Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, October 16, 1902, Image 5

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II ... .1 . .I.l.. ...III. mi MuaiU WMf J fill llflfcV. Mil U
If vim waul plfiurfi mai r uru-m-, ; --- ' :
mi .M.r,.Mlin that LHMi't tl' P l..r lri. ! "''I;1'''1 ' " , I '
M.nil!liiiKiiirr ui.K-.l on t, wl.d.d f.oi.i the
liiumt n.iiri it In Km mm, go to
IMcKuI'h Gallery,'
I...I..IM H.I k. Om. Iln will nlfin yutl when ollnr full.
. -
1 1 Monmouth Correspondents, j j
Mr.' Bent in on tint nick lit.
Mr. OtU ! vrtoii in moving
from hi fiirin near Lewiavillw ami
ill uv hia imuln-r'a bout) lure. Ilulmim am wife, i-pt'id
HumUy her. Mr. Worth accom
panied them to Undr homo in
Mil- Kihi'l l-iiik returned In Mo
m;.. ,. ..ill., 'I'ii. y.l, iv mi her wav to
tiiiiiiiiii" --
A. G Ail kin ami ii Herbert
l,."t .Monday f.r a hunt tin Urn deer
Irailanf tlif McKfiissit Mr. II. A.
Adklua accompanied '.hi'iii to
vuit relative there.
Mr. Tom Jiontlil.y ha moved
Lack to lii furm.
Chance Mulkey returned to his
home at Plea-ant Hill laat week,
after vicitina hi parents litre.
Forest llaruca made a trip to comity tin; urt of tho week,
bringtnu home a hatul of goats.
Mr. Matilda Coleman left Wed
nesday for Lucas' Mi'l to Uwp
house for her hrotlitr, H. 0. Work,
who haa employment there.
Will Russell ia hotue from the
Eastern part of the state ami will
remain litre for the winter.
Mr. John Murphy an.l family,
returned Friday from Walla Walla,
where they have spent tho summer.
Mr. Nristow waa down from
Lpwiaville. Saturday with two
team moving tho remainder of hisi
furniture there.
, Mr. Payne, who resided in the
west end of town was taken to
Dallas Sunday,-where she waa pro
nounced inaane and immediately
conveyed to the Aaylum at Salem.
Her two little boys are in the
care" of the neighbor awaiting the
arrival of relatives from California.
Uev. K. C.;Vinu.ore spent part
of hat week attainting in revival
meetings at Woodbnm.
Mia Lorn Lewis is now organ. at
at tho Christian church.
Uev. G. W. Richards, of Salem,
preached in the Christian church
here Sunday last.
Vacant houaes are still in great
demand. Several new families
have lately moved in and the
school is filling up rapidly.
Tlii' haa been tin exceptionally
poor year for gardena. Nothing
look bo much like prosperity as a
well htoCKed vegetable garden with
Jnntv and lieetH for the
cow. II will hooii i nine n
scatter ferliliera and clean up the
ground ready for plowing. Try and
aee what you can tlo next year for
your t'ible Mipplie and gl all you
can from your garden and carry
around with you that well fed look.
Save doctor hill. b putting in
good Mlpply of vegetables, fruit of
all kind for winter line. Now i
the tin m to bigin
It' a long tune Miiee we had a
wedding in town. Seems like some
body might to be getting in the
C. U. Haley und ' wile (-pent
Sunday wild his parents here.
Out til' I )t ul li's Jaw.
When tlt-Klli feenid very ne
from a severe atomm-li and liver
ir.mlilu tlml I hail mill'ered with for
year, w rite I'. Muw, of Durham,
N. C. "Ir. Klnif'a Nw Life Pill
uuVwl til tf lif nnil ifttve nerfeet heal III.'
Beat pill oil eattll alitl only i'o at
Klrklantl iwig i.o. .
Co the people
Of Independence
And Polk county. I have
opened an up-to-date
Flour, Feed and
In the building known aa the
Athletic Club Building
And 1 eameatlv solicit a share of
yonr patronage.
