Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, September 25, 1902, Image 5

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ti i:e
Special Discount Sale
For Ten Days !
T ill' IK'ltlil.t ill I IlllfJlCiX
ituimuiitv tliat i will HV'f a discount f
It-lit e ami virinit v, I wiidi to
5 i
nil IVilloiilil
I iivih l . ( 'liilluiiii-rM. Sidehuard
Center Tal.ies Com ( hairs ami Rocker ami many
ii r thing ti. tibiiicrt is to mention.
Picture fining a Specialty!
Undertaking in all its branches.
Embalmer and Funeral Director.
Next Door to Paddock's
Ih'iics to have "pp i
tV5 shoes
Cotton and woolen blankets, rubbers
and rubber boots, hats, caps, and un
derwear, hosiery, sox, handkerchiefs,
calicos, ginghams, cotton batting,
overalls and jumpers, muslins, canton
flannels and outing flannels.
If we get the chance I am sure that we can
convince you that our prices end qualities
are equal and right.
, ..AtA.w'TAf'f'-'f I Willie Voat ban returned to his home
rr'"-'-. 7-. . - p i .. r ,..,.,..
J I HI rniiriurc, iij uuihj iwuiiiji
(iliic-.- for si viral years. ik1 wa
hen; on a vi-it an'i for treatment nt
the tiui" of his death. Tlx; ftlliT:il
ervici-n will occur imnu diitHy
after nrriya
1'iairie City
of relatives from
liver troubles ! hat had caused me gieat
nif't-iiiiii fir tinny years. Fi r a nen
nine, i.ure they fxcci m.v
tdiiiL' I ( ver fiiw." Klcctrir Hitters are
the Miirifeof all for their wordcrfnl
woik in liver, kidrey and stomach
1 roubl ts. iK ii'l fail to try them. Only
Wtc. nilsfiK lion is guaranteed by
Kir klaud lrug Co.
I Hivmi want picture, that are Mifli. with an eay graceful
.. ,"; " V.... i.,..n'i il nirture stare, always mushed ' ft
'"'fi""' i ii. I. ...r.l.i.imiiHK. wleetid from ttl
.', i, mi .ii- la i rnrti-inoun
E. iioHMine niaiuii r, iiM.ii.ii- .
i, .....i .rtiueiil ill the atMte. g to
i .
PicKel's Gallery,
lie will lt-MH you when others (ail.
Susie IViiimU rip-M, Violinist,
Assisted by Hni
IIiiggiiiM, riunlnt.
Kruhlliigs Foiiute Jlwthovcti
Mrn. J'lpi-H itnl Mica HuiiuiiiH.
Coiiovrto op til Andauto
llomuii.-e In I- Hwlhovni
Krulln Uatiflii'ii Wuillng
MIhk IIiikkI"".
() Ht'rciiiult) d'IInrli"Ciiln
, , . K. C. Hilt.ner
(h) (lyi'Hy Daiit'e. . .....Ileurl Krnt
Coiicurlo 1. minor op. 'M Jirucli
Couoerto op. 01 Ah'(?ro inolto vlvuce..
Indepetulenco opera hotiHP. Sat
urday, October 4th. at 8 o'clock
I'. M. Tickets on alo nt l.ockts's
drug utore. UeBCVcd Beats, 35c;
gttnvral adniiscion, 2")c,
Mrs. NV. McTuriier,' of LfwiHV'illts,
vlalteil lt'Oi-o relulivc'H luat week.
H. J. Cury and mm, of Kalla City,
were calli'in laat ThurHday.
The main bolt in the IVdee lamihur
Co.'a auwiiilll parted one day last
week uud one end of the bolt became
entangled In the machinery, broke oil"
the governor of the engine and did
other minor damage.
Martin Itltner was on the sick lint
laHt week, but la better now.
Fred Ititner went to CorvalllB lant
Monday to attend the winter term at
the O. A. U.
J. W. Yoat flolHheil picking hope
)at week and treated hla picker to a
candy pull and refreshuieuta of dlller
ent kludg.
Fiaiik (iilllam and mother aud
Thomaa Kinchin and Frank Turner
were the only IVdee representatives at
the state fair.
John Koneo wan called to Tillamook
on lUHlneiH laHt weeK.
Auilrow Turner acted as mall carrier
j while hla brother, Frank, attended the
fair at Palcm,
The family of 1'rei.ident MorrlMon of
the IVdee Lumber Company, has gone
to Mnumouth to remain during the
achool term. Mr. Morrison owns a
rcHldcnce in Monmouth.
