On-got) JlUtorfcal kciit i -t m ; "i -r '-t -e s INDEPENDENCE ENTERPRISE NINTH YKAlt. BANDS COMBINED TIm .Monmouth iumI Imlepcii. di'iH'i Organisations NowOih. WILL GIVE CONCERTS BOTH PLACES. Frank I.hcii Fleeted Leader Now Oorol tlm Ktro llient HaiiilN In th Mute. La-d wrvk the Independence and M.o .uth bands Hinted 8 ":'!,, .V).,Hi rillS were torn loose H n r-KuIt the new orgimi"i f 1 1... HirimiM-Hl ill the slat". t. I. I of thfl Moll- rr,"m ... , ,,iu,d wn cho- to a iM ' ,,,..(,1,,,, i., .the .. It ,ri ,v..d to concert hi r hihi lOt TIk! store of the people anl for tin- people (rowing greater every day. "Write for our Catalogue. The Gordon Hat MMuV "'Ml' "Mt fketfMl ntlHh. ,ockfl 111 (he ImPM Intent til , ! -irin.ii.iHi iu the Vricc, $3. Mn' Suits. A elollilng ilepartinent larger than any rlntliing utore In Hie valley. We melt sultM from $7.50 up to $22.50 Shoes The famoiin UUKKN QUALITV miin-n for lailhH., .'I.(M). Meyers Shoes for Men, $3.50. Corner Court and Liberty TOUR BEST Will appreciate thedrivi' if you get your livery rig from . W. DICKINSON'S Livery Good rigs, and prices aro reasonable. Will board horses by day, week or month. ini)i:im:ni)i:nck, jut Momuoiiltk. M r particulars i will lm given at h lut'T day. IIAH ACC :lli:NT. ,'HIIllt III till' Nllllflllltf ' Noverly Injured Im 0. V. (lirard. the luiU'T ot I he ItMli'poriUciioe llotiring mills, while working shout some shafting ' th victim of u tnoxt serious accident. 1 1 im cloth caught and wound about the shaflii.g and wim carried Hrmind in a circular motion several limes. His head i 1 . II.. l...:...l 1.!.. fiirltt Hflll ' , . , ,,,, ,,, lni ;i (..r,.i I rinsed down land he relieved from hi perilous liH.Mton It will ho II UlllllhiT of ,M.f(ir Mr (iirur(, cn K,.t ()l, , . . , j( ill)1)rovin., nicely. . Whvv Furs for Ladies. .. I..,, all mi r fur from 'America's loremort fur dealers. e euil ti.m oy . .....untna Miartf one wewll 1'KICKS II A NO K FKOM OSc vp to $25.00. Ladies' Jackets. (Inly the very latent (tylea are nhown by un. I-KICKSKANOK FROM $4.(J5upto $25.00. Dress Goods. The faiuoii "l'nently Blacks ami Cravenutten populiir th world over uo cuiife of their sunenor quality. Streets, Salem, Oregon. Q1RL S: s. Stalls AND WEST SIDE. volk county, oiiraiox, pctokku ic, 1002. offfich uicwaui of na Italian KherlfT Want to Itccan turo a .Jallbreiiker. Sheriff Storey him received a letter from Sheriff J. F. Frd, cf Dalles, Polk Court)', aekinn for ansislanco in recapturing Itoiunn- ,o (J. Marnland, who e'CupeU irom the Dallas jail "ctoher 11. A rewurd of 2" i onVred fr the ftrrenl of thin mini, who id I--k- crilH-d heing 19 .van f feet 2 inched in height, Mwrt hody. long legf, uniooth round f.e, Human none, hlue eye and brown hHir. Kvening Telegram. . A Itillneit CliiinKe. SM-c1iil : rreiiiiileoee. The room formerly ' hh n drug utort- and at iirenenl occupied only by the mt.tnflie, in to ! ion- verted into a more, with an un-to Jute line of merchandise, hard ware, etc. Openings are ling ar ranged in the partition between thin room and the one occupied by Mr. Daniel, throwing the two rooma into one and making a tine large more that will he a credit to l'olk county. l',v his courteous treatment of all, Mr. KrncHt Cole, who U in charge of the local emabli-shment has won the patronage of the com munity to mich an extent that thia new venture by Mr. Daniel is al not certain to be a financial sue cep. iiuena w proud of he etores and be 'wak for-lbenv-lirat jfyon- A Serious Itnitawny. David Whiteaker had a runaway last Monday that came nearly end ing in his death. His home took fright at a calf, which he and Mm. Whiteaker were carrying in the wanon and started to run. The occupants of the wagon were thrown out. Mr. Whiteaker received a deep cut in the back ot the head and a nevere blow on the forehead For a time it was thought he could not live, but there now seems some hopes of hin recovery. Mrs. Whit eaker was also badly shaken up and w a s t h o u g h t internal) y i n j u red Court House Notes. Observer. I'BOBATK. Estate of Margaret L. Tut tie, de- ceanouV-Final account heard and approved. Estate of Ii. S. Skinner, deceased Semi-annual account filed and approved, subject to final account. Estate of Nathaniel Jlolman, ae- ct.ttse,lReport ,of