Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, October 02, 1902, Image 3

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. A-
Campbell Brothers Progressive
IFurmitiure Dealers
!,,ul tl.iM month with a mati-liU-M array of bargains. We wish to rail your attention t.. the fact that we ar Mut
j.ri. ,.- on a low a tho lowont. Never before in th history of our ..aUih.,M.nt have we Ik-cm in wl. a
p,hhI ponition to h,w you. Our lloor in crow.hd with large aortment of u...l we wi-1, to mclentally
inentioii there a lot inoro te arrive. '
A Kitchen Treasure
Ih a household necessity, something every
well-regulated home should have No more flour
j an old barrel Kitchen Treaur has
two llm.r bins, two moulding boards, two draw
, r to bold tl" necessary ii gn dient for pastry
baking. They occupy littlo space and go to
make the kitchen complete. PRICE IS BO LOW
that every family should have one. Call and
look them ovrr.
hiHt a word about
Wash Boilers
We have them in plain tin, copier bottom, and
all copper. You ran get your choice here, and
the price ia right.
A remarkable buy of
Dining Chairs
Han put u on the ground lloor. We have just
received a large shipment of these chairs in dif
ferent My lea and prices. You should see them.
Carpet Department
In this department we are showing some ex
cellent values. Some new ami pretty patten-,
with rich blending of colors. You should select
a carpet to harmonize with your furniture. Let
us help you.
Air-Tight Heaters
We simply repeat we are better stocked
than ever before. We bave the celebrated
Rathbone-Sard Co.'s Heaters
"The Acorn"
Call and see the
Yum Yum Bed Springs
After a hard day's work you will enjoy your rest
if you sleep on "Yum Yum" spring. Another
thine we have i the WOOL MATTRUSS that
should go with them. A good assortment of dif
ferent kinds.
We are the only house in the city carrying
Baby Carriages
If you need one, come in.
New Uses
For Electricity
Kloetrlclty, ltig used in tlio labora
tory for experimental purposes only, la
fast, coming before tlie pui.llu as an
HK!t of ureal value In the aria and In
tlie afTulrM of everyday life. By eleo-
ri..iiv iU,wer to drive machinery can
be utilized at the (Usance of miles
from Ha source, ami by electricity
thanks to Mr. Kdisou's recent diwov.
crifs our streets ami houses are llxlit
ed more brllllaolly than by . While
nil these results are evident to the
im hi Ic at -large, there Is still auotber
held in which the use of electricity ia
rapidly working a prolound reforma
tionthe Meld of medical seience. The
following remarkable cures, performed
by Dr. Darrin, show the new ue for j family reunion dinner wa given in ! roost effective, being autumn leaves
. . : hiimir or mi. ii iv-st'veu u oinuuav 01 oust iwv inn n nm? room ucuik in
eectneiiy; j - . - w
- .:.!. ..A CAHUimnlM ' v-...
it .1 ft... tf. l t.t
. juroiner, jouu m, ihij lanmj, .
nink chrvsanthemums, with the
effect greatly heightened bv the
tasteful festoon9 of pink ribbon.
In keeping with this general
Are these Rings Plated?
In a question wo are often
asked. In reply w will
say that we positively d)
not tuny any plated or
filled ring. Kaeh and
every ring is
Solid gold
l'l,...i,l... liui.luiiiill I 'nV Hlllt fulllilV.
Mr. Kditor: I will lend my name to' inei Morl,,w eounty; b.s sister,
iha Imiir lint of cures perforiiieU ly tr. .,,n n e uit hiv
. . ! flir. It liaill I l'l lin , Ul , uin vuuu..-) i "
Darri.f Fifteen years ago catarrhal i (hr ,.,,.,.,,. anJ j gcheme the whole house was har-
,a br..rl.U.. iroubie. conue..!nf I moniously decorated. After the
annoy me. and seveu years later a , . moniuuBij-
complicated lung trouble showed It- j vrl KIsoN M AHKIKO ! lemony the many guests sat
self. All elforta to cure were fruitless, i'"" ' ' down to a sumptuous repast. 1 be
until coming under Dr. Damn's eleo-',oi.tucr ,.,,(,,5- County Clerk present were elegant and numer-
4 ..... .