Will Morrlaou lm built a woodahed
for the line of the Pedee atore.
Clmrlea Wrlghtaon, ol Chamum'g, is
vlHitlng hia on-iii-law, Thoa. Kinchin.
UpvllZi ,'rown. (Jootl for
all kinds of stock. A heavy
I vU'lder; can be sown fall or
sjiring. w ell adaptt'fi tome
Willamette valley. For sale
by Wm. Mktzlkh, who lives
on the 1). J. Whiteaker place,
2 miles north of Monmouth,
Geo.F. Rodgers & Co.
Paper Dealers
Our Paper and Haga are products of
the beat mllla iu the country. You
will aave money on prices and freight
with u.
130 Court St. Salem, Or.
Miaaltoae Xeatlihanimer, of Kings
Valley, IwaiHialJiig Mrs. C. IS. Cratou
Minn Virginia Voat, of University
Park, who la spending her autumn va
catiou with Pedee relatives, Is highly
delighted with this locality and great
ly admires the beautiful scenery pre
sented by mountain and valley with
their sweeping water courses. Heing
aomotliiug of a botanist, Mita Yoat is
entuualaatlo in her admiration of the
beauty of the natural growths ol our
mountains and their varied autumnal
colors of crimaon, gold aud greeu so
ciinsiiiciKiiiH in mountain forests at
thia season of the year. While taking
orreat intereHt iu the study of the
minor plant growth, our forest pro
ductloiiH receive the gieater part of her
attention and she aeems to be com
pletely captivated by a species of Jlush
of which but few specimens have ever
been discovered iu this part of the
tale. As this liuah presents a very
haiuUome appearance its destruction
ia carefully avoided aud its propaga
tion encouraged, and our citizens
would regret to see a "single" spec!
moil of the Hush removed and it if
hoped that the young lady will not in
slst on taking one of them home with
her at this time.
WILSON. At the C. A. McLaugh
lin hop yard last Sunday, Sep
tember 21, 1002, Opal Fay Wil
son, daughter of F. M. and Rosa
M. Wilson, of cholera infantum,
aged 1 year, 11 months and two
Interment was held Monday at
3 P. M. in tho I. 0. O. F. ceme
tery, Rev. B. J. Kelly conducting
tho funeral services.
SEALS In Independence, on
Monday, September 22, 1902. Z.
Beals, of Prairie City, Grant Co,
of cancer, aged 53 years.
Mr. Beals was a resident of this
Construction (ioinj; On.
Tin; const ruction gmijl of the
Salem, Fulls City it Western
Jly. Co. is pushing the grading
of the roiul us rapidly as possi-
l.lo. Many more teams audi
men are to be hired. Several;
more carloads of rails and tools
have arrived at Dallas. ;
A Parson's Nobhs Act.
"I want a'l the world to know," :
writes Hev. C. Hudlong, of Ashaway,
K. I., "what a thoroughly good and re- ;
liable medicine I found in K.leotric Bit
ters. l'liev cured me of jaundice and
Your Tongue
If it's coated, your stomach
is bad, your liver is out of
order. Ayer's Pills will clean
your tongue, cure your dys
pepsia, mafce your liver ngnt.
Easy to take, easy to operate.
All Druggists.
VVrtUt your nimistai-he or li'rd I
browa or rich black? Tlieu una
Dlinf lllfiUHM'O nVCfor the
DUuiMllUnHlil OUIL
0 era. or Pwf.c.T n R. P. Mt.t. i
i To make a long story short
These warm days we will not iell you ot
i the beauty or tine finish of our laundry
I work, but just remind you that when
i vou want that delicate colored negligee
I "laundered that we will do it just like
! new without injury to color or fabric.
; Our work on linen collars and cults
Well : 'nnff said ! Orders left at Kutch's
barber shop on the Saiem stage will re
ceive prompt attention.
Salem Steam Caundry,
Colonel J. Olmsted, Prop, borous
D. Olmsted, Mgr. Phone 11. 320
Liberty Street.
H s t lfI , www www wvwvwwwvww
t cost s
c" A complete line of Wall Paper, Window
Curtain Poles and
Patent Dust Pans
5 For s le cheap a number of Secondhand 3
Articles. 2:
Pictures Framed
5 At lowest living prices. Gallon
ii Wm. B ARNETT, 1
g At Telephone Office.