Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, September 25, 1902, Image 1

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Hater-proof II fail tenth 15c each
Box Little Giant .IXLE CUIUS-: 5c each
SCRUB BRUSH, full size 5c each
II 'eft 11. 1L TEH, best kind 15c each
Can Vhas. Lille's LK.lTllER OIL... Joe each
Three-bar VI WHY COMB 5c each
"four Horse" (LILL CURE 25c each
Why uo mi old lope when you t an lmv u Kill
ing llritllo fur 7" cciitH of
FREE-Sample Can of Leather Oil.
Come in and see our new line of SADDLES.
-" .Will rt.j.roVia(i thodrhe
if you got your livery
ri from
Tin; vvmav nciiooi,.
1 1 a
(.Jo kI rip, and prices ure
reasonable. Will Imarcl
liorses by
lav, week or
' v$
"" ' , J
We will serve you well and economically. k$
rui i t n 1
rue nouse rui'msnm"- o.9 c
Is hard to beat.
Our Imuso in full of lints Furniture, Carpeting,
Wall Taper, Shades, l'ieture Frames,
lloom Mould in ..
y 306 Commercial St., Next door -to P. O., SALEM, ORE.
5 Stores at Salem and Albany.
A List of I in Hooks ii'i'l th
TcXllCr of IMff'ereiit UlHdc.
Th piiltlic icliMtl opens on ni-xt
Mntiilny, SitiiiliT y.Mh. I'
entiriiiK fcliool fur tliM firxt time,
r.nil ndiiTH ftimild chlT on the
t lie firt tlav of tin- term. I'H'iiIh
i'hii rt-iulily the iiii)iirtfii':n of
ihin a tliiiH h Iio niter IrU in t L
torin will not ha nble toevtrtuke
tho otln-m. ru,il n'otitJ. atKo,
brintf tlu-ir retrt or irotuHiiiu
canU with tliin ah it aK:?nt th
pupil lo In grails directly. Thon
entiring tlin ninth ral Ikhi)(1
lirinu llii-ir eijilith Krrt'li) diplomao.
I'tipilw may iirchrte llicir bonks
and !iiat-nalx during lh wwlc b(-
fiire lln" oicni(i)r of eclio"!.
Tim follow iti( lint of bo'ikH and
Mii)lieK in forjiui'iU vho lmv? not
secured tliH.ii i -t. It be
nolii-cil that many, of 1 1 liMik
may lie tin-d by the pupil in differ
ent grade.
l llifT ot.UK.
Mrr. Turk, tf.ichci Vhwlt'n
. ... i
prinifr, en's liri-t, nwu-r, iait,
end h ik')I am Uibli't.
Mixs liurkc, fiicliT Cvr'tt sc-
i ... . .it i
oik! ri'iuiff, wennvoriiiH eirinfii-
iry hi itlifni'lic. w riling huk No.
Ill, drawing Iwx.k No. Ill, com-
Koi.ion book, 5c tablet, rtici!,
ten bolder and jumih, Frye'n e!t-
iii-nti of geography.
Kot inn miAMK, a a -
Mihh Cnoliraii. teacher Cyr'n
third r'iler, intmduciory Ian-
-1 gunge book, Went worth's elemen
j'tary arithmetic, KryeV eleinentH f
S; ' g"'gi aphy, Keed'a Hpelling bofilc.
5 primer of beiilth, writing book Xo.
IV, tl rawing book No. IV, com
position "book, pencil, penholder
and pens.
Misn Burton, tencber Cyr's
fourth render, Heed's speller.
Wentwnrth'H praetieal arithrnetie,
8 rook 'a menttt! nritbrnetie, Frye's
elements of geography. Ueed'a in
troductory lanRUaije book, primer
of health, Thomas' elomentary Iuh
tory, writing book Xo V. drawing
book No V, com position book,
pencil, penholder end pern, tablet.
Mies IHekiiiKon. teacher Cyr's
fourth reader, graded lessons in
Knclish, practical arithmetic, i
Iliookw' mental arithmetic, Vrye'fl 1
complete geogrnphy, I'eedV ppeller, I
A lltalthv Body, Thomas' elemen- j
tary history, drawing book Xo. VI, j
writing book No. VI, tablet, pencil,'
penholder and pens. :
SKVKNTII liliAOF., A AND i). j
Mii Miuterson, teacher Cyr's'
lit'lli render, graded lessons in lCiig-j
lisli, Wenlwortii's practical arith
metic, Brooks' mental arithmetic, j
A Healthy Body, Frye's complete!
geography, Heed's (speller, drawing j
book Xo. VII, writing bo k No. i
VII, tablet, pencil, penholder and
pens, The American Citizen,
Thomas' history of U.
Prof. Simpson, teacher Fifth
reader, graded lessons in English.
