Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, September 25, 1902, Image 8

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7 v" ' v
i y :j
B .p. ,
I Mir Ml iti
MEN'S suits:..
In all the laso stylos ami
in cuts suitable for tall
men or stunt men as well
as those of average build.
Ditl vou ever n v to select a
Cf!y' hat from two or three boxes that
(f$l were pulled out from It1 the i
- I...,'t .),.,. 1 .1
cuuuiri ; o. "' im( , e-iii'-
that way. Our lin" hijj li:U ra?e
pre?ent;i nearly ."iOU h its in plain
vie.v at the gan.i' time. '1 hese
are the samples from our hi,; lit.e,
fi? comprising ail the nw shapes in
Salem Woolen Mill Store
'Leading Clothing Store in the Willamette Valley
Largest stork of Clothing and Furnishings for men ami boys to bo
fouti.l between iWtlaml ami SmT amento.
This Toad
Knows enough tojumn
at a Bargain.
wie I'erov. i 'uui ;i. in'ini,
'-)) ama, ai d Pantout ist sty ies.
Our Mori Isi full of eWaiiis. We don't menu cheap null", not worth carrying home, bill that
givo value reCv-hed to tie- ur.-liaser. lCspieiall y H thin true uf oor
Blanket Department
Our Sal-iii blanket are admitted to U the t-st made; no question about it. Then when .ne ''
aiders Unit we handle lliem direct Irom our own factory, eliuiimitinj: the middle men. ami freight chiitees
to ami from a wholesale house, eaily seen thut have lin-iu-ide traek ran compete w ith u.
Salem Woolen Mill Store
254-0 Commercial St.. Opposite Capital National BnnK
Suitable pit ami iioi fur the
stormy la h ahead a mailfr ol
econiiiny--n xavimj i-f le'iillli
that iiftt li mean" a cavinu uf lin'iiev.
The luiig full ul ivt r.'imt i '!'
proper e;nt thi cia"on. We have
an iniiiieiiite line, nlxo tlnite' hihh
fur thuee ho I'll iVr litem.
W'e III out l't
fiuiii Iliad tn f"-t
n.i id! h men.
iii"i; I h' In iv k
PrnPT A NCMT" PTTDFC! KNTi:itfit:.K he wul.t le "l f ' f-r
i.irfliii Jlr 1 VJUIIIjO ,, K1H1I! uieneun of llii' inunl)'.
Truf. FriMn-li anil wife ar In our
Count With a Patient.
i rtttiUr n,ui iimrM ntui 1 1 H Vt J il'L'11 11 tllfir
Are the Only Ones That yt-ar ini.-r.
r i. ii i . 1 rails l iiy lA-aoer
j Horn, to Hit' wife of I . H. Hurl, a,
i limiiu-inif baliv' liirl. an I fverylmriy ' S. S. EwilltT. of the Itflltoll
Dr. Darrin, Hotel Willamette. Dear ; anxliiu to M-ellie lmby as there have f-oliny J,Uinl0rillg Ciinuiliy, of
Friend- Hnppy nm I to know that i not l een over a linlf !oeii li ihies Imrn " . " ,
you are agaiu In Knlem curini; tb in Mom. mlh in two or l hr. e y.ars. 1 lnlomal Ii, Wits gomjr ovot HIS
mrleiJ. It will be )i years next, . HI..lll,.r ,,,.,, h , old h , u N here Tlinr-li.v and
nioiuli in.e you etiieii m..' of iWafuefs (f Mj. u(( Mrs C. K. The : Friday. Mr. 'will;'.H CtMil .itllV
and catarrh of 14 years' Htaudintj. My . nu,e ((( waH IuiJ () Ul4?',.eilll. : t' .,n.s,.t c.usid(.ril.g the
iifKnug .c.., terv.i)ii!h of lim n. Itev. K t;. W lt-
3ilve enreil me in on cek." 'tires S.uit liiird Tttlbott fit I tie lioliif , Koi'Ls -Hi !- i nig elicit d II. ill1
bur.iR, bruise, cut", ror.i, nortseruo-!.,, i.".;.,... f.,r ,. visit tifi tin- A. F. ( 'oil I'liT OH. It'll V.