L. Damon, Prop.
F "
Douty's Special 1 0-Day
Bargain List
Jiialiaaued ontain many
rare bargaiua that cannot Imi
duplicated afier th sale ia
over. If you did not get one
aeiid your name in at once
g, we will mail you m.e
Vou ahouhl attend every .lay
thi sale of Dry Hood, Cloth
ing, Sho-s. Carpel, Over
coat, Jackets, (iroccric. etc.
Four Doctors Failed.!
Sitlein Ktttiemnt"
in- lliiriln h le " "" PHiK'lily
lieral.led ny Hie pre "r mk.ii t,'t
there are none who are run nwar m
i.i. ,.reH,.ii-e or rotiverHiit with tlie
imiiiy nearly endorsement tlmt eome
1,1 hlin from everv seel ion of lre".
Manvnf iliiw are from well known
nud prominent j,eron-j'roim whose
won! I uniietloiiel by their frlemls
ml lielghhiir, wins venicliy I ree
oinl..'il far lyoml the fiminiuiili v m
whleh they live, ami whose emlorse-
nient carries with It more than null
nsrv con v let Ion; .vet even th ie-ll-
niony ef lie t'f more shall lnl repu
lalitm fall lo carry with it quite the
dexre ' ofeonvletion tlml I borne hy
tliHt tif the ttatlmoiiial, relating to
fncU personally known lo the reader.
Mr. A. Poole, orl-.aitie rmui, wen
known resld lit of Jaekstm county of
many yeura' sutmllnu, sulmiit over
hi siK'iature what he knowa f Dr.
Darrln's profestional ability In a com
plicated ease Pi which four doctors
had previously lalleu, ami tells of a
who Is also able to bear splen
did evidence of the doctor's curative
powers. He writes ss follows:
Mr. Kdltor: I bold il to be my duty
a well as a pleasure to help to make
known any means or relieving uie ui
litinianitv. Ten years 8o I
taktm with heart trouble and
.,!,. tlimiikfh iuv chest and body
had then tieen under the care of four
n,.trs. and they nave me up as in
nrhle. I was so weak and run down
that I could scarcely walk acro-s the
street. All my frieuda and neighbors
thought my day on earth were nearly
apent. I visited Dr. Damn in rori
in,i ten vears ano and was cured by
him In two months. I have never
been 111 since and feel well and able to
Mw neighbor. Mr. Mathews, of Eagle
Point, visited Dr. Darrin the same
year, and was cured of lung trouble,
m.ii.Mt oonaumntlon. and a large tumor
In his side. Itefer to me at Kagle
Point. Oreiton, where I have resided
t.T i iv a iv vears. A. POOL
Dr. Darriu remains In Salem until
November 1, at Willamette Hotel.
Call and see our etock of
Fall and Winter Hats
Our line of Beavers 58 complete.
We have them in both white and
black effect. With iheir long ostrich
plume or ponpon trimming" they
make a very dressy hat. They will
b much worn this fall.
We have fine very pretty Street
Hats- XVe can 8Ult ,ou ir' H"y
tyl. Pretty elbct in blue fell
trimmed with gr.en. or green and
white make a good combination. . .
Our store will be kept open Friday and
Saturday evenings to accomodate Inde
pendence people.
ltrllAV LrAI II. LO YlClfc t "b"
! Mrs. Ada Ted row.
Hit krctill.
Orval Price came up from Needy
Saturday, to visit hia grandparents,
Mr. and Mr. Cook over bunday.
-, v f,. rtVinr w nn from Port
lumi lookinu after the interests of . friends here, last Monday,
,J . 1
hia mother's farm the old eBmitn i Clftude Williams and wile, ot
property. I McMinnville, visited relatives m
Warrren Burch went to Portland VI"""J "
fieo. Owens, who has been
Qnalt7 Tlie l,cet hoR fo0(1
jjjJCllti grown. Ciooil for
all kinds of stock. A heavy
vii'Mor; can be sown fall or
ppring. "en atiajneti to hkj
Willametto valley. For sale
bv Wm. Mkt7.i.kii, who lives
on the 1). J. Whiteaker place,
2 miles north of Monmouth,
Sick Headache?
Food doesn't digest well?
Appetite poor? Bowels
constipated? Tongue coated?