Wentwortli's practical arithmetic,
Brooks' mental arithmetic. Reed's
soeller, writing book No. V 1 1 1 ,
Thomas' hbtory of U. S., drawing
book No. VIII, The American Citi
Zen., tuhlel, pencil-tablet, pencil,
penholder an 1 pern.
I'rof. Newbill. teacher Higher
lesnM in Knglich, enentiald of
algera, Wella; physical geography,
Tarr; tablet, pen"il, penholder and
pen. Adams' Kurofwan history.
I'rof. Newbill, teacher Carpen
ter' rhetoric and composition,
Weils' essentials of algebra. Adams
European history, Col ton's physiology.
T. J. Nkw hii.i., I'rin.
KliukcN For Sale.
Douly's store has several thou
sand good one for sale.
Judge Crockett
Cured ol Deatness
Salem MiiteMiimi.
All readers of t bis pat er are by this
time fioiiiili ir v illi the name f Dr-
" For two yeart ! suffered ter
ribly from dyifepi, with greit
depression, and was always feeling
poorly. 1 then tried Ayer's Sarsa
parilla, and in one week I was a
new man." John McDonald,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Don't forget that it's
"Ayer's" Sarsaparilla
that will make you strong
and hopeful. Don't waste
your time and money by
trying some other Kind.
Use the old, tested, tried,
and true Ayer's Sarsapa
rilla. SI Ml Mil. AllaraflW-
Aak ronrdwtor what Its thlnki of Aycr'i
SarMtparlllft. !! know, all about lht Krand
old family mediritm. JTulluw In, adic aud
will bati-ll- ....
J. C. A via CO., Iwll. Maas.
IhIikI limt wick and while the agt-re-ga'e
j iel I in p nod Is slightly below
tlntt i flustytar the hops are ot ex
cellent (iii.'tlilv and the crop was se-
Uinrin, and tlieylinv no doulit read cured with' lit mol l or vi rmin and the
with interest aeeouuts of many re-'tntire product is in liri-l elasis coudi
m irliHlile cling tills vletrated pliysi- j tioli.
Irian hax peifoinied. We suspect that 1'ell IIiousmihI ji'.uuds of ititner &
wane nave reaa oie lesumouiais 01 siiiiin erip on 1 acres vereruu-
grateful intienls with some suspiehins
ni to their sulhentieity, therefore, we
ure (ra'itled to to ali!e lo present a
tt-stiiiiomal that must ut at revt every
possible doubt. 1 here Is probably not
a Ix'Uer known man in Jcwepbitie
county than Judge Crockett, who was
county judge for years, lie has spent
a lifetime among the people of that
tractcd at 10 cents per pound.
Twelve thousand pouudsof t.'larenee
Hump's 20-aere crop was sold on con
tract at Jl leuis per pound.
Yost & Gilliam's crop of 14 acres
was ail solii du contract at 12'.. cents
Ten thousand pounds of Elmer
Iwis' crop tm 12 acr was contracted
wtlon and hi reputntion iij sueb that J at i2.'3 ceios per pound,, k t, ..... . i
none wiil oiicsiiou hit irutlilulness. :tuer muiim o-.o many im
, . . ,, , , ,: same weight s iliat of last ymr. out
lie has received relief at th hnuds of j th- ,1,h4.r;,r1e j Um oisnet place
the great benefaetor, Dr. Darriu, at their nil. ruie at 2.5 per ceut below
Willamette Hotel, utid desi res to in- last season's yield,
form all the slllicted that th-v mav , Airiie 'lle "lUppintt p int for this
. district aed the dehvrrv oflhehoiis
have the same opportunity. Ju.!e ' U()w W;iy
tVeckett'f tc.itinionial Is iveii below, j ...
tO ClW Public. How's This?
For ten years prior lo ut log under; We otler One Hundred Dollars he
Dr. Dutriu's electrical treatment, Sep- warj for unv ca?e of catarrh that can-
temlier 12, 1NIKI, i had been gradu! l'y
Kiowitig deaf, with a cotiHtant ringing
in my ears. For the past five years I
could nut hear ordinary conversation.
With treatment by Dr. Darrin I can
bear nearly as well as ever in my life.
I can conscientiously recommend Dr.
Darrlu's new cure for deaf :es, and
can tie re.'errcd to at Mcrliu, Oregon,
by letter or in person.
The Hop Crop Around IVdee.
S i ee i a I co r res po n d e n ce ,
Hoppieking in this district was IVa
not lie cured bv Hall's Catarrh Cure.
b J. CnuxKY & Co., Toledo, O.
We, the undersijfiieil, have known F.
J. Chenev for the last 15 years and be
lieve, him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions, ami financially
able to carry out any obligations made
by their linn.
'Wkst & Tucax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O. Wai.wxg, Kinna.v & Mak
vik, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous sm faces of the system.
Testimonials sent. free. Price 75c per
bottle. Sold by all drmrijists.
Hail's Family i'ills are the best.
A Square Deal
lop Pick
Goods first-class
and up-to-date
The prices tl?e same to everyorpe