Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, October 16, 1902, Image 2

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Absolutely Pure
r, . 1 JDv.r.Anl
Qrrinl nnn Hfr;nnni. s
'Ivist I.ynne."
"The Lyric- Queen."
"My Uncle Fioni New York."
II. Wood h is moved to town.
Pink Patterson, of Portland, is
in the city.
F. A. Patterson is ill at his home
in thu city.
. " . , , .dnction of The "Lync tjmen."
Coming Ci-orgm Harper and his
excellent Company.
Cliff McHeth his accepted i posi
tion in the Stur (irocrv.
Mfi Geo W. Kutch U spending
a few days at It road mead.
Nice fresh Jersev Milk fr sale.
Inquire of V. G. Cressy.
D. A. Mattifon and family were
over from Dallas Sunday.
Van Dornsife has a very bad
finger, the result of a splinter.
Specialties of all kinds with t e
Georgia Harner Co. Oct. 17 1 S
Rev. J. R. M. Bell, of Pake- City
spent several days here this week.
Frank Wilson is in Portland
this week attending K. of P. grand j
loIe- i
One second hand Buggy and I
Grain Drill for sale at R M. Wade
& Co.'s.
Miss Laurie Burnett vhited
friends in Corvallis the first of the
Elder P O. Wig more will preach
in the Christian church Sunday at
3 p. m.
Mr. and Mrs, Morris Wiprut, of
Salem, spent Monday and Tues
day in town.
We learn that D. W. Sears, who j U. L was a delegate to the Grand
i? visiting in Iowa, has an attack of j Lodge, K. of P.
Fmallpox. j The Scrafford boys left Tuesday
Mrt. E. M. Young has been very, for , Wnlla Wa'ia, Wash. Mi.
ill for several days from an attack) Strafford and little daughter will
of typhoid fever. ! nt;xt week-
G. D. Bannister has rented bis I Miss Ethel Link, who has been
place and has gone to Liberty, Or., 'landing the summer in Mon
to live with his son. mouth, was a passenger to Mo-
I Minnville Tuesday.
Rev. G. H. Osborne has rented i
the Bannister property, at Talmage Judge M. L. Pipes, the well
and will be a "farmer" the coming
PicHel's Gallery
And see the finest assortment of tamples
yoa ever saw.
Everything New.
lUmi Loaded shell t n. m.
: Wade A Co.'.
Clean French Client Seed for
isale by Henry Hill.
New lllutiated ong lit the
0it r lloutie Oct IT-IS.
Mr. J. E. Hubbard wus a
i passenger to The Dallas Monday,
, ... . !
j A !U ...r
! ing school was rem ui .li"i,,""
; Saturday evening.
! 15. M. Wade - Co. are still sell
' it.g Oust Banges and Cast lteiit rs
i al wholesale price.
' Call on J. S. Moore for Herpieide
! the dandruff cure. Sohl in hulk.
i; ,1 If l.wir.-.l
or applied w desired. .
. . t, I
When in Salem visit Strong si
p.11...ar11,ii Tr U hem ouartcrs fur
Independence ,-ple.
ai ' ,
! "Puul I viiiii-" will be lirejii'llted
. . ,
1 wi undented
i:. . .... it ." .1,,- ...r
j: . . .i..:. ...
Jibythe-ticort-.a uarper "... ...
llieir I'lisaun '
Kl n-(l Mix i ,0 ,11 with typhoid
Hoyit .Mix i fo in who
fever that grave hope are enter
tained for his recovery.
Position wanted lounn woman i
wants position to do houework.i
Address IV, Entkkpkisk ollice.
New and Klegant Wardrobe worn
by Miss Georgia Harper in her pro-
"The Lvric Queen" will be pre
sented by the Georgia Harper Co.
at the Opera House Oct 17-1S
Perry Raymond, deputy post
master at Salem, visited at the
home of J. S. Cooper Sunday.
Rev. E. J. Thompson returned
from a meeting of the synod at
Grants Pass Monday evening.
Wanted. A gd girl to do
house work. Call or write Mrs. E.
E. Paddock. Independence. Or.
Mrs. Hattie Nelson, of Aberdeen
Wash., came in Mond ay and is
stopping at Mrs. Dave Whiteaker.
To let out on shares Go head of
good Colswold ewes. Inquire of
Geo. A. Wells, Independence, Or
Mrs. 0. h. Fitchard and children
returned Monday from I-tiea. New
York, where
they spent the
uyou wma gaou uu.
served in real family style, call at
City Kestaurant on u sireei.
j Prices right.
Get a Mount Hood Fanning
Mill; a first-clas mill in every
particular. For sale by R. M.
Waje & Co.
