Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, October 09, 1902, Image 7

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Fall Announcement
Monmouth's Big Dry Goods Store!
Our liix New Fall Stock i now iilmoHt complete in every .kpartinot an.1 much larger than ever More. Our good aw all of the very best
,u..Mtv u...l In.u.hf in tl. Lot markets of the ea.t and we guarantee our as low as any store in Polk county. Our uual Thirty Days Fall
unn whic h ti Per Cent on every dollar Cash Purchase, excepting Shirting, Muslin,
Kul. her Hoot ami Shorn, Calicos and heavy Leather Shoes.
Capes and JacketsWo have a fine line of women's.
miHHKs' and children's Capes, Jackets and Furs. It will
be to your advantage to nee our line before making your
" Our line of men's women's and children's underwear
cannot be excelled anywhere and our prices are way
Hats in all styles and prices.
When you want Shoes our store is the place to get
them. All kinds for every day wear and fine dregs shoes for men, women's
and children's at prices that will please you. Trade with us and you will
always be happy.
Clothing W'u have purchased a large new and up-to-date
stock of men's, boyn' and youths' clothing, boys'
suits from $1 to $U..r.() per suit. Men's suits from to
$17..'I), large assortment, latest styles. When you want
n nice, new ami stylish suit come and pee us.
Dress Goods Wo are showing the largest and most
complete line line of dress goods ever seen in Monmouth,
ARMOR CLAD'Tir;;''!,: LX
STOCKINGS " ,., .,. ,
skirtings, plain and satin Prunellas, niel
JJr'T'OJ tons, and various other new and desirable
r I . laoncs.
Triple Knee, Toe .no Heel
Yours For Business,
S. M. Daniel,
RAvxAsND Monmouth,
Speaks Gratefully of His Re
lief by Dr. Darrin.
T Kdltor: Fur ero mt my
health low been Impaired from tlmef
feel of t1y8.inU, lii-art l kl.iuey
llm-uxe, mid piilii In IIib Hioiiiui-li ami
back. I have trim! many remedies
nud uoclorn lo mi I'M trouoled
Wltll UlHOftHH gi-t'niK tip t-ibt to
relieve my bladder. Have -eti under
ir. Dnrilii'it tri-utiiienl and pronounce
mym-ll ietoril to limit li. M.V wife
Iiiin lueu NU(!L'pnlully t routed for liver
and hUmiiuoIi troiitilenud pitiu in tho
tdde. Tell nil your reader to consult
iiikhi t.'lifiMHWH, Oregon, smi I will
xphdii tiow I wn cured. I urn a
ieniiiiii, ami will gludly tell my -"Uii-try
men (it my cute.
luliyln mul Silos.
That the dairy indimtry. with
hog raising us a necessary and pro
muhlf idu isKiio, i rapidly be
coming the int paving mode of
ranrhing, is a generally aceepted
Tiuif li-'S lice-i a marled in--i-i-hi-
in this line of funning in the
vicinity of Ihtenn Vista tn st
two r three years. Where t tit ll
thtr were only a few farmers
shall bid farewell to
had the temerity to venture into wheat and oats and po into the
this new business, there are today j dairy business or diversified farm
dairy cows on half or two-thirds
the ranches, and cream is -tent to
the creamery at Independence each
day by Mr. Getty, who makes
daily trips summer and winter.
That the industry pays, a'l ac
knowledge. An ordinary milch
cow will yield her owner from $ 3
to $( per month in butter fat and
he profit is easily reckoned. Not
only this, but hogs are quickly
fattened on the skimmed milk,
and with porkers selling at lrom
").J to OJ cents icr pound gross, hog
raieing is about ns profitable as
any one could wish it to be.
Silos are rapidly growing in
popularity, the sihiga being con
sidered superior to any other feed
for winter use for dairy nock.
George McLaughlin, near Buena
Vista, who milks. 20 dairy cows,
has two large silos; Elmer Hall,
with 10 head of cows, is filling a
large silo at present; Mr. Getty has
another, and others hereabouts are
voted "just the tiling."
Xiimsmnn ranchers in this lo-
Icality declare that unless crops
next vear bring
a much better
inoiiiiiot:ii-TitdpnliKC and Salem
Leaves Monmouth at 7:30 A. M.
Leaves Independence at 8 Ai M.
Ueturiiing leaves Salem at 2:"0 o'clock P. M.
Headquarters nt Little Palace Hotel, Independence,
tted Front Ham at Salem.
J.A.BYEE8; Prop.
ing in general.
School Opened .Monday.
The Buena Vista public school
opened Monday with a large en
rollment and bright prospects for
the year.
Under the able management of
Prof. Murphy, an excellent tutor of
many years' experience, the pupils
in the higher branches will receive
the same careful training that is
given to scholars in much larger
institutions, and a diploma earned
in Buena Vista's little college may
be displayed by the owner with
honest pride.
Mrs. Murphy is to have charge
of the lower room, which insur-s to
the smaller pupils wise and pru
dent teaching and precept.
Many pupils are in attendance
this term from outside districts a
fact which demonstrates, the grow
ing .popularity of the school and
its eflicient instructors.
Itucna Vista.
Cleve Pratlier loaves the last
of this week for Salem, whetio he
will enter the business college.
Shufe Kreutz is soon to move
onto a place near Independence,
where he will bo boss of a large
hop yard.
(ius Pagenkopf and bride
were Independence visitors on
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hall, of
Wells, spent Sunday with rela
tives here.
Miss ttertha Kowe has re
sumed her studies nt the Normal
at Monmouth.
We, the Buena Vista corres
pondent, wish to thank each
and every one who in any man
ner uided us in winning nrst
prize in the E.ntkri'uisk contest
that closed last Saturday. In
Mrs. Laura. S. Webb,
ylw-Prrnl.lrol Woomn- I'iuo
rratlel'lHlMOt rllirn Ohio.
"I drtaded the change of life which
ii Ut approching. 1 noticed Wine
of Odui, and decided to try a bot
tle, I experienced ome relief the
first month, so I kept on taking It for
thret months and now I menstruate
with no pain and I shall take it off and
on now until I have passed the climax."
Female weafchess, disordered
menses, falling of the Womb ami
ovarian troubles do not wear off.
They follow a woman totliechange
of life. Do not wait but take Wine
of Canlui now and avoid the trou
ble. Wine of Oardui never fads
to benefit a suffering woman of
. "VAN.... I'unlm wlieVWl
Mrs. Webb when she was in dan
cer. When you come to use cnance
of life Mrs. Webb's letter will
mean more to you than it does
now, Jiui you umy now ."v
suffering she endured. Druggists
sell ft bottles of Wine of Cardui.
our feeble wav we aim to give
the neighborhood in general as
many kind words as are its due;
to tell the news as we learn it.
If you, the readers, wish to see
an item in print, hand it to us
and we will cheerfully write it
up. If you wish to advertise
I hand us your notice or tell u 9
about it and we will give you
rates for advertising, etc. If.
you are going to subscribe for
the paper or renew your sub
scription, hand us the amount
and give us the benefit of your
name in our club. We will
saqe you all bother and expense
of money orner. In short, help
us to get hold of the news and
we will do our best to help build
up the town and bring our com
munity before the public as it
deserves to be. Again we thank
you for favors in the contest.
The prize is a beauty and we
are j ustly proud of it.
Pay Up.
i All parties indebted to the under-
signed will please call and settle,
ajd oblige. Chute & Moore.
Cruck transfer Co.
.My personal attention given to
S all orders entrusted to me. Prompt
attention in every instance..
PHONK 274.