sale of real property filed; hearing nf same con tinued until October I., at iu clock a m. Estate of Cyrus Jones, deceased Semi-annual account filed and approved, subject to final account. Estate of David lleddekopp, de ceased Semi-nnnual account filed and approved, subject to final account. ClKCl'IT COURT NOTKS. II. II. Jaeperson, of Indepen dence, has brought suit against Sol Stump and others to foreclose a mortgage for $1,000, on lots 4, 5, 6 and 7, block C in Damon's addition to Monmouth, given January 17, 1898. Oscar Hayter is the attorney for plaintiff. Florence Pygall vs. Herbert I'VK'ill. suit for divorce, in the title of a suit liied in Mepurtment No. 2 thin week, l'laintiir alleges cruel and inhuman treatment and de sertion. She ankn for a dissolution of the marriage contract, the cus tody of a minor child and that she be given her maiden name, Florence Seekler. Yates fc Yate, of Cor- vullin are her attorneys. D. W. Hears has brought fruit in Department No. 2 against James WheeU-r and a nurrilx-r of other de fendants to clear the title to a tract of land in township 8 south, range I west He is renienented by iittorneys Sibley it Eakin. Vm. Dean lias commenced an action in Judge llurnett'n depart ment against the Luckiamule Mill Company to collect balance of 22.f on a jO0 note given October 27. 1 HUH. He asks for a judgment lor f 22."), together with interests at 8 per cent from September .50, 1!))-' attorney .s fees and costs. Butle'it Coad appear for tlm plaintiff. KKAI. E STATU TRANBKEHS. John Hashor t Alexander Courier, 50x150 feet, lot 3, block M Falls City. 42. It V Harris et ux to J I, Combs 3 acres, t 0 s, r 4 w, $75. Susan Jones to J V Hodson and and II P McNary, 5 acres, t 7 s, r 4 w, B0. 15 Tartar to Percy Hadley, 101.11 acres t 9 s, r 5 w, 2,022. Lizzie Harris and husband to Emily Christian, 10 acre?, t 9 b, r5 J C Claynor to Hester 13 Butler, parts of lots 29 and 30, Academy block, Dallas. $1,850. YV A Hates to John M Taber lea acres, t 6 s. r 6 w, $2,100. Lucinda Lemiuon and husband j to Mmriria L Shafer. lot 7, block 13 ; " eo- Hill's Independence, $175. Simcoe Chapman et ux to W C McClure, s e i sec 27, t 8 s. r 8 w, $1,700. to V'C Mc- dure, tracts t 8 s, r 8 w, t 9 s, r 7 I IVM w f w, and t 9 8, r 8 w, $1. H M Talbott et,ux to Ira Thomp son, und. i inst. n w i of s wj, w i of n w i, and n e J of n w i of sec 10, t 8 8, r 7 w, $300 . Polk County Bank to II S Cal- Do you COFFEE OR TEA? If so you should -consider the quality. We carry the very best brands. SPECIAL PRICE ON Spider-Ceg Cea FOR THIRTY DAYS. GEOCBEY. nnn.iD, cookies NUMlJKIt l(i kinn. lot 10. block It, 1st ad.l. to Falls City, $15. W T Slater, receiver, to McNary & Ifodnmi. tracts iu t 7 s, r 3 and 4 w, $5.r)U. J T LeMasters ft ux to K W Morton, lot 7 Mock 9. Hall's 4th add to Hallston, $50. A M Bryant et ux to M C Hubbard, lots 4, 5, 1G and 17 block J Ui add to Falls City, $20. W L (iilson et ux to M C Hub bard, lots 4, 5, 1R and 17. block J, 1st add to Falls City, $1. A Shultz et ux to J "Van Orndel lots 3 block 2, Shultz add to Da'ias, $00. (I J Rempel et ux to J G Hem pel 40.17 acres t 7 s, r 5 w, $1,000. N E Harris to II O Campbell, 30y.l3 acres, t 8 s, r 5 w. $2,200. Uernhard Friesen to Morris Hughes 80 acres, t 8 s r G ' $700, J J Head et ux to Hodson & Mc Nary exchange of lots in Eola. Thomas Shute to Dane Shate. 40 acres, t 8 s. r G w, $1. Meadline M. Dougan to Ralph Adams, lots 3 and 4, block 2, Levens' LaCreole add to Dallas, $100. John McKinley et ux to Conrad Htafrin, lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, block 17, Ellis add to Dallas, $750. JMHays etux to Horatio P Shriver, lots 2 and 3, block 1, Whiteman's add to Dallas, $433. BOND FOB DEED, N A Luther to John Dyer, 25 acres", t OX r 5 w, $350, Another Pioneer Gone. Word was received here last week tbat William Duran, a resident of this county for years, had expired ; at the home of his daughter, Mrs. O. C. Beck, at Athena, Oregon, on October 6, 1902. He leaves four sons and two daughters and- was aged 75 years. He had a large number of personal friends who regret to j hear the sad news. Stock for Sale. Ten head of milch cows. One Durham bull. Twenty head of young stock. Viola Hall, One mile south of Independence. drink ! axd luxcu goods.