Mr. and Mrs. U. L. Frnzer were
rnianencrf r to Portland Monday.
I I n
: Known i oruami uwiij,
(the city Monday. Judge used to
! be a newspaper man nere.
Dr. Thompson attended the ad
journed meeting of the Willamette
Presbytery, which was held at
Albany on Wedoasday. At this
meeting three voung men were or
dained as ministers in the Presby-
1 terian church.
A few lion mile at 2:1 cent are
...... .ft... I ttnl tlt.l mailoritV ll
growers are holding lor u lilfclir
Frank Buckley hu accepted
position with a hardware firm nl
Snohnmixli. Wash., and will re
nu'.iil there.
, If you want u fine chicken din
ner go t the Palace Motel on !'tn
.( Flrst-chlS bar il.
with the hotel.
110 head of trad
sheep to rent on share. Apply t
jl). D. Uiiier A Son, one mile north
i of Independence.
I'earl Hedges ha heen confino
to t ie holts Willi u inn aieniu
attack of tvphoi.l fever, but is r-
... ,i i
1 1
i ' Wallace lluntley w, a pa,en,er
to rortlaiul Saturday to meet hi
..... . . :..
j to rortlaiul Saturday to meet hi
. . . .....
! " '
l",,U""1 LatUw! ,,0nt ff"
ih,. K h-L'-int irown worn by Mi
. ..
UitoiL'ia Harper in her production
! of The rio tJueen."
Soua, thti creates! tian imasier
in the world was at Salem Saturday
nvMiiiiii? and bcveral from here
j drove over to hear hi concert,
j w numler from here attended
: the farmer congress Wednesday.
A special vvaa run from Portland,
bat lightly patronized.
Prof. M. K. Hanville, formerly
principal at Dayton, Oregon and a
graduate of the Normal at Mon
mouth, was in the city last week.
W. B. Pattey wnsii business visi
tor at Dallas hist week. Mr. Pattey
is arranging to put on the market
a valuable stove polish of hi own
Lamont's Novelties open an en
gagement at the Independence
Opera House on Oct. 20. They
play two uightSj They advertise a
show that will please all.
. There will l th regular ser
vices at the Presbyterian church
next. Sabbath. Topics of ftiecial
interest will h presented by the
pastor. A cordial welcome to all
J. B. Scrafford has Bold his
household effects and will move iu
a few days to Walla Walla, Wash.,
where be will make his perma-ieiit
home. The change is made for
Mr. Strafford's health.
Miss Margarita Fischer and her
own company are booked to ap
pear at the Independence opera
hout.e on October 27, 28 and 20.
fw nnfl tionulnr Cometlies and
r i -
uranias win no presented, i oerc
i r 7 .1 1 1 .,.!
, ..111 . ... 1 'I1 1.
is also a uniformed band and or
chestra. i
Douty's Big 10 Day Sale.
18th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 2:!rd,
24th, 25th, 27th, 28th, 2'dtL.
This will be the greatest
money saving sale for oui
patrons that we have ever
given. Each day will he
crowded with bargains glean
ed from our different depart
ments, and our prices will be
just literally cut to pieces. It
will be to your interest to at
tend every day of this sale,
and see the bargains oflered.
For full particulars read our
special bargain list jut is
sued. If you don't get one
send in your name.
eonmrinii; r-k
The juiv returned vrnlict of seel. Lb on Hie limn who fell from
1UC Winnow iwi- " wiih ii lie mm ihuvii
a-jlerp. Hut the dralh n-iilly due to
.,, . ,, cntv It-witr
tPM Si I UU-li ""le
I JKKUllllle,
t7" -ri...... ..... u
.,, ( , M )llill(V
lll'lllv tiTllll-
nati'd an
tr mil of
inrilU ul cer- I
iiiidit iimv
I ru. I "hruit
When a limn
Iiim ill uiiri
the warning symptom of ilim-n-, lie l
nd neulrct
Currl"Miy tuviliUK i.unmiiv,
Mr ti.'.r..'a (..l.ti.11 Mt.tlti'!4l nixitivrrv
Ciirrs iliwMwn of tlx- Momm-h anil othrr
.-I . : . I . . : tt
Mtloll f fIKi, w,uh m..k- trrietli.
11 Hi livi-r. nurt liilinimnt-.w.
jwt, f f,Kl, which m.k- tr-ivth
I, 1 1.. 1,,.. i.iii.....I..
iul remove iiiou iitumi-ilie from the
"I htl lrrn initiiiim wn a win in nmrr
At v.n im. rtiK.i.i m .
lln,-4Ki, III, "I tMlll hantlv wtrtk,. H I' U It'.""
bin wr.Kl.l haimin mi we mul K'rt Unl thnl
I Iih.I to lnkr ni.-ili, nc. I iiwl ..l.miai n iiiiivi
fnt llmr. ImiI H .ti'l no K.l " I wnttr In.