! tiunti, fitlt rlieum, plten or no pay. . e
; at Klrklaml Vrng Co.'k.
si.ine weeks with his pt'ti;ile and AjrH yliry T,(,t ii rt timii d
friend, the lire.s having cnusetl
I ho isusju'iisiuii of lii:) work near
Aliet'ileeil leniporurily.
my lungs ami tnroai are permaoenuy ,,.,.,.,,,.,.,, the funeral servin s.
cured. What I fufl'ered (Jml only
knows, until I oiiht y.-l for relief. ! Mr. Hrewst' r is buil.liu.ifaii
Publish this a'ld ohliye. t" lU house.
A! US. .1.1', UOYCKOK. ! (Ht r ,,r .w,j,o have re'iirneil
Anacorles, VVash. . fl(,m t,e (,,, yards.
Eiicky mrt. H't. : ThH Norili., tart,.,i out with -d
To the Etli'or; Alwmlay, July k h, ; tl,lmi,(,r lied Uu, mine ctmiiiig
at 5 P. M. I piii lujveif under Dr. I 'ai- tV(.rv
rin's treatment for almost ti t d nf- I
nessoflonttandi.i- i .me e-r ami j MisslSenha It r.e, of Huena Ma,
.1Urii.ld..f,.. i.. iI.h ,el,er ,;,.,.,. 'entered the o'iiial Monday.
paiiied with itntriiii: n.ii- s I liss
time'than it takes to write thi erd I
was cured so I can hear a watch tick
or a whisper across the room, some
thing I could not do fo- a longtime.
AIv hearing is perfect now. I live in
.building id seven miles nfllume
! from the mill to town at Philo
; ninth. Tin', report a few days
noo that thi-t mill wan hunted
was unfounded.
Accompanied - by B. F. Beez
. ley and Fred banway, Frank
jiuUer returned from the water
works survey at Dallas Thurs
day h'!ivii)ir the work to he corn-
Friday from In r extended vi-it
in Wiishingtiin ;nid (lit nuitli
(rii part tif I hi htate.
Jesse !eezh'V Win enci'lllllei ed
that the denlisl iiad heeti tor
turimr liim tin re.
M'at Ihilln hy onr teporter last
I week lookiii" glum over Hie fat t
Oregon innppfisnnnflflnts
Shout Line
and Union Pacific
Tl.MK m;hki'i.k
Chicavo Hall Luke, llenver,
I'm tland Kt Wort Ii, iiiiibIiii,
Special Kansai Oily, St.
!a ui via Louis, ('li'mino ami
1 1 ii nt i riK- Kasl.
I .lit) p m
Sav"tliere. if vou w ant lo ket't, pi'st
ed the year found take the Kntkb ; jdeted a little Inter.
I'Kise, It sjlvps t.ll the news. Just'
. t i .... il AT V t.i vi t ( ' f, rn'
(live your liiime I" ineiorni aj.eni nun "ii"-'" ''..'' j j on i!.!-r. It'idacf. vvits married to ono of ( he I Atlantii Oenver,
, ... ,1 ' ll'.Xtiri'M" I'l ""MMt1 'UIIIIIJI,
i will s!ll vvb" t'l" l-li'f .1 O.I. I' ss , , , ,. T ,i' I i I , , , I,,. ).,,,,,. ; . - ; !,-,.,u fin- Kl K! 1ft 14 III
i ,ui n-s i i i : 1 1 1-' 1 1 . ' ' in niv .' inn nr. ..........