It's your liver ! Ayer's Pills
are liver pills; they cure dys
pepsia, biliousness.
Z3C. All urn
wnnr iiinUNtmche or beard
k bMttUful
b U.. A . NllMUl,
ftn. , NMua. H. M.
Geo.F. Rotlgers & Co.
Paper Dealers
Our Paper anil I$hk are products of
the best mills In the country. You
will save money on prices and treight
with us.
130 Court St, Salem, Or.
Ed Taylo was doing business in
Independence Tuesday.
Miss Olive Hastings will visit
her sister in Portland for a short
The Turner bridge was repaired
hist week.
Rev. Shoup came up on Taes
day '8 motor.
Sam Gross is cutting wood for
Grandma Staats.
Civile Turner and family are
now living in the Miller house at
I. M. Simpson's hop yard.
John Staats was sowing vetch
seed last Monday.
Mrs. E. Tatras has been sick for
several days with remittent fever.
I. M. Simpson was in town a few
days ago and hauled out several
hundred pounds of grass seed.
Judge Pipes and Mr. Spencer, of
Portland, were hunting around
here Tuesday. The Judge is a
crack shot, having killed 13 black
birds and a sap sucker at 21 Boots.
! Calvary now has a dairy. C. E.
iTedrow, Proprietor. They make
' from SO to 35 lbs. per week.
Viola Alexander was calling on
His life in Peril.
Independence, Ore.
Marble and
. Granite
Juonuments and Head
stones Cimetery
work etc.
. i . n oil tr
ueo. vwenis, w " " '- - "I just teemea to uvc
ting his uncle. J.J. Burch and j pieceSii writes Alfred Bee, ot Welfare.
.-. ... .trwl fnr'm iii.iii iinifiM and a lame back
familv. tor some iimo i'wu , "
IBIUUJ, iv o ...... . . i.. i;( l.nrdAn. I COUlu'teat
s home in Stockton, tainornia. j - --- wofn
Grace Burch went to visit friends .wnen i begitu to nse Electric
Harrisburg for a few weeks. j Bitters, but they worked wonders.
h , j Now I sleep like a top, can eat any-
MX. i UtUJOU, W -J r I Jljlllg, llHVe gttlUWVl IU DUuSi
visited relatives here over Sunday. j hard work. Tbey give vigorous
iith ud new life to weaK, sicKiy,
Tk f - - V Ttnnmev Anil daoshter ,1,...,.. Trv them. Only
Nellie' went to Washtucna to visit j 50c at Kirkfand Drug Co.'s.
her eons for a few months.
1 ho Misses Berrvs were visiting
V. E. Clark and wife a few days
last week.
Fred Simonton, returned to bis
home in Portland Saturday.
Mrs. S. Orr and her daughter,
Mrs. Otis Wait went to Salem.
Frank Gibson went lo Portland,
Thursday returning Sunday.
Mark Burch went to Indepen
dence, Saturday on business.
Highland Grange meets next
Saturday at 1.30 p. m. All mem
bers requested io be present as
there is business to come before
the meeting.
John Walker has moved to
Dallas and L. Martin has rented
the Helmick place and is moving
Miss Laura Cauthom, visited
relatives at Wells, last week.
Trof. W. A. Ginn, formerly of
Monmouth, but now of Iowa, is
Btndvine for the ministry. He
ar,d "his wife are choir leaders for
Evangelist meetings there.
Clarence Tedrow and wife have
a ten pound girl, born last Sunday,
Oct. 12th.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walters, of
Vancouver, are visiting at the home
of E. Davidson. ,
Mrs. M. Mcsterson came up on
To make a long story short
These warm duvs we will not tell you ot
the beauty or line finish of onr laundry
work, but just remind you that when
vou want that delicate colored negligee
laundered that we will do it just like
new without injury to color or fabric.
Onr work on linen collars and cutis
Well: 'liuffsaid! Orders left at Kutch's
barber shop on the Salem stage will re
ceive prompt attention.
Salem Steam Eaundry,
Colonel J. Olmsted, Prop. Dorous
D. Olmsted. Mgr. Phone 11. 320
Liberty Street.