. v I'.rrve i..i ii. he mr im-
mchmlv I (..ll.'wr.l hi .hmtL.ti., tt.c.Mwu
ixMllr of hit, tltr tirt.l wa t'llrt .l t Itrttl n
tiilM.I ll-rw)tlh Win lI'llllMlllR 111 Itlolrlfl til
crailtnit I tli..t;liO, " Or l-lrr,- I..M tttr
I hav t""' m "vl" ',av, ' 'j iih.u .iiiit tiKit ,
... . ll....l lJUl. nr is'rii.
Option. They do not l.gct the pill
G L. Hawkins and family
. . , . J
moved this eek to D dlas, where
thy will herealt -r re.-ido.
We are sorry to see tliein leavH
Independence but wish them suc
cess in their new field.
AllftlOH Sni.
,. stdnt ocr phiceaboutj
rt e and a i.alf milet north of In-j
di iwiHlemv. enefiil!y known as;
Balm Gr.iv farm, on Saturday,!
1 vx f
October IS. ti nuiiiherot Horses, j"
Cattle, Sheep, Hogs. Farming Im-,
plements. Hcu.-ehold Goods. Terms j
f is-t'rt- All si-.sus t'lulcr 10. cash::
over that. 8 per cent with approved j
security, w ithout interest if paid i
within four months. Sale at 10;
o'clock. O'Brien Biw. J
Pianos, Orguns. ami Sewing:
Do rou n-ed anything in the line
of Pianos, Organ or Sewing Ma
chines? If so
Call at my store 2.'!I Commercial
0f,pBi,H ,he tlli,
, , ,,.;,..,,.,.,.
i.riiK. i nave iu
i i . i. i'i,...,.u llrnsnu i
iutll t'tti ii 'i i i.iin.f, vi(,. ...... j
t :. -
dewing .Mac iniien.
pairs ferry
liruwinij ilium pitpuliir 'every
day bucauHu U is the shortest
unci onlv praetical route to Sa
lem. Safu ami rapid service
rentlereil by a skillful ferryman
at nil hour.
Round Trip on Rigs, 25c.
H. D. Petiyjvbn, Prop.
A I JiiuMihirf in erectinff n flnfl
new luirn on hi premise on Mon-
th utreet. Mr. Onnsdorf i
miking Home decided Improve-
" . . , .
M'Ht tlhout hi premise.
Selling nt it Haluln.
I ti in (.filing nt a bargain mv
PrttMe, hogs. gontM, I'hlckeu. feed
and inipleinenl at inv'e, lh
old Ntchol place. V). G. iti.U K
W. R. ALLI N, D. D. S.
, 'i,il. Kmihi'UkU
i'niiur lliillilliin,
u Miici' in 1 1 v . Iiiil. i.inlfm. orw
; ....
, ,
j i; t. iii'.nki.i;.
D,l, anH flarh.i. Rhnn
! t 1 I-'.
1 .
Physician & Surgeon
oil w In llm-ru 1 illw' i 111.
lteHl-len,,. Phone ft. On.ce P.......
- - -
v , "' l.-lf
I'. HI' lld.iii
t Attnrnfv at Law
j MllUrilCy O I, l-av.
j Collection It HpfClaltV. t)fllC
i . , . i e m ...i
at rei.leiie, north of Monmoutli.
! Tonsorial Artist
j ; .
Only lirsl-chiM workmen cm-
;i(loV)(1 .n w ..u'igvnm." Shop
: t,itui4ttl on North side of C Street.
uaviasor; c rieacjes, props.
4uK aui, Coll,iH.,iom,rv.
Fiitrr Soma Foi;.vtain i.n
Con.vki rio.v.
For Sale.
oucgnod two-wateil Hack,
in, open single IttiKgy-
One iM-ineh cpflnir tooth Harrow,
One new (innh n ( ultlvtitor,
For Suit- ('In-tin. Call at A. L
Cllt "I K'S, Moiiinimtlt, Or.
MOSMiM'TII, "11.
Boots and shoes 'made to order.
Artistic repairing. All work guar
nnteed in (iurahiiity and workman-
! 4 I..' . ..I ..i 1.. ........
A lair snare in uiiriiinif;t; ru-
4 ...THE... f
j monmoiub Eaandry j
ii. i. win r.M.w.Piop.
Should have your Work, f
7 Wasliliiit called fur nod le-
4 Washing called for on Tue- f
4 liny ami delivered on Halur.
4 tU,y-
Monmouth, Oregon.
n. ii. jasperson, i
independence, :: Oregon.