Ashland at the JOepo re-iauram. airi ; vl)U wllL , mu ". ' i llniiiinif- I. on is, t'lm-ak'o
will gladly Impart all I know of this I plac- last Sunday. Mr. i an-y , (iiM ami Ka-t.
almost, miraculous cure by electricity. is olio of our best kmiH 11 young
lama daiiKhter of Mrs. Win. Hush, !
of Ashland. "I was treated for three yean l.y ;
... i - i ii.
men and tlio muio is omiauv
1 . 1 ... ..... I.,,-.. I' II I I 1,1 ,1 I,
MILS. HAi'TIK UlCSi. ; "nod dijctorx," v.ii'es W. A. Oreer, Me- well Known ilOU lospecieu V 's
i i . i . v t. e t 1 '!...... ' r il '1 ,l 1 r : I. f ' ' .. i i . i ... i mii
- M ..on llti IttfVlllt, I it pi m;m i -' i"Lniii ilill'MilJi'Jl, t Mil Ml , -il Ii" V
.Monmouth. "it, when all faih-d, liaekicu'H ')r,,i('a ! ,))i(y ,t her 'friends the Lkao'ki:
Mr. Veal. M.-hool slineriiitetKlent of : ' ' 1 n.... -' i,,ms n, vi-is iinc t ie lieft. o
Giiliam county, spent. .Saturday and
Sunday in town.
Died, September 12. Pettit, i
of typhoid fever, afd j yars. He '
was the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs.
in , .m. j0ms i,, wishing
When in SALEM put your team life's gifts to the two
in the
The Fvaugeliciil qii:irl.erly
conferciu-t! was Iield tit Hridge-
. ... c. i :.t. i r iv i.
1 l..tti! lfi r.i,i!iiM VI ,.ri Iitlil 111 ! Oil.AUl, AAyl 3 fcTSARAil " ' J
..... ... - riTfTii'.i vtr.tir ari?i7i iiiiii
etery west f 1 1-1 VVI y . WHW t V V IM V V ; y 0tg(;l
it iresi!iiig.
It'iaKonfilile rates for
Liverv Bisrs. . . .
rest In the Hotter eemt
town, Itev. Jiritco ofiicintiuK-
Mioses Grace and J ai-y ll ivis, of
Portland, entered the Normal tigain
y' , , , Kadabiuigb Bvmkt, Prcr$. : vi!t ram ,lis bl'olI,'l'
Wesawamao th.taher day who i MeKou n, and family reeenlly
I lao u ' ' l itt tii iii.i in-; . i- ioi - ..w..
,oad. No if he hud been taking the I Phone Ml.
A new residence for F. XV.
XV. 15. McKown is enjoying a
i arrived from Kansas.
First Prize.
munificent morris rair .
Second Prize.
! JI Tine $10 Imp.
3d Prkr, J worth a' Photos
I at ,1. M. MvCutch's.
Uti Prhr. x.J n orth of Photos
: at K. PicKcl's.
5t'i Prize, Subscript 'ion to
j Pacific Homestead.
cieTVa'sr'TleieU Ka st""vi;, id I j Oth Plhc, futllCS UoWeJoUr-
rail or via bout and rail via I orllaml. I .,,,
St. Paul Walla Wa'da.l.ewis
Kast Mail tiiii.isnnkai'i', Will-
Paul, Uu In I Ii. M II -
wauke", 'hii-:i'o
and Ka"t.
All fiiilinu' dates
subject to cliiuiyie
S p in
S p 1)1
Sal u rday
10 p in
por Smii I'Vnncisco
Sail I'li rv 5 davs.
To Astorin ami ay
4 p ni
4 (i in
V.x. Sun.
AL IIEHRKN, Agt.,. iMilcpendence.
Gcnditlcnj Goi'crntog Ccntcst.
One point for every m-ivs item in-i-epted.
A story won Iiy .f a separate
beiiilini; -o points. A coin nm HO iclc oil
points. For every yearly suIimm ils-r,
new or a renewal, 7o points. Lors than
a vear at the same imuiurl ion.
We want eorreipoiuli nts in evei y part
I of Polk county. Now is the time to
'make known "our resource. Send in
' voi r c m'vil ,.'.ti 'lis v.'. ether you are a
! correspondent or not.