Fancy chased band rings from Too to $5.
King set with Kuhv, Emerald and Saph
iiH Doublets, ifl.50 to ifC..
0ui1h, if 2 to if 11.
We can save you
from 10 to 15 per
cent on Diamonds
0. A, Kramer $6.
Jewelers and Opticians.
K .f f- . r f
trleHl 1 rent men t eilit years ago
urn "nappy to say I am cured. I attrib- j
utemy long-conUnued ijoon health to;
the health inllnenee of electricity, j
which restoreU n.e to a perinanentiy
smiml condition. I am news ageut on
dm Southeiii rcill railway and pass
Salem daily, and -will gladly answer'
any qutwliona at my home in Mount
Talior, Or.
Dr. Darrin can be consulted freest!
Willamette Motel, Salem, from 10 to o
o'clock daily; evenings, 7 to S; Sun-
tVM. 10 tO.'l
1 Dr. Darrin makes a specially of all
I diseases of the eye, ear, nose and
i throat, catarrh, deafness, bro. ehitis,
J la gripiie, dyspesla, lieaVt, liver, biud
'der and kiduey diseases, lie per
j maiiently cures female trouldes, ulcer
ation, displacements, painful menstru
iatiou, Irregularities, ovarian tumors,
j and abcesaes or those who suft'er
i from apathy ami indifference; also
j genito-minary and skin diseases in
either sex, such as blood taints, semi
nal weakness and lost vigor, varico-
; cele and strHure.
All curable chronic mule and female
diseases treated at 1(3 a week, if-'O a
month, or in that proportion of time,
as Hie case may require. No case pub
lished except by permission ot the
patient. All business relations with
Dr. Darrin strictly conlidential. Let
ters of inquiry answered. Circulars
aud questiou blanks sent free. Eyes
tested aud glasses fitted. Dr. Darrin's
ofllees are at. the Willamette Hotel,
Salem, until November 1st ouly.
FJity-Seventh Mirthday.
A pleasaut time was spent at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Sol Cox, of
Riverside, Or,, on September 8th. A
Wotls llillsboro Girl.
MtfM ,t"i
l), IS.
Mr. and Mrs. Patterson departed
for their honeymoon on the 4:21)
1 M". train, showered .with the
goud wishes of their many friend.
Their home will be at Cot tag-;
Grove. Hillsboro correspondent to
the Ttlesisttn
One of the prettiest weddings
ever seen in Itillsboro was solemn
Our fellow-townsman, J. M-
j Mitchell, rounded out eighty year's
lof a well-spent life last Saturday.
jo one would think Mr.. Mitchell
jan octogenarian, as physically and
i mentally he is easily where most
men are at sixty.
S.'limil fine ned Monday with
Polk County Bank,
Monmouth, - Origon.
imlafthe residence of Mr. andjg"" P'-l--
Mm. lV!er Hoscow. when Doc ! large first-day s attet.d
ratterson led to the altar their ance was recorued.
daughter, li race C lloscow. After
a beautiful solo, ell'ectivelv rendered
by Miss Myrtle Lee, accompanied
by Mrs. Itarker on toe violin ana
Mrs. Wchrung on the piano, the
voun bride and bridegroom pre-'
ceded by the nfliciating clergyman,'
marched to the strains of the sweet
music to the window, where, amid
iloral decorations of beautiful de-
sin. thev pledged to each other
their troths and were pronounced
husband and wife. 1 he bride was
charmingly attired in a gown of.
white organdie with ,
insertion. She carried a bouquet'
of white carnations.
Trie decorations uirougnuuu j
J. H. II aw ley, P. L. Campbell,
President. Vice Pres.
Ira C. Powkli, Cashier.
Paid Capital. $30,000.
Dirkctors: J. H.Hawley, P. L.
Campbell, I. M. Simpson, J. B. V.
Butler, John B. Stump, J. A.
Withrow, F. S. Powell.
Transact a General Banking
and Exchange Business