M. J. C. White
'I 13IU I "ft
live committeemen were elected
and some new members joined.
These, with others waiting, will
receive the fifth degree at Mona
Grange hall, Lewtsville, on the
evening of Friday, the fifth of
December, and on the sixth
. . t, ... : :J
A sallow complexion, dizziness,
biliousness and a coated tongue
are common indications of liver
and kidney diseases. Stomach and
how-el troubles, severe as they are,
irive immediate warning by pain,
tint liver anil kidney troubles.
though less painful at the start, are
much banter to cure, llieiuortt a
Illark-Ornufrht never fails to bene
fit diseased liver and weakened kid
neys. It stirs up the torpid liver
to throw oft tue perms ot lever and
affne. It is a certain preventive
of cholera and Hriffht's disease of
the kidneys. ith kidneys re
inforced by Thedford's Black -
lrauffht thousands.of persons have
dwelt immune in the midst of yel
low fever. Many families live m
perfect health and have no other
doctor than Thedford 9 Blaek-
IlraiiRht. It is always on hand for
use in an emergency and saves
many expensive calls of a doctor.
Mullins, S. C, March 10. 1901.
I have used Thedford's Black-Drautiht
for three veara and I have not had to Co
to a doctor since I have been takintflt
It Ii the best medicine for me that Is
on the market for liver and kidney
troubles and dyspepsia and other
complaint. 'Rev. A, 0. LEWIS.
jSzty)a day-time class will be
given the same degree, f urtner
particulars later.
Construction Foreman Mc
Pherson of the railroad crew
was in town Sunday. The last
move of the camp this way will
!bo soon, after which the work
will begin again on the other
jend of the line. Mr. McPlier
ison says that his time is four
j months, but he expects to cut it
down. Camp was only some
1 three and a half miles out Sun
day. ! A party of four, of which
? John Mover and his brother-in-law,
E. Gilliam, of Salem, were
i two, spent several days back in
I the hills recently. We are told
' that one of the party carried the
; famous Tracey rirle which was
sold at auction after the death
! of that desperado.
Pay Up.
All parties indebted to the under
signed will please call and settle
and oblige. Chute vfe Moore.
Cruck transfer Co.
P.M. SK'NNER, Prop.
....My personal attention given to
all orders entrusted to me. Prompt
attention in every instance
PHONE 274.
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